This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 66: Create your own sword skills

Feng Tianming made a stab, full of grand and overbearing momentum.

The demons of the demons have always liked this kind of open and close tactics.

The light of the knife is bright, and the devilish energy is like a wave, and its power is better than the first move before.

There is a sense of oppression of suffocation, and there is also a bitterness that shocks the soul.

"See how you take this trick!" Feng Tianming shouted angrily in his heart.


Lu Qingshan also moved.

He used offense instead of defense, black blood outlined a vague trajectory in the air, completely invisible to the sword body, only a frost line.


There was a dazzling light on the performance stage, and the two young Tianjiao collided again.

It was as if two waves collided, and the momentum was shocking.

The figures of the two of them were completely covered by the dazzling sword light and sword light, and only two misty shadows could be seen.

Clang clang clang!

Their offensive was astonishing, and the speed was too fast. In a flash, they had already fought for more than ten rounds.

Feng Tianming is extremely strong, and he keeps on culling the kills between the big openings and the closings.

Lu Qingshan's sword skills were amazing, and his long sword swung out a series of sword marks, shaking Feng Mo hard.

Finally, the two of them passed by again, and they had a little time to breathe.

Feng Tianming was shocked, "Why is he so fast?"

Lu Qingshan had already shown his sword speed many times before, and he was also mentally prepared.

So he used powerful methods to explode infinite power. He wanted to break the speed with his strength, but he didn't expect that Lu Qingshan's sword speed would have superimposed a lot out of thin air.

Moreover, in every sword of Lu Qingshan, there was a second secret force born.

Although this dark power is only 30-40% of the power of the sword move itself, it is also annoying.

Most importantly, he faintly felt that Lu Qingshan's sword was getting faster and faster.

His heart was shocked, "Is he his true ability?"

"Huh!" On the other side, Lu Qingshan exhaled slightly.

A light of excitement flashed in his eyes, full of fighting spirit.

Feng Tianming's feeling is not wrong, his sword style does contain hidden energy, and it is indeed changing faster and faster.

But this is not the magic of "Seven Jue" swordsmanship, but the mystery of the secret swordsmanship Zhanfeng.

Because of his identity restrictions, he has too many methods to use, and he can only use the "Seven Jue" against the enemy.

But when he played "Seven Wonders", his instinctive use combined the mystery of two secret swordsmanship.

"Sure enough, people still have to force it."

Before that, because he had too many methods and cards, when facing the enemy, once the foreign swordsmanship could not gain the advantage, he would change the methods.

For example, the use of heart swords, such as direct explosion of secret swords, such as changing to flying swords against the enemy...

In short, very little head iron.

It cannot be said that this method is wrong.

After all, it is his ability to have more methods, and it is not a good thing to be iron.

But sometimes, the appropriate "head iron" can actually help oneself complete new breakthroughs.

For example, now, if he wants to use "Seven Jue" to compete with Feng Tianming, who is obviously stronger than him, he has to improve his sword skills.

This may be extremely difficult for others.

After all, improving the power of sword skills is definitely not a matter of overnight.

But for Lu Qingshan, who is full of kendo talents and has a very high kendo realm, it is definitely not impossible.

Zhanfeng is a secret sword known for its speed.

"Seven Uniques" is the fast swordsmanship of the demons.

Although the two do not belong to the same system, kendo always leads to the same goal by different routes, and there are many similarities.

After thirteen battles yesterday, coupled with Feng Tianming's high pressure, Lu Qingshan found that he was already fusing Zhanfeng and Qijue without knowing it.

In other words, he is creating a swordsmanship of his own.

"Come again!" This time, Lu Qingshan chose to take the initiative.

His whole body burst out with sharp aura, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, revealing a terrifying warfare, like a dragon and a snake swimming, rushing over.


There was another five-fold acceleration, but this time beside the frost line condensed by black blood, there was another illusory trail of swords.

This is the application of the Slashing Wind Secret Sword.

Zhanfeng can produce two swords with one sword at most.

He can't do this now, just can regenerate a sword.

But the problem is that the previous Zhanfeng was a tactic similar to that of a great ultimate, but now it has become the most ordinary ordinary attack.

Ordinary attacks contain the magic of the secret sword, you can imagine how tyrannical it would be!

It's a pity that the secret sword is also divided into high and low. The mystery of the Zhentian Secret Sword is far stronger than the Zhanfeng Secret Sword.

With his current abilities, he can't use the Heavenly Zhentian Secret Sword for his own use, otherwise it would be truly powerful!


