The day "Resident Evil" was released.

In addition to "Resident Evil", there are two other hit movies.

So for many people who are not going straight to a certain movie, there are quite a lot of choices.

For parents who bring their children to watch movies, "Resident Evil" is obviously not a suitable choice.

After all, the grading of 17+ has clearly told all parents that it is not suitable to take their children to see it.

And just in time for the summer vacation, there are many parents who take their children to watch movies.

Therefore, on the opening night, the audience who walked into the theater of "Resident Evil" was indeed much smaller than that of the other two popular movies.

Mainly players with clear goals,

Of course, less is less, not nothing.

For example... Qi Xingze and Zhong Yin.

The two are roommates in the same dormitory, it's summer vacation, and they're both single.

Then meet out to watch a movie together.

Then the two finally chose the movie "Resident Evil".

Their purpose is not clear.

Although, they all know the company Linmu Studio, and they also play the game of Linmu Studio.

But they rarely go to the player community.

It's not that Forestwood Studios is going to make a movie as they've heard from the player community.

Instead, I saw the promotional video of "Resident Evil" on WeChat and was deeply impressed.

Then, we made an appointment to watch a movie, and happened to see the promotional image of "Resident Evil".

A slap on the forehead.

That's when I decided to watch this movie.

This is fundamentally different from the players who come straight.


When the two walked into the screening hall, they were quite surprised to see that the entire screening hall was full of big men, and before the movie screening, they were still discussing the biochemical mode of "Breakout" with great interest.

What does this movie have to do with the game "Breakout"?


Qi Xingze searched on his mobile phone, and only then did he know that the movie "Resident Evil" was actually made by Linmu Studio...

Even the director is an internal staff member of Linmu Studio.

"Can game companies still produce movies?"

Although Zhong Yin also plays games.

But obviously, he doesn't pay much attention to the discussions in the gaming community.

"It should be possible, they are quite powerful."

Qi Xingze hesitated for a moment, shook the Future S1 in his hand, and replied: "Isn't the phone also produced by them? It should be fine."

Zhong Yin looked around the group of players and continued to ask: "But is it really good? I never watch the plot when I play "Breakout". Isn't this a fan movie?"

"Uh... the devil knows." Qi Xingze didn't know how to reply to his roommate.

"If it's a fan movie, we can't understand it, what a blood loss! It's better to ask the girls to come out and play."

Zhong Yin looked a little regretful.

"It's all here."

Qi Xingze didn't know what to say, so he could only use omnipotent words.

And as soon as the words came out.

Zhong Yin immediately shut up.


come here...


He still added: "If you don't understand, let's go."

"Okay." Qi Xingze didn't object.

And while they were speaking.

on the big screen.

The ad is over.

The lights dimmed.

Then the iconic LOGO appeared.

The movie... has officially begun!

At the beginning of the movie, it doesn't officially enter the story.

Instead, it first gave a piece of deoxyribonucleic acid...that is, a schematic diagram of DNA.

The logo of Umbrella Corporation, the Umbrella Corporation, also appeared during this period.


Document after document was disclosed.

[Umbrella Corporation, a world business giant, covers most of the high-tech industries such as pharmaceuticals, medical hardware, and defense industry products.

It also secretly involves high-tech military technology, life engineering, biological weapons and other secret industries]


[Ancestral virus, the earliest purpose is to prolong life and strengthen the body. 】

[When acting on amphibians, mammals, and insects, they will all have a certain degree of gigantism and increased food intake. 】

[But the virus is too fragile and unstable]

Lines of the file are specially marked.

But no one explained it.

It's like telling all the audience an objective fact with a calm attitude.

[One of the main founders of Umbrella Company in the early stage, in order to improve the weakness of the virus that is too fragile and too unstable, after a series of research, Marcus believes that leeches are very good receptors. After all, leeches are one of the oldest primitive species on earth. First, it is highly adaptable to the environment.

He injected the virus into the leech...]

The last document was disclosed.

Then everything behind it was painted over with a black marker.

The audience can only learn two things from the title.

Umbrella Corporation, Progenitor Virus.

But that's enough.


Accompanied by a reasonable transition.

The honking of a car broke the silence.

The files are gradually hidden.

[July 23, 1998 Raccoon City Forest]

Accompanied by a line of subtitles.

A speeding train appeared on the screen, breaking the tranquility of the Acre Mountains.

In the carriage, the residual temperature of the dinner has not yet dissipated.

Passengers and their companions exchanged toasts and chatted happily.

The camera rotated around the carriage, and then focused on a man in a suit and glasses sitting by the window.

He held the documents with a solemn expression, not knowing what he was looking at.

