This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 42: Indestructible Sword

Seeing Lu Qingshan vomiting blood and donating blood, Qing Ge smiled with satisfaction.

In the cultivation system of the human race, it is very easy for a powerful Nascent Soul monk to challenge the imaginary monk at a higher level.

When Lu Qingshan was in Yuanying, he could even be a cultivator of the Void Consummation Realm.

However, the situation of cultivating cultivators against the cultivating gods, even in the most common early stage of cultivating gods, rarely appeared.

This is because once a cultivator progresses from Lian Xu to God, there will be a qualitative transformation.

It is precisely this transformation that makes it almost impossible for the cultivator to be defeated by the cultivating monk.

Although the cultivation system of the demons is completely different from the cultivation system of the human race, there is not much difference in the intensity of each realm.

Therefore, the sixth-rank demon race, just like the cultivator of god, the combat power should be able to crush the virtual cultivator.

And he, as an elementary demon commander who was much stronger than the ordinary sixth-grade demon cultivation, confronted the virtual cultivator, and it is no exaggeration to say that under normal circumstances, it must be instantaneous.

But who could have imagined that this kind of him, facing Lu Qingshan in the five realms, would be near death in the end?

If he hadn't mastered the highest secret of his clan, the word "Bing", and with the blessing of the word "Bing", possessing the power of a high-level demon general, he would be buried here today!

The physical injury is still second, and the humiliation in the heart is the real lingering.

Moreover, Qing Ge was horrified to realize that, as the son of the Blade Demon Venerable, Xiang Zixiang had an uncontrollable feeling of jealousy towards Lu Qingshan in his heart.

This made him feel ashamed.

This kind of shame cannot be removed by simply killing Lu Qingshan.

Must make him feel pain and regret!

For Jian Xiu, what method could be more cruel than destroying his natal sword face to face?

Seeing Lu Qingshan's hideous expression and the tricky Qing Ge, there was an indescribable twisted pleasure in his heart.



Although Lu Qingshan was anxious, but he did not lose his reason.

His thoughts turned sharply, thinking about how to break the move under the current situation, "In today's situation, as long as you use a sword, you will be taken away, unless it is a means that does not require a sword..."

However, ninety-nine percent of Jianxiu's kung fu is on the sword. Doesn't using the sword mean the self-defeating arms of practicing iron sand palms?

"I can only give it a try..." Lu Qingshan's heart moved, and in the next instant, a thousand swords-qi goslings came out of his body.

Wan Jian Jue!

This arithmetic is one of Lu Qingshan's few mass attack methods.

It's just that because Wan Jian Jue's sword energy is not used with sword weapons, but condensed out of thin air, its power is much different from other tricks.

Therefore, Lu Qingshan has rarely used this technique now.

Wan Jian Jue is also useful in certain special situations.

Today, it is this special situation.

With the three zombies released from his hand, Wan Jian Jue became the only attack method he could use.

In every sword-qi gossamer, there is an incomparably mysterious edge.

And the original slender hairspring became thicker just like taking medicine.

This is because every sword-qi gosling has been blessed by Lu Qingshan with the true meaning of destruction and the true meaning of nirvana.

In the Thousand Ways of Sword Qi Yousi, the original true meaning is all blessed, which is an unimaginable consumption of terrifying spiritual power.

Even though the Taoist species can greatly reduce the spiritual power loss of the monks using the artistic conception, this trick is still almost exhausting the remaining power of the mountains and seas in Lu Qingshan's body.

Thousands of sword auras, like thousands of tiny flying swords, formed a rain of swords and shot towards Qing Ge overwhelmingly.

Qing Ge's complexion condensed.

He didn't expect that Lu Qingshan would still be able to use such a method without his natal sword.

"This guy is just like endless..." Qing Ge secretly smacked his tongue in his heart, and his jealousy towards Lu Qingshan became more serious.

But on the face, he did not show any weakness, laughed and sarcastically said: "Hahaha...Do you have the strength to resist?"

