Things from Another World

Chapter 696: Unexpected good

The next morning, Down and their party came over the capital of the Kingdom of Solant.

Anthem City.

The city of Sacred Song is located in the hillside of Mount Gujar, and is very similar to Taris. The whole city is backed by Mount Gujar in the north, and the semi-curved tall city wall surrounds the entire city.

The entire area of ​​the city of Sacred Songs is quite large, completely covering the hillside of Mount Gujar, and the number of internal residents has reached a million people-this number is very large in today's Prendall. It's an incredible number, and it's not worse than Alinks.

In Tang En's opinion, the planning of Sacred City is rather unreasonable, which is not conducive to the future development planning of the city. The city is built in the mountainside, which limits the future development direction of the city.

However, in the eyes of the locals of Prendall, this is the most time-saving, labor-saving and safe way of building. Backing to the mountain can reduce the probability of suffering from the enemy. The mountain has become a city's natural city wall, and it has also reduced the amount of engineering and a large amount of construction of the city wall. Consumption of funds.

"Although our Hornheim family has a stronghold in the city of Anthem, generally only the persons in charge of external communications live here. Most of the family members live in our own territory to the north."

It was the first time that Edward overlooked the city of Anthem from the sky and looked down from the sky. The original city of Anthem looked very small, and the shortcomings of city planning were unobstructed.

The most neat and beautiful area of ​​the whole city is completely concentrated in the inner city area of ​​the city center. The exquisiteness of the buildings from the inside to the outside gradually decreases, and in the outermost area, it has completely become a rundown slum.

Of course, the buildings located near the main avenues, even in the outer suburbs, are beautiful and beautiful, maybe to satisfy Klein's vanity?

"Klein is a very ambitious king."

Angus stared at the castle in the inner city and said, "I've met him once, and he made unbelievable conditions and wanted to win me over."

Tang En smiled slightly: "Why refused?"

"Because my power is not used to satisfy a king's selfish desires."

Angus shook his head and said, "I can achieve what I am now without the guidance of the gods and the support of the elves. If not ... forget it, it is a thing of the past."

Angus sighed again, skipping that topic: "Do you know King Klein?"

"No dealings."

Down's eyes narrowed so that Angus couldn't see his thoughts at the moment: "But his ambition can be seen from the name of the city."

"The City of Anthem ...?"

Angus muttered to himself.

As we all know, in the human kingdom, the Holy See ’s followers occupy an absolute number, and it is the most important belief of human beings, while Yarinks is the Holy See ’s stronghold.

However, Klein changed the name of the capital to Sacred City of Songs, and the meaning was obvious.

According to gossip circulating around the world, once Kleinmi met Pope Jessolini XXIII, inviting the Pope to transfer the Holy See to the city of Sacred Music, and to make the city of Sacred Music the new city.

Unfortunately, the Pope rejected the proposal.

No one knows the real reason for this, but the result is very clear. Klein made a big joke that the extravagant Light Cathedral built for the Holy See is now only a branch of the Holy See— —The Holy See City of Bishops ’headquarters in Bialynx also needs luxury. This is also an interesting fact about the Holy See that is widely known by the people.

After a short stay in the city of Anthem, the Morning Star car continued to hide in the clouds and flew north, crossing the Gujar Mountains, flying over the misty forest, and then they came to the Hornheim family territory, the White Mist Plain.

The White Mist Plain, also known as the White Mist Collar, is a duke of the Soland Kingdom. Its name comes from the dense white mist that appears on the plain every morning and evening, especially during the spring and autumn seasons.

In addition to the morning and evening white mist, the Baiwu Plain has no other disadvantages. Here the aquatic plants are rich, the land is fertile, and the light is sufficient. Whether it is wheat or various fruit trees, it is very good. It is an excellent food producing area.

The area of ​​the White Mist Collar is quite large. Each year, the food produced here occupies a quarter of the supply of the Kingdom of Solant. At the same time, the Hornheim family here will also provide a lot of magic equipment to the Kingdom of Solant. Therefore, The importance here is quite high.

The Hornheim family can obtain the White Mist Plain as the territory, which shows the importance of the Hornham family of the former Kings of the Solent Kingdom.

"The Hohenheim family has 26 villages, 11 towns, and 4 cities in the Baiwu Plain. The total population is over 10 million, but because the area of ​​the Baiwu Plain is relatively large, it is still broad in general. Scarce. "

"In addition there are fifty plantations, fifteen textile workshops, eighteen forging workshops, three mines ..."