The train is still galloping forward.



The sound of a mollusc falling suddenly resounded.

The man in the suit and glasses by the window seemed to hear something, turned his head with some doubts, looked towards the window, and looked around.

Music followed.

Break the quiet atmosphere.

The creepy music frightened all the audience.

Immediately afterwards.

outside the window.

The man in suit and glasses who looked carefully was suddenly taken aback.

A leech-like creature suddenly stuck to the glass.

It faced the man, opening its mouthparts full of layers of sharp teeth...

Then the second, third, fourth...

Dense leeches cling to the glass layer upon layer.

Soft bodies, mucus, mouthparts...

The man in the suit and glasses screamed in fright, and crawled away from the edge of the window.

This scene is basically the same as the promotional film.

But it was not as advertised. In order to highlight the sense of horror, the climax scene was played directly.

Instead, move slowly.

Then, at a certain moment.


Next second!

Countless leeches began to fall.

It fell on all the passengers, their faces.

At the same time, they opened their mouths and began to bite their skin and flesh.

With screaming, chaos, disorder.

Camera cut.

on track.

The train is still roaring forward.

But all the players watching couldn't help but get goosebumps...

Although the screen has disappeared.

But just looking at the train going away, I thought of the scene just now.

The audience felt uncomfortable.

Sitting in the back row, Qi Xingze and Zhong Yin couldn't help shivering.

Really disgusting.

The sense of horror is well done.

in addition.

At the beginning of the movie, it didn't give them any fan movie feeling.

They can also understand the plot.

Obviously, this should be some kind of ancestor virus,

And on the screen.

The plot continues.

[Two hours later, over the Raccoon City Forest]

Accompanied by new subtitles.

S.T.A.R.S from the Raccoon City Police Department entered the area by helicopter.

These cops are pretty relaxed.

All the while joking and talking.

There is a relaxed atmosphere.

They even talked about the situation of their other brother team—Team A.

This also tells the players that this time, there is not only this team, but also another A team.

Many ordinary viewers may have heard of it.

But in fact, this is also a foreshadowing.

Follow up.

As long as the player buys the game, the player will know how outrageous the A team of S.T.A.R.S... is.

That's a lot of talent.

But in the movie.

Team A didn't get a chance to play.

The main focus is on Team B.

In the movie, on the helicopter, the last shot was on a cute girl with short hair.

She was silent.

Through conversations with teammates, the audience also learned that she is a new member of Team B, a medical soldier of the police force, named Rebecca Chambers.

But in the laughter.

The engine of the helicopter on which Team B was flying burst into flames.

With the sound of panic, the helicopter made an emergency landing.


There were no casualties.

And the special tactics and rescue team are fairly professional.

After initial complaints, began searching the neighborhood.

And didn't go far.

Then they found a car where the troops were transporting prisoners.

But the soldiers are all dead.


Only one person was missing, and that was the death row prisoner being escorted-Billy Cohen.

A demon that is said to have killed dozens of civilians.

And this time, Squad B of S.T.A.R.S was originally here to investigate the frequent mysterious deaths around Raccoon City.

Now encounter such a situation.

Of course, the captain of Team B attaches great importance to it.

Randomly, he ordered everyone to split up and search the surrounding area to find the death row inmate.

And the heroine acting alone, during the search separately.

Fortunately, I found the ecliptic train that just had an accident...

When the train at the beginning of the movie is looming under the moonlight.

Rebecca walked slowly.

The atmosphere is set off really well.

It even makes the audience feel... the feeling that the story is about to begin.

And Rebecca, alone, walked into the train.

inside the train.

The lights were still on.

The first compartment showed nothing unusual.

Quietly outrageous.

Only Rebecca's footsteps echoed.

Rebecca explored cautiously.

She didn't say a word during that time.

Only the sound of doors opening and footsteps.

The atmosphere of terror is amplified.


Even the cinema was much quieter.

have to say.

Zhong Xiu is indeed very talented in creating atmosphere.

And the second compartment.

Rebecca finally saw someone.

Rebecca, who had received professional training, warned loudly while proceeding cautiously, allowing the passengers with their backs to identify themselves.

The camera also began to follow Rebecca's line of sight and moved forward slowly.

Finally, Rebecca and the audience saw the passenger's profile.

It was a bloody side face after being bitten by a leech.

This is obviously not a living person...

Rebecca also understood this. She looked at the corpse for a while, and then noticed that there was a tape recorder in his hand, so she bent down slowly and reached out to get it.

But she just picked up the tape recorder and looked up.

The passenger who looked terribly dead suddenly moved.

He turned his head slowly, eyes full of white pupils, looked at Rebecca, and slowly opened his mouth...

