There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 704: Sharpen the demon body

Seeing the elder brother looking over, Xia Chaoyang shook the message talisman, said with a smile: "Let Fei Yang send a message to Auntie, lest she worry about the little koi..."

"Junior Sister is careful." Bai Yunlou praised.

"By the way, I also asked Feiyang to bring the green ant over. During this period of time, the green ant and the koi are like sisters. The little koi has transformed into a shape. I have to let the green ant junior sister come and see it together."

I didn't expect that Junior Sister Xia would escape so much that she would think so far. It seems that after the transformation of her spirit and soul, her mind became more and more transparent.

All the way up the river, through mountains and ridges, the water flow became more and more turbulent, the little fish demon did not stop, and rushed up.

The people on the clouds looking at the cliffs on both sides of the strait are happy, but the little fish monsters collide more frequently below.

At this time, a flying boat rushed towards him, and it was a boat of Qingyunmen disciples.

"Brother Sect Leader..."

"Big Brother, Second Senior Sister..."

Before escaping to the front, there was a burst of shouting, and several juniors and younger sisters couldn't wait to stand up with their swords and escape to the cloud head of the senior brother.

It seems that Junior Sister Xia's message summoned a group of Qingyun sect disciples. They heard that there was something exciting to watch, and they ignored their homework.

"Don't you need to study anymore? Today seems to be the day for the academy to teach?" Baiyunlou asked with some doubts.

The fat man stood on the flying boat and answered with a smile, "The head brother doesn't know something. Three days ago, the Lord of the Kingdom issued a decree to reward a group of academy teachers. In the past two days, the head of the mountain took nearly half of the teachers to the capital to receive the award."

"The head of the mountain directly announced that the academy will suspend classes for seven days. Today, this group of juniors and juniors are panicking..."

"Okay..." Seeing the little fat man standing alone on the flying boat, Baiyunlou greeted him: "Feiyang, come over too, come and meet Elder Yan of Donghai Pavilion..."

"It's really Elder Yan..., Elder Yan, you can give Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce a good meal..." The little fat man cheerfully jumped onto the cloud head, and went forward to salute.

A group of disciples who got the cloud head also greeted Elder Yan Qi.

"Are you all Qingyun sect disciples?" Yan Qi asked in surprise.

"They're all academy disciples too. Hehe, Elder Yan's name has spread throughout the academy. I think it will spread throughout the Daxia cultivation world soon." The fat man replied with a smile.

Hearing this, Yan Qi couldn't help being taken aback, and said in surprise: "I'm a person who almost fell into a demon, how can I have a big name, if it wasn't for Sect Master Bai, I would have no face to be an elder..."

The little fat man said: "Elder Yan's words are wrong. If the devil is still around today, and the devil's soul hides in the human world, why the human race is afraid of the heavenly devil? It's because the heavenly devil has many clones, and the devil's thoughts seem to be pervasive."

"As soon as an ordinary monk is possessed by a demon, he will be beaten and killed by other monks, and he may go farther and farther on the demonic path."

"However, Elder Yan was not trapped by the evil thoughts when he became a demon, and he even completely escaped from the evil way. If this matter is publicized, it will definitely improve the morale of the monks in the world."

"Although the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce announced not long ago that it will undertake the task of eliminating the evil thoughts, but so far no hidden magic cultivator has shown up..."

Yan Qi understood what he said, and before the little fat man continued, he interjected: "Brother Fei Yang is right, if that's the case, I, Yan Qi, can spread my name as I like."

As soon as these words came out, the little fat man immediately smiled, and pulled Elder Yan to the side: "Elder Yan, don't worry about Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce's affairs. I just heard what you said. Senior brother has made a move. Let's go over there and talk about it..."

"Mysterious, Green Ant, let's go see the little koi, she's still busy down below." While speaking, Xia Chaoyang pulled the Green Ant up to Yuntou, and looked at the little fish demon that was swimming against the current below.

The river below narrowed, the river water was extremely fast, and the speed of the little fish demon's retrograde gradually slowed down.

But the little fish demon stubbornly didn't use his magical powers, relying on his physical strength to escape with all his strength.

There are several torrents and dangerous shoals with jagged rocks, and the powerful impact of the water directly slaps the little fish monster on the sharp-edged boulders.

As soon as his injury improved, the little fish demon immediately turned around and faced the difficulties again.

Rushing from left to right in the precipice canyon, the little fish monster struggled to escape more than a dozen dangerous shoals, and rushed up six waterfalls several feet high against the current. .

The thunderous sound of the falling waterfall pierced through the canyon. The waterfall did not fall vertically, but slightly inclined, like a giant dragon, with a shocking momentum, rushing straight down.

There are extremely hard boulders scattered on the cliff, and the waterfall hits it, hitting the sky with water.

The water volume of the Ganjiang River is much larger than that of the Xuanbing River Demon. It is also a waterfall with a height of hundreds of feet, but the rapids and waterfalls here are more imposing.

There is a huge black stone lying in the river under the waterfall. The waterfall rushed down and hit the boulder. Most of the deafening thunder came from this.

Seeing this situation, everyone was sweating for the little fish demon. If he didn't use his magical powers, such a powerful impact would be unbearable even for an ordinary demon body.

What's more, there is an extremely tough boulder blocking the way under the waterfall.

If it was caught halfway up by the waves, the force of hitting the boulder would definitely be multiplied. I don't know if this little fish demon has...

Everyone looked at the koi together, but saw the little fish demon flicking its tail and rushing towards the waterfall.

Not surprisingly, the little fish demon ran away with all his strength, and rushed up to more than ten feet in one breath. Exhausted, he was photographed by the rapids of the waterfall and hit the boulder below.

There was a loud bang, and invisible shock waves scattered in all directions, and everyone on the top of the cloud seemed to feel the power of this blow.

The flow of water in the mortal world can actually produce a supernatural aura, and even arouse the fluctuations of the monks' spiritual thoughts.

In order to better feel this extraordinary power, Baiyun Tower simply lowered the cloud head on the boulder in the middle of the river under the waterfall.

This boulder grows into strips like a sharp sword protruding into the bottom of the waterfall, and 30% of the stone body is washed away by the waterfall day and night.

Everyone stood on the boulder, the splashing river water and the full mist wet everyone's clothes in an instant.

I just came here to feel the power of the waterfall, so I didn't use zhenqi to protect my body.

Standing on the boulder, not only does not have a rock-solid sense of security, but also gives birth to a sense of shock that the whole small world is trembling.

Everyone was feeling emotional, the little fish demon already shook his head, and fled around the boulder in a circle, and after recovering from his injuries, he rushed up towards the rapids and waterfalls again.

This time the little fish demon roamed a bit faster, only two or three feet higher than before.

Although there is progress, it is still too far away from the top of the hundreds of feet high cliff, not to mention that the higher the wandering escape, the greater the force of the fall.

As the little fish demon was captured by the waves again, Baiyunlou couldn't help but secretly run the sword domain, covering an area with a radius of tens of feet.

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