Thousands of Hearts

Chapter 302 Battlefield 2

Countless myriad spirits flew out from the distant starry sky, rushing towards here.

Sitting in the cabin, Wang Yiyang could only see the waves of all spirits in his field of vision, one wave after another, as if there was no end.

"Is this war?"

Even he was a little tired right now.

After all, the organisms he killed were not Chinese cabbages.

They are all the seventh-level and eighth-level Wanling he is targeting.

More than eight thousand, seven levels and eight levels, what kind of concept is this!

Wang Yiyang finally understood why such a powerful group of stars was still suppressed by all spirits, retreating step by step, losing their territory.

He saw on the right, a panther cheetah body, raised its head and sprayed out a beam of purple light, destroying several white mechas, and looked at him.

On the left, a group of black eagles approached quickly again.

On it, there is a huge octopus-shaped Myriad Spirits opening its mechanical tentacles.

Below, spiky battleships marked with the symbols of all spirits, abruptly out of warp speed, appearing in space with blue light like twinkling.

Wang Yiyang looked back at the star camp.

Among the countless star battleships, large groups of clone fighters flew out.

White humanoid mechas, armed with swords, shields and other weapons, are rushing towards Wan Ling at high speed.

At higher altitudes, countless floating turrets continuously fired lasers and rail guns to provide fire support.

In addition, there are unmarked mercenaries, some left the battlefield, and some newly joined.

"Mercenaries are like this, but I didn't expect to see you insisting on it. Spiders, right?

Welcome to join the Flesh and Flesh Mopan family, hahahahaha! ! "

A silver humanoid mecha approached from the side, laughing nervously over the short-distance communication channel.

"You seem to be in a good mood?" Wang Yiyang glanced at the message on the light curtain in front of him.

‘Mecha is communicating: Red Eye. '

"Red Eye? What's that name?"

"Whatever, take whatever you want, anyway, it's just for temporary use." Hongyan replied.

"You have to be careful, you killed a lot just now, you might be targeted." He reminded kindly.

"I know, thank you. Let's have a drink together after a while?" Wang Yiyang smiled.

"Of course..." Heck! !

The red-eyed silver mech suddenly froze, and its body split into two pieces from top to bottom, exploding violently.


His entire mecha was destroyed abruptly without warning, turning into flames of wreckage.

Even the resonance mask on his body didn't have any effect.

Wang Yiyang didn't even hear his answer.

The mecha master who was still talking to him just now disappeared into the starry sky.

No one sees them off, no one mourns, because so many people die here every moment.

Wang Yiyang didn't even have time to think more.

A pinprick-like sense of crisis surged through his body. Hastily mobilized the mech and jumped down.

Chi! !

An invisible sharp blade precisely slid across his position just now.

The length and width of the sharp blade are almost as big as his entire mecha.

Wang Yiyang didn't have time to observe more, and his resonance perception was fully open.

Full sense of time.

Shield up. Block to the left.

Boom! !

In an instant, the sharp blade slammed down on the white shield, bringing out a huge shock.

"Life swordsmanship, first floor."

Without any hesitation, Wang Yiyang fully activated his combat power in an instant.

The mecha flashed past the red-eyed wreckage just now, holding the giant sword that was still in good condition.

He lifted the blade with a wonderful rhythm, and fought fiercely with the invisible and terrifying enemy in the starry sky.

In a second, the giant sword turned into dozens of phantoms, continuously blocking the invisible sharp blade attacks.

A lot of sparks burst out.

Wang Yiyang and the opponent almost turned into phantoms, and they were evenly matched under the ultra-high-speed confrontation.


Not evenly matched.

Wang Yiyang obviously felt that he was still weaker than the opponent. He was too limited by the performance of the mecha.

One's strength can only be used to the limit of level eight at most.

"Trouble." Wang Yiyang swung his sword continuously.

Quietly raise the life sword technique to the second level.

The opponent is definitely not level 8, but should be a level 9 Myriad Spirit Physique.