After eating so many losses, Qing Ge didn't dare to be careless, and a powerful force quickly overflowed his body.

Thousand Dao Sword Qi travels like light and electricity, and it arrives in a flash, but it stops in front of Qing Ge and does not fall, as if encountering some obstacles.

Accompanied by the sound of Qiang Qiang, the sword air spring was twisted into powder.

"That's it?" Qing Gezhi was proud, his eyes full of provocation.

Lu Qingshan's eyes condensed on Qing Ge, and he said to himself, "Come!"

There was another sword aura that exploded in front of Qing Ge.

But this sword aura was not twisted into powder like the previous sword aura, but after it exploded, there was an extremely abrupt scream.

In the sword light, a Xuanyi Hachi with a single horn was born suddenly.

Haze ignored that invisible barrier, straddling the space a step away, directly into Qing Ge's body.

——This sword aura is not the sword aura that Lu Qingshan condenses, but it shoots out from his pupils.

This is the strongest method that Lu Qingshan has left, pupil technique: Hachi.

Pupil Technique: Hachi’s initial manifestation is a sword aura, which happens to be mixed in the sky full of sword aura. With the cover of sword aura, Qing Ge is not aware of the slightest strangeness, and is unprepared. He is instantly attacked. .

Under the attack of this pupil technique, Qing Ge felt an unbearable pain in his head, as if an awl was pierced into his head, constantly stirring, and like his own soul being cut off. A piece.

"Ahhhhhh!" Qing Ge let out a scream, and the dark golden secret patterns all over his body couldn't help but dim at this moment.

Lu Qingshan's complexion also paled a little at the same time.

After casting this pupil, his spiritual consciousness was also emptied for most of the moment.

Pupil Technique: Haechi is the same as the heart sword, both of which are primordial attack methods.

Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, in terms of power, pupil technique: Hachi is far better than the heart sword, but in terms of consumption, pupil technique: Hachi is also far better than the heart sword.

Divine consciousness consumes such a large pupil technique, if it fails or the enemy has long been defensive, then it is like a mage before the battle to increase the difficulty of the battle afterwards.

Therefore, Lu Qingshan is not forced to use this pupil technique without any certainty.

Fortunately, Lu Qingshan has always been the best in timing and olfactory ability.

He was born in an extreme dilemma and once again created a glimmer of life for himself.

Qing Ge, whose soul was fatally attacked, was no longer able to stop Lu Qingshan's remaining sword spirit.

Hundreds of sword air travel ribbons pierced Qing Ge's body with the howling sound of breaking through the air.

Qing Ge's body trembled and stood still, with hundreds of tiny blood holes invisible to the naked eye appearing on his body.

Blood shot out from these holes, making Qing Ge look like a sieve.

He felt pain in his body, as if he had been cut by thousands of swords.

Qing Ge's body was pierced by the sword-qi gossamer, and his soul was torn apart by Hachi. In addition, the previous hard fight against Lu Qingshan Town's first sword, it can be described as injury and injury.

Had it not been for the powerful force of the word "army" to suspend his last life, he would have fallen by now.

At this time, Qing Ge was no longer able to maintain the "recruitment" magical powers, Wang Chuan and Taohua escaped and returned to Lu Qingshan's control.

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

Lu Qingshan would not have the slightest chance, nor did he want to repeat the mistakes of Qing Ge. He took a sigh of relief, exhausted the last trace of strength, and manipulated two natal flying swords to attack the dying Qing Ge again, trying to make up for the last blow.


With the sound of billowing thunder, with the thunder fire, Wangchuan Peach Blossom killed strongly.

Seeing the two flying swords attacking with terrifying power, Qing Ge twitched at the corner of his mouth, revealing a miserable smile, "Count you cruel..."

This is the first time he acknowledged Lu Qingshan's strength.

But this does not mean that he is ready to sit still.

At the moment when the voice fell, there was a drop of bright golden blood in Qing Ge's body, which suddenly dissolved at this moment, turned into endless vitality and vitality, and exploded in his body.

