There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 587: do not eat after noon

The imperial envoy of Baiyun Building, Yan Yun, descended to the top of Mount Tai, and saw Chen Qingshuang sitting cross-legged on a bluestone at the door, obviously waiting for the disciples from the academy to arrive.

Sensing breath fluctuations, Chen Qingshuang, who was sitting concentratingly, opened her eyes, but couldn't help being startled, a carriage in the air in front of her was supported by a cloud of smoke, and it was floating towards the peak.

A carriage descended from the sky..., but the mountain protection circle didn't respond. Chen Qingshuang's figure flickered, and he slid down from the bluestone, with Qi flowing around his body.

While he was wondering, a figure jumped out of the carriage, and Chen Qingshuang secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the person coming. It really was the handwriting of the senior brother of the academy.

"Sister Qingshuang..." Xia Zhaoyang called out crisply as soon as Fang jumped off the carriage.

"My sister has been waiting for a long time, you don't know, today I took a half-day poetry class at the Xuanhekou..."

"It's okay, Sister Chaoyang has worked hard all the way, this carriage is..." Chen Qingshuang asked suspiciously.

"Oh, there is a senior brother in the carriage..., oh, there is also an old gentleman of poetry from the academy."

As soon as Junior Sister Xia finished speaking, Baiyun Tower had already helped the vigorous old teacher out of the carriage.

"Is this the Haoran sect?" Looking at the stone plaque on the tall gate, the old teacher still couldn't believe it.

"The junior Haoranzong disciples have seen the old man, this is the Haoranzong on the top of Mount Tai." Chen Qingshuang took two steps forward to salute.

"I heard that the mountain road of Mount Tai is steep and difficult to navigate. This carriage..." While speaking, the old teacher turned to look at the mountain road, and suddenly became dizzy, and reached out to support the shaft of the carriage.

"Such...steep mountain road, as if facing an abyss, how can this carriage...go up?"

It all came up, and Baiyunlou did not hide it, and said to the old teacher indifferently: "Mr., in fact, the disciple used the technique of soaring the clouds to move this carriage to the top of the mountain together."

"What? The skill of soaring the clouds, just now the old man actually soared into the clouds?" The old teacher Xi heard that his whole body was a little weak and limp, and he leaned on the shaft of the chariot.

"You will be at the top of the mountain, and you will see all the small mountains... The old man is still familiar with this poem. It is talking about the scenery on the top of Mount Tai. Now that you have arrived at the Haoran Sect, the old man can live in peace for a few days."

Mentioning these two lines of Haoranzong's poems, the old teacher was deeply impressed. He seemed to think of the artistic conception in the poem, and his courage suddenly increased a little, and he couldn't help standing up a little while leaning on the shaft of the chariot.

Seeing that the old teacher was fine, Baiyun Tower asked Junior Sister Xia to help take care of the old gentleman, saying that the flying boat was still parked at the foot of the mountain, and they had to go down the mountain.

"Okay..." Junior Sister Xia responded crisply, and wanted to help the old teacher to rest in the sect.

However, the old teacher said that he would wait for a group of disciples on this peak, and then join the sect together, so Xia Chaoyang had no choice but to take out a wicker chair.

"Yunlou can go there with peace of mind. The old man is still very strong, so there is no need to take care of him." The old teacher said, still slumped in the rattan chair with Xia Chaoyang's support.

Baiyunlou nodded slightly to them, his figure flashed, turned into a golden light, and fled towards the foot of the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, I thought about putting away the flying boat, looking at the winding mountain road, Baiyunlou also became interested, and simply walked forward, and caught up with the group of academy students in a short time.

This mountain road is steep and difficult, but it is nothing to these academy students. After all, even the academy students who have no cultivation base have taken the Xisui Pill, and they are physically strong. That group of back mountain disciples who come and go.

Although the mountain road of Mount Tai is steep, the scenery is very magnificent.

It is the time when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. Exotic flowers and plants are competing for beauty, and there are beautiful scenery everywhere.

At the moment of interest, Baiyun Tower said to the students: "The picture of Mount Tai, is there anyone who wants to be painted?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an immediate response.

"Brother, count me in..."

"Count me in…"

"The scenery here is superb, senior brother, please take a picture..."

"The big rock above should be able to see a more beautiful scenery."

"Eldest brother, I'm shameless... No, no, I mean just draw a back view of climbing a mountain silently."

What he said immediately caused a whole lot of laughter.

While chatting and laughing, a group of academy students flew to the top of the peak, saw the old teacher standing on the edge of a cliff in good spirits, and hurried forward to salute.

Maybe those two poems really played a role. It seems that the old teacher has already adapted to the suffocating feeling of climbing up.

At this time, two figures descended from the clouds, they were Aunt Xia and Uncle Ziyang, and these two came just in time.

"Since we're all here, let's enter the sect to pay our respects to the suzerain." Looking at the group of handsome students of the academy, the old teacher was also very excited, and greeted him aloud.

"I can't afford to pay my respects, I've let the old man wait for a long time." Suddenly, a hearty laughter came from the gate of the Haoran Sect, and the lord of the Haoran Sect came out with a group of disciples.

"I have met the suzerain..." The students of the academy stepped forward to salute at the same time.

The patriarch of Haoran Sect smiled and said: "You are welcome, the mountain road is difficult, Haoran Sect rarely has a few guests, and now the spring is warm and flowers are blooming, and the supervisor of the academy led his disciples to visit, making Haoran Sect flourish."

"Qingshuang, have the houses been arranged?"

"Sect Master, don't worry, the two courtyards in the east have already been tidied up." Chen Qingshuang replied respectfully.

"That's good, it's getting late today, Qingshuang, take the old teacher and all the students to the east courtyard to have a rest, if you are interested, just meet for a visit, the Haoran Sect doesn't have too many rules."

While speaking, the lord of Haoran Sect invited everyone into the sect.

After exchanging pleasantries, Baiyunlou led a group of disciples and followed Chen Qingshuang to the East Courtyard.

"Senior Brother The Haoran School has a rule of not eating after noon, so there is no meal prepared for you, but in the dining room, the junior sister has prepared a lot of ingredients, if necessary, just take it." Chen Qingshuang Seeing that the group of academy students quickly divided up the wing rooms, they came to Baiyun Building and gave a few words of advice.

"Junior Sister Chen, I don't know what rules the Haoran School has. Can we talk about it together? Many of the young disciples in the academy are casual people, so I can restrain them so that they don't break the rules." Bai Yunlou laughed said.

Chen Qingshuang nodded slightly upon hearing this.

"The rules of the Haoran School... are not too many. Get up early and read aloud, don't eat after noon, don't make loud noises at night, don't sway your walk, don't mess your hair..."

This junior sister Chen went on to list dozens of items, and Bai Yunlou nodded repeatedly. As the suzerain said, there are not many rules.

"Brother Bai..., aren't there too many rules?" Chen Qingshuang finally came to his senses after habitually reciting the rules of Hao Ranzong.

"Not too much, not too much, it's reasonable. No wonder the disciples of the Haoran Sect are so gentle, educated and reasonable." Baiyunlou replied in a positive tone, and also praised the disciples of the Haoran Sect.

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