After watching for a long time, Baiyun Tower gradually realized that to maintain the penetration of this hidden orifice, Emperor Xia had to find a way from himself.

After several times of thinking, Baiyun Tower looked at the Pillar of Destiny above Emperor Xia's head.

The golden pillar of luck is extremely condensed, soaring to the sky, connected with the popularity of the entire imperial city of Kyoto.

If it is cut off, it is estimated that it can support the penetrating shape of the hidden orifice, but if it is really necessary to cut it off, Baiyunlou really can't do it for a while.

Let's not talk about the consequences of cutting off this luck, such a concentrated luck may be difficult to achieve with only a small amount of Dao Slashing Sword Intent.

After watching for a while, Baiyunlou couldn't help but his eyes lit up. This golden pillar of luck cannot be moved, and the colorful luck attached to it may be usable.

During the palace examination, Baiyun Tower wrote an article from Hui Ce Wen, a sword intent cut off half of the luck, and the other half was attracted here by the luck pillar above Emperor Xia's head.

After half a day of refinement, the five-color luck has already been contaminated with the aura of Emperor Xia, but it has not been completely integrated into the beam of luck. After deduction, it seems to be suitable at this time.

While thinking about it, Baiyunlou didn't hesitate any longer, and turned his gaze directly, accumulating a very concentrated Dao-slashing sword intent.

Under the control of the powerful spiritual consciousness, this Dao Slashing Sword Intent displayed the sword move of the Piercing Sword Intent.

Not only stripped half of the multicolored luck from the golden luck pillar, but also wrapped it with sword intent.

In an instant, the Dao Slashing Sword Intent was wrapped in the hidden orifice near the dantian where the multicolored luck escaped.

As the Dao Slashing sword intent dissipated, the five-color luck smoothly attached to the blood crystals in the secret aperture.

Slowly withdrawing the true qi line, seeing that the multi-colored luck supported the already connected breath channel in the secret hole, Baiyunlou secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that the multicolored luck will slowly dissipate after it leaves the golden luck pillar, but the progress of this dissipation is extremely slow.

After thinking about it for a while, the magic weapon of the sundial came out of Baiyun Tower, and the spiritual thought penetrated into it, and began to deduce it.

This method of inference is a function of the sundial magic weapon, which can simulate the changes of a thing over time.

With the current spirit power of Baiyun Tower, it can only be deduced to roughly change within a year, but it should be enough.

After some deduction, Baiyunlou was completely relaxed.

For three months, this five-color luck can last at least three months, which should be enough in my opinion.

However, just now, under the induction of thoughts, Baiyun Tower gave birth to an extremely mysterious feeling.

It's just that the method of Tongqiao can only be used on Emperor Xia once, this thought is clear and definite.

Thoughts of Heaven...

In a blink of an eye, Baiyun Tower already understood the reason. This sundial magic weapon was refined by sister Xiao, and it was originally a part of the way of heaven.

Thinking of this, Baiyun Tower immediately regained consciousness, calmed down, held a sundial magic weapon, turned to look at the boundless world, and sighed: "Our human race is born, and reproduction is the top priority. Only when the population is prosperous can we live together. Prosperity, prosperity of the country."

After saying that, Baiyun Tower immediately felt that his mind was clear, and his soul seemed to be more compatible with this human world.

"What Yunlou said is good..." Emperor Xia noticed that the hidden trick had been penetrated. Surprised, he immediately came back to his senses and stood up. Hearing the emotional words of Master Bai, he responded casually.

"It's still Yunlou's supernatural powers, which actually penetrated the hidden acupoint. This emperor feels unprecedented ease, haha..." The breath around him circulated, and Emperor Xia laughed freely.

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou still sighed softly and said: "There is one thing that I have to tell Emperor Xia, the power of the rules of the royal bloodline is too strong, and Yunlou can only maintain the hidden secret for three years. The smoothness of the month."

Hearing these words, the qi around Emperor Xia's body froze for a moment, then resumed in an instant, and then he said with a smile: "Three months... that's enough, haha..."

To be so open-minded, Baiyunlou secretly praised, and then continued: "Emperor Xia..."

"What else is it called Emperor Xia? Let's call it Emperor Father..."

Hearing these words, Baiyunlou couldn't help being taken aback, he didn't expect Lord Xia Emperor to be so happy.

This address, Baiyunlou would not refuse, and he shouted casually: "I have seen my father..., uh..., what did Yunlou want to say just now..."

"Haha, don't worry, think slowly..." Emperor Xia replied with a smile on his face.

To soothe his fluctuating mood, Bai Yunlou recalled what he had just said this time, and immediately said: "Father, Yunlou just vaguely felt that this method of unblocking the meridian is restricted by the law of heaven, and can only be used once."

Emperor Xia didn't react too much when he heard the words, but said indifferently: "It's not early at this time, I just remembered something, and I have to explain something to Feiyang."

After saying that, Xia Huang's figure flashed, and he fled down from the midair.

As soon as Fang Yi landed in front of the steps of the Izumo Palace, he sensed that the Baiyun Building was approaching. With a wave of his sleeve, Emperor Xia waved a portal, and then stepped forward.

At this time, the Izumo main hall was bustling with activity, and the seven imperial concubines were still joking about the little fat man.

The little fat man was coping sullenly, when he suddenly saw Emperor Xia and senior senior brother walk into the hall, as if seeing a great savior, he suddenly stood up and saluted.

Emperor Xia waved his hand and said: "How can there be so many rules in this Izumo Palace... Feiyang, just now the emperor remembered something. The saint of Qingqiu has rushed to the imperial city of Kyoto today. I heard that you are quite familiar with her. If you If you're free tomorrow, I'll leave the job of reception to you."

"I'm free tomorrow, I'm free tomorrow..." The little fat man responded repeatedly.

"It's late today, go back to rest early, don't miss tomorrow's schedule." The old **** Xia Huang said on the ground.

Hearing this, the little fat man responded, turned around and was about to leave, but was grabbed by Baiyunlou.

"What's the rush, wait for the senior brother to be with you... the etiquette of farewell is always indispensable."

After finishing Baiyun Tower first saluted and bid farewell to the concubines, and raised his hand to send out a magic weapon about the size of a foot, which was the magic weapon Liu Guang.

This streamer magic weapon was personally refined by Master Bai, and it can also manifest a light curtain of Zhang Xu square inch, but it is very small in size and extremely convenient to use.

You only need to insert the streamer jade plate, and you can directly open the magic circle, manifesting the image and sound in the jade plate.

In addition to the magic weapon Liuguang, Baiyunlou also took out a stack of Liuguang jade plates and gave them to the seven imperial concubines respectively.

These streamer jade plates have been stored by the Baiyun Tower into the beauty of the world, the East China Sea, the North Sea, the desert sea, Mount Tai Xuanyin and Kunlun Mountain. The beauty of dozens of places should be enough for these seven imperial concubines to look at for a while.

Knowing that the Emperor Xia had important matters to do tonight, Baiyun Tower specially asked Junior Sister Ziyan to help find a suitable place to place the Magic Treasure of Flowing Light, and teach the ladies how to use it by the way.

Hearing about such a novel treasure, the concubines and concubines waited impatiently. After praising Mr. Bai, they picked up Liuguang magic weapon, pulled up Zi Yan, and went to the side hall to fiddle with it happily.

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