Thousands of Hearts

Chapter 125 Strange 1

Chapter 125 Strange 1

"How to play this? Read the tutorial first." Sitting in front of the guzheng, Wang Yiyang quickly took out his mobile phone and searched for live-action introductory learning courses online.

"It would be better if we could find a teacher." Wang Yiyang thought for a while, and sent a text message with his mobile phone.

Mister is now under his control, and relying on the patent of bio-mechanization, he has begun to reform the field of medical equipment in large quantities, and at the same time released diluted K-crystal potions, impacting the skin care product markets of various countries.

Relying on these industries, Meister's profits are getting higher and higher, and the market value is getting bigger and bigger.

There are already a lot of international capital, hoping to invest in Mister. But they were all rejected by Wang Yiyang.

He was waiting, waiting for the real group of people at the highest level on this planet to make a move.

Ordinary international capital is not worth mentioning to him. What he wants is to truly connect with the top class.

And for this purpose, he did not hesitate to throw out a diluted version of the K crystal potion.

Money is endless, but a strong network of relationships and contacts is a more important resource.

If Mister can be accepted by the international top class, and integrate with them.

So once someone wants to deal with Mister, it is tantamount to dealing with a country, or even the whole world, the whole planet.

That's when he really reached his peak.

Of course, before that, he must ensure that he has the ability to protect this interest.

‘Just relying on this chip, maybe it’s not enough...’

Wang Yiyang sat in front of the guzheng, looking at the body of the sixteen-stringed zither, lost in thought.

Biomechanization technology seems to be advanced, but in fact the improvement to the existing technology system is not that great, because in the field of biological transformation, the world itself is not bad, it's just that the direction and route are different.

Biomechanization may bring some inspiration, but the benefits that can be obtained are not great.

This amount of money may be enough for a lifetime for ordinary people, but for him, it is still lacking a lot.

K crystal medicine is better, but this kind of medicine is only a temporary improvement, and other international biological groups have similar research results, but they haven't made it public.

Therefore, the impact of the K crystal potion will not produce too strong an effect.

Ding dong.

The knock on the door suddenly interrupted Wang Yiyang's thoughts.

He got up and quickly opened the door, took the takeaway and put it on the table. While tearing open the package, I collected my thoughts and checked the Guzheng tutorial I just found.

Now, his primary goal, the first is to improve perception, improve physical fitness, master self-protection ability and anti-detection ability.

The second is to complete the identity task and get all the rewards.

The third is to do more things that overlap with the identity experience in spare time, so as to activate and acquire more experience skills.

Soon, a bowl of tomato and egg noodles was eaten, and Wang Yiyang happened to finish the first tutorial.

Taking advantage of the heat, he sat down in front of Guzheng again.

"By the way, I forgot that the cat hasn't eaten yet." He suddenly saw a weak black cat in the corner.

"Forget it, you won't die if you miss a meal. I'll talk about it after I finish playing."

Wang Yiyang decisively shifted his attention and returned to the guzheng.


Clank clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang strategy situation! !

The sound was normal at first, but later on.....

Wang Yiyang plucked the strings with both hands quickly, feeling very complicated.

Before he struck, he felt that he was quite sure and proficient, but after he actually struck, the sound he made was simply horrible.

After a familiar meal, about ten minutes later, he gradually aroused the resonance of the experience in his memory.

Since she was a child, Qin Gui Yuxiao, what she remembers most is practicing guzheng.

At that time, she didn't wear any armor, so she could only use her fingernails to pluck the strings.

Now Wang Yiyang also forgot to wear Yijia, but his fingers did not suffer from pain due to random practice.

His fingertips seemed to have been strengthened by potions, making them harder and more resilient.

After a noisy sound, slowly, as Wang Yiyang began to recall the feeling of practicing the piano in Yu Xiao's memory, his hands gradually became proficient.

Press the strings with your left hand and pluck them with your right hand.

The sound gradually changed from bang bang bang at the beginning to an increasingly clear and pure guzheng sound.

Wang Yiyang didn't play the music, but just plucked randomly.

He didn't feel much at first, but later, after resonating with Yu Xiao's memory, he also began to master a lot of basic skills and experience of guzheng without knowing it.

While studying the tutorial, he tried to practice fingering constantly.

Normal people need to practice fingering for a long time, whether it is hooking, wiping, lifting, etc., with him, he can quickly become proficient in just ten minutes.

Then practice various guzheng sounds.

Such as vibrato, portamento and the like.

Soon, the memory in Wang Yiyang's mind gradually became clearer and clearer, and he completely learned the requirements of a section of the tutorial in almost ten minutes.

Finally, an hour later, he began to try to play simple pieces.

"What should I play?" Wang Yiyang stopped his hands and thought for a while.

Qin Gui Yuxiao has mastered many piano pieces, but 99% of them are not complete.

After all, the experience about Yu Xiao is all vague and abbreviated, and there is no way to learn it completely.