Feng Tianming's face changed slightly, and he raised his long sword to block, still stunned by Lu Qingshan's sword, and he was dancing wildly.


Immediately afterwards, a second dark energy surged, and a buzzing sound was oscillated, spreading outward like a tsunami.

Before Feng Tianming came over, Lu Qingshan's second sword had already been cut out again.

The trajectory of swordsmanship is elusive.

Feng Tianming was a little tired of coping for a while.

"Hateful!" After dozens of moves, Feng Tianming's heart surged with anger, "Is he playing tricks on me?"

He could clearly feel that the power of Lu Qingshan's sword style was growing at a steady rate, approaching his limit step by step.

There is no doubt that "Qing Ge" is holding the winning ticket and is dealing with him with a cat catching a mouse.

As for "Qing Ge", it is really just getting stronger.

Who will believe it?

Who can continuously improve the power of his sword in such a short and intense battle?

In short, Feng Tianming was extremely angry.

"What do you think of me? Joker?"


He directly used invincible means.

The world rioted in an instant, and boundless radiance burst out of his body.

"That is the wood spirit divine body, transformed into a sacred tree, that is endless, and its defense power is greatly increased. It is the strongest divine body of the Maple Demon Clan."

Someone exclaimed: "Feng Tianming can already use part of the wood spirit **** body through his own foundation of the **** and devil body!"

People are moved.

Feng Tianming was forced to directly use the means of the gods and demons, which shows how powerful the "Qing Ge" is.

Sure enough, the immeasurable light dissipated in the next moment, and Feng Tianming's skin had turned into an ancient wood-like vicissitudes of life, full of wrinkles, but there was endless vitality bursting out of it, which was terrifying.

Feng Tianming was full of dissatisfaction, staring at Lu Qingshan and gritted his teeth: "Qing Ge, I will let you understand that it is impossible for the primary demons to defeat the higher demons, impossible!"

His eyes were cold.

He admitted that he had really underestimated "Qing Ge" before.

But the problem is not big, the "Qing Ge" sword skill is so superb, it must be spent most of the time on this road, while ignoring the foundation of the gods and demons.

This is not an unreasonable guess, but up to now, "Qing Ge" has not shown his gods and demons.

If it weren't for his negligence in refining the foundations of the gods and demons, and the methods are difficult to be elegant, why is this?

There is reason and evidence.

"The gods and demons are the strongest means of our demons, you are surrendering to the end!" Feng Tianming was disdainful in his heart.

And he spent most of his time on refining the foundation of the gods and demons.

"Let's stop here." Feng Tianming's long sword raised, and a golden light appeared on it, like a galaxy hanging down.

The aura on his body rose sharply, and shocking fluctuations erupted. Immediately, his figure rushed towards Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan looked at Feng Tianming, who was almost killing him, his expression changed slightly.

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, not afraid.

brush! brush! brush!

He flashed around again and again, the sword in his hand flickered like a ghost, and continued to attack like a rain of swords.


Lu Qingshan first blocked Feng Tianming's surging knife, and then at a speed far better than Feng Tianming, he swung a second sword at an unexpected angle, and slashed at his flesh.

But this time, he felt a sense of stagnation from the sword.

It seems to be chopped on a piece of wood, it is rare to make an inch.

Feng Tianming grinned, and his second knife came afterwards.

"Not good!" Lu Qingshan quickly returned to defense, although at an astonishing speed, he handed out the third sword, blocking Feng Tianming's second sword.

But in Feng Tianming's long knife, a giant dragon burst out strangely and bombarded Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan immediately mobilized his physical and spiritual power, turning into a rolling devil and blocking him in front of him.

But the violent impact instantly blasted him back tens of feet, causing blood to spurt out of his mouth.

"Come on, let me see what else you can do." Feng Tianming coldly shouted to the injured Lu Qingshan, his tone serious and cold.

"This is the strength of the foundation of the gods and demons. Although Qing Ge's sword speed is fast, if it can't hurt Feng Tianming, no matter how fast it is, it will be useless."

Someone said, "Under the current circumstances, Feng Tianming can completely ignore Qing Ge's attack and just blast."

"This means that Qing Ge is finally going to lose?"

"It's hard to say, Qing Ge hasn't used the foundation of his **** and devil body yet."

Some people judged rationally and felt that this battle was getting more and more exciting, and they were full of expectations for the final result of this battle.

Ying Mingyue has a proud figure and a superb appearance. At this time, she looks calmly at the two fighting two with a positive face, as if she doesn't have any worries.

