This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Chapter 64 Improvement Plan

The professor who was called back by the players looked unhappy.

"I thought that the day when I could prove the existence of the soul, get funding, become the dean, and win Bai Fumei was just around the corner, but I didn't expect it to fail."

"Don't worry, professor. With your strength, becoming the dean is very easy."

"Your words are deeply in my heart."

"Tomorrow we will send you to see and take off your clothes, and I guarantee that you will be the dean inside immediately."

The professor jumped one meter high and sent the player on his way.

Back to the radio, he said to the player next to him, "Are you sure he said his name is Magical Girl Britney?"

"Sure. It's really weird to hear a husky man claiming to be a magical girl."

"What is Magical Girl Sweetie?" a player asked curiously.

The hypnotist who came with the old players explained: "A well-known book on the Internet, which tells the struggle history of a fifteen-year-old girl who traveled to a different world in the form of a first-person narrative. The author's delicate writing style and understanding of the fifteen-year-old The penetrating psychological description of the girl makes people suspect that the author is a fifteen-year-old girl who has read a lot of poetry and books."

"Is it that good?" the professor asked excitedly.

"Well, but some people say that the description of the girl's feelings is so thorough. It must be a dead pervert who knew how to read every day during school. After adulthood, he projected all his fantasies about adolescent girls into the book in order to make up for his regrets. He is definitely a person. Thirty-year-old magician, bald and wretched, wishing girls would step on his back in silk stockings every day."

"You're bald and wretched!"

The professor slapped the hypnotist for rebirth, and then yelled at the other wide-eyed players: "What are you looking at, I wrote it! I'm a professor of science and engineering, can't I have a hobby?"

"Your hobbies are a bit broad. Do you want to practice them yourself next step?"

"It's useless to stop talking there, now we have to analyze why this happened."

Seeing the professor who quickly entered the research state, a group of players cast their arms down.

Professor Yu doesn't care about such an embarrassing behavior of shutting up three rooms and one living room on the ground and burying himself in it.

This kind of spirit of seeing society die as nothing is really worth learning.

As long as I'm thick-skinned, social death can't kill me at all!

The professor stared at the radio, and asked after a while, "Do you remember what the Tentacle Witch has to do with you?"

"Sister... isn't it? Strange, but I feel like I am another person. I should have four wives and twelve children. Which memory is correct?"

"Hmm, I probably understand."

Nodding his head, the professor stood up and said, "It's largely successful, but there are some problems with the details. When I was transferring the soul to the other party, I was just thinking about what to update tonight, which led to the memory in part of my conception being different from the other party's." The fusion of the souls of the other party has occurred, and the memory of the other party has been confused. This involves the content of memory, it seems that my magic is not perfect."

"so what should I do now?"

"There are two ways, one is to rebuild the magic spell, but you will definitely encounter other problems at that time. Or you can directly find the priest of the memory demon god, and then ask him to help with an additional supplementary magic spell. This kind of thing is still relatively common Yes, many divine spells with side effects need to be supplemented by other divine spells."

"Memory Demon God... Is this Demon God's sect large?"

"It's a mess. Humans don't believe in demon gods very much, and it's useless for demons to remember, so this guy is like the god of pornographic books. You can buy it with a small profit. Hurry up and hold the sacrifice ceremony. I want to be with this demon god." Get in touch."

"What are the sacrifices for?"

"Although the other party will be happy to accept some slime tea, but we will cooperate for a long time in the future, so let's give something that can be sold. That, Mr. Brave."

"I'm here!" The avatar Lu Fan immediately fought out, "Do you need me to chop off an ancient dragon as a gift for him?"

"No need, just sit there and don't move, master painter, just draw a few pictures for the brave man."

A few minutes later, the divine painter's painting was finished.

After honing his skills during this period of time, his skills have become even better, and his appearance of Lu Fan, his avatar, is almost the same as that of his main body.

The players admired these paintings, and even the most picky old color skin could not find any problems at this time.

"Great painter, you can hold a painting exhibition at your level."

"Please bring some colored ones for the brothers to see."

"Stop making trouble, the task is important. Let's hold a sacrificial ceremony."

Calling the name of the memory demon god, the painting placed in the sacrificial circle was swept by a burst of strange fire, and burned without a trace in an instant.

Several of the paintings fell into the hands of the God of Sacrifice, but one or two of them fell into the hands of the Memory Demon God because of the rules.

Almost instantly, the sky above the 22nd Military Region changed, and a petite god appeared in the sky.

His body is covered with sticky notes of various colors, and each sticky note is densely filled with words, which makes him look like a walking white Christmas tree.

Holding Hua appeared here, he lifted the sticky note that blocked his sight, compared the characters in the painting with the real avatar Lu Fan, then jumped down excitedly, jumped on the avatar Lu Fan's shoulder and shouted excitedly: "Is this for me? Is this really for me? What do you want? Do you want my god? God, how much do you have to give me before you can give this person to me!"

"This devil looks a little silly." The hypnotist whispered to the professor, "Didn't he see that this is actually a devil?"

"Have you ever seen a smart demon god?"

The hypnotist pondered for a while, and found that this sentence was actually the most correct sentence that the professor said.

If it was Lu Fan's body, then this demon god would have been thrown out long ago and he would have made up a few more knives by the way.

However, the avatar Lu Fan just gently hugged the demon god in his arms, gently lifted the sticky note on the other party's head, stroked the other party's hair and said, "I think it's better for a god to be more dignified. If you really like me If so, I suggest that we start with pen pals first. Isn’t it very romantic to get to know each other slowly through words and the fragrance of ink?”

The Memory Demon God wept with joy.

"Is it really okay? Can I really be a pen pal with someone like you? How much do I have to pay to keep you from changing your mind?"

"Give me a few priests, I need their assistance. Do you think it's okay to have a fifty-word call share every day?"

"Even if you tell me to leave, I will die of happiness. I will send all my priests here immediately!"

The Memory Demon God came and left in a hurry, and sent the ten priests who were still bathing over in a very short time.

Looking at the ten priests looking for clothes in embarrassment, the hypnotist whispered, "Professor, do you feel that the current devil..."

"That's right, the old scumbag. Forget it, it's good to be a little scumbag, at least we have support. Rabbits, let's continue the experiment!"


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