"Just the simplest one." After choosing, Wang Yiyang managed to find an etude from Mi Xiao's memory.

Creator of "Night Peace": Yu Xiao. Performer: Yu Xiao.

This piece of music was created and played by Yu Xiao in order to comfort a little sister when she was young, and it was adapted from a minor tune she hummed herself.

Wang Yiyang tried the sound first, and then his fingertips trembled, and the clear and clear zither sound suddenly burst out from in front of him.

The whole living room is filled with smooth and pleasant music.

Soon, the song ended, and Wang Yiyang sat in his seat, clearly feeling the difference between learning Guzheng and practicing fighting.

Compared with other identities, Qin Gui Xiaoxiao's life is short and simple, so no matter how brief her memory is, there is still a large part of the content about the guzheng instrument.

This allowed him to get started with guzheng very quickly.

"At this level, the playing is very smooth. It should be regarded as an introduction to guzheng. With the acceleration of identity memory, it is really much easier."

After Wang Yiyang finished playing, he closed his eyes again and sat on a chair to practice the steel breath method.

Time passed slowly, and it was more than half an hour later.

He just opened his eyes and got up.

The clock on the wall already showed 8:40.

There were only twenty minutes left before Xue Ruihua promised to go home before nine o'clock.

‘You can also do an engraving practice. '

Wang Yiyang counted the time, got up and took a sip of water, and then sat down on the chair in the living room.

After injecting K crystal potion twice, his current overall physique is constantly improving.

After the full upgrade is complete, after a period of adaptation, you can consider injecting the final medicine.

Of course, the premise is that the final medicine at that time can completely eliminate the side effects of balding and turning into a weirdo.

Closing his eyes, Wang Yiyang slowly began to engrave the environment in the living room.

White walls, tan wood floors, surrounding furniture, TV cabinets, and display shelves.

Big dining table, four mahogany chairs, overhead chandelier....

All kinds of things began to emerge in the living room space of Wang Yiyang's engraving.

His perception has even reached the level of a veteran special hypnotist at this time.

The effect of the crystal potion combined with Yu Xiao's special experience gave him super talent and proficiency in engraving practice.

Soon, in Wang Yiyang's perception, a living room exactly like his own was reconstructed and engraved.

He engraved his own body again, standing in this perceived living room, trying to move left and right, waiting and watching.

It feels like a real living room.

In the engraved living room, after some activities, Wang Yiyang gradually got used to this state and was about to end the practice.


Suddenly he made a move.

There seemed to be a rustling sound similar to radio FM.

The sound was intermittent and not coherent. It also seemed to be far away, and the voice was weak.

'what sound? '

Wang Yiyang's heart shuddered, he suspected that it was the slight electric sound from someone nearby using electronic equipment.

He stood quietly in the living room imprinted by perception, with the cold wooden floor under his feet.

Surrounded by clearly visible white walls of the living room.

The doors leading to other rooms are all blurred.

That means Wang Yiyang doesn't have the ability to engrave all of them.

hiss... hiss...

The intermittent rustling sound is still there.

Wang Yiyang frowned, stopped in place, and began to leave the engraving state.

Soon, he opened his eyes in reality, and the hissing sound was no longer in his ears.

"What's going on? In the memories of the two hypnotists I got, there was no such situation."

Neither the former special hypnotist Fein nor the later leader of the Indulging Heart, Roy, have ever encountered such an accident.

Wang Yiyang looked at the wall clock, only five minutes had passed.

In order to make sure that the sound just now was not an illusion, he closed his eyes again, began to rely on engraving, reconstructed the living room, and continued to practice.

Sure enough, he had just engraved the living room in his perception, when there was a subtle and clear hissing sound in his ears again.

"This voice..."

Wang Yiyang speculated that it might be the superposition of the K-crystal medicine he injected, the perception sensitivity of Qin Guiyu Xiaoxiao, combined with the perception of the hypnotist, resulting in some kind of abnormality.

"Anyway, first check to see if something is wrong with me."

He quickly checked himself, and according to the hypnotist's method, he confirmed that there was nothing wrong with him. Mental and conscious perceptions are completely normal.

Then he relaxed, slowly began to move his body in the perceived living room, and began to listen carefully.

hiss... hiss...

The sound seemed to be fluctuating, and according to the identified location, it should be on the display shelf.

The display racks in Wang Yiyang's home are a complete set of mahogany racks, on which are some old objects, vases and fish tanks.

It is only used to frame the facade on weekdays, but it is actually useless.

This is the idle furniture that old father Wang Songhai bought with a lot of money in order to pretend to be a collector.

Of course, he didn't collect many antiques, so Wang Songhai stopped playing after three minutes of enthusiasm.

Then, this expensive wooden shelf becomes a vacant place for idle items at home.

Wang Yiyang slowly approached the display stand.

The display stand is divided into upper and lower parts. The whole is a cuboid.

On the top are squares covered by glass doors, and below are rows of large red drawers.

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