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When the smoke cloud fell, he seemed to sense a familiar aura, and Master Ziyang, who closed his eyes and meditated, woke up.

"It's still the swiftness of Yunlou's escaping through the smoke and clouds. It's a godsend effort. Now I'm going back to the thatched cottage..." Master Ziyang stood up from the cloud head, looked at the thatched cottage below and sighed.

The corners of Baiyunlou's mouth curled up upon hearing such exclamation, and he thought to himself, this master uncle called the comprehension of swordsmanship a god, and he created the yin and yang swordsmanship back then, it seems that he was just stunned a few times.

Fortunately, Master Shibo was stunned, otherwise it would be really difficult for Senior Brother Fei Yu to confide in his heart.

The thought of emotion flashed by, and the few people had already settled down in front of the thatched cottage.

"Master, senior brother..." The woman who was practicing swordsmanship on the sword training ground heard the movement, turned around and saw a familiar figure, she couldn't help but exclaimed, her eyes showed great joy.

"Fisher girl..." Nangong Feiyu responded, his voice trembling slightly.

Master Ziyang sighed slightly, but still nodded in satisfaction, if it weren't for the fisher girl's inability to cultivate, she would be a good candidate for sword cultivation in terms of temperament and understanding.

The woman who turned around wore a scarf on her head, with a wheat-like complexion, and a few freckles on her reddish cheeks, but her delicate face could not be concealed.

Maybe it's due to the hard work of practicing swords, or maybe it's because the heat here is too hot, and the woman's face is covered with beads of sweat.

This must be the Fisher Girl that Senior Brother Fei Yu has in mind.

Seeing the stranger looking at her, the fisher girl smiled shyly, raised her sleeves, and wiped the sweat off her face.

"Senior brother, who is this?" Seeing that her senior brother was in a daze, the fisher girl asked directly.

"Oh, this is Junior Brother Bai from the academy, Junior Brother Bai, this is the fisher girl..." Nangong Feiyu, who came back to his senses, hastily introduced.

Bai Yunlou nodded and said: "It is indeed as what Senior Brother said, Senior Sister Yu's swordsmanship has already entered the room."

Hearing that it was a junior brother, the fisher girl got up immediately, put away her long sword, and replied with a smile: "I have only practiced swords for a few months, and I can't see anyone. Master, junior brother, go and sit at the stone table over there." , I'm going to get some fruit..."

While speaking, he turned around and went to the thatched hut on the other side of the sword practice field.

"Fisher girl, when did those two huts go there?" Nangong Feiyu asked towards the hut a little further away.

"It's too hot over there, and I can't even sleep. It's cooler here. Half a month ago, I spent half a day moving here, Junior Sister." A crisp response came from the thatched hut.

"Uh..., this..." Nangong Feiyu secretly glanced at the master, seeing that his expression hadn't changed, he was immediately relieved.

At this time, the fisher girl came to the three of them holding a wooden plate of washed green fruits.

"Master, you choose first..."

Master Ziyang really reached out and touched one, but he didn't eat it. Instead, he turned around and went to the thatched cottage, leaving a sentence: "I went to meditate for my teacher."

Seeing the juicy water from the green fruit, Baiyunlou unceremoniously picked up one and took a big bite.

Lips and teeth are left... sour.

The taste of this fruit is very crisp, but the taste of seven parts sour and three parts sweet is really hard to get used to.

Seeing Baiyun Tower grinned sourly, the fisher girl also picked up a green fruit and said with a smile: "Little brother, your cultivation base is still too weak, and you can't even handle this sour taste. Let's see you Nangong senior brother and senior sister eat it." This fruit won't even frown."

Hearing this, Nangong Feiyu, who was nibbling on the green fruit with relish, froze for a moment, opening his mouth to speak, but he heard Junior Brother Bai seriously ask: "Senior Brother Feiyu, how long do you have to wait?"

As soon as this question came out, Nangong Feiyu's thoughts surged, and he regained his composure in a moment.

Following the narration of the journey just now, Nangong Feiyu became more and more determined. Since Junior Brother Bai asked this question, it seemed that he had confirmed his choice.

For a moment, Nangong Feiyu was determined and full of confidence. Without hesitation, he put down half of the green fruit in his hand, looked at the fisher girl, and asked sincerely: "Fisher girl, would you like to become a dual cultivator with me, Nangong Feiyu? "

The fisher girl was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, the half-eaten green fruit fell from her palm and rolled onto the wooden plate, but it made a pair with the other half of the green fruit on the plate.

Time seemed to stand still, the fisher girl's eyes gradually turned red, and tears rolled down.

After waking up for a moment, the fisher girl wiped away her tears, her face flushed slightly, she smiled with tears in her eyes, and said softly to senior brother Nangong, "Young brother is still there..."

"Fisher girl, don't worry about Junior Brother Bai, he's already two Taoist companions..." Nangong Feiyu seemed to have a bit of resentment in his reply.

Baiyunlou, who was slowly nibbling green fruits and watching a play, couldn't help curling his lips when he heard this.

"Ah..., Junior Brother, Senior Sister really underestimated you..." The fisher girl wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, her turbulent mind calmed down a lot, and she turned her head to joke with Junior Brother Bai.

"Fisher girl, haven't you answered the senior brother's question yet?" Nangong Feiyu couldn't help but questioned while feeling angry.

"Willing, willing..., traveling thousands of miles with senior brother, waiting for two months with fear, doesn't this not show what the fisher girl wants?"

"Uh..." Nangong Feiyu was a little overwhelmed by the affirmative response.

The fisher girl rolled her eyes, and asked with a smile: "Senior brother just mentioned the two Taoist companions of junior brother, and the words seem to be quite envious..."

Nangong Feiyu hurriedly replied: "There are thousands of women in this world, but there is only one fisher girl in my heart."

Having watched enough of the play, Baiyunlou said: "Senior Brother Fei Yu, why don't you take this opportunity and give Senior Sister Yu the marrow washing pill you treasured?"

Nangong Feiyu couldn't help hesitating when he heard the words, he just shared his feelings with the fisher girl...

After pondering for a while, he continued: "Junior Brother Bai, Junior Sister Yu is past the age of curly In fact, Senior Brother has already made up his mind that even if Junior Sister cannot cultivate, he will stay with Junior Sister for the rest of his life."

"But it's okay to try..." Bai Yunlou said indifferently.

Seeing Junior Brother Bai's insistence, Nangong Feiyu took out a jade box from the treasure pouch at his waist, on which the magic circle circulated, and when he opened it, there were three top-quality marrow-washing pills inside.

"Fisher girl, although this elixir is wonderful, it may be useless to you, but after swallowing it, at least it can improve your martial arts qualifications." Nangong Feiyu worried that the fisher girl would be disappointed when the time came, so she said in advance.

After saying that, Nangong Feiyu carefully took the earthen jar on the stone table, poured a bowl of clear water, and planned to let the fisher girl take the marrow washing pill.

In the time it took to pour the water, the fisher girl grabbed three pills from the jade box, stuffed them into her mouth, and swallowed them whole.

"Senior brother, I have to try the elixir that I found so tastes good..." The fisher girl licked her lips after eating, with a look of aftertaste.

This one is quite agile, Baiyunlou couldn't help but curl his mouth when he saw it, then reached out and pinched it, and took out a glowing red fruit out of thin air.

He took the wooden bowl from senior brother Fei Yu who was still a little dazed, squeezed the red fruit lightly, squeezed out three drops of juice, and let it fall into the half bowl of clear water.

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