There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 499: The method of group refining

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Just as he was about to move out of the tower, Baiyun Tower suddenly had a thought, and a new idea appeared in his mind.

Today's Yangshen is almost perfect, and can already separate out many thoughts. If these thoughts are focused on doing different things at the same time, it is still somewhat difficult, but if the separated divine thoughts do the same thing, and seal the same pattern...

With this in mind, Baiyun Tower tried directly in the Goddess Temple.

Starting from the simplest, Baiyun Tower is going to concentrate on deriving two Jade Talismans.

It didn't take much effort, two jade talismans were derived.

In order to be close to the jade talisman in the organ room, Baiyunlou deliberately condensed the two into a slight difference.

After knocking on the white jade talisman, Baiyunlou was quite satisfied, so he tried to carve a seal on the surface of the two jade talismans.

If you can't evolve the innate qi, you can replace it with the condensed sword qi, but the simultaneous seal cutting still makes Baiyunlou feel a bit difficult.

Originally, Baiyun Tower seemed to be quite relaxed when he was practicing meditation and drinking tea, but he was not used to it while concentrating on it at the same time.

Especially seal cutting runes, one needs to concentrate and meticulously cut seals.

Fortunately, with the foundation of splitting thoughts, although he was a little uncomfortable, after a while, Baiyun Tower still carved the two jade talismans at the same time.

After practicing with these two jade talismans for a while, Baiyunlou regenerated several similar jade talismans, and tried to engrave three or four at the same time...

Unknowingly, after practicing seal carving in the small world for half a day, Baiyun Tower put away the seven thoughts that were separated.

In the past half a day, Baiyun Tower has been able to run seven thoughts and simultaneously seal and carve jade talismans.

Although refining seven jade talismans at the same time was very difficult, Baiyun Tower was very satisfied with the result, and practiced the Concentration Art for a while in the world in the tower, and then he regained his senses, and his consciousness returned to his body.

After practicing in the small pagoda for half a day, only a stick of incense passed through the human world.

Although a stick of incense was delayed, the method of split-mind seal cutting was deduced, and the progress of seal cutting runes should be accelerated a lot.

Before engraving the seal, Baiyunlou scanned the neatly arranged jade talismans roughly, thinking about it.

These jade talismans seem to be many, but there are actually only four types, one is the core of the magic circle of the flying boat, and the other is the core of the magic circle of the small teleportation circle.

These two types of magic circles, Baiyun Tower has carved a lot of seals, and they are very familiar with them.

The other two types are the core of the magic circle derived from the Artifact Refining Pavilion of the Academy recently, and the Baiyun Tower has also participated in the derivation. Although it has only been refined in batches, the runes are relatively simpler and more convenient to carve.

When he was ready, Baiyunlou took out three jade talismans, placed them in front of him, fixed them with the power of Yangshen, and then carved them with seals.

To Baiyunlou's surprise, this seal cutting was easier than expected. After a little thought, he knew the reason.

In the small world of the pagoda, the seal carving runes are also carried out, but in essence, the seal carving is done with the use of divine consciousness. Without the blessing of massive Yangshen power, it will take a lot of effort.

After coming out of the pagoda, with the experience of split-mind seal cutting, powerful Yangshen power and innate energy, the seal cutting can be done at will, within a few breaths, the three jade talismans are completely carved, allowing Baiyun Tower to experience a A hearty feeling.

That being the case, Baiyun Tower no longer retained its strength, and the power of the Yang God was running at full capacity, wrapped in innate aura, and at the same time carved runes on each jade talisman.

Seven, nine, ... twenty-one.

Unexpectedly, twenty-one jade talismans can be engraved at the same time, and the spiritual sense only feels a little difficult.

As piles of jade talismans were carved, it took only an hour for the jade talismans in the room to be carved.

After the seal carving of these jade talismans, Baiyunlou's mind was complete and peaceful, and he couldn't help but push the door out, walked into the courtyard, and stretched greatly.

"Hey, Feiyang, Xiaoyu, why do you come to this trick room when you have time? Are you going to choose some objects with tricks for the new house?" Seeing the two juniors standing in the courtyard, Baiyunlou, who was in a good mood, laughed and joked road.

"Junior brother Luo insisted on coming to senior brother, and asked him what's the matter without saying a word, saying that he must talk to senior brother himself." The little fat man said helplessly.

"Xiaoyu, why are you still free to come and find your senior brother? Are you ready for a new house?" Baiyunlou asked with a smile.

Luo Xiaoyu nodded, but her face was a little ugly. After hesitating a few times, she gritted her teeth and briefly recounted the experience of the morning.

In fact, the whole thing was quite cheerful in the end. At the beginning, Luo Xiaoyu went to choose a house with great interest. The shopkeeper of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce branch accompanied the whole process, and the service was very good. The advantages and disadvantages of the two houses were clearly explained.

When Luo Xiaoyu chose the house, she was also very straightforward. She directly chose the house in the west of the city. The location of this house is relatively clean, and the most important thing is that it has a spacious backyard.

This is very important. Senior Sister Caiwei's Xuanling Sect has a lot of spirit pets, so a guest must have a place to put the spirit pets, and the backyard is big enough to park two flying boats at the same time, which is very good.

After choosing the house, the Xuanling faction got the news, and the two elders also came over to join in the fun, pointing and talking about the eldest lady's preferences.

Originally, Luo Xiaoyu was very happy, and if she could arrange a house that would make Senior Sister Caiwei happy, she would definitely be able to surprise Senior Sister.

On a whim, Luo Xiaoyu patted her chest on the spot and said that the house cost money and spirit stones, and she wanted to pay for it all, as long as the senior sister liked it.

Immediately, he won repeated praises from the elders of the Xuanling Sect, and even called most of the disciples of the Xuanling Sect to help the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce clean up.

After the guidance of the two great elders, the house can indeed be completely renewed. The entire house will be replaced with cloud-pattern bluestone slabs refined and polished by monks, and the walls and gates will be demolished and replaced with new ones.

If it weren't for the rush of time, the entire house would have been knocked down and rebuilt.

All kinds of spiritual plants and fairy grasses will also be used to decorate various places in the courtyard. The locations have been marked, and after selection, they are being sent from all over the Great Xia Kingdom.

The Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce recently launched the latest cooking utensil set and magic utensils. I have ordered two magic utensils of the bathing set, not to mention, each bedroom must have a set.

The backyard that Luo Xiaoyu took a fancy to became the focus of the care of the two elders, saying that the monks come and go, and this backyard is the facade of the whole house.

Luo Xiaoyu was confused at the time, the gate and the courtyard wall were demolished just now, and none of them went through the gate, why would they change to the gate that looked 90% new...

After patiently listening to the instructions of the two elders, Luo Xiaoyu felt that her character seemed to have transformed, and her originally buzzing mind gradually calmed down.

After sending the two elders away, Luo Xiaoyu quietly pulled the head of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce to a corner and asked how much it cost.

The master picked up the small book at hand, wrote and drew on it, and finally wrote a number.

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