This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 53: Step by step

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"Moreover," a fierce light flashed in Chi Pu's eyes, "I still have an account and haven't asked him to settle it. He had better not come to provoke me."

Qing Ge forcefully killed his subordinates and took away the Hundred Fantasy Butterfly, the Black Demon Commander had already informed him all.

Now that Qing Ge returned safely, the monk named Lu Qingshan who wanted to come was already beheaded by him.

That pseudo-dao weapon should also be swallowed by Qing Ge.

He originally wanted to use this as a pretext to make Qing Ge some trouble.

Just learned that Pu Qu had something wrong again, and for a while, he couldn't figure out the specific situation, so he had the idea of ​​calming things down, consciously at a loss.

After all, it really went to the father's side, it's hard to say who takes advantage.

But if Qing Ge really doesn't know how to advance or retreat, he won't be shocked!

Can he still be afraid that this wild species will fail?


Qingwang Mansion.

After roughly understanding the situation in the mansion, Lu Qingshan plunged into the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion of the Qingwang Mansion and began to read various classics carefully to supplement common sense.

Lu Qingshan doesn't know if Qing Ge really likes to read classics, or is it all for the sake of appearance.

But at least in terms of book collection, Qing Ge did quite well, and the complete collection of classics in the Golden Chamber was far beyond the reach of Yu Demon City.

Of course, just looking at it is not enough. Lu Qingshan is working hard to memorize all the information.

It's not just the kind of back printed in the mind, after all, it's not a difficult task for the monk.

What he has to do is to memorize this information by heart until it becomes common sense, the kind that can be subconsciously reflected without having to think about it.

"His Royal Highness, Master Demon Sovereign sends someone over, please go to the Realm Lord's Mansion to discuss matters." Lu Qingshan, who was immersed in the classics, heard a voice outside.

Steward Feng stood outside the golden chamber and said respectfully.

As the lord of the Senluo King Realm, the Blade Demon Lord is also known as the Realm Lord.

The Realm Lord's Mansion is the residence of the Slash Blade Demon Race.

Lu Qingshan let out a suffocating breath.

Finally came.

Although he had anticipated this moment long ago, the moment when it really came, still made him feel horrified.

He is a imaginary cultivator who killed the son of Demon Venerable. It is not counted. He even entered the abyss instead of his identity. Next, he even wanted to play Li Kui under the eyes of Demon Venerable.

Really dance on the tip of a knife.

Thinking about it is exciting.


"Got it." Lu Qingshan replied and walked out.

Outside the door, Steward Feng stood with a seventh-grade magic repairman, waiting for a long time.

"I have seen His Royal Highness Qing Ge." After seeing Lu Qingshan, the 7th-Rank Demon Cultivator sent by the Blade Demon Venerable hurriedly bowed to him.

"Lead the way ahead." Lu Qingshan had an arrogant expression on his face.

The Demon Cultivator sent by the Blade Demon Lord also knew that Qing Ge was arrogant and could not be offended. He didn't dare to speak any more, and quickly led the way.

Walked for a while.

"My father only called me this time, or is it?" Lu Qingshan asked.

"I also called the other two Highnesses." Mo Xiu replied cautiously.

His face suddenly sank.

---Qing Ge would not be happy to be with his two brothers.

Lu Qingshan, who looked unhappy, was meditating in his heart.

This time, it was not a separate conversation between the Blade Demon Venerable and him, but also called Chi Pu and Diao Feng.

In other words, he will face the two elder brothers of Sword Blade Demon Lord and Qing Ge alone.

With each extra pair of eyes, it becomes more difficult for him to hide from the sky.

Don't say that he is a fake, even if he is a real Qingge, he will have a headache when he sees this battle?

But it's not easy to say.

With Qing Ge's temperament, the situation may be treacherous and complicated, and it makes no difference to him.

He doesn't use his brain anyway.

That's it.

It is a pity that Lu Qingshan cannot be as open-minded as Qing Ge.

"Then do you know why my father called us this time?" He asked again in a gloomy voice.

"Small I don't know." Mo Xiu said with trepidation.

Lu Qingshan coldly glanced at the only magic repair, but in the end he didn't embarrass him again.

He felt a little sad in his heart.

A Seventh-Rank Demon Cultivator, faced with a "Blue Ge" who is only a Sixth-Rank, had to adopt such a humble attitude.

