This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 49: Wisdom Eyes and Beads

Lu Qingshan entered the third day of Yu Devil City.


A silhouette of blood was wrapped in a light, and the speed was unbelievably fast, rushing across the wilderness.

Not long.

"Here." The blood light stopped, and a figure appeared.

He looked at the city standing in front of him and muttered.


at this time-

A figure flew out from the city, "Who came from?"

"It's me, Pu Qu." Pu Qu Demon Commander replied in the blood.

"Pu Qu Demon Commander?!" The demon guard exclaimed in exclamation.

"I'm here to find my Royal Highness." Pu Qu Demon Commander snorted coldly, and his figure passed by the side of the demon guard in front of him.

The guards of Yu Devil City did not dare to stop Pu Qu Demon Commander.

Even if you dare to stop it, you can't stop it.

He had to quickly notify his superiors of the matter.

At the same time when the Demon Commander Pu Qu entered the city, two secretly peeping eyes in the Yu Demon City slowly retracted, and a gloomy voice came out.

"Sure enough, it's here."

"Success or failure is in one fell swoop."



After entering the Yu Devil City, Pu Qu Demon Commander hangs in the air.

The jade-like one eye between his brows, at this moment, a layer of invisible ripples spread, spreading to the surroundings, and instantly enveloped the entire Yu Devil City.

He glanced slightly, as if feeling something.

After a while.

"Here." Pu Qu Demon Commander secretly said.

With the help of the blood **** pupil's tyrannical exploration ability, he has already found the position of His Royal Highness Qing Ge.

In the next instant, his body shape changed and disappeared in place at a speed of a thousand miles.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of a house in the mansion of Yu Devil City Lord.


The Demon servant guarding outside the courtyard saw the sudden appearance of the Demon Commander Pu Qu, with a stunned expression, "Who are you?"

The Demon Commander Pu Qu ignored the servant, but shouted outside the door: "His Royal Highness, can I go in?"

"Come in." Qing Ge's voice came from inside the house.

Demon Commander Pu Qu didn't doubt that he was there, opened the door of the room and walked in.

As soon as he entered the room, the first thing he did was to vigilantly look at the layout and look for suspicious objects.

On the main seat of the house, Qing Ge was sitting.

He has a rebellious look, which makes it difficult to understand what he is doing.

But Pu Qu is accustomed to this.

Well, His Highness is still that Highness, still the same, unchanged at all.

Pu Qu Demon Commander thought in his heart.

"Why are you here?" "Qing Ge" looked at Pu Qu Demon Commander who walked into the room and asked indifferently.

"The Demon Feather City is under the command of the Black Sand Demon Venerable. I heard that His Royal Highness has appeared in the Demon Feather City. His subordinates are worried about the safety of His Highness, so..." Demon Commander Pu Qu put away his gaze and said respectfully. .

"I'm interested." Lu Qingshan chuckled.

"His Royal Highness chased Lu Qingshan from the human race, but he hasn't returned, making his subordinates quite worried. Why did he suddenly climb into the Yu Devil City?" Pu Qu asked inexplicably.

Immediately afterwards, he asked again: "Besides, why has your Highness been silent for such a long time?

Logically speaking, killing a virtual swordsman shouldn't delay your Highness for too long, or did your Highness have some accident? "

"Also, has Lu Qingshan's natal sword refined?" Pu Qu Demon Commander looked concerned, "Is it a fake Dao weapon?"

"What happened to An Haihou of Human Race?" Lu Qingshan didn't answer Pu Qu Demon Commander's question, but instead questioned him.

There was an expression of revenge on his face, "In his state at the time, he should have been easily killed by you, right?"

Before he left Yumen Pass, the monks sent by Yumen Pass to support him still hadn't brought back the news of An Haihou.

This made Lu Qingshan feel uneasy.

Pu Qu Demon Commander heard this, his face stiffened.

Seeing this, Lu Qingshan's heart jumped and he breathed a sigh of relief. However, his face showed a vicious and vicious look that was completely opposite to his inner emotions, and he sternly said: "You are not going to tell me, and you let him run away. Right?"