"The Hornheim family has completely controlled all aspects of the White Mist Plain. All the residents here can be said to be working for the Hornheim family. If they leave the Hornheim family, they will all starve to death."

Listening to Edward's introduction, Tang En slowed down and looked down at the farmland below. Because it is located on the plain, the farmland area here is quite large, and it is very neatly planned for planting and harvesting and statistical work-this may be the occupational disease of the alchemist ?

Tang En suddenly asked, "What are those people doing?"

By noon, many people are still busy in the farmland. They are carrying a box, holding a pole in their hands, walking around the farmland, it looks very much like a farmer on the earth spraying pesticides-but Prandall clearly did not have the concept of spraying pesticides.

Edward glanced down and said, "They are spraying plant growth catalyst in the field."

"Plant growth catalyst?"

"Well, a byproduct of alchemy."

Edward explained: "What a member of the family accidentally discovered was an experimental residual extract. He poured the extract into the flower bed. After a while, he found that the flowers and plants in the flower pond grew very quickly. And it was very lush, so I wrote down the formula. Now the family named that by-product extract as the plant growth catalyst, which is widely used in plantations and farmland planting. The growth time of plants can be saved by more than half, and the results are many . "

Tang En was stunned, lying in bed?

Did you find this black technology without the help of the elf druid? Hohenheim family you are going to heaven!

At this moment Tang En's heart moved: "Edward, do you know the recipe?"

"do not know."

Edward shook his head: "After discovering the important role of the plant growth catalyst, the alchemy recipe was classified as a secret, and only the core members of the family had the opportunity to learn."

Alas, they are not stupid ...

Tang En froze, but began to figure it out.

This plant growth catalyst sounds more powerful than chemical fertilizers on the earth. If this catalyst liquid is matched with the power of the Druid, do you have to worry about lack of food in the future?

This is a great thing for the benefit of the country and the people. You must find a way to get it.

Not to mention how Tang En counted the Hohenheim family in his heart. As they advanced, a large manor house in the jungle soon appeared to them.

"This is the estate of the Hohenheim family."

Edward pointed to the Hohenheim manor hidden in the jungle and said, "Here we have to go down. There is a magic circle shelter above Hohenheim manor. There is no way to enter from above."

As soon as Tang En raised his eyebrows, the height of the Magic Energy Speeding Car immediately began to drop. When the button was pressed, the wheels on both sides bounced from the chassis of the vehicle, and then the Magic Energy Speeding Car steadily fell to the ground and drove forward.

Although Hohenheim Manor is hidden in the forest, they usually come out often after all, so a wide avenue is opened in the forest. Although the gravel road is not as good as the asphalt road, it can barely drive.

Not long after they entered the jungle, Tang En was immediately stopped by a sudden patrol.

"Stop! There is private territory ahead, and entry is prohibited without permission. Please report your identity and wait for notification!"

Looking at the equipment on the soldiers of the patrol, Tang En couldn't help feeling a bit emotional. The Hohenheim family is indeed an alchemy family inherited for thousands of years. The equipment on this ten-person patrol squad is enough to shame the former Third Army Already.

The worst of them is also sophisticated magic equipment, and the sword carried by the captain has reached legendary quality!

This is just an ordinary ten-man patrol, not an elite adventurer!

"Captain Bogus, it's me."

Edward leaned out a little awkwardly and greeted.

"Master Edward?"

Bogus frowned and looked at the manor in a worried way: "Why are you back? You should know that it was because you promised not to come back that Master Alvons would let you go, if he Knowing that you are back, you may be in danger. "

There was a gloom on Edward's face, and he shook his head and said, "Rest assured, I didn't rob him of inheritance this time because I had to see Grandpa once for something."

Tang En and Angus looked at each other thoughtfully. It seemed that Edward had another hidden affair after leaving the Hohenheim family-the obedient meaning seemed to be the old-fashioned battle for inheritance?

He was able to make up hundreds of thousands of words in the story almost instantly.

"So ... although I understand, Master Er may not understand ... Do you have to go in?"

Edward smiled, "I'm here already, can I still look back?"

"In that case, please come in."

Bogus and others gave way.

In the distance, the Hohenheim Manor is looming.

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