It is no wonder that the Mozu has a strict class.


Boundary Lord’s Mansion, in the Chamber.

There is a "person" sitting in the front position.

It was a middle-aged "man" with a dignified look.

The figure is very burly, with deep eyes and dark golden hair all over.

It is conceivable that in his youth, that utterly majestic and heroic posture.

Blade Demon Lord.

Suppress the terrifying existence of the Senluo King Realm.

Below the main seat, there are several seats on either side.

There is already one person in the first seat on the left.

It was a demon in silver armor.

He is tall and tall. Although he is in human form, he can tell at a glance that he is definitely not a human race. His muscles are swollen and his breath is wild, like a wild beast lurking.

This is the second son of Sword Blade Demon Zun, Qing Ge's second brother, Diao Feng.

"Recently, the strength has improved again, not bad." The Blade Demon Lord glanced at Diao Feng, knowing his fictitiousness, and softly praised him.

"Thank you father for the praise." Diao Feng said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Are you sure of the top demon commander?" The Blade Demon Lord asked again.

"If you can repair the "Bing" word tactic to the Second Seal Association, you should be able to have the top demon commander's combat power." Diao Feng replied.

In the sixth and seventh grade magic repairs, the ratio of those with high combat power to those with low combat power is about 10%.

To put it simply, only one elementary demon commander can be produced out of every ten ordinary seven-ranks.

Similarly, every ten elementary demon commanders can produce a higher demon commander.

This kind of deduction can tell that the number of top marshals in the demons is rare.

"It's not easy," the Sword Blade Demon Race said casually: "After all, the Soldier Word Jue is the supreme secret method of the clan, but it is not that easy to cultivate."

Speaking of this, he remembered one more thing, and said casually: "Single the word'bing' jue, among the three of you, Qing Ge is actually the most talented."

"Yes, the third brother is indeed far more talented than ordinary people, but the sixth rank can master the word'soldier'." Diao Feng didn't have too much jealousy about the action of the Blade Demon's praise of Qing Ge, so he accepted the conversation naturally. Tao.

Although he has always looked down upon Qing Ge, but on this point, he also admits Qing Ge's extraordinary talent.

You must know that both he and Chi Pu have reached the seventh-rank realm before they have initially mastered the word'bing'.

And Qing Ge is only the elementary demon general, and he is already indistinguishable from them when it comes to the attainments of the ‘bing’ character tactic.

But so what?

Apart from this, Qing Ge has nothing else to be commended.

This is not enough to make him feel jealous of Qing Ge.

The Blade Demon Lord suddenly raised his head and stared at the outside world.

At this moment, a loud noise came from outside.


Outside the Chamber.

"I heard that you led the army to attack the human city gate, and suffered a big loss, and the arm was cut off by others," Chi Pu, who happened to arrive at the Realm Lord's Mansion at the same time as Qing Ge, looked at "Qing Ge" with a joking expression on his face. The words were full of sarcasm, "It seems to be recovering well."

Lu Qingshan's expression sank, and he was about to turn back.

"Why are you two standing outside the door and arguing? How decent are you? Come in quickly if you don't want me." A calm voice floated out.

It was the voice of the Blade Demon Lord.

Lu Qingshan's complexion changed slightly.

However, Chipu took a little bit of quarrel, and he already took the initiative to push the door of the chamber.

Lu Qingshan just followed.

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw the Swordsman Demon Lord on the main seat at a glance.

In the next moment, a feeling of heart palpitations spontaneously arises.

Because, the Sword Blade Demon Venerable was clearly right in front of him, sitting there.

But in his perception, it doesn't seem to exist.

There is no breath, no mana fluctuations.

It's too ordinary!

As a ninth-rank horrible existence, the Blade Demon Lord did not exude any pressure.

But that's it, on the contrary, it feels more terrifying.

This is the state of returning to innocence that will only appear after one's own strength has reached the extreme.

Seeing Lu Qingshan and Chi Pu coming in, the sword demon lord did not speak, but looked at them calmly.

"Farewell to my father." Chi Pu bowed slightly and saluted.

"Farewell to my father." Lu Qingshan, who came in slowly, hastened to learn something.

The Blade Demon Lord raised his hand to signal the two to get up, "Sit down."

Chip didn't say much, didn't even look at Lu Qingshan, walked directly to the first seat on the right and sat down.

