In order to be suitable for different scenarios, at least two kinds of sound magic weapons need to be refined.

One is the strong-sound type, and one set is enough for each village. The strong-sound type sound display magic weapon can strengthen the received shock waves, and borrow the power of the magic circle to enhance and manifest the rhythm.

This magic weapon for displaying sound is used to announce emergency, and its sound spreads all over the villages and small villages.

Another type of magic weapon for displaying sound is the popular type. Everyone deduces that this kind of magic weapon for displaying sound may be available to everyone in the future.

As for the formation base of the forte-type magic weapon, it didn't take much time to finalize it after many rounds of material selection.

This array base only needs to use ordinary jade, seal the upper array pattern, and inlay a low-grade spirit stone and it can be used for a long time.

The most important sound-representing tympanic membrane, after many trials, finally found a kind of spiritual material, which is very suitable, and it is the spiritual material refined by the mermaids of the East China Sea—绡.

The silk is extremely dense, light, thin, and full of toughness. The eardrum used as a magic weapon for sound display not only has pure sound quality, but also is not afraid of the sun and rain.

It's just that this kind of spiritual material is unique to the merman race, and the stock is also limited. Even if the merman race tries their best to refine it, it can barely be enough for the sound-type magic weapon.

Therefore, it is impossible to apply the universal sound display magic weapon.

The universal type sound display magic weapon does not need to arrange a magic formation, as long as the special formation pattern is engraved, it can receive the invisible shock wave transmitted from the main formation base.

After a little experimentation, everyone unanimously chose the most common bluestone as the foundation of the popular magic weapon.

Bluestone can be seen almost everywhere in Daxia, and ordinary monks can easily refine and carve seals, so it is not difficult to popularize it.

But it is the choice of material for the tympanic membrane of this popular magic weapon that makes the research department headache and trouble.

There are a lot of materials used, and most of the spiritual materials are not bad when used, but they all have one thing in common, that is, none of these spiritual materials can support the consumption of the entire human world.

Even the Dimo ​​of the mortal world was tried, but the Dimo ​​was not tough enough, and the wanton cutting of bamboo would hurt the harmony of the sky, so in the end this method was rejected by everyone.

However, this problem was finally solved by the brainstorm of the academy disciple Yu Tong.

Nowadays, the papermaking technique of Great Xia Kingdom has long been popularized. Although the paper used in daily life is too thick and not suitable for it, as long as the technology is improved to produce thin and tough paper, the problem of the eardrum may be solved.

Of course, there is an obvious disadvantage of using paper to make eardrums, that is, it is not resistant to water, as long as it is slightly contaminated, the sound display function of this magical instrument will be useless. I rejected it in my mind.

But when Yu Tong proposed this plan and gave a reason, almost all the colleagues in the research department came to their senses and said that it was a great opportunity to give it a try.

This paper is not water-resistant, but as long as the wooden ring that fixes the eardrum is made into a mechanism that is easy to disassemble, once the eardrum is damaged, just replace it.

In this way, the obvious flaw of fear of water is not a problem at all.

The materials for the two types of sound-sounding magic weapons were finalized, and in the end, Master Bai personally refined the prototype of the magic weapon.

Among them, the forte-type magic weapon looks quite like a double-sided big drum, and its sound can be transmitted for several miles when it is set up.

And the popular type of sound display magic weapon is only the size of a palm, like a single-sided snare drum, placed in the courtyard of a house, the sound can be transmitted for several feet, which is enough.

In order to avoid disturbing the daily life of ordinary people, an exquisite mechanism is placed on this popular magic weapon, and the sound display magic weapon can be turned on and off by gently turning the chassis of the magic weapon.

At that time, there was no suitable paper, so Master Bai used his sword directly to cut the cloud pattern paper into two layers, which was of no use.

Now half a month has passed, and the improved thin and tough cloud pattern paper has already been developed.

For the group of young disciples in front of them, this experience not only has the task of setting up the formation foundation, but also popularizing the magic weapon of sound display is the top priority.

It happened that Xiaojing was also there, and Baiyun Tower simply passed on a message, telling the story of next year's Kyushu Palace Examination.

Hearing these words, Xiao Jing immediately understood the key points, gathered a group of academy students together, and ordered them again.

The matter of publicity is of course important, and the academic work of the academy cannot be left behind.

Next year's general examination must go all out, everyone strives to be the first, breaks into the palace examination, and lives up to the name of the academy students.

All the disciples of the academy responded in unison, full of vigor, and seeing Father Bai beside him was also inexplicably excited.

Especially when he heard that this year's champion in the imperial examination had aspirations to come to Luoshui County's main post station to help Chaoyang Post post proofread and review, Father Bai was even more enthusiastic.

He turned around and walked towards the study, saying that he had to prepare well.

"Father, I won't bid farewell to you later..." Bai Yunlou greeted his father from behind.

"What do you want to say? With your ability, you can go back as soon as you want, go and do your own work." While talking, Old Bai had already entered the study room to retreat.

Baiyunlou smiled and walked into Auntie's room. The koi carp and the green ants were accompanying them, making the room as clean as new.

Chatted with A Niang who was sitting on the couch, looked at Xiao Ziwen who was still sleeping for a while, and couldn't help touching his chubby face.

Seeing it, the little koi on the side frowned slightly but didn't say anything.

A Niang smiled and pushed the eldest son's hand away, and smiled: "Why do you love to touch the baby's little face, if you touch it too much, you will drool..."

"Have you seen this jade talisman and that little jade bracelet?" A Niang gently took out a creamy and round white jade talisman from Xiao Ziwen's underwear, her words were a little showy.

Baiyun Tower had already noticed it, and replied with a smile after hearing the words: "The two junior sisters have really put in a lot of thought, with these two fairy things, my younger brother will definitely eat well and sleep soundly."

"It goes without saying that since Xiao Chaoyang and Xiao Ziyan came yesterday, Xiao Ziwen has been very good..." A Niang said with a smile on her face The smile in her eyes seemed to be aimed at Xiao Ziwen, But Baiyunlou understood that most of them were aimed at the two junior sisters.

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou asked softly: "Aniang knows Xiao Chaoyang's identity?"

A Niang replied in a warm voice: "I found out last night. Your father held back for half the night, but finally he couldn't hold it back... He said it in a mysterious way, but it really surprised my mother."

"That well-behaved little figure, who yelled at each other, never thought that she was the eldest princess of the Great Xia Kingdom."

"But the two of you, my mother, have already seen it. You both pretend to be each other in your heart. One doesn't regard herself as a princess, and the other has long regarded the other party as a princess. This identity is not a problem."

"Yunlou, it seems that you have the intention of traveling far. If you have something to do, just let go and do it. There are koi and green ants at home, so there is nothing to worry about."

"Why don't you take the green ants out for a walk and stay at home all day so you don't get bored."

Hearing what A Niang said, Green Ant, who has always been depressed, couldn't help shaking her head.

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