This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 63: Huge improvement

The three blood spirit crystals melt in the mouth.

The transparent crystal shell melted away, and the exposed blood-colored crystal silk immediately burst out with majestic power.

This force instantly poured into Lu Qingshan's body, melted into his blood, and began to make a continuous impact against the barrier hidden deep in his bloodline.




The blood is like waves, turbulent, constantly erupting, wave after wave beating against the dam.

What followed was a sharp pain that made people feel trembling in their souls.

Lu Qingshan gritted his teeth and endured this unavoidable pain from inside his body.

He was born and ripened twice. After the last experience, he was extremely cold and clear in his heart this time, and he even had spare time to observe the changes in his body.

I saw the mysterious energy seeping into his blood, and every molecule that made up the blood suddenly began to undergo some subtle changes, as if some shackles were being opened.

Although painful, the feeling that the shackles are being untied is also very wonderful.

Pain and happiness.

"It's fine if I get used to it. The pain caused by absorbing the blood spirit crystal has no effect on me." Lu Qingshan secretly said.

"...On the contrary, it is this kind of breakthrough feeling that can bring me immense joy-well!"

Before he was overjoyed, he couldn't help but let out a low roar, like a beast whistling.


Severe pain!

The pain before a long victory suddenly broke out at this moment without warning.

The crackling sound rang from his body and in his blood.

"To the effect..."

Lu Qingshan sucked in pain, knowing that he was too early.


Lu Qingshan, who was so painful that his consciousness had been blurred, vaguely heard a burst of rapid inhalation.


It is clear that he did not make this sound...

Is there anyone else in the room? !

After a while.

"Gu Yiyi, you are the one watching the show, what are you going to do?" Lu Qingshan gritted his teeth.

"I think it hurts!" Gu Yiyi was not straightforward but arrogant.

Even in this state, Lu Qingshan couldn't help laughing with anger.


At this moment, another roar blasted in his body.

With the bang, something shattered and disintegrated, making him feel relieved.

Soon, the pain slowly dissipated, and the rush of blood gradually returned to stability.

The power of the blood spirit crystal was finally absorbed by him.


Lu Qingshan took a long breath, relieved.

It was finally over, and he got through it.

"It should be a breakthrough," he thought.

The pain at the last moment was so violent that he couldn't calm down and observe his state.

But he heard the sound of something broken.

Lu Qingshan quickly showed that seeing God is not bad, and has insight into his own changes.


After using the transformation ability of the phantom body's divine veins, he and Qing Ge are no longer any different, let alone blood, even the breath is the same.

But now, he sees a faint golden light among the internal particles that make up the blood through the changing appearance of the blood.

His consciousness can clearly feel that the bottleneck of his original strength that had reached the limit has already loosened at this time.

"The barrier still exists. The power of the four blood spirit crystals still cannot allow me to break the limits of the Nine Flower Realm, but my bloodline has indeed undergone a transformation."

Lu Qingshan murmured: "If I guess correctly, although the Ten Flower Stage is difficult to cultivate, I should be able to continue to improve my strength now."

"It's just that, of all the exercises in the world, there is at most only the Nine Flower Law...So, how should I continue to improve and break through?" A new question appeared again, and Lu Qingshan couldn't help frowning.

Thinking like this, he subconsciously opened the panel.

"Stage: Lianxu Consummation (Nine Flower Realm

"Gong Method: Da Xia Jing (Lian Xu Chapter) Consummation-Nine Flowers."

In the next instant, Lu Qingshan's eyes widened.

All this seems to be the same as before.

But the column of Da Xia Jing exercises, after he had cultivated to the Nine Flower Stage, was already grayed out.

But now, it turned on again!

"Does it mean that the Daxia Sutra can actually continue to practice, and it was only because of the limitation of one's own blood that it could no longer practice?"

Many thoughts came to his mind.

"Perhaps, this is the most mysterious place of Daozu's exercises?"

Lu Qingshan's heart gradually became excited.

No longer thinking about it, he couldn't wait to vent his experience points on the exercises.

He wanted to take a peek into the scenery of the Ten Flower Land.

After a while, the Yuan Ying in his dantian began to glow.

Spiritual power is surging, extremely flaming.

Among the Yuan Ying, the nine golden lotus began to sway.

They kept shimmering and glowing, bursting into bursts of colorful clouds, releasing strands of essence.

His pubic area was shining extremely splendidly.

Beside the nine golden lotus, a new lotus light and shadow unexpectedly appeared at this time.

The form is faint and vague, and it is not real to see.

This is the embryonic form of the tenth flower.

His already extremely powerful spiritual power, after the appearance of the tenth flower embryo, began to improve.

Lu Qingshan sings forward all the way, and the power to reach the peak of Void Refinement begins to grow again at this time.

Unparalleled power.

