Although the two girls couldn't see the situation in this fairyland, Dacheng's clairvoyance also sensed the fluctuating phantom of the fairyland, and they nodded in response at the same time.

"Everyone go in on your own, Xiaoxian's cultivation base is weak, it's better to stay at the peak here." May Weng said suddenly.

"Mr. Mei is free to..."

Although Old Immortal Mei is not weak, but after all, he has not detached from his body, so he can avoid this melting pot of wonderland if he can.

"Xiao Xun, don't go in too, lest you become like Ah Li." Bai Yunlou turned his head and warned the long-eared rabbit.

Xiao Xun nodded his head like a pounding garlic, jumped onto May Weng's cloud head, and approached cautiously.

Seeing May Weng smiled and waved to him, he became more courageous and jumped to lie down beside Xian Weng's feet.

After feeding Xiao Xun a bunch of spiritual fruits, Baiyunlou took two junior sisters and A Li, and escaped into the Fierce Sun Wonderland in a flash.

The scorching sun is in the sky, and the flames are shining.

Under the radiance of the bright light cluster, the immortal energy was tainted with an extremely violent aura.

The immortal energy absorbed into the body has the meaning of burning and deflagrating.

The celestial light is dazzling, and before taking a closer look at the scorching sun fairyland, Baiyun Tower was forced to reveal the sun-golden wheel to block the scorching sun's light.

It's not that the dharma body can't bear it, but the dharma clothes on it can't bear it.

After only a few breaths of baking in the scorching sun and fairy light, the treasure robes made in the academy turned yellow, and it was estimated that they would burst into flames in a short while.

This Lieyang Immortal Light comes with a powerful power of rules, ignoring the true energy of body protection, and forcibly penetrates the sword field of body protection. It seems that the sword field is basically useless until the rules of this fairy light are thoroughly deduced.

Fortunately, the protection effect of the Rijin Wheel is very good, like a big umbrella propped above the head, it can be regarded as temporarily blocking the burning light.

Secretly heaving a sigh of relief, Bai Yunlou turned to look at the two junior sisters.

Xiao Chaoyang is dressed in fairy clothes, reflecting the colorful fairy lights under the scorching sun, so there is no need to worry at all. Seeing Xiao Hualing sitting on the shoulders of her junior sister leisurely looks quite cool.

Junior sister Zi Yan was also dressed in fairy clothes, not to mention, the moon golden wheel turned into ice crystals and snowflakes floating, and when the celestial light of the blazing sun penetrated, it emitted colorful rays of light, which made this junior sister look like an ice crystal fairy.

Looking up at the big umbrella-like Rijin Wheel, Baiyunlou couldn't help sighing, they are all similar spiritual treasures, and the price difference is too far.

"Sister Ziyan, you are so beautiful... These snowflakes are icy cold, and they can also manifest colorful lights..."

Xia Zhaoyang was so surprised that he stretched out his hand to grab the ice crystals around the senior sister's body, and then happily turned his head and shouted to the senior brother, "Senior brother, look..., senior brother, your magic robe has changed color."

While speaking, he stretched out his hand to touch the elder brother's robe.

There was a soft 'bang' sound, and the robe of Master Bai shattered into pieces in an instant.

However, Baiyun Tower had been prepared for a long time, and the transformation technique was performed in an instant, and Qingyun Sword Immortal's magic robe immediately manifested.

"Uh..., senior brother changed his clothes so quickly..." Xia Zhaoyang felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the senior brother changed his appearance instantly.

At this time, Zi Yan took out something from Yu Jue and sent it to the senior brother in the air.

Bai Yunlou took it smoothly, and with a slight shake, it turned out to be a light blue robe.

"Thank you, Junior Sister." Bai Yunlou embraced his robe with a smile on his face, bowed his hands to Junior Sister Ziyan, and after saluting, all the golden wheels on his body appeared, completely covering his figure.

When he reappeared, Master Bai was already fully dressed, and his magic robe was replaced by an immortal robe.