Demon Commander Pu Qu looked embarrassed: "When His Royal Highness was chasing Lu Qingshan out, I wanted to follow His Highness to protect His Highness's safety.

Who knows that An Haihou this dog rushed up desperately, just to stop me..."

"It wasn't until half an hour later that this dog suddenly used the escape technique to escape without warning."

"I'm afraid this is their conspiracy to move the tiger away from the mountain. Because they are concerned about your Highness's safety, they didn't care about chasing him down, so I hurriedly chased him in the direction where His Highness had disappeared before, looking for the trace of His Highness..."

"Trash, trash, trash!" Lu Qingshan did not listen to Pu Qu Demon's explanation, but unceremoniously scolded: "Twice, let An Haihou go twice in a row, so Waste, what do I want you to do?"

A dark cloud flashed deep in Pu Qu's eyes.

He was a high-level demon commander and was insulted by a little demon general and turned into a waste. Obviously he could not completely let go of this matter.

Here, Lu Qingshan still looks pretentious.

From the performance of Qing Ge outside Luoyanguan, he was sure of one thing, that is, Qing Ge's attitude towards his subordinates has never been very good.

So he is learning.

But that's it.

He won't know any more.

He won't know how to act any more.

at this time.

A voice came from outside the door.

"His Royal Highness, there is news about the things you confessed earlier, and the city lord is waiting for you in the discussion hall."

finally come.

Lu Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief.

Here, Demon Pu Qu frowned slightly, wondering in his heart, "His Royal Highness, is this...?"

Is there anything your Highness does not tell him, but to the Lord of the Feather Demon City, and to the subordinates of the Black Sand Demon Venerable?

Isn't this a mouse serving as a cat's bridesmaid?

"Come with me, you will know what's going on." Lu Qingshan was still angry, and was not ready to explain too much to the Demon Commander Pu Qu, so he got up and walked to the discussion hall.

Pu Qu Demon Commander's doubts have not disappeared, so he can only hurriedly keep up with Lu Qingshan's pace.

It's just that he followed Lu Qingshan, but a suspicion flashed in his eyes.

For some reason, he always felt that His Royal Highness Qing Ge today seemed to be different from the past.

But he couldn't tell where it was different.

I just feel awkward.

Shaking his head, Pu Qu Demon Commander shook his mind and began to wonder why his Highness came to Yu Devil City.

When he thought of this, he suddenly remembered another thing.

The question he just posed did not get an answer from His Highness.

Where did he go during the time he disappeared?

Lu Qingshan's natal sword, has His Highness Qing Ge completely refined?

But now is not the time to entangle these things, but after waiting for the matter, ask your Royal Highness.

Pu Qu Demon Commander thought to himself.

With so many things in his heart, he didn't notice. In the space around him, an inexplicable ripple suddenly flashed, as if something was changing.

After a short walk, the two of them came to the meeting hall.

In the hall, two people were already sitting.

Yusha, the lord of Yu Devil City, and Yu Kui, the deputy lord of the city.

The two of them sat there still, but the breath on their bodies was extremely deep.

Both of them are high-ranking marshals, and their strength should not be underestimated.

Pu Qu Demon Commander paused for a moment.

What did your Highness confess to, that the Yu Devil City was dispatched in such a battle?

He felt a little irritable in his heart.

It feels like things are getting out of his control.

However, Lu Qingshan sat down leisurely regardless of the meditation in Pu Qu Demon Commander's heart.

"Is there any news for you?"

Lu Qingshan asked lightly, but the arrogance between his expressions lingered.

Qing Ge is really a boring second-generation demon.

"Well," Yu Demon City Lord nodded slightly, and if his gaze was on Pu Qu Demon Commander, he insinuated and said: "Pu Qu Demon Commander will come, and I will be notified. I will come out of the city to welcome me personally. Where is the city?"

"It's me who was reckless, it's no wonder the Lord of Yu Devil City." Pu Qu Demon Commander apologized.

"Pu Qu Demon Commander, please sit down," Yu Demon City Master made a gesture. After seeing him sitting down, he narrowed his eyes and said, "I don't care about trivial matters."

"It's just..." Yu Demon City Lord paused, and suddenly said sharply: "Pu Qu, you are so anxious, are you rushing to reincarnate?"

what? !

