Thousands of Hearts

Chapter 159 Night Banquet 1

Chapter 159 Night Banquet 1

"I was surprised when I heard that you solved Xiwan, but I'm still really happy for you." The lady gently reached out her hand and shook Wang Yiyang lightly.

"It's a pleasure meeting you here again, Ms. Solan."

Wang Yiyang recognized the other party's identity.

Solan Deonia, the chairman of the board of directors of Deonia Group, one of the leading medical companies in Austria.

At the same time, she has another identity.

A good friend of Wang Yiyang's teacher Caesar Xide.

Said to be friends, but Wang Yiyang's memory is very clear, the lady in front of him has been secretly in love with the teacher for many years.

Even if Caesar is married, Lady Solan is still single.

She is over seventy years old, and she is no longer the youth she used to be, but judging from her facial features, Wang Yiyang soon understood why the teacher didn't choose her at the beginning.

Ms. Solan, she doesn't look good...

In fact, it wasn't just this lady. From a glance, there were not many people in the banquet hall that Wang Yiyang could barely catch his eye.

There wasn't even a single pretty woman in the venue.

Men, on the other hand, have a great temperament. Among the dozens of people present, there are still a few who are considered handsome.

But on the whole, the average age of the audience is over 60, and there are not many faces like Wang Yiyang who are too young.

"This is the vanity fair for old people. You are still young, so you should go to the theater dinner. The young people over there are more energetic." Ms. Solan smiled.

The theater dinner is a simultaneous social banquet held nearby by the rich second generation. Their parents have a banquet here, and the second generation also needs to network, so they hold gatherings nearby simultaneously.

It's also a good networking session. But with Wang Yiyang's current status, it is not appropriate to go to a theater dinner. He can sit on an equal footing with the parents of those second generations.

"I think so too, but most of the time, it's the responsibility." Wang Yiyang shrugged.

"Responsibility?" Solan smiled and said no more about it.

She looked at the chamber orchestra on the right who was slowly playing together, and her eyes seemed to bring a trace of memory.

"When Caesar's accident happened, I heard the news and couldn't believe it. But I finally saw it. For him, maybe that ending is not bad." Solan said with emotion.

"When people get old, they always like to remember and sigh." Her eyes fell on Wang Yiyang. "Mister's turbulence has just stopped now. If you want to completely take over the previous market share and network resources, there may be some obstacles, but no matter what, I will support you."

Wang Yiyang nodded heavily.

Outsiders only saw him make a surprise attack overnight, and the two six-level bodyguards were not there. Fortunately, Xi Wan was dealt with and secured the chairmanship of the group. Surprisingly lucky.

But no one knows, these are all in his expectation.

Of course, for ordinary people, Mister might be very powerful, but here, Mister is just one of many group capitals.

And it's still a pretty humble one.

After all, even in the Mien Federation, Mist is only ranked in the top 100.

Moreover, none of the people present had come out of the bloody capital fight, and Wang Yiyang was too young.

Such a young man, even if he started to learn business from the womb and started to develop potential, how high can he reach?

After Wang Yiyang became a special hypnotist, he has a very keen perception of other people's emotions, so he naturally noticed such emotions immediately.

This is a matter of course.

Genius, yes, but too little, too little. Occasionally someone gets to the position by luck, but after the test of time, it will soon pass by like a meteor.

He just needs to prove that he is not lucky.

The banquet will begin soon.

The host is the Minister of Health from the Sumil Empire.

The bald, big-nosed middle-aged man took his wife to speak first.

After a series of thank you lists, he began to describe the new developments in medical technology this year, possible new breakthroughs, technical support from surrounding planets, and his vision for the future.

Wang Yiyang was among the crowd below, listening with relish.

After some speeches, the top 20 top financial groups in the international medical field, the spokespersons gathered together and walked towards the inner hall.

If the remaining levels are not enough, they start to divide the circles by themselves.

According to different countries and regions, the circles are also different.

Mister's main market is in the Mien Federation and the United States of Maria, although there are also other regions, but the share is very small.

So he mainly participated in small gatherings held by representatives of the Ministry of Health of the Mien Federation, and gatherings held by the High Commissioner of the Medical Department of the United States of Mary.

There were not many people in the two small gatherings.

Most of Wang Yiyang is listening, and only when voting, he will take the initiative to express his opinions.

Apart from safeguarding his Mister's interests and territory, he didn't do anything extra.

Originally, he thought that Mister had just stabilized, and there might be some short-sighted guy who would come and try to take benefits from him.

It's a pity that none of the bigwigs present is a fuel-efficient lamp. Mister is indeed not stable enough in their eyes. He has just changed the chairman, and his grasp of all aspects may not be firm enough.

However, Wang Yiyang took the lead in stabilizing the relationship with Maria's United Nations government, which made Mist a hard nut to crack no matter how unstable he was.

Therefore, no one is willing to take the lead in resisting Mister's counterattack pressure.

"This is capital and human nature." Ms. Suo Lan, who was sitting on Wang Yiyang's right, said calmly.

At the small party, the other bigwigs were still fighting with each other, competing with each other and exchanging their own resources, technology, interests and even talents.

Wang Yiyang and Suo Lan, the remaining forces, quietly waited for the result.

"For us, their competition is nothing more than the replacement of trading partners, nothing more. But for some people, this competition is the key to determine their own destiny."

