This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 96 The Butterfly Effect

More than ten minutes ago.

On the top floor of the Tricurved Wing Building of the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, a bald Hispanic man with glasses hurriedly pushed open the door of the director's office and reported, "Director, the lion hunt failed."

The luxurious office chair with its back to the door slowly rotated, revealing an old man on it, with blonde hair and a suit and leather shoes.

'boom! '

A slap on the black desk made the bald man tremble in fright. The white old man took two deep breaths and suppressed the anger in his heart: "Sitwell, what's going on?"

"Bureau... Director, the opponent's strength is much stronger than what is shown in the intelligence."

Sitwell lowered his head, glanced at Alexander Pierce's face from time to time, and said cautiously.

"Even the combination of absorber and ghost can't deal with him?"

Taking off his glasses and putting them on the table, Alexander Pierce crossed his fingers and placed them on Erlang's upturned legs, with a bad tone.

He didn't choose to deal with the Konut family because it seemed painful, but because Dr. Zola's algorithm showed that if Nick Fury and Cyber ​​Zod Konut were not removed in advance, then their It is impossible for the second plan to succeed.

Coupled with some clues, it seems that the destruction of the branch of the Snake Shield Bureau in the Sakura Kingdom is also related to the other party.

Although the relationship between him and the Viper woman is not too close, the two of them are one of the leaders of Hydra, and they usually cooperate a lot. his face.

So the new and old hatreds are together, Pierce decisively chooses to send someone to kill the other party.

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Sitwell said, "That's right, we found Creel's body at the scene afterwards, and Ava also disappeared, so she probably died."

Hearing this news, Pierce frowned.

He originally thought that Specter, one of his strongest killers, combined with Absorber's super meat shield, would not be a big problem to deal with a guy who relied on armor to fight for justice, but he didn't expect that the two would fail, and even lost life.

"What ability does that kid have, can he defeat ghosts and absorb people?"

"do not know…"

"What about the traces of the Knut family?"

"Lost with..."

"Then what use do I need you for?!"


Sitwell, who had just reacted, felt his heart skip a beat, his back was covered with dense cold sweat, and hurriedly threw the blame away: "Ah, no. Director, I am the most loyal to you, and this is all the intelligence department's fault !

It was their mistakes in work that made me misjudge and lead to the failure of the action. "

The corners of Pierce's eyes twitched, and he yelled angrily, "Get lost! Call me Steve Rogers again."

If it wasn't for Sitwell's loyalty and decent ability, he would have killed the opponent long ago.

After Sitwell left the office, Pierce took out a small communicator from the drawer and ordered, "Let the Winter Soldier bring a team over."

Since an accident had already occurred on Konut's side, he would not let this accident happen a second time.

Putting down the communicator, but for some reason, Pierce still felt a little uneasy, picked up the phone on the desk: "Get Dr. Radcliffe ready, just say I'm ready."

He hadn't wanted to take the risk of taking this step.

But Pierce is no longer as confident as before that he can successfully execute the plan, and now he must have strong strength to deal with unexpected events.


What happened next was just like the original novel. After Captain America came to the director's office and had a bad conversation with Pierce, he was rounded up by the special service team of Snake Shield.

But relying on the intuition trained on the battlefield, he discovered something wrong in advance,

After a big battle, Steve successfully broke through, and using his hack-like shield attack technology, he successfully destroyed a Quinjet fighter, and then rode away on his beloved small motorcycle.

What I never expected was.

Just after driving less than two kilometers away, a man with a grenade launcher suddenly popped out of the grass beside the road, wearing a black mask covering the lower half of his face, with black eye shadow painted around his eyes, leaving A man with long brown-black hair and a mechanical arm for his left hand.


Facing the direct grenade, Steve only had time to block the shield hanging on his back in front of his chest, and then was blown away from the small motorcycle by the huge impact of the grenade.

'Ding ding ding——'

After falling to the ground and rolling a few times, Steve ignored the embarrassment on his body, rushed to the side with a carp, picked up the shield that fell on the ground, and blocked the flying bullets.

In fact, he doesn't have to do this, just throw away his shield and charge towards the enemy on the opposite side. Anyway, in the Marvel world, bullets have eyes, and they will automatically bypass him, just like a certain dark knight next door.

Glancing at the five enemies in special combat uniforms who were constantly firing at him, Steve felt mixed feelings.

Today, Nick Fury was attacked and killed first, and S.H.I.E.L.D. was also undercurrents, and even directly chose to attack him, and then he was attacked and killed on the way, and the person who came was the one who sniped and killed Nick Fury this morning that person.

Looking at Steve who was struggling to support, the Winter Soldier approached the opponent without any haste. At the same time, he changed the grenade and sent another shot to his good friend.


After being blown apart again and his shield separated, Steve wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and struggled to prop up his body, trying to avoid it, but found that it was already too late.

'Bang bang bang bang...'

Suddenly, a burst of gunfire sounded from the nearby woods, and five enemies who had just pressed the trigger fell in response.

Turning his head, he saw a gorgeous woman with a gray-green hoodie, long brown-red hair, and a fiery figure slowly walking out of the forest.

"Natasha? Why are you here?"

Steve looked puzzled.


Natasha chuckled without answering.

Do I want to tell him that since Nick Fury died, I have been following him and spying on him?

Instead, he skillfully changed the subject and said: "The most important thing for us now is to solve the enemy in front of us."

Picking up his shield, Steve faced the Winter Soldier in full battle: "Do you know his background?"

"Most intelligence agencies don't believe he exists, and those who do call him the Winter Soldier."

Natasha's tone was dignified: "In the past fifty years, he has participated in more than twenty assassinations. I met him once when I was on a mission in Iran. Although I escaped my life by chance, the mission failed. .”

"Over fifty years..."

Doubts arose in Steve, looking at his hands, he muttered to himself, "Then why is he still acting like a young man..."

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