There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 455: Flower boats and lanterns

"This is Senior Brother Bai Zhan's younger sister, and also Huo Linger's younger sister, Xiaoni." Huo Linger enthusiastically helped introduce her.

"Bai Xiaoni." Xiaoni said crisply.

The delicate voice immediately provoked a burst of laughter.

"Little girl, what are you doing outside the gate? Why is it so lively?" Hearing the commotion outside the gate was extremely lively, and the rhythm of the drums and gongs was very familiar, Baiyunlou asked Green Ant casually.

"Ah..., that... a group of opera singers and dancers came to the door..." Green Ant tried hard to describe.

A Niang smiled and said, "Alou, don't ask Xiaoyi, she probably hasn't seen this before, it's the people from Shanghe Village who are most noisy every year on the Lantern Festival, come to play flower boats again."

"It's just in time for you to come back. If you don't feel noisy, let's go to the store together to have a look."

"Go and have a look, Chaoyang hasn't seen it before." Junior Sister Xia, who loves to be lively, was the first to respond.

"Then let's go, we've been making noise at the door for a while, and it's not your father, who rewarded that group of ten taels of silver for playing flower boats all at once, and made the head of the family very happy, insisting that he would sing enough for a stick of incense, our family This meeting at the door is really lively."

A Niang was nagging about Papa Bai, but her face was full of joy.

Outside the gate was already crowded with neighbors and county residents listening to the music and watching the excitement. A Niang led a few people into the cloth shop through the side door, and now she could see clearly.

Daddy Bai stood beamingly at the door, calling the shop assistant to bring loose candy to the neighbors and folks who gathered around to watch the fun, when he turned his head and saw Aunt returned to the shop, and all the people behind arrived neatly, all of a sudden more Feeling excited, he raised his hand and waved outside.

The head of the house immediately understood, made the flower boat move, and the small words were adjusted, and the whole scene became more lively immediately.

This year, there are quite a lot of flower boats from Shanghe Village, with a total of more than ten people.

The four gongs and drums stood in twos on both sides, while beating the gongs and drums passionately, they took advantage of the situation to control the venue.

A boat lady, dressed in gorgeous colorful clothes, with rouge and powder on her face, is very gorgeously dressed. Standing in the flower boat, she is holding a colorful cloth flower boat that is nearly ten feet long. Floating in general.

A very strange-looking boatman stood by the side of the boat in the shape of a pole, going back and forth, left and right, busy all the time.

There are also eight young girls, holding lotus flowers in their hands, and accompanying them on both sides of the flower boat, beating on their bodies with the rhythm, making a pleasant cracking sound.

The most outstanding thing is the punter, who cooperates perfectly with the boat lady.

If a flower boat runs aground, you will be so anxious that you will blow your beard and stare, and you will hold the boat pole wrapped with colorful cloth strips and look around, thinking about the countermeasures.

In the end, he rolled up his sleeves and wiped his palms, and used all his strength, shoulders on his shoulders, and cooperated with the boat lady to swell the flower boat again.

Immediately, enthusiastic cheers rang out in the arena, even Huo Ling'er and Xiaoni understood it, and stood at the door of the shop to applaud along with them.

The green ants were a little stunned. They had never seen such a lively song and dance. Although they were not on stage, they were really lively and interesting.

"It's fun, Senior Brother, do you want to play this with Junior Sister when you have time?" Junior Sister Xia's voice transmission sounded in Baiyunlou's ear.

Just as he was watching, Baiyunlou was startled suddenly. Looking at the appearance of the boat lady, and then she was pulling the pole again, Baiyunlou was terrified, and hurriedly sent a voice transmission: "Junior Sister, keep watching, it will be more lively in the back."

As Bai Yunlou said, after the boat sailed smoothly, the punter made all kinds of funny appearances and made jokes, which made all the audience laughing, even Huo Linger and Xiaoni were provoked to laugh again and again.

In the end, all the girls who played the lotus flower came on the stage, surrounded the flower boat, and the lotus flower made a crackling sound. They sang and danced in unison, and the cheers in the field resounded through the banks of the Liuhua River.

With the passionate voices of the girls, the entire flower boat performance was over, and almost everyone felt that there was still more to say.

However, this group of flower boat dancers will have to dance for half a day. This episode has just begun, so those who like to watch operas can follow along.

Dad is also a gift for the New Year and fruit wine, and he gave it to the singing troupe in a very grand manner, which aroused the applause of the surrounding neighbors.

After seeing off the theater troupe, the front of Bai's house was a bit quieter. Xia Chaoyang was excited to see it, and wanted to follow along to watch the excitement.

This one is really excited, Baiyunlou thought for a while, and said: "The flower boat players will have to wait for a while to change their tricks. Let's go around and find them to watch the show again. There will be no delay. Huo Ling'er is still there." Thinking about candied haws..."

Hearing the big brother mentioned candied haws, Huo Linger and Xiaoni immediately withdrew their intentions to watch the fun. Compared to watching the fun, candied haws are more delicious.

"Senior sister, let's go shopping together, last time the sugar blower even blew out a little fire spirit..." Huo Ling'er pulled Senior Sister Xia, and said softly.

"Okay, okay, senior sister will accompany you." Xia Chaoyang couldn't resist the expectant eyes of the two little dolls, he pulled one with each hand, and after greeting A Niang, he called up his senior brother and went shopping together.

Baiyunlou followed behind the three of them and didn't stay idle, seeing anything new and pleasing to the eye, he just bought it.

Seeing that some herrings were very fresh, he gave some more silver taels and asked the fish stall guy to find a wooden basin to put a few of them in, and send them to Bai's house.

My father's name is now well-known in half the county, and in this county, there are very few people who don't know the warm-hearted and rich Mr. Bai.

The market in the morning of the Shangyuan Festival was more lively than usual. Many craftsmen came to the street, and some of them were peddlers. They dazzled the two little dolls. They were reluctant to leave when they saw everything. I forgot about playing the flower boat.

This stroll was I went shopping until the evening, Huo Ling'er was still down, and that Bai Xiaoni was still full of energy.

I didn't expect such a small person to hide huge energy.

The candied haws had already been eaten, and even the candy man who was reluctant to eat was licked clean. Although Xiaoni played happily, Huo Linger also got over the addiction of being an older sister by the way.

After returning to the small courtyard of the Bai family, I ate a sumptuous Shangyuan Festival meal early, just to watch the lanterns earlier.

On the way back just now, I saw many beautiful lanterns already arranged along the street. If it wasn't for the early morning and the lights hadn't been lit, the two little ones didn't want to go back for dinner.

As night fell and the lanterns came on, the whole family packed up and went out to watch the lanterns. Not only were there many lanterns along the street along the river, but also several strings of long lanterns were placed in the middle of the river. There were boulders pressing down on the ropes so that they would not be caught. Running water washes away.

Xia Zhaoyang led the two little ones to the front, cheering in amazement every time he saw the weird lanterns.

A Niang was walking in the middle protected by the green ants, looking at the little Chaoyang who seemed to have not grown up in front of her, her eyes were full of smiles, and she talked with the green ants from time to time.

Baiyunlou walked with his father at the end, talking very orthodoxly, what has changed in the folk customs of Daxia today, and what are the benefits and hidden dangers of monks appearing in the mortal world.


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