Immortal mist filled the air in front of my eyes, and the fragrance of fairy lotus beside me was pleasant.

The tentacles were warm and cool, and Baiyun Tower finally woke up. It turned out that when An Ran was sleeping, the Jasper Lotus Pond floated unknowingly.

Gently stroking the delicate and tender pink fairy lotus on the side, Baiyunlou felt at ease, and stood up smoothly.

The spirit spring on the small clothes turned into clouds and scattered, and the fairy clothes emerged above the main body. With a flick of Baiyunlou's sleeves, he **** his long hair and stepped barefoot on the still waves of Yaochi.

Take a step to ride the wind, the air is elegant and extraordinary.

"Changfeng tens of thousands of miles, take me to Xizhou..."

With the agile and clear singing voice, Baiyunlou floated away from the fairyland of Yaochi.

After a while, there was movement in the quiet fairyland of Yaochi.

The pink fairy lotus beside the jasper lotus pond suddenly turned into a cloud of fairy mist, and the fairy mist dispersed, revealing a delicate and charming figure, it was Xia Chaoyang with a small red face.

Patting his heaving chest, Xia Chaoyang exhaled a long breath, it seemed that he was exhausted just now when he held his breath.

"Sister Ziyan, brother seems to have improved his cultivation..."

As soon as the voice fell, a beautiful and beautiful figure walked out of the fairy mist beside him, it was Dongfang Ziyan.

"There is no hindrance in the heart, and the practice is much faster. Not only has he cultivated the body of the earth fairy, but the soul has also become stronger."

Hearing Senior Sister Zi Yan's words, Xia Chaoyang said in surprise, "It turns out that senior brother has cultivated the body of an Earth Immortal, and the soul has reached a few pavilions..."

"There are more than three pavilions..." Zi Yan replied indifferently.

"Wow, I also sensed this, sister Ziyan, you are too good..., where has the junior sister practiced?"

"Half pavilion."

"Ah... so slow, junior sister has been cultivating very hard..." Xia Zhaoyang was a little discouraged when he heard this.

Dongfang Ziyan gently took Junior Sister Xia's hand, and said with a smile, "When the soul is in the state of distraction, it will be extremely difficult to cultivate. If Junior Sister is not afraid of hard work, sister has a method, and the effect of refining the soul is very good."

"Where are you going? It can't be the Fierce Sun Wonderland." Xia Chaoyang seemed to have lingering fears about the Fierce Sun Wonderland.

"It's the Fierce Sun Wonderland."

"Junior Sister also tried it last time. The scorching sun was too scorching. It took only half a day, and everyone was smoking. They can't be covered with fairy light, so they won't be tanned..." Xia Zhaoyang replied in a nasty voice.

"Brother's soul is here." Zi Yan replied indifferently.

"Then why don't you try it again, if it smokes, it will smoke, as long as it doesn't catch fire..."

Dongfang Ziyan couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing, and replied softly, "This time I realized the Tao in Yaochi, and realized the true meaning of Bing Xin's true formula. One of them has the supernatural power of Bing Xinquan, which should be able to help my junior sister practice."

"Bing Xinxinquan, it sounds so cool, Sister Ziyan, let's set off now, go to the Lieyang Wonderland to refine the soul..."

While speaking, Xia Chaoyang directly pulled Senior Sister Zi Yan, and fled towards Yaochi Fairyland.

After a quick escape through the void, the two came to the top of Kunlun Xu Peak, and without the slightest hesitation, they fled into the Fierce Sun Wonderland.

"Wow, brother's soul-splitting body actually went to a meteorite within 30 pieces. I don't know where the main body can go?" Xia Chaoyang, who was secretly watching, whispered to Senior Sister Ziyan.

Zi Yan watched intently for a while, and sensed the remaining energy on a meteorite block, and said softly, "The ninth block."

"It's so powerful... Junior Sister, I have already cultivated the body of an Earth Immortal, but I can only go to the fifteenth meteorite..."

