Standing beside Senior Brother Bai, Chen Qingshuang couldn't help sighing while looking at the seascape under the moonlight: "The suzerain also said that Senior Wumingzi's cultivation base is not only unpredictable, but also his origin is also mysterious, and the poems left behind seem to come from another world. A small human world."

"The small world outside the territory... is really exciting." Bai Yunlou looked up at the endless starry sky and sighed softly.

"Extraterritorial small world? Brother Bai, is there really an extraterritorial small world beyond the starry sky?"

"Yes, maybe Senior Wumingzi just went to find the small world in his mind..."

After leaving the Bamboo Sea Cave, he greeted Junior Sister Chen and the disciples of the Haoran Sect on duty, and with a flash of his figure, he turned into a rainbow and fled towards the east courtyard of the peak.

The little fat man did not follow into the cave, and Baiyun Tower was still a little worried, so he went out of the cave to see what happened.

Baiyunlou didn't hide his body either, and the light directly fell outside the wing where the little fat man lived.

In the past few days, Baiyunlou finally understood that although this little fat man has obtained a whole set of Xuanjia and his strength has skyrocketed, he is really timid when it comes to matters of love between men and women.

He understood all the reasons, but when he met Luo Li's eyes, he didn't dare to open his mouth or move his legs. After being agitated a few times, Bai Yunloubai had completely given up on watching.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about what the little fat man is doing. He is so timid, he is not as good as the fat rabbit with long ears.

With some slanderous thoughts, Baiyunlou saw the slightly fat figure beside the stone table in the courtyard without accident.

"Senior brother, where's the second senior sister?" The little fat man looked behind the senior brother and asked with some doubts.

"Does your second senior sister need you to worry about it? Xiao Chaoyang is sleeping soundly in the cave... and you, drinking herbal tea in the courtyard alone is really good..."

After teasing the little fat man, Bai Yunlou asked, "Is Luo Li awake?"

During the interrogation, a thought in Baiyun Tower involuntarily probed into the nearby house, but the thought disappeared as soon as it was explored.

In that house, Luo Li was dressed in cool clothes, with a brocade quilt half-hidden, she must have heard the movement in the courtyard, and half propped herself up on the couch, although she didn't let out much spring, she still had a different kind of amorous feelings.

The little fat man was counted, but the fox demon was not counted, Baiyunlou sighed softly, after a little thought, he was still not willing to let go of this thought, after all, he was going to Qingqiu in two days, and his strength still had to be preserved One or two.

The little fox demon must have woken up a long time ago, and has been waiting for the little fat man to come in to visit, but the little fat man didn't dare to knock on the door. It's really good enough to drink herbal tea outside.

"Luo Li, I seem to have woken up..." the little fat man replied gruffly.

"Are you awake? Just knock on the door and ask if you're okay..." Bai Yunlou said angrily.

"Brother, Luo Li's memory should have all been recovered this time, right?" the little fat man asked in a low voice.

It turned out that because of this, Baiyunlou was a little speechless, but he also understood the little fat man. After all, he had never encountered similar things, so it was difficult to understand the little fat man's inner anxiety.

Baiyunlou wanted to pass on the message to the little fat man, directly saying that the little fox demon has you in his heart, but this is too simple and rude, and it will take a lot of words to convince the timid little fat man.

If you can avoid things that waste your tongue, you can avoid them, not to mention the anxiety now, it is not an unforgettable memory in the future.

"Feiyang, do you want Luo Li's memory to be restored?" After thinking for a while, Baiyunlou asked quite casually.

"Of course it's better to recover..." The little fat man replied without hesitation.

"That's it. I guess, this Luo Li should be awake. Senior brother still has something to ask. Feiyang, if you are not willing to knock on the door, then senior brother will knock..." Bai Yunlou stood up from the stone table while speaking. .

"Senior brother, let's come, junior brother..." The little fat man hurriedly jumped up, leaped to the door of Luo Li's room, and stretched out his hand to knock on the door.

With a sound of 'squeak', the wooden door suddenly opened from the inside, revealing a neatly dressed little fox demon, whose charming little face seemed to be a little sleepy.

"Xiao Li, did you wake up? Is your head still hurting?" the little fat man asked worriedly.

"It's okay... Senior Brother, most of Luo Li's memory has recovered, if you have any questions, feel free to ask." Luo Li simply replied to the little fat man, then turned to Baiyun Tower and said.

The little fat man couldn't help being taken aback. Although he had prepared for it, it was still difficult to accept when this day actually came.

Bai Yunlou was too lazy to care about the little fat man's secret frustration, so he invited Luo Li to sit down at the stone table, made a pot of hot tea by himself, raised his hand to resist the magic sword, and spread the sword field to cover the entire courtyard. asked slowly.

After some questioning and answering, Baiyun Tower also understood what happened to Luo Li later.

It turns out that Luo Li really has a special chance in Beihai...

After growing up a little, Luo Li was forced by the Great Elder Qingqiu to practice different types of exercises. Luo Li resisted in her heart, and would go to Beihai to have fun every time her mind was tortured by the exercises.

Until one time when he swam too far and fell asleep on a large piece of black ice, after waking up, his cultivation unknowingly broke through the Void Core Realm.

Not only that, since then, the demon core seems to be cultivated day and night by an unknown aura, and the practice of that strange skill has no effect, the demon soul is still extremely clear, and even the cultivation base has repeatedly broken through.

Luo Li didn't know why she had this opportunity, so she searched for it in the North Sea when she had time. Although she had traveled to the profound ice in the extreme north many times, she didn't find any clues.

The Great Elder Qingqiu was very annoyed at the fact that Luo Li's spirit had not been blackened. Ever since Luo Li returned from Beihai, the Great Elder's attitude suddenly changed drastically, and even pushed Luo Li to the front of the stage. The saint of Qingqiu.

Decades later, the Great Elder broke through to the Great Demon Realm overnight, and his cultivation became more and more unpredictable, and Luo Li's cultivation also broke through to the Great Demon Realm Only one step away from the Great Demon Realm .

The improvement of cultivation made Luo Li's perception of danger more and more clear. Luo Li noticed that under the calm face of the Great Elder, she seemed to be extremely impatient, and was ready to attack her own demon core when she broke through.

Therefore, on the day of the breakthrough, Luo Li escaped from Qingqiu, fled all the way into the North Sea, and successfully survived the catastrophe of transformation on the black ice.

The Yao Clan's technique does not shatter the pill into a baby, but continues to refine the demon pill. As the demon soul transforms into a human form, the demon pill transforms, and the elder Qingqiu, who has been hiding his body for a long time, finally made a move.

In an instant, Luo Li, who had just broken through, was seriously injured and lost consciousness before she could react. When she woke up again, she was already in an ice cave.

What happened next, Baiyun Tower already knew.

After listening to Luo Li's narration, Baiyunlou roughly understood the cause and effect, needless to ask, the opportunity of Luoli's demon pill must have been obtained from Xuanwu God, and the elder Qingqiu should have also seen the abnormality of Luoli's demon pill.

After Luo Li was promoted to the position of saint, the Great Elder should have been secretly following Luo Li to investigate Xuanwu's whereabouts, but Xuanwu had slept for thousands of years, and when there was no abnormal change, he would hardly show up.

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