He had never seen a myriad spirit body of this level. He didn't expect that the opponent, who was level nine, would sneak up on him stealthily.

If it weren't for his full sense of time, maybe even he would be tricked.

Wang Yiyang calmed down and began to improve his life swordsmanship layer by layer.

On the opposite side, the ninth-level invisible spirit body continuously increased its speed, trying to suppress Wang Yiyang with its speed.

Both sides improved their strength at the same time, and the battle situation became more and more anxious.

Unanimously, both of them unconsciously flew towards the edge of the battlefield.

Perhaps it was because neither of them wanted to be disturbed by external forces in this duel.

They all accelerated away towards the far edge.

Not long after, the two came to a group of garbage meteorites formed by the wreckage of a battleship.

Wang Yiyang's life swordsmanship has been promoted to the fifth level, almost reaching the limit.

And the speed on the other side was actually three times as high as the original speed.

Around the white mecha, for a while, only a blurry phantom was seen, appearing and disappearing continuously.

Every time it appears, it seems to flicker and jump. It was as if he had bumped into Wang Yiyang's sword and shield.

Wang Yiyang still wants to use the sixth level of life swordsmanship, but unfortunately the conditions are no longer allowed.

The power of the white humanoid mecha he controls has reached its limit.

At this time, there is no way to further increase the speed of movement.

Now the opponent's speed is several times that of his, and he is completely relying on the grasp of the rhythm of the life sword to forcefully maintain the battle situation.

But even so, the huge gap between the two bodies still cannot be smoothed out.

The white mech gradually tended to collapse.

Wang Yiyang's heart also began to sink into anxiety.

It's just that he didn't expect that the manipulator inside the opposite Wan Ling machine was also facing the same predicament as him.

The body is also reaching its limit, and may collapse at any time.

Luo Shahong frantically pushed the engine of the mech with eyes, trying to squeeze out more energy from the engine that had reached its limit.

Both his hands and feet are completely integrated with the body, and his consciousness and perception are perfectly integrated into it.

Speed, force field, defense, offensive power, and destructive power have all reached the strongest state ever.

But still not enough!

Still not enough to break through the defense of the humanoid mecha on the opposite side.

He is already considering whether to upload his consciousness and leave here.

It's just that on the projected interface in front of me, the button to upload consciousness is still gray.

Which means those goddamn jamming fields in Starfleet are still working.

Consciousness uploading is a very fine-grained process, and once it starts, there can be no mistakes or omissions.

There must be no interruptions along the way.

So interference is easier than maintenance.

The interference field of the Council of Stars is also based on this principle.

"I don't believe how long you can last!?"

Luosha's heart was hardened, and he mustered all his strength again, pouring perception into the body, and continued to resonate with the body.

What he controls is a nine-level black panther body, but unlike other panther bodies, his body is designed and manufactured by his own family.

At the same time, it is also tailor-made for his perception.

The cost is huge, and even more than ten airframes of the same level can be purchased.

He has accumulated so many resources, and the result is that his combat power is far superior to his peers.

Of course, the consumption of sensory resonance is also far more than that of a body of the same level.

In the whole family, he is the only one who can use it.

At this time, even Luo Sha, his perception is almost at the end.

I really can't hold it anymore.

But he looked at the white mecha opposite, the star mecha master on the other side was definitely more embarrassed than him.

The white mech was already covered in sparks, overwhelmed, and might fall apart at any time.

An ordinary seventh-level mecha, a miscellaneous soldier mecha, actually blocked him for so much time!

Rosa felt the shame!

Suddenly he saw the right leg of the white mecha burst, and the surface of the mecha was broken.

The original perfect swordsmanship of the white mecha suddenly showed flaws.

"Opportunity! Die!" Luo Sha was overjoyed, and swung the sharp blade with all his strength.

Swish! !

The invisible sharp blade approached the opponent's neck extremely quickly, when the distance was less than one meter.

The white mech lowered its head suddenly, and the sword and shield rushed forward. He also tried his best to aim at the vital point.

boom! ! !