"Senior brother, he has innate spirit, and he trains here day and night, so he must get used to it." Zi Yan comforted a few words in a soft voice.

After pondering for a while, Xia Chaoyang said firmly, "From today onwards, we will have **** with this Fierce Sun Wonderland, Sister Ziyan, let's start now."

After saying that, the two souls escaped from their bodies, sensing the burning sun, they couldn't help trembling twice.

Dongfang Ziyan also split a soul, and the Xuanyin soul pulled up Xiao Chaoyang's two souls, fled to the seventieth meteorite, absorbed the pure Yang immortal energy, and concentrated on refining the soul.

The bodies of the two went to the fifteenth meteorite together, concealed their bodies, and began to refine their bodies.

Lieyang Immortal Territory is also very quiet. Compared with Yaochi Wonderland, it is much more monotonous.

There are no rare and rare fairy grasses that are full of vitality, and there is no misty fairy mist with extraordinary aura. There are only a group of meteorites that are silently rotating in the scorching sun.

All of a sudden, there was a curl of green smoke from a meteorite block, and Xia Zhaoyang's body and soul felt extremely anxious after closing the body of the fairy light.

After all, Xia Chaoyang, who possesses the veins of extreme wood, is indeed somewhat unbearable in such a strong true meaning of Lieyang.

At this moment, a trace of coldness emerged out of thin air in his mind, and gradually, this trace of coldness filled Xia Zhaoyang's mind like a spring.

Sister Ziyan's magical power of icy heart spring is really powerful, Xia Zhaoyang suddenly felt much better, although the scorching sun is still there, but it is finally bearable.

There is a scorching sun outside, and an ice heart spring nourishing inside. Xia Zhaoyang suddenly realized what it means to have two heavens of ice and fire.

Under the refinement of these two extremely alternating feelings, Xia Zhaoyang gradually adapted, as if he was extremely tired and fell into a deep sleep.

In a trance, Xia Zhaoyang's extreme wood veins showed signs of transformation under repeated torture.

The little flower spirit who was hiding in the Consciousness Sea Flower Palace to enjoy the coolness suddenly felt something, and couldn't help being refreshed, Yuqi Xianguang directly escaped from the Consciousness Sea Flower Palace.

Holding a small lotus-leaf umbrella, Xiaohualing stared intently at Sister Chaoyang's dharma body. The more she looked at it, the more pleased she was. The little master's cultivation veins finally began to change.

A trace of innate wood qi is derived, nourishing the major meridians and acupoints by itself.

The congenital wood veins are gradually taking shape!

The little flower spirit who was watching cheerfully suddenly lightened her hand, and the small lotus leaf umbrella shattered and scattered. The true meaning of the scorching sun here was too strong, and it was directly scorched and scorched.

Xiao Hualing murmured, and with a flash of figure, she fled back to the cool Sea of ​​Consciousness Flower Palace.

With the innate wood veins, it is possible to directly borrow the immortal energy to cultivate.

Immortal Qi of Yimu..., Xiao Hualing thought of this, and hurriedly waved his little hand to gather the immortal Qi of Yimu that remained in the Flower Palace.

"That's all, I have to hurry up and cultivate..."

While thinking about it, the little flower spirit photographed the medicine garden that was shining with fairy lights, and flew to a corner, concentrating on cultivating a small seedling that was only half a foot high.

When Xia Zhaoyang was slowly transforming into a deep sleep in the Fierce Sun Dameng also fell into an epiphany on the top of a tall mountain.

After being teleported from the Kunlun Immortal World, Baiyun Tower did not stop, and directly activated the teleportation array, and escaped to the Fenglei Cave in an instant.

The reason for the eagerness is that the main body sensed that the soul wandering in Xizhou had an epiphany.

This division of the soul is originally what Baiyunlou stayed in the mortal world to practice and temper his mind. It seems that after more than 20 days of traveling, it has finally come to the harvest period.

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