This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Chapter 66 Miscalculation

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In the plain office, Brandt finally met the manager and leader here.

From the very first moment he saw the other party, Brandt had an unfathomable feeling.

The other party has an extremely firm belief, and this belief is even stronger than Christine.

He is like a piece of burning ice, coldness and faith combine with each other, contradictory but unified with each other, giving this slime a very unique temperament.

Sitting down opposite Brent, the leader drank coffee and said, "I'm sorry, I've been too busy these days, so I only have time to see you now. You said you are the envoy of the Devil Sect, do you have any evidence?"

"Does knowing what Christine looks like count?"

After describing Christine's appearance in detail, the leader nodded.

"Yeah, that's what she looks like. And you said she started smoking, which is not a good habit, but I can understand it. We'll get in touch with them, and you?"


Brant scratched his head: "I didn't think about it. Christine just asked me to be in charge of contacting you and then make the preparations, but I haven't decided whether to cooperate with you."

"Well, I can understand. We have direct irreconcilable conflicts with the royal family, and there will definitely be a war between us. As an ordinary person, you really don't need to participate. So, do you want to go back to the land of exile?"

"I don't want to, it's too difficult there, but I can't go back to Wangcheng, so I want to live here for a while, and I'll think about it later."

"Okay, then the City of Surprises welcomes you. I will give you some subsidies as the initial funds, and you need to complete the rest by yourself."

After thanking him, Brant took a ghost spore from the leader and planted it on himself, and activated the ghost system.

The working hours here are completely integrated with the ghost system. When the residents here are working, the working hours will be automatically converted into working hours, and the whole process is very convenient.

And all the materials produced will be managed and distributed uniformly by the artificial intelligence system. The whole process is convenient and fast. Even Wangcheng does not have such a system.

Brant looked up the ghost system curiously,

Surprised to find that this thing is more advanced than I thought.

Information contact, game experience, access to AI space, query of existing books, job requirements, director's movies (only 18 years old and above)...

Brandt quickly realized the great hidden potential of this thing, and a variety of uses related to it immediately emerged in his mind.

Among other things, just a message contact is a huge help.

In Wangcheng, there is no good way to communicate with each other. When a person disappears from his sight, it is difficult to have a reliable way to get in touch with the other party.

If you want to discuss something, you have to go there in person, which makes it very inefficient to promote something.

It's okay not to touch the ghost system, everything before can be tolerated, but after seeing such an advanced system, Brandt feels that he may never go back.

What he didn't know was that the current ghost system was made using the Internet as a template.

As one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century, the Internet makes people infinitely closer, making people's lives extremely convenient, and acquiring knowledge extremely simple.

Although it also has the characteristics of constantly diluting valid knowledge and being addictive, its advantages can completely offset these disadvantages and make people's creativity a thousand times higher.

Especially in this magical world, the emergence and promotion of the Internet will further change the world, and it is one of the powerful tools used by leaders to break the monopoly of the royal family.

Seeing that Brant was lost in thought, the leader waited quietly until Brant raised his head as if he had just woken up, and looked at the leader shyly.

"Sorry, I'm fascinated by this ghost system."

"Understandable, most demons will be addicted to this thing soon after they come into contact with it, but usually after they have played the game. You just read the information and contact, and your insight is the best I have ever seen of."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"I've been to the royal city too, but that time it was under the surveillance of the royal family. I haven't experienced the life at the bottom. Don't you have a ghost system there?"

"No." Brant shook his head, "I've never seen it before."

Hearing Brent's answer, the leader nodded: "I understand that the royal family is restricting the development of technology and the wisdom of the people. I would like to ask, how do you understand the factory?"

"Factory?" Brant was at a loss again.

"It's a place where materials are provided and then processed products are obtained."

After repeated reminders from the leader, Brandt finally realized: "You are talking about the Material Temple of the Nameless God, right? After entering it, believers pray to the Nameless God through certain rituals, and then they can obtain the power of the Nameless God, and will Raw materials are turned into things we want."

"I see, so do you have a ghost TV?"

"Yes, there are thousands of channels in total. Many believers just watch TV when they go home every day, and do nothing else."

Brandt's answer allowed the leader to further confirm the management policy of the royal family.

Stupid policy.

The royal family has almost eliminated the use of the ghost system in the strata, artificially cutting off the connection between people, so that they cannot communicate with each other's thoughts.

After that, they filled everyone's brains with cheap entertainment, leaving them no time to think.

If someone could perceive the true face of the royal family through this kind of information siege, then they would either be swallowed by the royal family or hanged directly.

The entire royal city has been transformed into a cocoon for the royal family to harvest, and it will not change for thousands of years.

What a disgraceful manager.

With a long sigh, the leader said to Brant: "I finally understand Christine's intentions. Just what you just said to me is enough for me to think about a lot of things. Your existence is an excellent sample that can Gave us a lot of information. For that, I thank you."

"That...will you win the prize?"

"No, thank you for coming. I have a request, can you come and chat with me every day. You don't need to have too much pressure, just chatting. I can get a lot of content through chatting."

Brant wanted to refuse, but he suddenly became very curious about the slime here, so he hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement.

After chatting with the leader for a while, Brandt declined the leader's dinner invitation and came to his residence.

Before going to bed, he familiarized himself with the ghost system excitedly, and did not fall asleep until he was too sleepy to open his eyes.

As soon as he fell asleep, his eyes rolled rapidly under his eyelids, and the expression on his face became gloomy.

Sitting up, he recalled his performance today and said in a low voice, "I miscalculated."

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