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Thinking of what happened that night, Xia Chaoyang said very excitedly: "Senior brother, when you were singing in Mingyue Tower that night, sister Ziyan sensed it, and directly manifested the figure of senior brother and the voice of singing." .”

"At that time, my junior sister was practicing in the medicine pond, and I didn't expect to see my senior brother recite poems, but Chaoyang worried that I would disturb my senior brother's interest, so I didn't come forward to disturb her. Junior sister is sensible, right?"

"Sensible, sensible... Xiao Chaoyang has grown up now." Bai Yunlou praised.

Xia Zhaoyang smiled brightly after being praised, and then asked with a smile: "Hey, senior brother, can you guess how many souls Ziyan has refined?"

"How many souls?" Bai Yunlou turned his head to look at Junior Sister Zi Yan, sensing the fluctuation of the soul core between her brows, and immediately understood.

"Two souls fellow practitioner?"

Zi Yan nodded lightly, and said softly: "After Zi Yan deduced it many times, I feel that the twin souls of fellow practitioners are suitable for today's golden core."

"It's the most important thing that suits you." Bai Yunlou also strongly agreed with Junior Sister Zi Yan's choice.

Xia Zhaoyang said enviously: "When senior sister's soul broke through the realm the night before, the formation that manifested was really extraordinary, the yin and yang are like two small fish..."

"The night before... So today is the time for the imperial examination?" Hearing Junior Sister Xia's words, Baiyunlou suddenly came to his senses.

Xia Zhaoyang thought for a while, then exclaimed: "It seems so, senior brother has been sleeping in this cloud for a day and two nights, what should we do?"

"It's still early." Zi Yan said leisurely.

"It should be half an hour, so I'm not in a hurry... However, Feiyang seems to be still sleeping in Mingyue Tower." While talking, Baiyunlou turned his head to look in the direction of Mingyue Tower, and saw the little fat man lying on the table , still intoxicated.

"It's good if you make it in time... When my mother heard that my brother was going to take part in the imperial examination, she asked about it, but my younger sister immediately said that my brother has outstanding literary talents, and it's not a problem to get a number one." Xia Chaoyang said confidently.

"Uh... Brother, do your best." Bai Yunlou replied speechlessly.

Xia Zhaoyang said with a smile: "However, after listening to the queen mother, she said that it would be good to be a prostitute..."

"When my junior sister heard it, it seemed that Tanhua sounded much better than the number one scholar, so she agreed."

Baiyunlou couldn't help being taken aback, and asked suspiciously, "What should I do?"

"Tan Hua, my junior sister told my mother about it at the time, so let the senior brother choose Tan Hua, and my mother seemed very happy to hear that."

Seeing that the elder brother was a little dazed, Xia Zhaoyang asked a little bit: "Senior brother, it shouldn't be difficult to find someone, right..."

It's better to spend a lot of effort to get a champion...

Even though he thought so, Baiyunlou replied with a smile: "It's not difficult...but senior brother has to hurry up and wake up Feiyang, let him wake up, and prepare for the next imperial examination."

"Senior brother, hurry up, junior sister also has to go back and change clothes to prepare. I have been begging my father... to my father for a long time before I agreed to watch the palace examination."

After saying that, Xia Chaoyang took Senior Sister Ziyan's hand, and the two of them split their souls and fled towards the Daxia Palace below the smoke cloud.

"Don't let my junior sister down..." Looking towards the place where the two junior sisters fled, Bai Yunlou heard Ziyan's joking voice.

"Tanhua..." Baiyunlou muttered while standing on the cloud of smoke, moved the cloud of smoke away, took a step forward, and returned to the top floor of Mingyue Tower.

At this time, in the top floor, apart from the little fat man lying on the desk, there is also the shopkeeper Mingyue with a rather anxious face.

The big shopkeeper was holding a basin of clear water, and judging by his posture, he was about to pour it on the little fat man.

Baiyunlou approached in a flash, and shopkeeper Mingyue shook his hands in fright, and threw out the wooden basin and clear water in his hand.

It's just that when the wooden basin was about to hit the little fat man's head, the spilled clear water flowed back into the wooden basin, and then the wooden basin slowly floated back to shopkeeper Daomingyue.

When shopkeeper Mingyue was in a daze, a small nectar spell poured into Baiyunlou while waving his sleeves, and the little fat man trembled all over, and immediately woke up from his drunken dream.

As expected of the head of the Qingyun Sect, he waved his hands full of mysterious Taoism. After sighing, Master Mingyue picked up the wooden basin suspended in front of him, and said with a smile: "Young Master Feiyang, this basin of clear water is for cleansing your face."

The little fat man who had just woken up was still a little dazed, and hurriedly took the wooden basin from the big shopkeeper, put it on the desk, and said with a smile on his face: "How dare you bother the big shopkeeper to personally deliver this cleansing water..."

"Feiyang, there's no need to say polite words, hurry up and cleanse your face soberly, and then you can show your strengths in the next imperial examination." Baiyunlou interrupted the little fat man's polite words and reminded him of the imperial examination.

"The imperial examination... today?" Now it was the fat man's turn to be surprised.

"Don't be confused, both of us brothers have been sleeping for a day and two nights..." Baiyunlou patted the little fat man on the shoulder, walked towards the window, and prepared to escape directly to Mingyuelou.

Hearing this, the little fat man buried his face in the clear water in the tub, and finally came to his senses.

The two of them were ready and were about to jump out of the window, but they heard the shopkeeper Mingyue suggest: "Mr. Bai... I wonder if I can go downstairs from the hanging ladder. The farewell tea and carriage have been prepared in front of the building, and they can be rushed after a cup of tea." To the outside of the palace..."

After thinking about it for a while, Baiyunlou already knew the big shopkeeper's intentions, and secretly praised him, as expected of a businessman, but he didn't shirk, and pulled up the little fat man and walked towards the hanging ladder.

The three of them came downstairs by the mechanical floating ladder, but the hall on the first floor was full of drinkers who came to watch the fun.

Shopkeeper Mingyue explained the origins of these drinkers in a few words.

Most of them were the drinkers of that night. After hearing the mysterious voice of recitation, they were all very curious about the identity of the guests on the top In addition, the shopkeeper Mingyue took advantage of the publicity, saying that the guests on the top floor were ready to drink. Participating in the palace examination, one pass ten ten pass one hundred, and it became such a situation.

Fortunately, these drinkers were very disciplined in Mingyue Tower and took the initiative to make way for the three of them.

Walking to the front of the building, there was even an incense table and tea prepared, Baiyunlou smiled freely, the energy around his body was circulating, he raised his hand to take a cup of tea, and drank it with his head raised.

The little fat man followed suit, drank a cup of tea, and followed the elder brother into the imposing open carriage at the door.

There was a well-dressed coachman driving the carriage, and when he saw the two sitting still, he yelled loudly, and drove the carriage towards the center of the imperial city.

On the brisk carriage, seeing the red-walled and golden-roofed palace getting closer in the distance, the little fat man suddenly panicked.

"Eldest senior brother, I thought I would have one more day to spare, so I would temporarily look through the masterpieces of the palace examinations from previous years, what should I do now..."

"What are you afraid of? The soldiers are here to cover the water and the soil. Brother, I have been in a deep sleep until this morning. I have fallen behind in yesterday's practice. Why don't I look at the way, and I will go and make up for it..."

"Just this cup of tea..." The little fat man replied a little speechlessly, but his mind was a little more stable.

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