Pu Qu was taken aback for a moment, but he hadn't reacted yet, but saw that the body of Yu Demon City Lord instantly collapsed and turned into a vast and endless black water.

The black water rolled out, turned into a big river, and rolled out, turning the conference hall into a vast world.

this is.......

The magical powers of the magical body of the illusion, the illusion!

This is a realm supernatural power that is somewhat similar to the Tao realm of the human monk. After it is displayed, it can create a freely changing illusion.

In the fantasy world, the strength of others will be weakened a lot.

This is not a conference hall at all!

He didn't pay attention, and he didn't even realize that he had entered an illusion that had already been arranged.

"City Lord Yu Demon, what do you mean?" The Demon Commander Pu Qu's expression changed drastically, and he quickly got up to protect "Qing Ge" behind him, and said in a stern manner: "His Royal Highness Qing Ge is the third son of Demon Sword Blade!

You dare to do something to us, do you want to provoke a war between the Blade Demon Lord and the Black Sand Demon Lord? "

"His Royal Highness Qing Ge?" The City Lord Yu Demon who launched the illusion looked at Pu Qu with a sneer, "Where is it?"

Pu Qu Demon Commander was startled and turned his head to take a look.

The sound of splashing water sounded.

Qing Ge, who was behind him, also collapsed at this time, turning into a vast black water.

I don't know when, Qing Ge is no longer Qing Ge.

"This?!" Pu Qu Demon Commander was inexplicably shocked, and at the same time he was very upset in his heart.

Although the magical powers of the illusion world are tyrannical, there is a drawback. Once the illusion world is displayed, it cannot be recovered in a short time, and the illusion world will be fixed in place during this time and will not follow the movement of its owner. And move.

This is a one-shot deal.

As long as others have the intention, when the illusion world expands, they can quickly avoid the shrouded area of ​​the illusion world.

This supernatural power is also self-defeating.

Therefore, the magical body of the illusion is not obvious in the battle of the same level, but it is just suitable for positional warfare.

As the Lord of the Feather Demon City, Yu Sha is just right to repair this **** and demon body.

Because when attacking the human race gate, he can unscrupulously cast the illusion world to cover the human race gate.

Human race monks are either leaving the realm of illusion, but that is tantamount to handing over the city.

This is in the heart of the Mozu.

Either they are sticking to it, but under the illusion of the world, the battle power of the human monks will be reduced a lot, and it will be difficult to win.

It is also in the heart of the Demon Race.

In some special circumstances, the magical powers of the illusion can also be trapped, and the wishers can be hooked.

The success rate is not high.

After all, as long as you are slightly defensive, the fluctuation of the illusion is actually not difficult to detect.

But Pu Qu Demon Commander just happened to be immersed in the huge amount of information given by "Qing Ge", so he ignored the surrounding situation for a while.

In addition, Qing Ge had stayed in Yu Devil City for three days, and he had been safe and sound, and he never thought that there would be a kill.

The last and most important point.

If Yu Demon City Lord invited him to the conference hall, he would definitely be cautious with his prudent temperament.

The problem is, looking at this situation, it is clear that His Highness Qing Ge confessed something to the City Lord Yu Demon, and then the City Lord Feather has news here, calling Qing Ge to go and prepare to report to Qing Ge.

And he just came to the Yu Devil City just then, and he just caught up with the matter.

It was just a coincidence.

Who would have thought that the murderous intent was hidden?

So, what is going on here?

On the side of Yu Demon City Lord, he was not prepared to give Demon Commander Pu Qu too much time to react.

All the black water is turbulent, rushing towards Puqu.

In the black water, blue thunder suddenly spread, and the arc turned into a snake and shot out.

Pu Qu's face changed drastically, "Guilei!"

Through the black water, he saw another figure.

It is Yukui, the deputy city master.

"Not good!" Pu Qu's face changed drastically, and he could no longer pursue the source of the matter, and burst out with a thud.

The monstrous blood rolled out from him, and his momentum seemed to be no less inferior to those black waters.

Chi Chi Chi Chi.

