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"Ancient Cave?" Master Ziyang couldn't help but exclaimed.

Bai Yunlou nodded and replied: "Exactly, this cave has been covered with dust for a long time, it should have been shaken a few months ago, revealing a trace of aura, and now this aura is becoming more and more obvious."

"A few months ago... after returning from Donglai, I realized something. I realized Taoism at the top of the mountain, and I had a breakthrough in the way of swordsmanship. At that time, I felt that the mountain trembled, but I didn't find it after that." Master Ziyang recalled.

"It should be so. The qi mechanism of this cave is quite compatible with the real qi cultivated by the master... No matter what, let's find the qi mechanism first and open this ancient cave."

While speaking, Baiyun Tower escaped with a separate soul, holding a powerful sword gang, and set up a sword field around the grass hut, and then hid away.

With souls protecting the two intoxicated senior brothers and sisters, Baiyunlou felt at ease, greeted Master Ziyang, fled to the peak in a flash.

The peak of this Xuanshan volcano is a crater that has been silent for many years, and the pits in the crater are tens of feet deep and have a radius of several miles.

Nearly half of the rocks within it exuded a cold air, while the other side of the mountain wall was extremely hot and dry. The air mechanism came out from the side of the cold air, slowly affecting the atmosphere in the crater.

It can be seen that the cold air is getting heavier and heavier, and even a lot of water droplets have condensed on the rocks.

The water droplets slowly gathered and descended along the stone wall. Although the heat from the other side of the mountain wall evaporated a light water mist, a small puddle finally formed in the crater.

"Yunlou is right. This small puddle should have been gathered recently. I didn't see it when I left two months ago..."

Immortal Ziyang looked at the small puddle below, and continued: "Originally, the peak was extremely hot, even if it rained, it was difficult to keep it. After careful sensing, the atmosphere in the crater has changed a lot."

Feeling secretly, Baiyun Tower pondered and said: "This ancient cave, let the uncle open it..."

"Isn't Yunlou going to make a move? Uncle, I'm afraid the power of my soul is not enough?" Master Ziyang asked doubtfully.

"That's not necessarily the case, since the master's golden core cultivation base can draw out this cave-heaven aura, and now that his cultivation base has soared, it should be enough to open the cave-heaven."

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou continued: "This cave may need to be refined and maintained by Master in the future, and the big formation in Mingzhou may have to use the power of this cave in the future."

Hearing this, Master Ziyang knew that it was about exorcising demons, and refining this cave was his duty, so he nodded in response to the matter, sat cross-legged on a big rock on the top of the peak, calmed down, and got ready.

After a while, he opened his eyes and stood tall, only to see that the entire crater of the peak was shrouded in a thin layer of mist, and all kinds of air movements were manifested.

Even the mysterious aura that he had faintly sensed before had manifested clearly.

Master Ziyang sighed secretly, the great disciple of the academy really has great supernatural powers, with the help of this supernatural power, it will be much easier to break through this hidden cave.

Immediately, Master Ziyang focused on performing the Yin-Yang Liangyi swordsmanship.

Starting from a simple sword move, a little bit to arouse the aura of the peak.

A monk in the Nascent Soul Realm can use the power of the Nascent Soul to attract the power of heaven and earth. Within a few breaths, the aura of the entire peak was aroused by Ziyang, and flowed along the mysterious air mechanism, and penetrated into an unknown void.

Immortal Ziyang was not in a hurry, he drew the aura of more than ten miles to circle, pushed the aura to break into the void, and slowly opened a crack in the space.

A rather strong fairy air leaked out from the crack, and this was the entrance to the cave that the two were looking for.

Suddenly, Baiyunlou sensed something, and sent out the Kunlun Order without the slightest hesitation, directly sending out a stream of immortal energy, following the hovering breath, it penetrated into the cracks in the space.

For some reason, the entrance to the cave in the space crack was slightly opened, but the entire cave showed signs of breaking.

With the entry of immortal energy, the trend of fragmentation slowed down a bit, and it seemed that more immortal energy was needed to support the soon-to-be-shattered cave.

Immortal Ziyang also noticed the abnormality, paused for a while, and then continued to push the spiritual energy to open the sealing circle at the entrance of the cave.

Looking at this situation, Baiyun Tower couldn't help but feel lucky, fortunately, Master Ziyang broke through the formation slowly, if according to one's own temperament, a sword gang went down, it would be easy to break the seal of the entrance, and the collapse of the cave might be unavoidable.

While thinking about it, he saw that the energy around Ziyang's body exploded in an instant, pushing the space gap out of the Zhangxu-sized entrance of the void, and with a flash of his body, he escaped directly into the cave.

Well..., it seems that I still underestimated the decisiveness of this uncle, and Baiyun Tower was full of admiration for it.

At the moment when the qi inside the cave exploded, the void barrier of the cave began to shatter, but Ziyang directly escaped into it, using the power of the Nascent Soul with all his strength, following the trend of the shattering of the barrier, he began to evolve a brand new cave.

Break and stand!

As expected of a cultivator who broke into the fairyland of the earth, he lacked neither vision nor courage.

Earth fairyland monks can generally only evolve a cave that communicates with their aura. Uncle Ziyang should have heard that opening this cave will be of great help in eliminating demons, so he simply gave up the idea of ​​​​cultivating the cave and directly took advantage of the situation to re-evolve.

While sighing, Baiyunlou did not take back the Kunlun order, and simply poured all the immortal energy in it into the evolving cave.

With the help of pure Yang immortal energy, the evolution of this cave will be smoother.

Several hours passed, and the Qi mechanism in the cave gradually stabilized.

During the past few hours, Baiyun Building has not been idle. After watching the evolution of the cave for a while, he practiced for a long time, and finally took the time to refine a pair of cross-boundary communication symbols that have been researching recently.

This cross-boundary communication talisman cannot transmit real can only transmit simple thought fluctuations.

In fact, it is not so much the transmission of thoughts, as it is that the two magic weapons can cross the void barrier and resonate in harmony. It is through the exact same shock waves that the thoughts are reproduced exactly the same.

The two magic weapons of communication in the hands of Shan Zhang and Mao Xiao were carefully observed by Baiyun Tower.

There is a powerful power of rules hidden in it, which can ignore the interference of other powers of rules, and even ignore space restrictions, which is indeed very mysterious.

According to Baiyun Tower's current understanding of the Dao, the power of this rule should be a derivative of Zhenzhi Dao.

The Dao of Zhen, which has been in contact with since the beginning of swordsmanship, and the hexagram of Zhen in the gossip, and the hexagrams that generate thunder and light, all have the same root and origin as the Dao of Zhen.

Especially when Baiyunlou used the powerful power of the soul to perform microcosmic techniques, and penetrated into the smallest details, it was discovered that everything that seemed to be static seemed to be trembling.

The more you practice and study, the more you will feel the vastness of the Dao.

Although Baiyun Tower continued to promote research intermittently, it took nearly a month.

Today, when Shen Nian watched the void barrier break and then stood up, he finally took advantage of the opportunity to fully understand the power of this rule, and then condensed it into the core of the magic circle of a pair of communication symbols.

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