Immediately, Qing Ge's body was full of black light, and there was a monstrous devilish energy blooming.

The scarlet blood that kept flowing out of him began to flow back extremely strangely, the wound began to heal, and it was unharmed in an instant.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, the pupil technique: Haechi attacked and shattered and shattered, and above the dim and lustrous demonic soul, was Ruixia, who was shrouded in rich vitality and quickly recovered.

That drop of golden blood is called Immortal Demon Blood.

The six realms of the human race have vitality, and the sixth stage of the demon race has the foundation of gods and demons.

In this state, the Demon Race will begin to use various heaven and earth treasures to cultivate God's Magic Gate, and gradually fade away from the mortal body in this process, to build its own God and Devil foundation for the future Seventh Stage God and Demon.

In other words, in the sixth stage realm, the demons have to choose their future route of the gods and demons, so as to practice their pre-existing methods.

The **** and devil body cultivated by Qing Ge is called the immortal **** and demon body. This is one of the ninety-nine supreme **** and demon bodies of the demon clan, and it is also the **** and demon body possessed by his father, the Blade Demon Lord.

Once the Immortal Demon's body is cultivated, the cultivator's body will be filled with vitality, and he will even have the magical power to condense the Immortal Demon's blood.

Once the indestructible demon blood is condensed, no matter the multiple injuries, even if the soul is broken, as long as there is a breath, it can be instantly restored by consuming the indestructible demon blood, which can be described as profound and profound.

Of course, the immortal blood is so magical, and the condensing conditions are extremely harsh.

It takes five hundred years of hard work to cultivate an immortal **** and demon body to condense a drop of immortal demon blood, which can be said to be extremely valuable.

Qing Ge is not at the sixth stage realm, so naturally it is impossible to have the ability to condense the indestructible demon blood.

This drop of immortal demon blood came from his father and was the most important trump card left by the Blade Demon Lord.

And it was only because he was the heir of the Sword Blade Demon Lord, his blood came from the Sword Blade Demon Lord, and he also belonged to the line of the Immortal God Demon Body, so he could use this drop of Immortal Demon Blood.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, the immortal demon blood can only be used by the condensed person.

Under Lu Qingshan's endless methods, even if he used the word "Bing", Qing Ge was still forced to sacrifice his last resort-Fighting Father.

"Lu! Qing! Mountain!" Using only a drop of indestructible blood, he recovered his injuries. Qing Ge, who was reborn again and again, was in pain, and his anger was accumulated to the apex.

He, Lu Qingshan is about to die now!

Qing Ge's eyes were full of fright and anger, and he waved a huge palm, slapped hard, and slapped directly on the flying sword that Lu Qingshan had attacked.


Peach Blossom was slapped flying by Qing Ge.

But this was not over yet, Qing Ge stretched out his hand to directly grasp the more ferocious Wangchuan.

The magic energy rolled out of the hand, covering Wangchuan and obliterating all its power.

"Oh oh oh!" Under Qing Ge's control, Gu Yiyi couldn't move and was aggrieved--when did she feel this kind of anger?

"What is this guy doing?!" Gu Yiyi's howling voice sounded in Lu Qingshan's heart.

Because, Qing Ge grinned, just like swallowing the dragon sparrow before, and threw it straight into his mouth.

He also saw that although Wang Chuan was "not as good as" Dragon Sparrow, he was still a magic weapon, so he had a great appetite.

Losing a drop of indestructible demon blood is not bad, but also swallowing two magic weapons of such excellent quality, which will bring a qualitative improvement to the "black blood".

Everything is worth it!

Although if he didn't have to "play" with Lu Qingshan, in the presence of the Demon Commander Pu Qu, he could clearly take these two magic weapons into his arms without paying any price.

But things have happened, and he can only comfort himself so much in his heart.

After swallowing Wangchuan, Qing Ge did not die, but laughed and rushed towards Lu Qingshan.