An otherwise quiet atmosphere.

The scary music suddenly sounded!

In fact, zombies are nothing unusual in this world.

After the biochemical mode of "Breakout" was launched, zombies can be said to be a bad street.

But this kind of embarrassment creates an atmosphere that is still full.

This directly made many audience members in the theater cry out.

And when Rebecca drew the gun, cursed what the hell it was, and slowly backed away.

But I found that other dead passengers also stood up and surrounded them...

This is the first breaking point of the movie.

Excellent atmosphere creation, reaching its peak at this moment.

Then Rebecca's cry for help and the sound of gunfire were a certain degree of release.

At this moment, the theater audience is immersed in the movie.

All staring at the big screen intently...

on screen.

Although Rebecca was a little flustered.

But he still pushed away the rushing zombies and shot them headshot one by one.

But Rebecca, who survived the catastrophe, just breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to leave this ghostly place. When she passed the aisle, she was attracted by the keys next to the dead body of a flight attendant.

And she just knelt down to pick up the key.

A figure appeared behind him.

It was the death row inmate mentioned at the beginning - Billy Cohen.

Then there's the regular drama.

The condemned prisoner and Rebecca cooperate to break through the level.

Of course, they didn't like each other at first.

Rebecca wanted to catch up with Billy Cohen and send him back, but her dying teammate burst into the train and told her that the forest was full of the living dead and monsters now...

While Rebecca was exploring the compartment, she also found more abnormalities.

She finally realized that the place she was in was extremely unusual and dangerous.

Billy Cohen realized it too.

The two can only cooperate.

A fledgling medical soldier, a death row prisoner who is said to have tortured and killed civilians.

To cooperate.

This relationship, although old-fashioned.

But it does... work well.

The audience watched with gusto.

Without even looking behind, the audience can guess that Billy Cohen must have been wronged.

But this thing, being old-fashioned doesn't mean it's not good-looking.

And there's more to the Resident Evil movies than just corny stuff.

In terms of disgusting people and atmosphere creation.

Wave after wave.

Like the scene before Rebecca and Billy Cohen strike a partnership deal.

In the dimly lit compartment.

An old man sat at a round table, bowed his head and said nothing.

Rebecca just wanted to go up and ask.


The old man turned his head and it fell off.

It suddenly fell down.

Without any warning, the head and the old man's body suddenly turned into countless leeches, squirming and condensing into a human form.

Then the goddess rushed towards Rebecca like a mountain flower, drowning her...

Really scalp tingling.

Zhong Xiu really didn't waste the ability he had trained in making game CG for a long time.

I really applied all my lifelong learning to movies...

And after this battle, Billy Cohen rescued Rebecca, and then Rebecca really agreed to the other party's proposal of cooperation.

But the two just struck a deal.


The train started again.

Is there anyone else on the train?

With such doubts in mind, the two people who cooperated began to move forward.


The two encountered the biggest crisis on the train.

A giant mutant like a scorpion.

And when the two worked hard to get rid of this mutant.

In the dark command room, two mysterious figures appeared.

One was wearing a police uniform and sunglasses, and his name was Albert Wesker.

The one in a white coat who looked like a scientific researcher was named William Platinum.

The two are also well-known characters in the later games.

One is the undercover agent of the umbrella company in the police force, and the other is the head of the umbrella company.

And from the dialogue and memories of the two, we can know.

It turned out that the train earlier was originally a car sent by the umbrella company to its own research institute.

But there was an attack on the way.

Albert Wesker sent a team to investigate, and after discovering that the train passengers were infected with biochemical viruses, he ordered his men to start the train and crash it...

That's why.

The train started suddenly.


Albert Wesker's men died under the attack of the leeches before the train crashed.

The protagonist, Rebecca, also rushed to the front of the train at this time.

And their primary purpose, of course, is to stop the train.

Otherwise, it will end in a car crash.


The movie draws on the level design in the game. If Rebecca wants to stop the train, she must find the brake mechanism.

During the period, you have to face the attack of zombies.

The tension is full.

It looked like it was about to end.

But fortunately.

At the critical moment, Rebecca finally finished her work.


At the last moment of the train crash.

With a huge roar, it stopped.

The two protagonists are safe and sound.


The story is far from over...

The train stopped.

The two came to a strange place.

They walked through fetid sewers.

Walked into the place where the real nightmare happened.

The beginning of the whole Resident Evil.

Umbrella Corporation's... cadre training institute!


In the cinema.

Qi Xingze and Zhong Yin finally... still did not leave.


They saw the train stop.

I really thought the movie was over.