This time the increase in power turned out to be far beyond the combat power that any previous small realm could improve.

After a while.

Only then did he once again notice that the bottleneck restricting his own strength improvement appeared.

Lu Qingshan understood that this was his current limit.

After reaching the limit, the boiling spiritual power in the dantian began to return to stability, the divine light gradually dissipated, and the hazy tenth flower embryo disappeared into the void like a bubble, as if it had never existed.

But he knew that the tenth flower was temporarily hidden because it could not be fully formed.

His power increase is real and will not disappear.

Lu Qingshan opened his eyes, his eyes flashing like lightning, his expression gleaming, shocking.

"You consume 1500w experience points, and you have a new understanding of [Da Xia Jing] (Lian Xu Chapter)..."

"[Da Xia Jing] (Lian Xu Chapter) has a new upgrade, and the upper limit of spiritual power has increased by 60w!"



The new strength came from nothingness, and Lu Qingshan felt that he was extremely enriched, and his spiritual power swelled a lot like a tide.

This is a terrifying upgrade.

Refining the Nine Void Flowers, the increase of each flower is only an increase of the upper limit of the spiritual power of 250,000.

And this time, his upper limit of spiritual power has been directly increased by 600,000!

He also finally understood why he had never heard of anyone opening the tenth flower of Lianxu.

After all, bloodline restrictions exist, but after so many years of human race, there will inevitably be people with extraordinary talents, and they are not inherently restricted by this.

The reason why no one has reached this state is entirely because the Ten Flower Realm is really too difficult.

The tenth flower is completely different from the previous nine flowers, just like two realms.

You must know that he spent only 46.3 million experience points from the initial stage of Void Refinement to the Nine Flower Stage.

And now, he has only cultivated the embryonic form of the tenth flower of Lian Xu, which cost him 15 million experience points.

It is conceivable that in order to really bloom ten flowers, what a huge amount of experience points will be needed?

It's good to say that he has experience points. For others, even without this limitation, how much energy and time will it take to cultivate to ten flowers?


However, everything is worth it.

The tenth flower of Lianxu was also far more powerful than the previous nine flowers, which made Lu Qingshan extremely satisfied.

He believes that on the day when the ten flowers bloom, he will look down on the Void Refining Realm and push it horizontally, so that even the cultivator of the **** of transformation can easily be killed!

However, this is destined to be an extremely difficult road.

"Blood spirit crystals, I want blood spirit crystals, and I need more blood spirit crystals!" Lu Qingshan's eyes were burning and he clenched his fists.

After seeing the tip of the powerful iceberg in the Ten Flower Realm, his desire for blood spirit crystals reached a new peak.

He needs more blood spirit crystals to completely break his bloodline restriction.

Thinking of this, Lu Qingshan frowned, "Just, where else can the blood spirit crystal come from?"

The blood spirit crystal is too precious.

It was a surprise to be able to "borrow" three of them from Ying Mingyue.

Had it not been for her father to kill Wu Mozun not long ago, Ying Mingyue would never have so many blood crystals in her hand.

As the most important strategic resource of the Mozu, the people of the Mozu control the blood spirit crystals to an unimaginable level.

It is too difficult to obtain the blood spirit crystal again!


Here, Lu Qingshan has just made a new breakthrough, and the external turmoil about his "rageous" remarks has already fermented to the point where it is uncontrollable.

Mozu is already warlike, coupled with fierce competition for internal resources, it is the most tolerant of others' arrogance.

Not to mention that such an arrogant person at this time is still a son-in-law from the king's realm!

The soil turtle who enters the line of our king, dare to be so despised?

This made the people in the royal city extremely uncomfortable.

Finally, someone could no longer sit still and began to move.

There was an old demon lord in the king's city. He sent a junior demon commander of his own power to fight the door and challenge Qing Ge outside the "Qing Ge" mansion.

Everyone's eyes also gathered in the past.

"Finally someone wants to cure this son-in-law!"

Lu Qingshan also accepted the challenge as they wished.

But the final result of this battle is far beyond everyone's imagination.

The "Qing Ge" they looked down upon, but with ten tricks, turned out to be directly killed by the Elementary Demon General.

"That's it?" Lu Qingshan sent a new wild statement to all those who were following this battle.

"I originally heard that the strength of the people in Jianluo King City is far better than the people in our King Realm, and I am still looking forward to it.

When I look at it now, it's really not as well known as to meet, but it's just that! "

This time, the people in the royal city were even more angry.

Because what Lu Qingshan said was a group attack, directly targeting all the people in the royal city.

It's like, if you say that some men don't have a bottom line, it's no problem. You just say that men don't have a bottom line. Which man is happy to hear that?

In the same way, even the people in Wangcheng who didn't care about this matter before couldn't help but step up and scolded, "It's just a victory, so you dare to expand like this?"