Solan pointed out something, and lightly took a sip of the freshly filled grape juice.

It's juice not wine.

Wang Yiyang followed the lady's line of sight. Suddenly, I saw a young man sitting in the corner of the party room.

It was a black-haired man in his twenties wearing a white button-down dress. He looks handsome, and should have belonged to the sunny and gentle type.

But at this moment, the man's expression was slightly distorted.

He sat in a chair, silent, just listening. Sitting next to him was a black-haired girl in similar clothes to him. The two looked alike, so they should be immediate relatives.

"That's the Powers brothers and sisters, their father founded the Luosheng Group, and it took most of his life to work hard to the level of participating in this party.

But tonight, it may be about to collapse completely. Ms. Solan said flatly.

"Oh? Someone is targeting them? Or is there something wrong with the capital chain?" Wang Yiyang was a little curious.

"After the two brothers and sisters took over the entire family group three years ago, they invested all their resources and funds in a secret research project, trying to break through the original market limit in one fell swoop and step into a new height." Solan explained.

"It failed?" Wang Yiyang asked.

"No, I'm about to succeed, but I'm also being targeted." Solan raised his wine glass and looked at a white-haired old man on the other side.

"The Bayer Consortium of Mars is eyeing his research results. If he makes a move, the rest of the capital will not offend the Bayer Consortium for this research." Su Lan smiled mockingly.

"The Bayer consortium? It's really a big guy." Wang Yiyang nodded slightly.

He had heard the name of this consortium. The consortium was not very strong in the medical field, but it was strong in other aspects, and its comprehensive power was huge. It is the top 50 giants in the Austrian capital.

Compared with the top 100 of Mist's Mien Federation, it is a bit stronger.

"It's really pitiful." Solan shook his head slightly. "If these two children are as expected, after tonight, they may never be seen again in the future. Mars' methods are much more cruel and bloody than others."

"Indeed, I have contacted Bayer's people, and their style is a bit unpleasant. But the financial resources and potential power are very strong." Wang Yiyang also nodded in agreement.

When the two are talking here.

The two brothers and sisters of the Luosheng Group in the corner have already started to speak on behalf of their own group.

In addition to the routine domestic statistical reports, this young man in his twenties excitedly took out a USB flash drive and projected the pictures and data in it in the middle of the large conference table.

This is his last effort. He must find new venture capital to support the research project here.

The project that was just one step away was his only chance to come back this time.

With so many capital predators present, he couldn't believe that the Bayer consortium could cover the sky with one hand!

"I am the current chairman of Luosheng Group, and I am also the executive president, Simon. Regarding the current predicament of Luosheng Group, everyone here must have understood.

Therefore, in order to alleviate financial pressure and reduce research risks, I am here to announce some phased results of core research projects, hoping to obtain more investment and support for the next stage.

All of you here are the top giants in the medical industry, and you should be able to see the prospect and market potential of this project. "

This young man named Simon suppressed his emotions and talked eloquently.

The project he projected was a research project called Cell Resonance Weapon.

"The cell resonance weapon, as the name suggests, according to our ideal model, once such a weapon is completed, we can perfectly use the vibration resonance of different vibrations to make the enemy's cells vibrate and resonate together, achieving the purpose of ultra-long-distance and covert killing of the enemy.

As we all know, the length of infrasonic waves is mostly very long, and they can easily bypass most obstacles, so as to achieve the effect of crossing obstacles and killing enemies.

However, the development of infrasonic weapons has been unable to be miniaturized and individualized due to various reasons. The project I developed is heading in this direction...."

The more Simon spoke, the more excited he became, and the more confident he became, his voice was impassioned, but he didn't notice the disapproval in the eyes of many bigwigs below.

Although he feels that he speaks very powerfully, powerfully, and passionately. But none of the people present were simple characters.

Just want to rely on one mouth, one projected data, can pull investment resources? Think too much.

What's more, this project should be a weapon project. If it has enough potential, it should participate in the International Weapons Exhibition instead of coming here.

For a while, only Simon's voice kept echoing in the entire party room.

The younger sister beside him noticed the wrong atmosphere before him, and held his brother's hand nervously.

Two young men at such a party full of giants are like poor little lambs surrounded by giant sharks.

Weak and helpless.

Soon, Simon also noticed that the atmosphere was wrong.

He paused, noticing that no one responded to him. I was a little anxious, and wanted to say something more.

"Your time is up." The spokesperson of the Mien Federal Ministry of Health, who was in charge of hosting the meeting, raised his hand and looked at his watch, interrupting him.

Everyone has only two minutes to speak, which is the rule.

"Dear nephew Simon, Bayer is very interested in the investment in this project. After the party is over, we can go out and discuss it in detail." The white-haired Mars said loudly with a smile on his face.

In this small gathering group, the Bayer consortium is considered to be the stronger one, and he has vaccinated and exchanged the other powerful bosses in advance.

So as soon as he spoke at this time, he basically determined the outcome of this project.

Either go bankrupt or be annexed by him.

That's what he's hiding behind his words.

Simon looked at him angrily, clenched his fists, his face was flushed, but a sense of powerlessness gushing from deep in his heart prevented him from rushing up and punching the opponent hard.

He dare not.

Even though he knew it was the fault of the Bayer consortium, he still didn't dare to tear his face apart.

He still has family, a sister and a mother to take care of. He can't fall!

At least not here!

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