Things from Another World

Chapter 285: There is no harm without trading

The Shining Ceremony will begin on the fifteenth day of the celebration.

This festival is Yalinks. No, it should be said that the most grand festival of Prendall is also the most solemn festival since the autumn. Not only Yalink, almost all Prendall countries and cities will hold celebrations. Among them, Yalinx, where the Holy See is located, is the grandest.

Even though the Illus Empire has decayed, even though Yalinx is no longer the center of the world, it is always a sacred city in the eyes of the Holy See ’s followers. The glorious festival is naturally the most important festival in the hearts of Yalinks residents.

Therefore, many chambers of commerce started to prepare early, and the headquarters in Yalinx is particularly busy. During these seven days of festivals, the streets and alleys of Yalinx will be full of celebrations. Now, the income of these seven days alone can exceed the usual one month.

Therefore, those businessmen love and hate the glorious ceremony.

Of course, Tang En is not exempt from customs. Since he knew this National Day-like festival, he has long been on his mind and started planning propaganda activities.

Prior to this, the popularity of the Datang Chamber of Commerce was limited to the aristocratic group of Yalinks. Little is known to ordinary people. That is because the main products produced by the Datang Chamber of Commerce are basically for the aristocracy-soap, pure dew, daily necessities Although the brand's popularity has been well promoted, there is not much brand strength, and the products that symbolize the brand are too expensive, and ordinary people cannot afford them at all, which creates a fault.

But now things are different.

The emergence of bicycles can perfectly make up for this fault, thereby creating a complete customer ecological network in the upper, middle and lower layers, and maximizing the value of the brand.

Because the bicycle has a simple process, low cost, and a lot of profit, the price is only ten gold coins, so it is very suitable for promotion to low- and middle-level civilians, and the practicality of the bicycle will make them very happy to buy one at home.

Not only that, because of the addition of the elven designer, he has played a lot of tricks on bicycles alone, baby strollers, toddlers, children's entertainment models, teenager models, girl models, youth fashion sports models, calm Atmospheric models, housewife shopping models, and so on, Tang En simply learned the cold rice king's unique skills-of course, in Prandall this is not called fried rice, this is called bold innovation.

Tang En is sure that after the glorious ceremony, the bicycle will be swept across the country in an instant.

After a while, when people are used to bicycles, he can launch an upgraded version of magic bicycles. As long as enough people are attracted to buy magic bicycles, the market for magic crystals will further expand and prices will continue to rise.

Of course, the most important step is the magic car. This is the consumption of magic crystal. However, the impact of the magic car is quite huge. Tang En decided to put it after the magic bike, wait for Ellington's first promotion and use it. Launched elsewhere.

Unlike other things, the impact of the magic car is unprecedented. It will completely change the way of travel and transportation. It is foreseeable that the carriage will be the first to be affected. Many business associations that make a living from it There will be a wave of bankruptcy.

But that is not something that Tang En should care about. If he is smart enough, he will definitely smell business opportunities. Tang En is not interested in operating taxi and logistics business, and it is too wasteful of energy. At that time, this oil and water will be given to others. Right.

After dealing with Tang En for so long, Fiona also roughly understood his thoughts, so after returning to the Lord's Mansion, after listening to what promotions he wanted to do, Fiona seemed to immediately see the tide of gold coins. Coming to her ...

She stared at the golden light: "How much can I earn this time?"

"... little fortune fan."

Tang En suddenly laughed, and gently clicked on her nose, then said: "How much money we can make depends on how we are operating this time. After all, the protagonist of the glorious ritual is the Holy See, we and the Holy See are not. Having dealt with, so no preferential treatment is possible. "

"So close to the Cathedral of Light is an advantage in itself."

Fiona touched her nose and coquettishly said: "I believe that you can make a lot of money by using your lord master."

"I hope so too."

Tang En shrugged. Thanks to the elemental creatures under the leadership of Dikarios, Ellington's development speed has further increased. In addition, with the current bicycles, people's information transmission speed and range of activities have increased a lot, so The scope of urban construction has been expanded several times, and it is still being built in accordance with the blueprint of the planned plan.

