This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Chapter 11 As expected of Mr. Lu

In the end, Pocket Kate was dragged down.

Because Lu Fan always felt unable to communicate with the other party.

The other party seemed to always have the idea of ​​"I am the cutest in hell, why don't you like me", which made Lu Fan feel that it was extremely difficult to communicate with this creature.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems a bit strange for me to want to communicate with a kitten.

Shaking his head, he threw out his own thoughts and began to face the other two Kate who seemed to be quite reliable.

Staring at the two Kate, he felt that it would be a pity not to keep such a big cat as a coolie.

But before that, he wanted to ask some questions.

Through the memory of the demon king, he knew that creatures like Kate lived in the dead land in the north, and rarely left their territory unless they were hired by other demons.

So he asked directly, "Who hired you?"

"Kate will not betray her employer, this is our principle." King Kate shook his head.

"Mission content?"

"Destroy Master Lu's dungeon, are you Master Lu?"

"That's right. Since you are a mercenary, it's easy to say, work hard for me."

King Kate shook his head again.

"Our previous mission has not been completed, unless we die or complete the mission, we will not take the next one."

"That's it, there's no way."

Lu Fan pulled out Golding.

Just when King Kate thought he would die here, Lu Fan had already taken a stone and carved a few words on it with Golding: "Lord Lu's dungeon."

Throwing the stone to Kate, Lu Fan smiled and said, "This is my dungeon, destroy it."

King Kate was stunned.

How despicable!

Never have I seen such a despicable, so immoral, such a cunning demon.

But I have to say, this method is quite novel.

And through this method, the Kate family at least got rid of the danger of destruction.

Grabbing the stone with one claw, King Kate bowed his head deeply: "Thank you for your shamelessness and cunning, you saved our whole family's life."

"I always feel like you're scolding me... Forget it, let's talk about employment. I'm on call 24 hours a day, and I'll completely obey my orders. I don't rule out some jobs like going to the battlefield and transporting them. The salary is zero, but I'm in charge. , and the Mu Tian Liao you like is enough."

After listening to the content of Lu Fan's contract, Kate let out a sigh of relief: "How..."

"What a generous deal, right? I knew it! Poverty really limits my imagination. I really should learn from a hell lord how their exploitative methods that can squeeze out the marrow come from. For the rest, you communicate with my housekeeper Martin, I haven't finished writing today's love letter."

King Kate followed Martin out of the main hall with a mask on his face, and couldn't help saying, "Your lord is really a very strange hell lord."

"I think so too." Martin nodded, "but it cannot be denied that he is a great demon."

"I don't deny that."

After a pause, he added, "Still weird."

When he came outside, King Kate faced his own people and didn't know what to say for a while.

At this time, a soft paw patted on his back, which was his princess encouraging him to take a step forward.

Feeling the warmth from this paw, he nodded slightly, and then shouted to all Kate: "I betrayed your trust, I am guilty."

"From today onwards, I will not be the king of Kate, and I will leave Kate's group. After that, I will join Lord Lu's dungeon as a free mercenary. And you, go back! The contract has been released, you can go home .”

The Kates didn't move.

After a while of silence,

They bowed their heads deeply and said silently: We are still willing to follow you.

Faced with this kind of trust, King Kate pretended to lick his hair, but secretly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.


From now on, I will never let down your trust!

At this time, Arturia came over pushing a cart full of Mu Tian Liao, and shouted excitedly: "Mu Tian Liao is here, every cat has it, come and get it one by one!"

"I'm coming!"

"It's coming."

"This Shenmu is really strong! After using it, other Shenmu will not look good at all!"

"Sister A's tricks also made Kate want to stop, can you touch me a little longer tonight?"

"Can I call you mom?"

Seeing the subordinates scrambling to flock to Artoria's side, King Kate finally understood what it was like to be betrayed.

Fortunately, I still have my princess by my side.

Turning his head, just as he was about to say something to his princess, he found that his princess was looking at Artoria in the distance with blurred eyes, and at the same time asked in a low voice: "I'll go over for a while, can I? Just for a while Son?"

King Kate lowered his head weakly.

Betrayal is really not a good thing.

After confirming that Kate's affairs were over, Martin returned to Lu Fan's bedroom and found that Lu Fan was racking his brains to write a love letter.

"I thought 500 words would be easy, but I didn't expect it to be troublesome. Martin, is there anything else?"

"Kate's matter has been resolved, and all Kate will stay. But what about the Kate who was locked in the dungeon?"

Lu Fan stopped writing: "I can't do coolies, and I can only eat if I keep it. It seems useless. Can such a small Kate be sold for money?"

"Hmm..." Martin squeezed his chin, lost in thought.

"Understood, it shouldn't be sold for money. I remember that Elisa seems to like Kate, so I should keep her as a pet."

Martin thought about why Lu Fan made such an arrangement, and then smiled knowingly: "What a wise arrangement, I understand, Mr. Lu."

In this way, Pocket Kate was sent to Eliza's room.

After learning that this was a gift from Lu Fan, Eliza hugged the pocket Kate excitedly, rolling around happily on the bed.

"It's great, I also have my own pet, and it was sent by Mr. Lu, thank you Mr. Lu! I will make some snacks for Mr. Lu tomorrow."

Kate, who was held in her arms, was shaken dizzily.

Finally, after Elisa calmed down, she secretly conceived an escape plan while drinking the goat milk sent by the other party.

"This maid seems to like me very much, so there shouldn't be any problem with the effect of the restriction. Alright, let's activate the restriction meow!"

The restriction was activated directly, and she felt heartbroken that she had shrunk a little.

But for the sake of freedom, this is a necessary sacrifice.

Seeing Elisa staring at her intoxicatedly, she said directly: "I order you, take me out of here meow."

"Okay." Eliza replied with blurred eyes.

Eliza gently picked up Pocket Kate and walked outside.

And just when they reached the gate of the dungeon and were about to step out, Elisa fell flat on the ground, and Kate in her arms flew out of her arms, and just fell into a trap set by a player in the distance.

An iron cage fell from the sky and locked Pocket Kate inside.

Then, more water sprayed out from under the trap, making Pocket Kate wet from head to tail.

"What's going on, what's going on meow! Why can you wrestle on flat ground meow! Why is there a trap right here meow! Save me, Kate doesn't like water meow!"

In the distance, Martin watched this scene, smiled and nodded.

Handing Pocket Kate to Eliza, the "girl who can only do 70% of orders", is so right.

As expected of Mr. Lu.

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