He was ninety-nine percent sure that Lu Qingshan at this time was the end of the battle, but after two successive reversals of the situation, he was now like a frightened bird, and he didn't dare to be careless about Lu Qingshan's endless methods.

In addition, he has already had all his cards out, and he can't stand up to the slightest accident.

Lu Qingshan, he is scared!

Qing Ge prepared to unscrew Lu Qingshan's head cleanly.

His speed was extremely fast, as if teleporting, and he was in front of Lu Qingshan in a blink of an eye.

At the moment of the shot, he and Lu Qingshan looked at each other briefly.

He saw a light.

A bright light was reflected in Lu Qingshan's dark pupils.


In the astonishment, Qing Ge suddenly felt like he had been slapped with a stick. An abnormal throbbing pain came from his abdomen, and his whole body magic power became even more condensed.

His body stiffened involuntarily, and then slowly lowered his head to look at the situation in his abdomen.

In his abdomen covered with dark golden secret patterns, there was a little blue light, and a terrifying sound erupted in it, thunder continued and rumbling, like a volcanic eruption, and a tsunami shaking the sky.

This position is the position of the "refining furnace" in his body.

This is how the same thing?

Qing Ge's eyes widened.

The faint blue light spot was only one at first, but these light spots quickly spread and kept increasing.

That is Jianguang!

Qing Ge finally figured out the situation.

How can there be sword light in my body?

His doubts were not answered.

The sword light erupted like a huge wave.

Qing Ge's physical body is powerful, and his defenses are surprisingly good, but that is limited to external attacks, and the sword light that erupts from the inside of the body does not play a role at all.

After a while, thousands of holes appeared in Qing Ge's body that had just healed like the beginning, and the sword energy leaned out of those holes.

"I hate it......!"

Qing Ge let out a final cry, and immediately his body burst apart, exploding into a cloud of blood in the air, not even leaving any fragments of residual limbs.

The third son of the Blade Demon Clan, Qing Ge, die!



The blood mist dissipated, and two long swords appeared in the air.

It was Wang Chuan and Dragon Sparrow who had been swallowed by Qing Ge before.

"Ohhhhhh!" Gu Yiyi completely forgot that he was a sword, sobbing and crying while controlling Wangchuan to turn into a sword light, the tip of the sword moved forward and hit Lu Qingshan's arms to hug him. , "Lu Qingshan, it's so dark and smelly inside!"

"Thanks for your hard work." Lu Qingshan twitched the corner of his mouth with difficulty, and with a thought, stopped Gu Yiyi from "assassinating" the sword master.

The magical power of "furnace refining" gave the soldiers and demons the ability to refining all magical weapons in the world.

As long as the magic weapon can be swallowed into the belly of the soldier demon, it can be refined, but it is a matter of time.

However, as a magical tool in the Huangquan realm, Wangchuan, the former master of the magical power of the Wangchuan River, possessed a very special magical power.

[Clean Soul] (Passive): No magical power can destroy the sword forged by the will of the world.

The "furnace" supernatural powers that are bound to refining thousands of magical artifacts, and encountering the supernatural powers that can never be destroyed, it depends on which supernatural power is more powerful.

Obviously, at this point, Wangchuan won.

The strongest castles are often breached from within.

Qing Ge, who swallowed Wang Chuan in his belly, but was helpless to Wang Chuan, eventually became a cocoon and bound himself. He hadn't figured out what happened until he died. After all, in the history of soldiers and monsters, there is no such thing as a soldier. "Refining furnace" refines one's life to death.


Lu Qingshan did not have the slightest joy after the Yitian, Yitian..." Lu Qingshan called out.

In the old days, the sound of "Master, I am" that would appear soon, but it did not sound for a long time.

Wang Chuan was intact and alive, but the dragon sparrow that was swallowed by Qing Ge first fell to the ground with a clang, motionless.

Half of the dragonfinch's original red sword body was already stained with dazzling black.

The black and red transition is extremely dazzling.

The rich and turbid demon energy is lingering on the dragon bird, like a bone gangrene, lingering.

Light pen


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