Thousands of Hearts

Chapter 256 First Arrival 2

Chapter 256 First Arrival 2

Wang Yiyang lowered his head, picked up a piece of mutton, and put it in his mouth. Suddenly there was an inexplicable feeling in my heart.

The current hunting bow, judging from his contact during this period.

Decadence, pursuit of capital, money worship, and authoritarianism are rampant.

The rich and the strong are aloof and wanton enjoyment.

The poor and the common people are walking on thin ice, proud of being able to live here, but they also taste the hardship of class oppression.

"I heard that there is a way, you can find a way to pass the middle-level mech master... Do you want...?" Mutanis suddenly asked softly.

Wang Yiyang's eyes froze, dare to cheat in this kind of exam?

"No...I might not have that much money." He paused and replied. "And I haven't passed the basic exam."

"You have such a strong foundation, you can definitely pass, and you will have to face the intermediate level sooner or later." Mutanis said.

"Think about it, I'm not in a hurry..." Wang Yiyang bowed his head.

He looked around and thought that the cheating channel of Mutanis was quite secret.

As a result, four out of ten students eating around were discussing this topic.

No pretense, just talk about the price.

He was stunned, and suddenly felt that it was really normal for his hometown to encounter hostile infiltration from Wan Ling.

This is the Hunting Bow, the supreme military training center for dozens of nearby star systems.

Even here is the virtue.

He can already infer what the other surrounding galaxies look like.

"It's good to get used to it. No one is sure to break through the eighth level of consciousness safely. It's just to find a way out for yourself in advance." A male student on the side suddenly said.

He is a freshman from the Damon galaxy, named Hengruila.

I have been in class with everyone these days, and I am a little familiar with it.

"The back road..." Wang Yiyang shook his head inwardly.

It's not so much the back road, it's better to say that this branch has been spoiled by mentor Si Bingsai.

He doesn't think this is the case in other branches, otherwise Hunting Bow would not be able to train eighth-level mech masters.

Just rely on the half-baked mecha master basic consciousness training method?

In a society, joining the army is only for power, wealth and status. You can cheat, you can give bribes.

Then this society has obviously reached the point where the crumbling building is about to collapse.

This is true even for mecha divisions with solid combat strength, then other mecha division branches, reformer branches, various military academies, and various training institutions.

Don't know how bad it will be.

Eighty percent of the talents that Hunting Bow cultivates every year are various types of soldiers required for space warfare.

The remaining 20% ​​are fully transformed people, occupied by mecha masters.

Among the 10,000 graduates, 8,000 are cyborgs who cannot resonate and have broken through level seven. One thousand eight hundred, a completely reformed person who has broken through the seventh level.

The remaining two hundred may be the official mech master.

Among the two hundred mecha masters, only two figures can reach level eight.

This is the hunting bow that brings together dozens of star system elites.

Wang Yiyang finished his lunch in silence.

He suddenly felt that it might be a good thing for this increasingly decadent world to just let nature take its course and let the Taoist Immortal Sect invade casually.

After lunch, each went back to the dormitory to rest.

Wang Yiyang did not delay, but went to the accommodation area of ​​his assistant, Hu Ka'an, to pick up the things as agreed.

From the beginning to the end, Hukaan was smiling, without any abnormality.

Of course he wouldn't do it directly, just in the academy, just do it directly.

He naturally has a lot of ways to deal with a mere student.

When Wang Yiyang left, he quietly arranged a miniature tracker on his body.





Wang Yiyang did not go out to do missions again.

Instead, he stayed in the dormitory honestly. Didn't go anywhere.

The troubles of his new identity made him fearful, and he didn't dare to run around at all.

As for the trouble of Hu Ka'an's assistant, it is not worth mentioning at all compared to the trouble caused by the new identity.

In the dormitory.

Wang Yiyang turned on the projection computer, switched to the local TV news, and turned up the volume.

Then turn on the jammer and 'protect' the bracelet.

Finally, he hid in the bathroom, nervously waiting for the mark on the back of his hand to open.

Because he already felt that the first teleporter was coming.

The sound of news from the living room outside continued to spread.

‘The whole line of Chris Group’s renovation project is about to be completed, and it is planned to officially open before September. '

'The new batch of admission lists for each college of Hunting Bow has been announced. A total of forty-two talented students from different star systems have successfully enrolled. '

'A series of traffic accidents occurred in Yinbai District, and the automatic command system made a small-scale logical error. The Ministry of Communications is investigating the specific situation. '

'In the new year, the latest ranking of the 50 branches of the Hunting Bow Mecha Division was released, and the list of the top five mecha divisions in the Dawn Ranking came out. The University Division announces the award of the Medal of Honor.

It may lead to a new wave of mech masters sending them to school. '

It is different from the relatively closed and isolated branch environment.

The hunting bow in the news is like another world.


Wang Yiyang hid in the bathroom, and he could also hear the sound of the news broadcast.

came here.

It feels to him like entering a foreign university and studying for a Ph.D. under the supervision of a graduate student.

Almost completely isolated from the outside world every day.

In addition to studying in class, it is self-study.

He also heard before that some of the mecha master mentors and students accepted by other branches have already officially gone out to carry out the task of cleaning up pirates.

That is an actual combat operation mech, not a fake standard mech used in the virtual actual combat layer.

Among them, those who perform well can even be allowed to customize their own private mechs.

"Huh..." Wang Yiyang exhaled.