The two bodies collided head-on.

The body fell apart at the same time.

Large chunks of armored limbs and component modules were pushed out one after another by the huge impact force and extrusion force.

The engines of the two airframes burst into sparks at the same time, and they were completely out of gas.

The surrounding fell into silence.

Numerous warship wrecks floated around.

The light from distant stars shines on the bodies of the two through the gaps in the wreckage, leaving mottled light spots.

Time passed slowly.

After a while.



The hatch of the Cheetah's body slowly popped open.

Rosa barely crawled out of it.

There was no damage to his modified human spirit body, mainly because the perception consumption was too great.

Large-scale spirits also need resonance enhancement.

Perceived Resonance Enhancement - This is an enhancement tactic that can drive a powerful body with a weak body.

After all, almost ninety-nine percent of energy bodies are proportional to their strength and volume.

Therefore, the large aircraft has become the main choice for war. Because it is big, it carries strong energy, so it is powerful.

And regardless of the spirits or the stars, it is impossible to perceive the resonance all the time and manipulate the life of a large organism.

Therefore, short-term bursts of airframe combat, control large groups to increase their own combat power.

It has become a common choice for both parties.

This is the method that has been truly tested with blood and fire in countless wars.

Luosha panted heavily, touched his metal bald head, relaxed, and looked at the white mech opposite.

"Get out! Mecha master! Without the mecha, let me see what you can use to fight me!!"

He has been on the battlefield for so many years, and this is the first time he has suffered such a big loss.

The top exclusive mechas were all blown up.

Now, he wants the other party to taste the pain and anger after losing so many resources!


The cabin of the white mech on the opposite side also bounced slowly.

A tall man in a tight-fitting combat uniform was revealed.

The man floated out of the cabin and landed lightly.

"It was a wonderful battle." The man's low voice sounded on the close channel.

"Wonderful? Hehe, do you think you can still be as calm as before? Do you think you are so strong that you can really stop me?"

Rosa stood up and sneered.

"Without the mecha, what else can you do?"

"Perhaps you can kneel down and beg for mercy, and pray to me, and I might spare your life.

Of course, it's just possible. You caused me to lose the top-level body, and I will get it back from you! "

The corners of his mouth curled up into a cruel smile.


His right arm deformed directly, turning into a large piece of silver tentacles, and a black muzzle appeared in the palm of his left hand.

Wang Yiyang stood in place, without the restraint of the mecha, he felt relaxed and extremely happy.

He enjoyed the breath of freedom in the starry sky.

‘I’ve been controlling level 8 mechs for so long, I almost forgot that I’m level 10. '

Wang Yiyang glanced at Luo Sha who was facing him.

Here, there is nothing to worry about.

No one is around. It should also be within the range of the interference field, and there is no need to worry about information uploading.

Such a place is called "every day should not be called the earth is not working".

A hint of danger gradually rose in Wang Yiyang's eyes.

Speaking of which, he hasn't controlled a real ninth level yet.

He took a step forward.


Suddenly there was a roar and vibration in the distance.

Two white humanoid mechas approached at high speed and flew towards this side.

The dangerous aura in Wang Yiyang's eyes suddenly disappeared, and he looked towards the direction of the two mechs, frowning slightly.

Wan Ling Luosha on the opposite side also felt bad, and his complexion changed slightly.

But soon, he discovered that the two mechas were only mere seventh-level standard mechas.

While the other party is not close. He raised his hand violently, and the cannon muzzle in his palm shot out a purple-red beam.

Like a sharp blade, the light beam precisely swept across the two mechs.

Boom! !

Two explosions exploded immediately.

"Hahahaha! Do you think you are saved? You idiot!" Rosa laughed wildly.

"There are only two seventh-level mechas, do you think a savior is coming? You are so stupid! Look at your expression! Are you disappointed?

I just saw hope, and immediately despaired, hahaha! ! "Luo Sha laughed, he likes to see the opponent's look of despair.

That's the only motivation he has when he kills.

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