Thousands of Hearts

Chapter 155 Exploration 1

Chapter 155 Exploration 1

Inside the safe house of Meister's headquarters building.

Holding a carving knife in his hand, Wang Yiyang carved the one-meter-long tree roots in front of him little by little into a wooden house.

In front of the wooden house, there are a few young children playing with the puppies. There is an inexplicable warmth hidden in the childlike fun.

Fine debris of tree roots kept falling to the ground. Wang Yiyang frowned all the time.

"There's still something wrong. What is it?"

He completed another new work. But it still felt like something was missing.

"The requirement of the identity task is to complete an ideal work. By the way, ideal... so what is the ideal work of the root carving master Rey?"

Wang Yiyang suddenly felt that he might have walked into a fork in the road.

It was getting brighter outside.

He didn't sleep all night, but he was still full of energy and didn't feel tired.

Originally, at this time, he should get up and do exercises, then drink milk and start exercising early.

But Wang Yiyang didn't mean to get up at all.

He sat cross-legged on the ground with a calm expression, constantly recalling the memories of Rey's life.

He guessed that he should not have a problem with his skills, but that he had found the wrong direction.

With his skills at this time, he combined Heather's experience in using weapons, as well as the dexterous dissection hands of a surgeon, and the hands of Xiao Xiao who played the sound of the Magic Dao piano.

With multiple combinations, everything about him should have already far surpassed the original Rey, reaching an unimaginable height among root carvings.

In addition, his body has evolved through K crystal potion.

Such conditions, no matter what, will not fail to meet the mission standard. After all, identity risks and benefits are equal.

Rey's identity is not too strong.

"Rey, the most ideal work..." Wang Yiyang kept replaying his memory.

Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration.

What is Ray's ideal?

I am alone, traveling across the ocean to find the root deep in my heart.

"Root!?" Wang Yiyang seemed to have found a clue.

When Rey was not famous, his family did not understand his pursuit, his friends did not understand his ideal, and no one supported him.

But he still insisted on leaving, asking for advice on root carving skills from various places, and finally achieved great success.

But when he became famous, his family had already passed away due to illness, and he no longer had the roots he once had.

"So... the ideal hidden deep in Rey's heart is to reproduce the deepest root of his heart! The deepest home!"

Wang Yiyang's heart suddenly brightened.

His eyes brightened, and he swept his gaze, and quickly found a black tree root more than one meter high among the piles of root carvings in the room.

He picked up a whole set of carving knife bags, sat down in front of the tree roots, and began to raise and lower the knives.

With the sound of cutting, pieces of bark and wood kept falling.

Wang Yiyang's eyes gradually stared, focused, and fell into a state of forgetting everything.

His hands are tirelessly sculpting, and countless inspirations, thoughts and sustenance of his family and roots have turned into a three-dimensional picture and emerged under his hands.

Time is like a clear spring, gurgling and flowing.

Four hours passed in a blink of an eye.

It was bright outside, and the sun shone through the curtains, casting dappled spots of light in the room. The subtle whine of the ventilation system became the only tone in the room.

Wang Yiyang finally dropped the carved knife in his hand, with a satisfied and pure smile on his face.

He took a few steps back and carefully looked at the work in front of him.

It was a huge black column.

From top to bottom, the columns are carved with kind and warm faces. These faces range from young to middle-aged to old.

A total of three people, dozens of faces of different age groups.

They are the father, mother, and his brother that Rey can never forget in his memory.

These faces are the deepest symbols and impressions left in Rey's memory after blurring everything.

"That's it!" Wang Yiyang felt as if he had grasped the key.

He looked at the work he had just sculpted, and felt peaceful in his heart.

It was as if Heather's cold hole had been filled a lot at once.

"As long as the key clues are found, this identity task is actually not difficult to complete." Wang Yiyang knew it clearly.

The direction of his previous efforts was actually wrong.

Now that he has found the trick, the moment he completes this work, he knows that this task is over.

He quickly looked at the data bar in the lower right corner of his vision.

Sure enough, the data column is slowly refreshing data row by row.

Lines of unknown characters, like garbled characters, are popping up quite rhythmically.

After this state lasted for half a minute, finally, a line of characters that Wang Yiyang could recognize popped up.

'Root carving artist Rey Zalos, identity task completed. '

'Task rewards will be drawn randomly...'

The line-by-line data suddenly accelerated again, after swiping more than a dozen lines.

Then it stopped slowly, and a new line of recognizable characters popped up.

‘The rewards have been obtained, congratulations, you have obtained Rey Zalos’ innate ability: Perseverance. '

'Talent: Perseverance (When faced with difficulties and obstacles, the frustration will be greatly reduced. Low-level resistance to hallucinogenic ability, hypnotic ability, etc.)''

"Not bad!" Wang Yiyang felt relieved, and finally completed an identity task, and now Rey's identity can be completely let go.

"The natural ability obtained is also very good. It is considered to be of a general nature and can be effective in all aspects. It is considered good luck."

He stood up, looked at the root carvings in the room, and felt that his hard work was not in vain.

"Especially the resistance to hypnosis and hallucinations. Although it is not high, it is practical and versatile. After all, this identity is just a root carving artist, and it is an ordinary profession."

Wang Yiyang is not greedy, it is already very good to be able to draw this talent.

"Next, is the second one, the identity task of the killer Li Wei."

He looked at the historical records on the data bar.

