This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Chapter 67 Gold's Story

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Jin is an ordinary treasure hunter.

He has neither extraordinary talent nor special family background. He came to Grolin to become a treasure hunter to satisfy his desire for adventure.

He's ready to make a name for himself, but life doesn't always give you what you want.

Because he has no special talent, he cannot participate in the exploration of those large ruins, and can only become an ordinary porter.

Porters' work is simple and monotonous.

He needs to join a team, and then help these poor guys who can't afford storage rings carry food, drink water, and search for loot after exploring.

Because they can't contribute too much power in the whole operation, they can only get a small percentage of commission, which can only allow them to barely survive in Grolin.

Unable to contribute by themselves, porters are called hyenas contemptuously, and their status here is very low.

After becoming a porter, the previous ambitions were gradually obliterated by life, and the desire to make money and go home dropped again and again, and finally there was only one thing left: to live.

If you can't afford a house, you live under the bridge.

If you can't get a wife, you go to Youying shop once a month and spend a few silver coins to satisfy yourself once a month.

If you can't eat, you can cut some monster meat, and if you don't eat it to death, you will earn money.

He has completely bowed his head to life, but life still played a big joke on him.

He was involved in Sin City.

At first, he was very excited.

Everyone's resources are almost wiped out at this moment, and everyone will stand on a bubble line and start fighting from scratch.

After accepting demonization, he began to imagine a bright future, but immediately discovered that life here is even more cruel.

A talented person can rise anywhere, and those who are luckier than him will turn into a powerful demon, instead of becoming a slightly stronger kid like him.

The limited food is constantly robbed, and the lives of ordinary people like them are even more worthless and cheaper.

So, he bowed his head to life again.

He lay in the corner, eating some moss when he was hungry, and drinking some muddy water seeping from the wall when he was thirsty, waiting for death every day with an empty mind.

As he waited to die, he saw a wondrous creature flying towards him while he was half asleep.

The other party looked only the size of a thumb, and the gorgeous appearance seemed to be a rainbow sewn into clothes. The dreamy colors made Jin couldn't help saying: "It's so beautiful."

Then, the little thing flew into King's head, and he fell asleep almost instantly.

"Jin, you should wake up."

Waking up suddenly, Jin found himself lying on the grass, the glaring sunlight seeping down from the leaves above his head, the dazzling light made him want to cry for some reason.

Turning his head, he saw his childhood sweetheart sitting beside him, looking at him worriedly.

"Kim, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay...I'm fine...I seem to have a dream."

"What dream?"

"I left my hometown, went to another place, and became an ordinary treasure hunter."

"Is it hard?" The other party held Jin's hand, and the warm feeling seemed to turn on a switch, gradually warming his cold heart.


"Do you still want to go after that?"

"...No, Luna, I have a request."

Seeing Jin getting serious, Luna also sat down seriously, and asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

"Please marry me."

The girl in front of her blushed instantly.

She immediately got up, covered her face and ran towards the distance, but stopped halfway.

In the sunlight, she turned her head and said with a blushing face, "If you promise to die after me, I will promise you."


"Because it's really lonely to live alone."

At this moment, Jin felt his heart melt.

next second,

He felt that everything around him was changing, and the whole world seemed to turn black in an instant, and then suddenly brighten up again.

"Kim, what are you doing?"

Jin, who woke up in a daze, looked at the person in front of him and said in surprise, "Mother?"

"Are you confused!" The slightly stern old woman picked up a rolling pin and hit Jin on the head, "Mother and child are safe, go and hug your child. You are a father now, cheer up!"

In a daze, Jin was pushed into the delivery room, and then saw his sweaty wife and the chubby baby in her arms.

The baby sucked the breast milk with great effort. The pain after giving birth and the pain of being sucked made the wife moan uncontrollably, but she still looked at the baby in her arms lovingly.

At a loss, Jin stepped forward, stared at the child stiffly, and subconsciously wanted to touch him.

Just as he was sitting down, the little baby in front of him suddenly stretched out his small hand and accurately grabbed Jin's finger.

The simple contact made Jin feel a blood connection, and infinite love suddenly surged in his heart.

This is my child.

This is me and Luna's child.

I have a home.

Stretching out his hand to straighten his wife's hair, he said softly, "You have worked hard."

Luna gently held his hand, and gave him a tired but gentle smile: "This is our child."

At this moment, Jin felt infinite happiness.

The world changes again.

The child is already very big.

The other party is already a sixteen-year-old boy, and like him, he has liked adventure since he was a child.

And this kid is different from me, he is very talented in swordsmanship, and he practices very hard.

Passing on what he has learned to this son, Jin seems to have seen his unrealized dreams come true in his son, and every progress he makes makes him feel a sense of accomplishment.

In addition to his son, he also has two daughters, each of which is a treasure in his heart, something he is willing to protect with his life.

Jin has given up his previous dream and stayed in the small town wholeheartedly.

Although his skill is not enough to be a good treasure hunter, he can still be a security officer in a small town.

Although the salary of this job is not high, it is still enough to support a family.

A happy life is monotonous but not boring. His gentle wife encourages him gently every day, and his children respect their father very much, which makes his life full of hope.

But an accident happened.

The news of the demon king's army of the dead made everyone panic. After discussing with their wives, they decided to leave here temporarily and go to the north for refuge.

But when they decided to leave the next day, the army of the dead arrived early.

This group of tireless dead rushed into the small town, and the panicked townspeople fled the town like crazy, and those who failed to escape were eaten on the spot and turned into dead.

Jin, who tried his best to resist, was finally surrounded by walking corpses, but to his relief, his wife and children broke out at the last moment and fled to the distance.

That's fine.

that's it.

Under the gnawing of the group of corpses, he closed his eyes happily.

he died.

But not completely dead.

After waking up, Jin found himself trapped in his former body, and could barely control his body movements.

He became a walking corpse.

A walking corpse with its own consciousness.

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