The blood energy collided with the black water, confronted the thunder electric snake, sneered and sneered, and was constantly being wiped out.

However, it is obvious that in the confrontation of the three, Heishui and Thunder Electric Serpent have the advantage.

Pu Qu's heart sank.

He could feel the existence of invisible shackles in the space here, which made his power of the gods and demons drop by 30% out of thin air.

Under such weakening, how could he be the opponent of the two opposing people.

You must know that Yu Sha and Yu Kui were originally at the same level as him.

"No, you have to escape from this illusion!" Pu Qu quickly made a decision, and in the vertical eyes between his brows, there were horrible energy fluctuations accumulating at this time.

He was about to break the boundaries.

"Huh, still want to break the world?" A cold snort appeared, and then two figures flashed, approaching Pu Qu.

One figure was surrounded by black water, and the other figure was surrounded by thunder.

It was Yucha and Yukui two city owners.

A fierce light appeared in Yucha's eyes, and his thoughts moved slightly, the black water was mighty, and the oppressive power in this world rose to a higher level.


The thunder snake on Yu Kui's figure suddenly left his body and divided into nine thick thunder dragons, winding for tens of miles, roaring towards Pu Qu.


At this moment, Pu Qu's long-accumulated attack has also rushed out.

A thick black light burst from his shining blood **** pupil.

Nine Thunder Dragons lay in front of the black light.

The sky was full of thunder and lightning.

A wave of black blood and flames appeared on Thunder Dragon's body, which was constantly dissolving Thunder Dragon's body.

Facing this scene, Yu Kui, who launched the Thunder Dragon attack, didn't care.

"Go." The City Lord Feather Demon next to him gave a light sip at the right time. The mighty black water turned out to be wrapped around the Thunder Dragon, and easily extinguished all the flames of blood and continued to nourish the nine Thunder Dragons. Makes Thunder Dragon's body shape is constantly expanding.

"Today, you will definitely die for Puqu!" Yu Cha said coldly.

As brothers, the gods and demons they cultivated complement and cooperate with each other.

After successfully pulling Pu Qu into the fantasy world, greatly weakening its combat power, they then joined forces to deal with Pu Qu, it became much easier.

The nine thunder dragons had already meandered for tens of miles at this time, and in the mighty black water, there were nine black dragons formed by the black water.

A total of eighteen magic dragons leaped towards Pu Qu with their teeth and claws, their huge bodies completely covering them.

Zi Zi Zi!

Pu Qu, full of blood, is like a candle in the flood, precarious.

Under the impact of the devil dragon, that monstrous blood is constantly disappearing, and there is no survivor.


After half an hour.

The enchantment formed by black water suddenly shattered, revealing the scene in it.

Yu Sha and Yu Kui appeared.

The two of them looked pale, their clothes were messy, and there were scorched burn marks on the wings behind them.

Looks quite embarrassed.

However, Pu Qu's situation is countless times miserable.

He fell on the ground, there were dozens of magic dragons, like chains, like pythons. They clamped him firmly and tightened them so tightly that he could not move. The meridians bulged on his face, like earthworms. , Extremely ugly.

Pu Qu was like a maggot, wriggling on the ground, and shouted bitterly: "How dare you do something to us? What happened to His Highness Qing Ge now? If you dare to touch one of his hairs, His Highness Demon Sovereign will not forgive you!"

Bang bang bang!

There was crisp applause.

"Good slave, good slave, I still care about my master when I die, if I didn't know the truth, I would have been moved by you." The sarcasm sounded.

Demon Commander Pu Qu raised his eyelids and saw Yu Chazheng looking at him with a sneer on his face.

"What do you mean?" Pu Qu Demon Commander faintly smelled something wrong.

Yu Sha didn't directly answer Pu Qu Demon Commander's question, but slightly let go.

A very familiar figure of Pu Qu Demon Commander suddenly appeared in his sight.

He couldn't help but his eyes widened, "His Royal Highness..."

Qing Ge, who should have also been in crisis, appeared comfortably.

Lu Qingshan put his hands around his chest, coldly looking at the immovable Demon Commander Pu Qu, a murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

After shaking the gods for a moment, he took another look at the respectful look that Yu Sha and Yu Kui showed in front of "Qing Ge". Pu Qu suddenly woke up, "The reason why they did something to me, is your Highness mean?!"