The 'organization' formed before has a training manual that he recorded separately, and is carrying out the inheritance training of the killer Li Wei step by step every day.

Wang Yiyang divided Li Wei's various skills into various parts and taught them separately, in order to speed up the inheritance and complete the task of this identity.

Now he looks at the progress.

'82%. '

"Soon, it seems that it won't be long before this task can be completed automatically."

With the progress of the task, Wang Yiyang can feel that many memories about Li Wei in his mind are becoming clearer.

With the clarity of his memory, many techniques about fighting with cold weapons and using poison gradually integrated into his mind.

Killers naturally know how to use poison. Although Li Wei doesn't use it much, it doesn't mean he doesn't understand it.

"Sculpting all night, it's time to rest." Just now, the mental will has been tense, the brain is running at high speed, and I don't feel anything.

Relaxing now, Wang Yiyang suddenly felt mentally tired.

He got up and left the safe house, scanned his pupils and fingerprints, and passed through the security coded doors.

Soon they came to a luxuriously furnished temporary bedroom.

On the side of Mist headquarters, he has completely transformed the entire floor into his own living and vacation training place.

After taking a hasty shower, Wang Yiyang fell on the bed and quickly fell into a sound sleep.

I don't know how long I slept this time.

When he woke up, it was dark outside again.

He hadn't slept so comfortably since getting the ID system.

Arched from the soft and warm white mattress.

Wang Yiyang lazily got up to wash, combed his hair, and looked in the mirror to see if he had acne on his face.

Since his face became more beautiful, he naturally began to pay a little attention to his image.

Glanced in the mirror.

He suddenly noticed that his hair was a little long. So he picked up the scissors decisively and cut the ends of the hair randomly.

With his current level of dexterity with his hands, in less than five minutes, the hair that was just long was trimmed neatly.


Suddenly there was a slight vibration from the biochip, and there was a communication request.

Wang Yiyang gently pressed the chip and connected the request.

Suddenly Crow Sandy's voice came from the communication.

"Boss, Zhongworm's preparations are complete, and the injection is about to start."

"The bellworm..." Wang Yiyang fell silent.

The injection of the final medicine was originally not dangerous.

However, in order to pursue greater strengthening and avoid multiple injections, the body will develop drug resistance, so it is required to inject all doses of the final medicine at one time.

In this way, the strengthening effect will indeed reach its peak, but the danger will be greatly increased.

There is a 40% chance of being disabled or dying.

The research staff of the group had reminded him, but Zhong Can insisted on his choice.

Because the effect of one injection is about 30% higher than that of multiple injections.

"I am coming over now."

Wang Yiyang replied.

He hurriedly changed his clothes, left the bedroom, and entered a white elevator along the corridor.


The elevator spun and slid down quickly, then moved horizontally, and slid down for a few minutes before slowly slowing down and stopping.

The elevators are separated left and right.

What appeared in front of Wang Yiyang was a closed hemispherical huge silver hall.

The walls of the lobby are densely packed with various elevator doors. There are tons of researchers coming in and out of it all the time.

Someone was already waiting for Wang Yiyang outside in advance.

The two researchers in white coats bowed to Wang Yiyang without saying a word, then turned and led the way.

Turn east and west in the complex underground research base, finally, five minutes later.

Wang Yiyang entered a spacious silver ward furnished with various electronic instruments.

Zhong Can was lying on his back on a metal bed, his upper body was naked, his chest, arms, neck, and even his head were pierced with various probes.

"Have you thought it through?" Wang Yiyang's eyes immediately fell on Zhong Can.

"Of course." Zhong Can's consciousness was very clear. He replied with a hoarse voice.

"It's possible that you will die, or be completely disabled." Wang Yiyang said again.

"..." Zhong Can turned his head and looked up at the ceiling without answering.

"Aren't you afraid?" Wang Yiyang approached.

"...There can only be one ending." Zhong Can said calmly.

Wang Yiyang narrowed his eyes. He understood what this guy meant.

If you fail and become disabled, you might as well die.

"Decided enough." Although he knew Zhong Can's character very early on, he still couldn't help showing appreciation.

"In order to increase your chances of success. I will remove the detonator next to your heart. Make you a whole body. In addition, if you need anything, you can just say it.

Money, I have plenty, I can get any resources I want, as long as there is something on this planet. "

Wang Yiyang's voice sank, and he answered seriously.

"Thank you." Zhong Can actually didn't care about the heart detonator. In order to pursue the transcendence of martial arts, he can give up everything.

At the beginning, I followed Wang Yiyang only because he could provide me with further direction and resources.

Moreover, during these time getting along, the two of them actually had a tacit understanding.

Especially after Zhong Can came out from extremes, after the comprehensive improvement of the K crystal potion, both body and mind have reached a strong balance.

Without being extreme, his temperament has become much calmer.

"This is enough for now." After a moment of silence, Zhong Can slowly replied.

After that, neither of the two spoke first.

The mechanical arm on the side, under the operation of the researchers, continuously pierced the bell silkworm with injection needles one by one.

These needles are just inserted ahead of time and wait until the time of the injection to inject them together.

Wang Yiyang was on the side, together with Jayne, just watching quietly.

The hissing sound of the mechanical arm moving and the beeping of electronic instruments became the only sounds in the room.

After a long time, all preparations were completed.

"I will break through the limit and surpass everything." Zhong Can suddenly said.

"..." Wang Yiyang didn't speak, just watched him silently. Then turn around and leave.

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