"Expansion is a precursor to death!"

"Anyone come here to destroy his arrogance!" Someone shouted, "I can't stand his face anymore."

In the mansion.

Lu Qingshan returned in a big victory.

When he was still in the Four Flower Realm, he was able to force Qing Ge to use all his methods.

Now that his cultivation has reached the Nine Flower Realm, and he has gone further, facing the general elementary magic general, even if many sword cultivation methods cannot be used, he can completely crush it easily.

After all, many skills in kendo are common.

He opened the panel.

On the panel, there are flashing small characters.

"You killed an elementary demon general!"

"You get experience points: 400w!"

Others dare not kill him because of his identity, but Lu Qingshan has no such scruples.

Unless the person who challenged him is also the heir of the Venerable, he needs to be merciful.

Otherwise, he would carry out what he said "one to kill one, two to kill a pair" to the end.


He is not afraid.

Besides, you don’t have to do it yourself, and the "weird" will come to your door to brush it for you. Who can refuse this temptation?

It just so happened that he also needed to reserve a wave of experience value to prepare for the Ten Flower Realm-the original huge amount of experience value of 80 million, after his squandering, there were only 15 million left.

Why not do this wonderful thing that can achieve your own reputation, facilitate your actions, and gain experience points?

So he became more arrogant.


A news spread quickly throughout the city.

"The Demon General Yuquan has taken action. At this time, he is outside the son-in-law's mansion, waiting for son-in-law to challenge!"

Outside Lu Qingshan's mansion.

A strange-looking middle-aged magic repairman stood with blades in his hands and said loudly: "I heard that His Royal Highness Qing Ge claimed to be invincible in the same realm.

Although my Royal Highness Yuquan is much older, but I have no choice but to be talented. Now I am in the realm of elementary demon generals just like my Highness. Therefore, I challenge your Highness here. Can your Highness dare to fight? "

"If you dare not, please take back what you said earlier, and apologize to our people in the royal city!" Yuquan Demon General said solemnly.

"Okay, that's pretty good!" The person who was paying attention to the situation here couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This is the strength and confidence of our people in the royal city!"

"The Yuquan Demon General used to be a high-level Demon General, but later he was injured, his realm regressed, and he returned to the Elementary Demon General.

But his vision and rich experience of advanced magic generals are there, and he is the best among elementary magic generals.

I heard that because he was worried about the recurrence of the injury, he hadn't taken any action for a long time. I didn't expect this son-in-law to start him! "

"If he were not so arrogant, how could he fall into such a difficult situation?"

Someone gloated, "He is angering Yuquan Demon General to the point where he would rather have his injury relapsed and wipe out his prestige!"

"In fact, it is not. The reason why the Yuquan Demon Commander shot is because of his subordinates of the Yuanhu Demon Lord."

"What's the matter with Yuanhu Demon Lord's subordinates? Is it possible that this superfluous son-in-law has offended Yuanhu Demon Lord?" Someone was puzzled.

"Have you forgotten? Yuanhu Demon Lord once proposed to Kill Wu Mozun, wanting to let his eldest son marry Ying Mingyue, but was rejected by Mozun..."

"Understood, this is the new and old hatred together to settle accounts, there is a good show to watch!"

While everyone was talking about it, a cold voice came from "Qing Ge"'s mansion.


"Qing Ge" challenged!

Lu Qingshan quickly walked out of the mansion.

Flying is not allowed in the King of Jianluo City, and private fights on the surface are also not allowed.

But for such a huge royal city, disputes are bound to be inevitable, so if you want to fight, you have to go to a special military platform.


"Today, I will let you know the strength of the people in our royal city!" On the performance stage, the Yuquan Demon General looked at Lu Qingshan with a low voice.

His hands formed by blades shone with a sharp cold light.

He calmed his face, and as soon as his voice fell, he was already rushing towards Lu Qingshan.

The speed is so fast that you can only see the two cold lights brought by the blade!

Lu Qingshan was calm and unhurried.

The black blood is in hand, the dark golden sword wire on the sword body is shining slightly,

The next moment, he let out a sigh of breath, a forward thrust, and the speed was also amazingly fast.

Even if he had been mentally prepared, Yuquan Demon General was still taken aback when he saw Lu Qingshan's terrifying speed.

Being able to kill a Demon Cultivator of the same realm within ten strokes, this superfluous son-in-law is really something.

"But that's interesting, there's nothing, where is it worth my shot?" Yuquan Demon General licked his lips, and the fighting spirit in his eyes burned.

Since the injury, he hasn't made a move for a long time, and his hands have long been itchy.

After a short while, their bodies almost overlapped on the plane.

The Yuquan Demon General waved his hands, and the two dazzling sword lights lit up, dazzling and intoxicating.

The highest evaluation of the degree of control of a weapon is driven by an arm.