Lu Qingshan paused in his footsteps.

He did not expect the first problem to come so quickly.

Looking around, we can see that Diao Feng is sitting in the first seat on the left, and Chipu is in the first seat on the right.

Where is Qing Ge's position?

For a while, Lu Qingshan really couldn't determine which side he should sit on.

It stands to reason that he seems to be sitting next to Diao Feng's seat on the left, or next to the Chip's seat on the right. Both are possible.

Just looking at Chipu's skilled seating posture, it is obvious that this is not the first time that the three brothers have gathered together.

Therefore, the position of the three should also be fixed.

If he accidentally sat in the wrong place, although it was only a trivial matter, there would be a Demon Venerable in the chamber.

It is hard to guarantee that there will be some clues and major problems.

But obviously it is impossible for him to stay in place for too long.

Lu Qingshan's thoughts are spinning quickly.

Between Diao Feng and Chi Pu, Qing Ge and Chi Pu do not deal more.

According to Qing Ge's temperament, he should be far away from Chi Pu.

Without delay, he walked directly to the left, while casually observing other people's expressions from the corner of his eye.

There is nothing unusual.

Very good, you guessed it.

Lu Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief.

In this kind of place, it is really a step-by-step operation, no one can go wrong.

Lu Qingshan had just sat down, and the Blade Demon Lord seemed to have discovered something.

He stared at Lu Qingshan, looking at it seriously, his eyes were calm, but Lu Qingshan felt a chill.

Where did you show your feet?

Lu Qingshan is not sure.

He can't react too much, for fear that there will be no silver three hundred taels here.

After a few breaths.

"How do you use the Immortal Devil Blood?" Finally, the Blade Demon Lord asked.


Lu Qingshan's heart hung tightly, then let go.

Among Qing Ge's mustard seeds, there was Mo Yu, who recorded the technique of immortal gods and demons, and he had seen it a long time ago.

Therefore, he knew what the immortal demon blood was, and he also understood the reason why Qing Ge suddenly "resurrected with blood" at that time.

"When I was chasing the cultivator of the human race, I encountered some accidents."

Lu Qingshan opened the mouth to explain, meaning to point out: "I took the Demon Commander Pu Qu to help the eldest brother chase and kill a human monk named'Lu Qingshan'.

On the way, he was intercepted by the Seventh-level Human Race cultivator. For some reason, the Demon Commander Pu Qu, facing a Human Race cultivator who was far inferior to him, actually flopped. As a result, I had no choice but to use the Immortal Demon Blood. "

His underlying meaning is that Pu Qu deliberately missed his hand and wanted to kill someone with a knife.

These words are true and false.

Others are true, only Pu Qu Demon Commander's miss is false.

——It was Qing Ge who missed his hand.

However, Pu Qu Demon Commander is already dead, that is, there is no evidence of death.

"Does this idiot want to frame Qing Ge in this way?" On the other hand, Chip heard Lu Qingshan's words and couldn't help cursing in his heart.

It is impossible for the Blade Demon Lord to find out that Pu Qu is actually his eyeliner placed beside Qing Ge.

If Qing Ge really died tragically because of Pu Qu's deliberate miss, then he would be the one who was unlucky.

Even if he never instructed Pu Qu to frame Qing Ge.

There are certain things that cannot be crossed.

He can face Qing Ge **** for tat, suppress Qing Ge, and even put eyeliner beside Qing Ge.

The only thing is that you can't kill Qing Ge.

"Is that so?" Sword Blade Demon Lord narrowed his eyes and glanced at Chi Pu, whose expression had not changed. After pondering for a moment, he slowly said: "Then I will transfer a batch of reliable personnel to you."

"Thank you father," Lu Qingshan said hastily.

"You should know the purpose of calling the three of you over this time.

We've talked about it once before, and the three of you all hold your own words. This time I hope to get a definite result. "Blade Demon Sovereign turned around and said again.

What's talked about before?

Lu Qingshan didn't know what the Sword Blade Demon Sovereign was talking about.

How would he know what the three sons of the Blade Demon Sovereign had talked with?

It's wrong to say more.

Lu Qingshan had no choice but to keep his mouth shut first, waiting for the two "good" brothers to speak first.

"What did Big Brother say?" Diao Feng asked.