But when I looked at the time, I realized that only forty minutes had passed since the movie.

can only say.

It was so fascinating to watch.

And the next plot.

This officially revealed the origin of leeches and viruses.

This ancient cadre training institute of the Umbrella Company is the training facility of the Umbrella Company.

It was originally to train cadres for the umbrella company.

There, the two protagonists found information about James Marcus.

He's the head of the training facility, the one who discovered the Progenitor Virus, and one of the founders of Umbrella Corporation.

Marcus devoted himself to the research of the ancestor virus, combined the virus with leech DNA, and finally developed the "T virus" for the purpose of creating biological weapons, which established a very high prestige in the umbrella company.

However, as the research progressed, Marcus's personality gradually became distorted. He was no longer satisfied with just conducting experiments on animals, but set his sights on humans...even using the company's researcher cadres for experiments.

Another senior executive of the umbrella company, fearing that Marcus would threaten his status if he continued to conduct research, sent William and Wesker to assassinate Marcus.

However, Marcus, who was shot and thrown into the sewer, did not die due to the effect of the leech queen virus, but was revived after ten years of death under unknown circumstances, and became a living body combined with leeches .

And the train crashes.

It was Marcus who used the virus in his body and the ability to summon leeches to retaliate against the umbrella company.

This is the cause of all tragedies.

This is the hidden story of Umbrella Corporation that few people know about.

at the same time.

This is also the origin of all biochemical viruses.

Later, more and more abnormal viruses will appear in Resident Evil.

But all of this is related to Marcus' 'T virus'.

Marcus is back from the dead, and now he wants to take over the world in his own right.

But two young men—Rebecca and Billy—make his ambition come to naught.

The two broke into the cadre training center.

After investigating and learning the truth, they defeated the leech queen incarnated by Marcus after a meal of ammunition.


Facing the alienated leech queen again.

One is responsible for attracting attention.

One is responsible for opening the skylight, allowing sunlight to shine on the leeches that are born in dark and humid places and are afraid of ultraviolet rays.

Completely destroy each other.

They succeeded.

Send the leech queen from the Resident Evil movie to God.

And finally.

Accompanied by the self-explosion of the training facility.

The cadre training center of the umbrella company turned into an explosion and burst into the sky.

it's all over.

Facing the sun, Rebecca and Billy narrowly escaped death.

at last.

The two bid farewell.

Rebecca tore off the dog tag from Billy's neck and put it on her own, symbolizing her approval of this man.


Salute each other.

Movies are here too.

ushered in the end.

With her back to the sun, Rebecca left first.

After watching the other party leave, Billy turned his head and walked in another direction.

In the theater, although there are still audiences who have not reacted, most of them are ready to leave.

But at this moment.

Camera pulls forward.

Slowly to the bottom of the cliff where the two protagonists were standing just now.

below the cliff.

In the misty forest.

A gorgeous foreign-style mansion stands quietly...


The movie came to an abrupt end.


Both Qi Xingze and Zhong Yin half stood up.

Suddenly, he saw a gorgeous western-style mansion appear on the screen.

But before they sat down again.

The movie goes black.

The two could only continue to get up, turned and left the cinema.

While walking, chatting.

"This... the story is not over yet?" Zhong Yin asked curiously.

"Probably not."

Qi Xingze thought for a while, and replied: "I found out before the movie started, this is a multimedia project of Linmu Studio, and there should be games."


Zhong Yin was startled when he heard the words, and then showed an eager expression: "It feels like it can be played, it feels very interesting..."

Just started.

He thought it was a fan movie.

But after reading it completely.

He found out he was wrong.

This is a commercial movie! And it's a great commercial film!

The story line is clear and straightforward.

Describes the origin of viruses.

If you want a big scene, you need a big scene, and you need a sense of horror to have a sense of terror.

The description of the emotional line is also very interesting.

CG movies don't make people uncomfortable, but compared to real people, they make people feel better!

more importantly.

The sense of horror in the movie is really great!

Qi Xingze nodded in agreement after hearing the words: "Indeed."


If games had the atmosphere of a movie...

Qi Xingze thought of this.

I was a little impulsive and wanted to play the game immediately.

Because it's really interesting.


"Resident Evil" went live on the second day.

Many concerned people immediately checked the changes in the movie's schedule data.


The data did not increase, but decreased a little.

Only about nine percent.

This... the WeChat bonus is not obvious.

Many concerned people couldn't help murmuring.

But also on this day...

A well-known film critic sent out a film review.

Not a review of two other hit movies, but a review of Resident Evil.

The title is very interesting-"The most unexpected surprise of the year, the most excellent horror thriller-Resident Evil!" ".

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