Those Years when Marvel was a Superhero

Vol 6 Chapter 44: 1 trigger

? "What you said makes sense, unknown pawn. But why should I stop this?" Dum praised Li Jie, but it seems that he did not have much to say about Li Jie's proposal to stop the war. interest.

"Everything in this world comes at a price. If you want to have a reward, you need to pay. And between the reward and the pay, most of the time, the two do not have the most basic fairness." Dum seemed not to see those around him. Steel mechas with live ammunition are generally ridiculous.

"The most basic market rules are derived from the demand for supply and demand, and the demand for supply and demand is to leverage the world. A diesel generator from Toyo can be exchanged on the East African plains for crops or animals that far exceed its true value. . "

"Everything in this world comes at a price. Don't expect peace and prosperity falling from the sky." Durm's tone was a bit ridiculous.

"Why are those Eastern European countries willing to join hands with me, and why are they willing to be a buffer zone of war between Latvia and Russia? Even using the lives of hundreds of millions of people in their own country as a bargaining chip to help me?"

"You have to understand that this world has never had no love and hate for no reason, and there are very few stupid people who put their destiny on others." Dumu's words are straightforward and there is a naked cruelty in it.

"Do you think those countries did not consider the consequences of doing this before they formed an alliance with me, reached a new Eastern European Union, and even pushed millions of people to war?" Li Jie could not see Du The smile on Mu's face.

"No, don't underestimate the leaders of these countries. There may be a lot of idiots in this world, but there are also many smart and sensible people. The leaders of these countries belong to the latter. All these are their choices ! "

"The choice of war was not made by me, but these people. Of course, including the five permanent members of the United Nations, and those who want to see the lively other countries." Dumu said the cruel truth.

"No country is willing to be poor and backward. Eastern Europe has changed drastically and the Soviet Union has disintegrated. Many of these divided countries are now unable to manufacture even a qualified TV set."

"Lack of resources, lack of technology. Without enough jobs, agriculture cannot feed all the nationals in the country, and it is necessary to export the original rare resources in exchange for enough agricultural and sideline products to struggle to maintain."

"Political turmoil, popular resentment. Many countries have reached the point of being on the verge of a coup. For example, is it like the color revolution? Think about who is behind to manipulate all this?" Dumu looked around the people around.

"So as I said, for these sad, unseen countries, the development of new energy may be their best turning point."

"The extraction of helium-3 will be an unbelievable level of energy supply prices. These countries will also benefit from today's actions."

"Imagine, Tony Stark, you have mastered the Ark Energy Furnace, and made the plan to mine the lunar helium-3 from dream to reality. But how many people can benefit from your plan?" Dumm looked at Tony. There are some disdain in his eyes.

"You are an American citizen and you are naturally close to the United States. Although the United Nations, including the United States, may not be able to force you to surrender your Ark technology, but without their support, your plan to mine the moon is nothing more than empty talk. right."

"And the United Nations Wuchang does not seem to want to share helium-3 mining with any other country at all. Although it seems that they have developed a so-called rule, they themselves do not comply at all."

"Maybe in the future, they will give some leftovers to other countries, but develop the moon with them? Or wash and sleep, all they have to do is use the moon as their private product." Dumu's final voice was surprising Big.

"And what I did was to provide another possibility of distribution to the property belonging to all mankind. There can never be only one knife for cutting a cake. Only with choice can there be a future."

And Dum's words really worked. Everyone on the scene, including Peter and Harry, fell into another kind of thinking, which can be said to be completely taken away by Durm's rhythm.

There were not many people who kept a clear head, and Li Jie, Tony and Hank remained. Hank is because he has seen too many storms and waves in his life, so he will not be easily shaken by his words.

Tony Stark did not believe in any politicians at all, and besides the identity of a scientist, Dum was the monarch of Latvia, essentially a politician and a politician. Very successful politician.

Generally speaking, the more successful a politician is, the more dangerous he is. Because in the field of politics, any mistakes and lack of sense of smell will lead to a loss of reputation.

Li Jie is because he is very good at speaking. He clearly feels that Dum himself is in rhythm from Dum's speech.

Whether it is to avoid the heavy or to avoid the topic ~ ~ All languages ​​Dum speaks in his own good direction.

"So, this is the doctor you want to say?" Li Jie smirked. "Do you know what is the most terrifying point in human nature? Fearlessness caused by ignorance, crazy actions made by fearlessness."

"You are right, the five permanent members of the United Nations are very likely to become what you said. But I also bet that everything you do in the future will not be as warm as what you said."

"You are right in one sentence. Everything comes at a price. When no results have been obtained yet, you have caused hundreds of thousands of people in Eastern Europe to die in war, millions of people have been displaced, and tens of millions of people Life is affected. It may even provoke a war across Europe and the world even in the future. "

"Just to get a possible expectation, these people have paid such a heavy burden, so heavy that they can no longer withdraw the price of your plan. And want to really get what they are asking for: the inexhaustible energy. They will finally pay What a terrible price? "

"No matter how tall it may seem, the essence is nothing but a terrible and unequal transaction. In this transaction, your role is even darker than the United Nations Wuchang. So I ended up Warn you once. "Li Jie's voice finally became very serious.

"If you disagree, I will let you stay in **** and use this as the final destination of your soul. After all, to kill a war monger who has spurred the death of millions, there will be no fluctuations in my heart. I said it. "

Jie Li's words just fell, and all the weapons of the Iron and Steel Corps had entered the launching state. The war is on the verge.

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