"Why?! Why did Your Highness kill me?" Pu Qu suddenly struggled violently.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The magic dragon tied to Pu Qu's body was tightened again, and black smoke emerged from his flesh.

Lu Qingshan smiled and said, "I didn't say it before, it's such a waste, what use do I want you?"

While talking, Lu Qingshan rubbed the storage ring on his hand with a playful expression on his face.

No, it should be called mustard seeds more appropriately.

This is the name of the Demon Race for storage ring.

Follow the local customs.

Lu Qingshan reminded himself secretly in his heart.

"Why? Why? I'm loyal, because His Royal Highness was born and died, why did Your Highness work with outsiders to deal with me?" Demon Commander Pu Qu was unwilling and unable to understand Lu Qingshan's statement, and his voice was full of resentment and anger.

"Just because I failed to kill An Haihou? I don't believe it, I don't believe it! How can your Highness treat me like this?"

"Are you going to pretend?" Seeing that Lu Qingshan didn't reply, the City Lord Yu Demon was very eye-catching. He immediately took the lead and mocked: "If you don't know it, you can't do it yourself.

As a dog slave of Chi Pu, you have been lurking beside His Highness Qing Ge for so long. You don't know how much you have done to betray His Highness. Do you really think that His Highness will never notice it? "

Pu Qu, who was still screaming in anger, turned out to be silent after hearing the words of Yu Demon City Lord, and fell into a weird silence.

This actually made Lu Qingshan's heart jump.

what's the situation?

At this time, Pu Qu shouldn't try his best to refute, right?

After a few breaths.

"When did your Highness discover it?"

Demon Commander Pu Qu looked at Lu Qingshan gloomily, gritted his teeth, and spit out these words from his mouth with difficulty.

Yu Sha and Yu Luo looked dissatisfied, and did not respond much-they were both under control.

On the contrary, Lu Qingshan, who was the instigator of all this, was startled at this moment, a little confused?

What does this... mean?

After that, Lu Qingshan suddenly woke up, staring at the Demon Commander Pu Qu, a little inexplicable in his eyes.


Are you really an undercover agent sent by Chip? ? ?

Originally just opened his mouth and poured dirty water on Pu Qu, but turned out to be a bead of wisdom?


It's no wonder that Demon Commander Pu Qu asked all kinds of details when he saw him, and even cared about whether "Qing Ge" had refined his natal sword.

It turned out to be to listen to Qing Ge's intelligence and report it to Chi Pu for credit.

Even with Lu Qingshan's determination, he couldn't help laughing and laughing at this time, and even had an urge to raise his forehead.

His Royal Highness Qing Ge, really capable of doing such absurd things to trust the people sent by Chi Pu as his most valued hand?

How stupid is this?


Although he was unable to complain, Lu Qingshan had already stepped forward at this moment.


A long sword appeared in his hand.

Qing Ge's demon soldier, "Black Blood".

"My Royal Highness has the eyes to know the bead, I have already seen your disguise," Lu Qingshan said lightly: "I just pretended not to notice it before."

As he said, he handed out the black blood in his hand, and a sword pierced the blood **** pupil in the center of Pu Qu's eyebrows.

Pu Qu, who was bound by the magic dragon's figure, had a sense of struggle flashing in his eyes, trying to avoid this sword, but after all, he was powerless to resist.


There was a sound of broken jade.

Pu Qu Demon Commander's blood **** pupil instantly shattered into countless pieces of fine fragments, reflecting various blurred lights.

Blood splashed out along with it.

Pain flashed in Pu Qu's eyes.

The life gate of the blood **** body is the blood **** pupil, and the blood **** pupil is broken, and his blood **** body has already ruined most of it.

But this is not over yet.

Jian Feng continued to move forward and penetrated directly into Pu Qu's head.

Lu Qingshan held the hilt of the sword and twisted it lightly.

The overbearing indestructible demon energy gushed out, instantly blasting Pu Qu's soul into countless pieces, disappearing.

With a painful hum, Pu Qu finally made no sound.

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