Lu Qingshan stopped steadily, the blood tumbling in his body, very uncomfortable.

His situation is actually more serious than others thought.

They only think that this kind of injury should be a trivial matter to Qing Ge, who cultivates the foundation of the demon body.

But they didn't know that Lu Qingshan was actually just a look. Compared with Mo Xiu, his body was as crisp as a piece of paper.

Lu Qingshan slightly controlled the fluctuating Qi and blood in his body, feeling awe-inspiring in his heart.

The foundation of Feng Tianming's gods and demons is indeed very strong.

His "Seven Must" swordsmanship can hit the opponent, but it can't take advantage, which will make him very passive.

Moreover, his physical body is so weak that he can't take many tricks and can't tolerate any more mistakes.

This is the shortcoming of Jian Xiu, how cool it is to kill an enemy with a single sword, and how painful it is when the body is attacked.

For players, it's just resurrection after the dead. Shuang is the most important thing, so you can have no scruples.

Lu Qingshan had only one life, of course he did not dare to be so arrogant.


He coughed up a bruise in his throat.

"I can't hurt him because my sword speed is not fast enough, and the sword style is not strong enough." Lu Qingshan said introspection.

"If that's the case, let's improve your swordsmanship." He murmured.

Only by introspecting and reflecting on your own shortcomings can you become stronger!

"You consume 700w experience points, and the power of [Secret Sword·Wind Slash] is increased!"

"You consume 600w experience points, and "Seven Wonders" is raised to the sixth level!"

"You consume 1000w experience points, "Seven Jue" has been raised to the seventh realm (the highest)!"

In the next instant, new insights about the Secret Sword of the Wind Slashing and the swordsmanship of "Seven Jue" emerged from his mind.

He couldn't directly use these two swordsmanship.

But all he wants is these insights.

That's enough.

For the rest, he can completely rely on his kendo talent and understanding to master it, turn it into his own thing, and then use it against the enemy!

Lu Qingshan had a faint feeling that, in fact, the path of creating his own swordsmanship was the path that a foreign swordsman should take after he reached the later stage of his sword repair.

After all, no matter how strong the swordsmanship is, if it is created by someone else, it will only fit the creator. If you take a picture of a cat or a tiger, you can at most show its power.

But if you can integrate and create swordsmanship in combination with your own situation, and study your own swordsmanship, you can even use swordsmanship to supernormally exert its power by twelve percent, or even more!

What suits you is the best.

What suits you is the real invincibility technique.

The same is true of the facts, each Sword Fairy’s methods are unique in the world.

Lu Qingshan is groping on this correct path and going forward.

Although he only refines the virtual realm.


After a while, Lu Qingshan, who completely accepted and digested his new insights, instantly understood the truth.


Jian Xiao again and again.

Lu Qingshan shouted in a low voice and used a new sword he had mastered.

The sword light was fierce, and in an instant, it crossed a distance of one hundred meters and directly slashed towards Feng Tianming.

The sword light contains fierce murderous and fierce aura.

His sword will undergo a qualitative transformation from just now.

----From the transformation brought about by 23 million experience points.

But in the eyes of Feng Tianming who was watching, there was nothing unusual.

Even if he broke his head, he would not have imagined that such an astonishing change would happen to Lu Qingshan in an instant.

Therefore, he was unprepared and sneered, as before, prepared to use the gods and demons to harden Lu Qingshan's attack, adopting the seemingly "injury for injury" style of play.

This choice cannot be said to be wrong.

After all, he has already gained a great advantage with this tactic, and there is no reason to suddenly abandon it.

It is a pity that the opponent he encountered this time cannot be unpredictable with common sense.

"It's useless..." Feng Tianming smiled wildly, and then stopped abruptly.

Whirring whirring!

This time, there were four more sword roars that cut through the space, and the black blood intertwined with a sword light, and the front of the sword light was a golden light.

Seven-fold acceleration!

The highest state of Qijue.

The sword light lit up, and instantly passed Feng Tianming's neck, two faint frost lines appeared along with the sword light.

This is the companion of the two afterimages of Zhanfeng!

A sword floats blood!

Feng Tianming, who had previously relied on the foundation of the gods and demons, was extremely rampant, and suddenly suffered a lot of injuries.

Blood shot out from the neck, making his face pale.

"How is it possible?" Feng Tianming's eyes widened, showing a look of shock.

The opponent actually broke the foundation of his **** and devil body and injured him!