Modesty gentleman shape, Langlang Yushu body.

This fairy robe was originally chosen by Ziyan, so it has a perfect temperament and fits well.

Suddenly, a round of heart mirror manifested, and Baiyun Tower looked at himself in the mirror, and the color of satisfaction could not be concealed between his brows.

Junior Sister Xia on the side was also dumbfounded, her little face was flushed, and her red lips trembled slightly.

"Chaoyang, how about the fairy robe refined by senior sister?" Zi Yan asked softly.

"Floating like a fairy, extremely handsome..." Xia Zhaoyang murmured back.

Little Hualing couldn't stand it any longer, and returned to the Flower Palace of Consciousness Sea in a flash, not forgetting to tell the little master a few words.

Hearing Xiaohualing's voice transmission, Xia Chaoyang woke up, recalled the reply just now, turned to look at Senior Sister Zi Yan with smiling eyebrows, his little face immediately flushed a little more.

Seemingly captured by the radiance on the senior brother's face, Xia Zhaoyang was a little hard to look directly at. After peeking at him, he felt like a deer bumped his heart, and hurriedly lowered his head.

Then he murmured softly: "Senior brother, Xiaohua Lingyan said that this place is not suitable for my junior sister to practice, so let me return to Yaochi Wonderland..."

The voice of speaking became smaller and smaller, and was gradually covered by the pounding heartbeat.

"In that case, let's go, senior brother will practice here for a few days, which is roughly equivalent to six or seven days in the human world... Forget it, Xiao Chaoyang, you can practice at ease, and senior brother will find you when the time comes." Baiyunlou gently Rubbing Junior Sister Xia's hair, she said softly.

"Well, Senior Brother, Senior Sister, Chaoyang has gone back to Yaochi to practice first." While speaking, Xia Chaoyang took another peek at Senior Brother, put A Li down hastily, and escaped from the Fierce Sun Wonderland in a flash.

"What's wrong with Chaoyang today? Why is it different from usual..." Baiyunlou opened his eyes wide, watching the beautiful figure jumping out of the fairyland, and muttered with some doubts.

The corner of Dongfang Ziyan's mouth curled up, and she replied calmly: "What else can I do, today Chaoyang is fascinated by my senior brother's handsome and extraordinary figure."

"Uh..., so to speak..., Chaoyang had his eyes on the inner spirit of the head of the sect before, but today he really has his eyes on this skin, which is not bad..." After thinking about it, Bai Yunlou couldn't help being extremely pleased.

Hearing this, Zi Yan couldn't hide it anymore, her smile bloomed like a flower.

Sensing the meaning of the resonance of the Dao Heart, Baiyunlou's mind was even more peaceful. He and Junior Sister Ziyan looked at each other, each found a meteorite floating in the void, sat cross-legged on it, and calmed down.

After clarifying distracting Tower was not in a hurry to cultivate, but instead operated the Celestial Eye and Divine Awareness to observe carefully the scorching sun fairyland.

Zi Yan also had the same thought, and the meteorite sitting cross-legged floated to the side of the elder brother, and then immeasurable light fell, covering the two figures.

Baiyun Tower also exuded the cold glow in the sea of ​​memory, did not say much, took advantage of the effect of supernatural powers, observed and felt.

Seeing the opportunity, Ah Li also got a meteorite on his body, curled up beside the elder brother, breathing out and refining the violent immortal energy.

Lieyang Wonderland, compared to the colorful and beautiful Yaochi Wonderland, is much simpler.

A ball of light like a scorching sun, only tens of feet in size, hangs in the middle of the fairyland, but it is extremely dazzling in the fairyland with a radius of tens of miles.

Hundreds of meteorites of different sizes revolved around the photosphere, and the meteorite where the two of them sat cross-legged was at the outermost edge, which was the edge of the fairyland.

The edge of Lieyang Wonderland is not an ordinary fairy formation wall, but the chaotic atmosphere that Baiyun Tower is very familiar with.

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