There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 506: Qingqiu little demon

"The Novel of Xianlou in Baiyunsheng ( Find the latest chapter!

As the few people stopped, the somewhat broken Five Fingers Peak began to recover rumblingly under the power of Dongtian's rules, and Aunt Xia was amazed.

Putting away the spiritual weapon and magic sword, Baiyunlou felt that he had gained a lot. Knowing the difference in strength, he would know how to deal with a powerful Nascent Soul cultivator in the future.

At present, it seems that for Nascent Soul cultivators, it is okay to contend for a while, once they fall into a stalemate, it will be themselves who will suffer.

Of course, there are still many methods that Baiyun Tower has not used, such as Rijinlun, such as the joint move of Pokong Sword Intent and Jian Gang.

And this time, the biggest gain of Baiyun Tower is to re-understand the body of the body.

The little fat man's ability to absorb damage reminded Baiyunlou that more than two months ago, his spirit had swallowed more than just breath...

Secretly received several thunder and sword auras, and indeed sensed those mysterious auras. These are a few passive supernatural powers. Only when the body receives strong damage, will the power of this kind of supernatural power be manifested.

The breath of the chaotic gold essence, the breath of the original real water, the breath of the original real fire, and the breath of the soil are all vaguely sensed.

I didn't have time to understand it carefully during the sparring, but most of the damage was absorbed by the breath of the soil.

When the sparring was stopped, Xia Chaoyang was almost at his limit, and he escaped into the clouds and mists in an instant and recovered his original shape. He didn't think about what he had just realized, and returned to the senior brother in a flash.

The rich innate energy immediately intoxicated Junior Sister Xia, and her exhausted consciousness quickly recovered.

The little fat man's jacket was almost torn, but his face was very excited. He didn't expect that after the senior brother's sword domain weakened, he could already take over half of the magical powers of the Nascent Soul Realm.

However, the little fat man also knew his own limit. After a few streaks of lightning and sword energy cut into his body, Xi Rang's mysterious aura had no time to completely absorb them, causing the little fat man to suffer some internal injuries immediately.

It seems that this mysterious energy is not omnipotent, it should have something to do with cultivation or the strength of the physical body, and Baiyun Tower has also clearly sensed this problem.

"Eldest brother, the two of us cooperated well, the junior brother is finally of some use." The little fat man said cheerfully.

Baiyunlou laughed: "Feiyang, you have surprised the brothers this time. If you have another armor, your strength will probably increase a lot."

The little fat man laughed and said: "Hey, Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce's research and writing department has also come to a preliminary conclusion. If you want to compete with the Nascent Soul stage monks with your current strength, you must at least protect yourself first. Armor is essential."

"However, during the sparring just now, the junior brother had some new ideas, so I passed them on to the character research department, and let them freely deduce the most suitable armor." With the affirmation of the senior brother, the little fat man suddenly had some new ideas for the armor. A has a very strong interest, and all the whimsical ideas burst out.

Several people rushed back to the Wenxin Pavilion. On the separate square table, snacks and melons and fruits were also set up. Mr. Shanchang was already sitting at the square table, enjoying the wine quite leisurely.

Xiao Jing invited Aunt Xia and her brothers and sisters to the square table, saying that it was convenient for the post-war discussion.

Sect Leader Bai thought about it, there are some things that really need to be discussed with the aunt and the head of the mountain.

Baiyun Tower is already satisfied with being able to compete with Aunt Xia today, and the reason for calling the head of the mountain is to ask the head of the mountain to give some advice, and to ask about some Qingqiu matters.

"Master Shanchang, I just had a discussion, please give me some pointers." Baiyunlou toasted Shanchang with a glass of fruit wine, and said respectfully.

"Yunlou, you are too modest. With your current strength, you don't need my advice from the head of the mountain." The head of the mountain said with a smile.

"However, since Yunlou mentioned it, I'd like to say a few words about the head of the mountain, just listen to it. After all, you are just exchanging ideas, and some methods are useless."

The head of the mountain caressed his beard for a while, and then said: "Let's talk about Yunlou first. In fact, it is not enough cultivation. This is normal. After all, it has only been a year since I entered the practice and I have broken through to the foundation building. Even in the ancient cultivation world, it is one of the few The presence."

"If Yunlou's cultivation can break into the golden core stage, then his strength should increase several times immediately, but judging by Yunlou's aura, he should have been able to condense the golden core long ago, and it seems to be suppressing his cultivation..."

Bai Yunlou smiled helplessly and said: "Master Shanchang has a good eye, that's exactly what happened. This disciple wants to condense the Five Elements Golden Elixir, but the spiritual energy of the Five Elements is not balanced enough, so I am not in a hurry to break through."

"So that's it... then let's talk about Chaoyang..." Shan Zhang turned his head to look at Xia Chaoyang, with a lot of relief in his eyes.

"Uncle Shanzhang, just say, is Xiao Chaoyang good? Hehe..." Xia Chaoyang asked with a smile while eating the pastry that the elder brother brought into his mouth.

"It's unexpected that Chaoyang is so powerful. After transforming into a dragon, his strength is very extraordinary, especially the bursting pink supernatural power, which cooperates with Yunlou very tacitly." The head of the mountain said with certainty.

"If the Yunwu and the sword field of Yunlou were combined in one place just now, it might be seamless."

Hearing this, Xia Chaoyang chuckled and said, "Big Brother Chuan Nian let us separate, saying that we should first find out their respective strengths, and by the way, let's see what Junior Brother Feiyang's strength is."

The head of the mountain sighed: "Oh? It seems that you have all thought of it. Feiyang, with such a cultivation level, he has such supernatural powers. If he makes good use of it, there may be unexpected effects."

"You guys of the younger generation are very good at comprehension. You have a little bit of magical powers. You are very comfortable in the fight. Now the teachers in the back mountain are much more relaxed. I, the mountain leader, can teach you a lot. It's limited."

Baiyunlou respectfully said: "The head of the mountain is too humble, his practice is endless, and his knowledge is boundless. We disciples have only learned a little bit now, and the academy is not only about teaching cultivation and supernatural powers, but also the most important thing in the eyes of disciples. Yes, still be polite."

"Yunlou is right. The root of practice is to cultivate the mind." The head of the mountain looked at this group of energetic disciples who kept the etiquette but did not stick to it, and felt very relieved.

"Shan Zhang, Auntie, in fact, this time Yunlou invited the two adults to come here, and there is indeed an important matter to discuss, which is related to Qingqiu..."

"Qingqiu..." The head of the mountain and Aunt Xia were surprised at the same time, and the head of the mountain looked at the boundary wall of Qingyun Cave.

Seeing this, the corners of Qing Chi's mouth curved slightly, and with a wave of his hand, the entire boundary wall of Qingyun Cave immediately emitted a faint light.

"In this cave, you can say whatever you want, even if you name that Qingqiu little demon, he won't be able to perceive it at all." Qing Chi said lazily leaning on the cloud bed.

The corner of Xia Shigu's mouth twitched slightly, her words... were too domineering, the Qingqiu big monster became a little monster after hearing this one's words.

After nodding and thanking Qingchi, Aunt Xia asked Baiyunlou strangely: "Why does Yunlou care about that great elder from Qingqiu?"

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