"I still insist on my opinion, it is most appropriate for Qing Ge to do this." Chip said without hesitation, and then cast a provocative look at Lu Qingshan.

Without showing any weakness, Lu Qingshan glared back at Chi Pu fiercely, thinking in his heart at the same time.

Let me do it best?

Okay, that’s okay, the question is, what are you talking about?

Lu Qingshan can only be sure for the time being, this is definitely not a good thing.

If it was a good thing, Chip would not throw it on Qing Ge.

In this case, Lu Qingshan responded without hesitation: "I don't agree with what the big brother said. In my opinion, it is more appropriate for the big brother to do this."

Who knows how to play dumb riddles?

Since you don't say what it is, then I don't say it either.

Chip sneered and said: "As the saying goes, I do this in my capacity, I don't mind, I'm afraid it will damage my father's reputation."

"Even for his father's prestige," After a pause, Chip continued: "It's really the most appropriate thing for you to do this."

"I agree with what Big Brother said." Diao Feng interrupted in due course.

"The eldest brother and the second brother jointly targeted me, but there is no need." Lu Qingshan was overjoyed, with a look of dissatisfaction and anger.

"Joining hands? Do you think everyone is the same as you, regardless of the overall situation, with a stubborn attitude?" Chi Pu said with disdain.

Lu Qingshan stood up abruptly, with an angry expression on his face, staring at Chi Pu, "What do you mean?"

You guys can make it clear what is going on!

Without knowing the specific circumstances, Lu Qingshan can only take the risk and choose to be stubborn.

Simply, Qing Ge seems to have always been such a person to the outside world.

So Chi Pu and Diao Feng are not surprised.

Blade Demon Venerable also still had that calm expression, and there did not seem to be too many emotional fluctuations in the quarrel between the three brothers.

"You also understand that although Ying Mingyue is the bloodline of Killing Wu Demon Zun, she has an extraordinary status, but she is not pure blood after all."

Chip specially used a flat voice to anger Lu Qingshan, and his words also meant that he was cursing and cursing.

Okay, finally I know a name.

What a qualitative breakthrough.

Ying Mingyue...

"So what?" Lu Qingshan repeated the name, and continued to bite the bullet, "Why do you want me to do something that you are not happy to do?"

He threw the ball to Chip again.

"Why?" Chip sneered, "Why do you say? It depends on your father's blood!"

Yes, the ball is kicked back.

Lu Qingshan continued to use a look of resentment to cover up the mood swings in his heart.

The east is not bright and the west is bright.

Chipu couldn't dig out much information, and Lu Qingshan decided to change his goals.

"Second brother, do you want me to do this too?"

Being named by Lu Qingshan, Diao Feng is not good to go to the theatre again.

He said earnestly and earnestly: "The third brother, killing Wu Mozun as the Demon Venerable in the line of Jian Luo, is equal to his father in terms of status.

This time it is rare that the killing of Wu Mozun took the initiative to show our favor to the King Realm of Senluo. This is definitely a good thing, and it is impossible for us to shut out the good intentions of killing Wu Mozun. "

Lu Qingshan finally had some context in his heart, but he still didn't dare to guess randomly because he wasn't fully sure.

Once the guess is wrong, it will be I do not object to what the second brother said.

The problem is, the two of you are not going to just use one mouth to let me, the brother, carry the matter for the two elder brothers. "Lu Qingshan said viciously.

The reason why he dares to speak this way is based on two pieces of information he can be sure of: first, this thing is not a good thing, and second, this thing must be done by one of the three of them.

In response to Lu Qingshan's repeated questions, Chip finally couldn't help it, and stood up abruptly, his eyes full of anger and dissatisfaction, and said loudly: "Qing Ge, who are you pretending to look like you are so embarrassed?

Although Ying Mingyue is not pure-blood, she is the only daughter of Wu Mozun, and she is deeply loved by Wu Mozun.

Killing Wu Mozun even assigned her the Blood God's placer ore veins coveted by countless people.

Whoever marries her is equivalent to obtaining this blood **** sand ore vein, as well as a Demon Lord Houshan.

In the royal city, I don't know how many people are attracted to Ying Mingyue and line up to marry her.

Now that you are given a chance to marry her, have you started to feel wronged? "

At this time, everything finally came to light.

What they discussed turned out to be an "arranged marriage", discussing who should marry this demon named Ying Mingyue!

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