He couldn't help shaking his body, coughing up blood in his mouth, and his flesh was full of anger, healed all his injuries at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Come again!" Feng Tianming said grimly.

He was not convinced, with a long whistle, and waved the long knife, among which the golden knife light formed a long dragon, making the space tremble.

A wave of ripples were sent from the training platform, controlling these demonic energy fluctuations that would overflow the training platform to disappear, ensuring that the onlookers could watch with peace of mind.

Lu Qingshan just sneered, and also greeted him.

Fighting with Jian Xiu to output, and to be reasonable with a woman, tied for the most unreasonable choice in the world.


This time, Feng Tianming didn't dare to be as unscrupulous as before.

Because Lu Qingshan's sword is already the foundation of his **** and devil body.

Although he can quickly recover from his injuries with the help of anger, this process is extremely costly.

So he must be careful.

The two battled into a group, extremely fierce and exciting, which made people feel swaying.

Lu Qingshan became more and more brave as he fought.

A physical body is extremely powerful, and his combat power is slightly better, but his skill is far inferior to his living target. This is definitely Jian Xiu's favorite sword practice object.

In a blink of an eye, the two have already faced off hundreds of moves.

During this process, Lu Qingshan merged Zhanfeng and Qijue to the extreme, his fighting spirit flourished, and his heart was extremely happy.

His swordsmanship is getting stronger and stronger, and his sword speed is getting faster and faster, as if there is no extreme.

He hasn't fought so heartily for a long time.

Compared to Lu Qingshan's body being comfortable, Feng Tianming's heart trembled more and more.

He feels that he is struggling as he fights.

"He's still teasing me!" Feng Tianming roared inwardly,

"He doesn't explode with all his strength, but slowly increases his strength, just to make me think that there is hope to defeat him, and then to extinguish my hope."

"There is such a despicable person!" He was very angry, and secretly accused Qing Ge as improper husband.


"It's almost there." A trace of madness and excitement flashed in Lu Qingshan's eyes.

He finally merged Zhanfeng and Qijue into one.

It is not easy to create a new sword tactic, but he is so talented in kendo, and he has an incomparably comprehensive understanding of "Zhanfeng" and "Seven Jue" endowed by "Deep Blue", plus the selfless feeding tricks of the "good-hearted man" Feng Tianming. How can progress be unpleasant?

The next moment, the long sword in his hand suddenly shook, and the seven-fold acceleration burst out instantly.

The black blood was so fast that it turned into a faint black thread, and the traces were almost inaudible.

And beside the black silk, two more illusory black silks appeared.

The three black silks passed everything in the space, with a natural charm.

The space was cut open by him like a piece of tofu, and finally fell on Feng Tianming.

The sound is very small and inaudible.

But Feng Tianming's figure flew straight upside down.

"Ah!" Feng Tianming, who flew upside down, yelled, trembling all over, blood flowing from his body.

The amount of bleeding was so great that his clothes were dyed red in an instant, making him covered in blood.

"What happened?" Everyone was stunned.

"Why did Feng Tianming suffer such a serious injury? I didn't see it clearly!"

Lu Qingshan's sword was too fast, and many people simply couldn't see what was going on.

"It's terrifying, his sword skills are so strong that we can't even understand it!" They were horrified, shocked, and stunned.

How can you deal with moves that you can't see clearly?

It is conceivable that if the people on the field are replaced by them from Feng Tianming, I am afraid that the heads will be separated in an instant.

"You are not Qi Jue. Although Qi Jue Swordsmanship is powerful, it is definitely not as magical as you do!"

Feng Tianming yelled, his body trembled, his feet staggered, and he was extremely shocked.

There are three long, thin and deep wounds on his body, from which blood flows.

The foundation of the gods and demons he is proud of, the foundation of invincibility that he has cultivated for many years, has been defeated by the swordsmanship of "Qing Ge".

Feng Tianming was unacceptable and needed a reasonable explanation.

"This is indeed not just, but a new method of warfare that I have transformed based on Qijue Swordsmanship," Lu Qingshan Sui Feng Tianming said loudly, "Slashing the wind and Qijue!"

Everyone was shocked for a while.

Create your own tactics? !

The scene was quiet for a moment.

"The name of the good soil..." In the silence, Gu Yiyi's voice sounded in Lu Qingshan's heart.

She murmured.

Zhanfeng + Qijue = Zhanfeng Qijue?

She was unable to complain about this way of naming.

According to her idea, it must be a name that is similar to picking the stars and breaking the river to urge the city to open the sky, this kind of pretentious and resounding name will have that taste!

Light pen


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