And he, his direct arms are his own weapons, and this is his advantage.

"Your Qing Ge Sword Dao realm is superb, but no matter how good the sword is, can it be stronger than me directly using both arms?" Yuquan Demon General felt complacent.

call! call!

Lu Qingshan's figure became blurred at this time, almost teleporting to form an afterimage, flashing past one of the blades.

With the clang, a sword straddled the other sword light, which was in front of Yuquan Demon General's right arm.

This fierce sword, terrifying in strength, turned out to be the right arm of the blade that forcibly repelled the Yuquan Demon General.

Immediately above the black blood, the aura became stronger, accelerated out of thin air, regenerated new power, and directly slashed at the neck of the Yuquan Demon General.

call! call!

The shadow of the sword is like electricity, and the momentum is powerful.

The Yuquan Demon General suddenly changed his color.

The method Lu Qingshan used was actually the four-fold acceleration of the swordsmanship of "Seven Jue".

It's just that others only use four-fold acceleration to increase the power and speed of the sword style.

However, Lu Qingshan played out the four-fold acceleration and dismantled it. After resisting the attack of the Yuquan demon general, he passed the second two-fold acceleration, and produced a strangeness similar to the old force when the new force died effect.

However, the Yuquan Demon General did not have such means, unable to regain his strength for a while, and was unable to defend himself.

Yuquan Demon Commander's heart shuddered, and between the electric light and flint, his neck suddenly changed color, which looked exactly like his sword and arms.

This is the foundation of his **** and demon body, which can transform part of the body's skin into indestructible metal.


Lu Qingshan's sword was finally cut.

Even if the Yuquan Demon General responded in time, he was still smashed into a violent retreat.

However, somehow it was blocked.

Yuquan Demon General is thankful in his heart!

However, the sword in Lu Qingshan's hand was brighter at this time!


There was another sound of breaking wind tearing through space.

It's another acceleration!

Lu Qingshan's figure was tightly bound, and the black blood sword in his hand carried a strong aura. It accelerated again, and its power was once again superimposed, which has increased to the point where people's hearts are shaking.

The killing intent in his heart was awe-inspiring, and the sword shadow formed a golden light, piercing the center of Yuquan Demon General's eyebrows.


The sound of a long sword entering the body came out.

Immediately afterwards, the dark golden sword silk shining on the black blood took the opportunity to explode, penetrated into the mind of the Yuquan Demon General, and directly exploded his entire head!

A cloud of blood exploded out of thin air.

The Yuquan Demon fell the headless body feebly on the ground.

Lu Qingshan slowly retracted his sword, and stood holding it, his eyes indifferent.

His "Seven Wonders" has once again broken through, breaking through to the realm of five-fold acceleration, only two steps away from the perfect seven-fold acceleration.

In the move just now, he used a very strong explosive force.

And through his skillful use of sword skills, combined with the power skills of Zhan Feng and the secret sword of Zhentian, the five-fold acceleration of "Seven Jue" is broken down into three continuous and powerful attacks, thus realizing the so-called spike. !


Everyone stayed!

In their eyes, the Yuquan Demon General, who is rare among the elementary demon generals, died faster than the previous challenger!

It's just a trick, and the head falls to the ground.

No, it should be said that the disappearance of the head is more appropriate!

"One move will tell the winner, so there is not much difference in combat power.

But the difference in skills between the two is just like the difference between a three-year-old child and an adult. "

Secretly watching this battle, Devil Killing Wu, seeing this scene in the distance, could not help but mumble: "He is no longer purely practicing "Seven Jue" swordsmanship, and even turned this swordsmanship into his own thing. , Has an extraordinary understanding, is completely different from other people's "Seven Jue", and is much stronger.

For the time being, other things are still uncertain, as far as swordsmanship is concerned, he can really be called invincible of the same generation. "

With his eyesight, it is natural to see that in this one-sided battle, "Qing Ge" actually did not show his extraordinary cultivation skills. It was simply that the Yuquan Demon General was crushed by his skill.

This is the evaluation of Mozun!

Unfortunately, no one can hear it for the time being.


It is Lu Qingshan, who has 4 million experience in the account, standing proudly on the performance stage. He did not leave as before, but said loudly: "Too weak and too weak, I still don't enjoy it!"

"Is there anyone in the city? Let me tell you the I am a little tired of walking back and forth. If there are still people who are not convinced, I can come directly now, and I will respond!"

Although his voice is loud, his expression is very indifferent.

But such an indifferent attitude is even more frantic.

Everyone's faces were blue and full of anger.

Let him pretend again!

hateful! hateful!

But even if they were reluctant to do so, they had to admit that this "superior son-in-law" did indeed have some true skills, and he could easily overcome it.

They need a real strong to come forward, and then defeat "Qing Ge"!

Light pen


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