The seventh day of work in the new year.

Lin Yao finally recovered from the vacation syndrome and fully entered the working state...

She began drawing the floor plan of the Dark Souls map.

Now the scale of Lin Mu Studio is not small, and Lin Yao no longer needs to do many things by herself.

But "a lot" has nothing to do with it.

Planning will not work.

Generally speaking, art is fine, but the art department of Linmu Studio is full of talents, if it is not possible, it can also be outsourced.

But ordinary art materials can be handed over to other art teams or other staff in the studio.

But the map is really not good.

This is not simply a matter of drawing well, it already belongs to the category of design.

Especially the exquisite Little Garden map of "Dark Soul"... only Lin Yao can do it.

Even Lin Yao.

It's actually quite painful to draw...

The next two days.

Maps are drawn one by one.

Lin Yao spends almost all her time on it.

no way.

Even if you have played the map of Black Soul 1, it is quite complicated to draw, especially the map of Sick Village.

Lin Yao hugged her head more than once and sighed...

It's really too messy and complicated.

But fortunately, with the assistance of the apocalypse state, although it was painful, I finally drew it...

And the third day, in the afternoon.

Lin Yao finished the last map plan of Little Lund, and was about to draw some important characters of "Dark Soul" to change her mood.

Zhu Nianqiao came to the door.

And brought a message.

A Pokémon experiment that started preparations last year.

We've reached the finishing touches.

"Senior sister, Pokémon has come to the end! Would you like to go up and try it out?"

Zhu Nianqiao ran over excitedly, took Lin Yao's arm and wanted to take her to the console product department.

"I won't try it now, let's finish it after a while." Lin Yao was held in her arms, and after a moment of stupefaction, she glanced at the painting on the table and shook her head slightly.

"Don't you really want to play? I feel that although the gameplay given by the senior sister is simple, it is unexpectedly interesting!"

"After all, games are more than just a cinematic experience, wait until you have time."

"Oh... the game will be announced?"


Hearing Zhu Nianqiao's question, Lin Yao paused.

For a game, publicity is also very important, and even the publicity of a game is directly proportional to the quality of the game.

The escort masterpiece of Linmu Studio has not been announced on a large scale before, which is hard to say.

Moreover, the announcement of the game LOGO in the next 30 days also earned enough attention...

Now that the Peria handheld is not popular, and the pre-sale of the console of Linmu Studio has also been a great success, there is no need to hide it anymore.

"To announce, but not now."

Lin Yao thought for a while, and replied: "After a while, I will summarize the third-party games of Greenlight makers, and at the same time add the "Dark Soul" that the PC department is currently working on, and publish it as a whole.

It just happened to give the host players a reassurance, telling them that we have not only prepared escort masterpieces, but we have so many games in the first half of this year! "


Time, enter March.

The "Dark Souls" project team is officially on the right track.

Because of the plan for the completion mechanism, the game engine, the experience of the staff, and because of Lin Yao... and because of the preparations made years ago, the progress of the game is very fast.

The Northern Undead Hospital has completed its modeling, and the foundation for the Undead Town outside the city has been laid.

"Unexpectedly, even the initial map has so much thought, and there are hidden bosses..."

The project team of "Dark Soul" is the production team that made "The Witch" before.

So Chen Qiuwen is still in charge.

He looked at the map with detailed annotations in the planning book, and then compared the completed modeling. After sighing, he had to be convinced.

Who would have thought that a map could play like this!

Where "Dark Soul" players start the game, on the left side is the real BOSS of this initial map, and even when the player passes by, they can still see the huge shadowy figure.

But the player can't beat it.

Players have to defeat the boss on the upper floor, walk out of the initial map, and return to the Northern Undead Court after fulfilling the conditions before they can meet the real boss of the initial map—the stray demon.

It's not about respawning monsters, but there are two bosses at the very beginning.

Really interesting.

The sense of space of the map is full.

Moreover, this initial map is not the only one with exquisitely designed maps, and there are many better maps in the game than this one.

"It just feels that the difficulty is too high...Look at the value given by Mr. Lin. To be honest, even if it is calculated according to the fastest upgrade speed, these little monsters holding torches and looking like miscellaneous fish can solve the player in two hits. ..."

the other side.

The staff responsible for the game values ​​had a strange expression: "Boss, will players really like this game?"

"There will be."

Zhang Qiuwen looked at the staff and said decisively: "Although it is a fantasy world, it is obvious that Lin Yao is making a hardcore game that is different from "Legend of Zelda". You see, although there are magic and spells in the planning book , the existence of miracles, but the attacks of the characters are very similar to medieval knights, this style of life and death is in a flash, there is a market."

"But it doesn't have to be so outrageous... It feels like in this game, anyone can kill the player, and the game hasn't given any player a buffer time, it's a big deal..."

The staff responsible for the game's numerical values ​​continued: "I still don't understand the mob holding the torch. What kind of mob is this? A Juggernaut is about the same..."

"This little monster's alias is the Torch Juggernaut."


Lin Yao's voice sounded.

Chen Qiuwen and the staff in charge of game statistics turned their heads together, and the latter immediately showed embarrassment when they saw Lin Yao.

"I'm not kidding you, my alias is really called Torch Juggernaut."

Seeing the other party's expression, Lin Yao smiled and shook her head: "I can also understand your doubts. I actually wrote the selling point of the game at the end of the planning book. You can take a look to see if the game will be successful this time. In fact, I It’s not sure, let’s just try it once, a hardcore game with high difficulty, see how the players accept it, if it succeeds, maybe we can create a new type of game... come on!”

The difficulty of this game is indeed beyond the expectations of many people.

The player side is still unknown.

There are many people in Linmu Studio who don't understand the difficulty setting of this game.

Lin Yao knew it very well, but she didn't mind.

This kind of game, you only know the fun after you actually play it.

"..." Seeing Lin Yao's expression, the staff responsible for the game's statistics felt even more embarrassed and scratched his head.

"Is there something wrong?"

Chen Qiuwen looked at Lin Yao and changed the subject in due course.

Lin Yao explained: "I am going to announce the next game lineup promotional video this month, including "Dark Soul". I hope you can adjust the production sequence and increase the priority of Wangcheng."

"That's right, I understand."

Chen Qiuwen nodded, then hesitated for a moment, and asked, "However, why do we need the royal city? We really want to promote the same lineage between "Dark Soul" and "The Legend of Zelda"?"

"It depends on how the players understand it." Lin Yao smiled brightly, but did not give a definite reply.

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