Compared with other mentors, mentor Spencer is really a scumbag.

But at the time he had no choice. This is luck.

Listening to the news broadcast outside, Wang Yiyang slowly narrowed his attention and looked at the sword-shaped pattern on the back of his hand.

"It's better to deal with this stuff first."

The patterns began to heat up and glow white.

In the small rectangular bathroom, the white light in Wang Yiyang's hand was like a light bulb with a power of hundreds of watts, getting brighter and hotter.


Tiny noises began to emerge from around the pattern.

"Here we come!" Wang Yiyang's expression froze, staring at the pattern on the back of his hand.

In an instant, a white light beam was projected from the center of the pattern.

The light beam turned a corner, fell to the ground from mid-air, and suddenly turned into an elliptical vortex light gate.

A human figure of white light suddenly flashed out from the light door, and stood gently on the bathroom floor.

"Junior brother Jun Huazhang. I'm Guanghuazi, and I'm here to assist my younger brother in building a cross-boundary formation."

The light gate disappears.

The radiance of the white light figure dissipated, and it turned out to be a middle-aged Taoist with a refined temperament and a soft face.

The Taoist carried a long sword with a black scabbard on his back, with a leisurely demeanor and a faint luster in his eyes.

Coupled with wearing a white Taoist robe, the appearance is very good.

The language he spoke was the ancient Zhou dialect of the world where Daode Xianzong lived.

After instilling the memory of the identity system, Wang Yiyang could easily understand the meaning.

"It turns out to be Senior Brother Guanghuazi. I have admired you for a long time. You can just call my Taoist name Junyangzi."

Wang Yiyang felt a little relieved when he saw the gentle temperament.

The character of the person who started the game is a little more relaxed, which may make the contact between the two sides less intense.

Anyway, the people here don't understand the language of Xianzong, so he is needed as an interpreter.

So there should be room for improvement.

And seeing that this senior brother has a gentle temperament and a high level of self-cultivation, maybe a certain idea before can be successfully implemented.

"Brother, don't worry. The situation in this place is complicated. We still need to plan slowly and take a long-term view. We can't act too hastily." Wang Yiyang persuaded slowly.

"It's easy to talk about. Brother specially brought the four directions and five elements Hunyuan Soul Gathering Formation. There are many straw people in this outer region. It is just right to collect the living soul of this city and use it to condense the formation..."

"No way!" Wang Yiyang hissed and gasped.

Grassman is what Xianzong calls mortals.

And mining the city to live the soul...

Translated, it means to slaughter the entire Hunting Bow first to lay the foundation for the cohesive formation!

"Why is this, Junior Brother?" Guanghuazi was immediately puzzled. "Are you afraid of scaring the grass? How about I narrow down the scope and only pick a million straw people?"

"Brother, wait a minute... wait a minute..." Wang Yiyang knew it would happen.

"You can't even give birth to a soul from a million grasses? How powerful are the demons from the Outer Lands here?" Guanghuazi frowned.

"That's only 500,000 yuan, junior brother, this is the lowest limit, you have to know, senior brother, I am in the sect, and the soul gathering at a time is no less than 5 million yuan."

The boss in front of him was clearly dissatisfied.

If it weren't for the fact that Jun Huazhang's status is the second generation of immortals, and his parents are high-level, how could he say so much to a reincarnated cripple.

"Junior brother should know that this is a figurative order personally issued by the sect's majesty, and it must not be violated." Guanghuazi said seriously.

"Brother..." Wang Yiyang continued to speak.

Suddenly there was a short knock on the door from outside.

"Wang Yiyang is there? Here is your courier."


Wang Yiyang's heart skipped a beat, and his senses could feel a strong malice outside through the door.

It seems that the mentor and assistant move is finally here.

"Junior brother, don't panic, if you dare to attack someone from my Daodexianzong, you are looking for death!" Guanghuazi held the hilt of the sword on his back.

"If one person does it, the whole city will be implicated! Wait until I slaughter tens of thousands of people around here to relieve your hatred!"

"Brother, wait a minute!!" Wang Yiyang was shocked.

If he didn't have Jun Huazhang's memory, maybe he would have thought that the other party was just bragging, but it was because of Jun Huazhang's memory.

Only then did he realize that this Guanghuazi was telling the truth!

In the eyes of their Xianzong, mortals are materials and food that are not as good as pigs and dogs.

These Xianzong people are actually more like demons than Wanling.

And this group of people is particularly good at large-area formations, and there are thousands of miles of red land and severe drought at every turn.

If Guanghuazi really wants to make a move, let's not say whether it is successful or not, it depends on the result.

That's not something he can afford.

Immediately it will be a war between the two worlds!

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Junior brother can handle it by himself! We don't know the strength of the high-level experts here, so don't be reckless!"

Wang Yiyang quickly finished speaking in one breath, fearing that Guanghuazi would not listen to the persuasion, and made lightning strikes.

Just now I was discussing with my classmates about the employment of mech masters after graduation.

Now we must be busy preventing the war between the two worlds.

For the first time, he felt that the gap in his life was a bit too big.

Silver Qzh

Shallow Sea Wings


The above are the friends who donated more than 10,000 points last week. Thank you for spending the money, but Lao Gun still hopes that everyone can subscribe. Don’t be impulsive when rewarding or something.

In addition, the plot is finally approaching the place that Lao Gun wants to write most in the book, so it is more stable. This book has one purpose, not to collapse.

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