The most important thing is that the roads have been leveled, and most of the main roads have been paved with asphalt, which is very convenient no matter where they go.

In fact, due to the invention and sale of the magic rig, the mining efficiency of the dwarf kingdom has increased dozens of times. If it is not limited by manpower and economic conditions, Tang En intends to start the asphalt road into Ellington. Other villages and towns went.

If this glorious ceremony can make a lot of money and raise the welfare of Ellington again, it will definitely attract a large number of available talents to flow to Ellington, and the situation will be even better by then.

"Speaking, Lord Lord."

Fiona groaned for a moment and asked: "Do you think our development rate has always been constrained by population, so why don't you agree with my previous request to buy slaves?"

Tang En frowned: "Did I not talk about this before and don't mention it again?"

"But you have to know that buying a thousand slaves is no more than 100,000 gold coins, but these slaves do not need to be paid at all and can be at their disposal."

Tang En said seriously, "Fiona, you have to know one thing."

Fiona froze: "What?"

"Without trading, there is no harm."

Tang En asked: "Now there is no major war in Prandall, so where do the slaves of all countries come from?"

"The main reason is that he inherited his father's identity and was born into slavery. Then he was the loser in the factional struggle, the refugees who were unable to survive and sold their freedom, and some of the most mixed-race races. "

"Well said."

Tang En smiled, pointed to the stool next to him, and after Fiona sat down, he continued: "But haven't you noticed that this society is changing?"


"Yes, slaves are a special product of the period when the productivity was relatively primitive. Human productivity in that period was insufficient, so it was necessary to plunder others to meet their own productivity needs. During that period, slaves were equal to wealth, so the slave trade was very developed."

"But, with the improvement of productivity, human rights are gradually being valued, so now in Prandall, slave traders are very despised-because no one likes to be a slave, and no one wants to become a slave once they fail."

Fiona thought carefully and found out that this is really the truth. In Alinks, none of the big slave merchants had a relatively glorious identity. They were ignored in the noble circle and the merchant circle. It's like living in a crack.

In fact, Dunn discovered this when he was at Alinks, and his feelings were very subtle.

Yes, this world with a true god, Prendall, is in a wonderful state of slave society, feudal society, and capitalist society. There are still slaves here, and feudal kingship occupies national sovereignty, but at the same time, merchants have begun to unite against each other The royal power is intended to seek more benefits and the right to speak. This is clearly the seed of the capitalist society.

"Slaves are also humans, especially some who are born to be slaves. Their desire for freedom and power is extremely strong, just like a long-standing volcano, which may erupt at any time."

Tang En took a sip of tea: "What I can tell you is that in this period, using slaves is actually a very dangerous behavior."

That's right, the reason why Tang En didn't use slaves was that he was worried about it.

The social form of Prandall is changing, and what he is doing now is to speed up the process of change. If at this time he countered the large number of slaves in the past, on the one hand, it would stimulate the declining slave trading market, leading to more Innocent people become slaves, on the other hand, his propaganda can have a negative effect.

Most importantly, slaves are eager for freedom, and without culture they are easily bought and used.

Of course, Tang En can buy a large number of slaves, and they can give them the freedom and respect they desire, but once they are free, once they have been used, they will never hesitate to deal with Tang En. There is no doubt about it-don't forget that Tang En now represents the privileged class of the aristocracy and is in opposition to slaves.

To put it another way, slaves need to fight for their own freedom. If Tang En was the slave owner at that time, he was on the disadvantaged side of the times. What excuse should he use to save the world?

Fiona didn't understand these things at first, but when Tang En briefly reminded her, she soon wanted to understand.

"In other words, now we Ellington neither object nor support slavery?"

Tang En said, "Although we haven't expressed our attitude, haven't we already stated our attitude in our foreign publicity policy?"

Fiona froze, suddenly remembering the slogan that Tang En wrote before.

"Ellington welcomes any law-abiding citizen to settle here. As long as you are willing to work and abide by our laws, come to Ellington!"

"Here you get everything you deserve!"

All rights naturally include the right to personal freedom!

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