Bai Feng laughed and said:

"Yes, definitely."

"But the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry only has 5,000 people. What these 5,000 people can do is much less than tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands."

"Although the combined forces of Sun and Liu are far inferior to the King of Wei, they still have two to three hundred thousand troops."

"And they also have the Red Cliffs. The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry are cavalry. How can they fight on water?"

Cao Jie listened in confusion, shook his little head and said:

"Forget it, you always have a reason."

"I don't care about you."

After saying that, Cao Jie was angry and wanted to leave.

Bai Feng shrugged and smiled:

"Don't leave the festival."

"During this period, the military factories and mines have stabilized, and I have nothing to do."

"It just so happens that Xuchang is about to have a big market."

"I want to go for a walk on the street. I wonder if Miss Cao Jie is free to come with me?"

Cao Jie suddenly blushed:

"Okay, then I'll go with you, girl."

Bai Feng usually called Cao Jiejie'er, but now he said "Miss Cao Jie", which immediately made Cao Jie's body crawl with goosebumps.

But Bai Feng didn't tell lies.

After I came back during this period, I never had time to spend time with Cao Jie.

Just like before, with continuous battles, even Xuchang didn't come back very often.

Now he is obviously in the city, but he is still not free.

This made Bai Feng feel very sorry.

Anyway, nowadays we really need to make grenades in large quantities.

These craftsmen have become increasingly mature and no longer need to keep an eye on themselves.

Now I do have time to spend time with Cao Jie.

The two soon arrived at the market.

Although Cao Cao is about to return in triumph, it is the Dragon Boat Festival, and the vendors are busy preparing.

This period of time can be said to be one of the few lively events in Xuchang this year.

Compared with other cities, Xuchang has a very comfortable location, the surrounding area is very healthy, and there is no shortage of food.

What's more, no princes dare to invade, and there are military camps everywhere.

The people here live and work in peace and contentment.

"Jie'er, what do you want to eat?"

"I have plenty of money here."

Bai Feng raised his eyebrows and took out a few taels of silver from his pocket.

Cao Jie rolled his eyes at Bai Feng:

"Don't come here, it's not all gifts from father."

Bai Feng suddenly said seriously:

"Don't say this nonsense."

"I gave all the rewards from King Wei to the craftsmen and mine cooks, but I didn't spend a penny."

"I earned all this money myself."

Cao Jie suddenly looked at Bai Feng with a puzzled look:

"Earn it? How did you earn it?"

"How can this money be obtained just by talking?"

Bai Feng smiled and said nothing, pretending to be mysterious and continued walking forward.

This made Cao Jie very angry, and he was too embarrassed to chase Bai Feng and ask him how he earned his money.

Simply, Cao Jie started shopping in bulk.

These hairpins are all included!

I want all this food!

Bought all these books!

Bai Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly.

If my family hadn't been rich enough, I really wouldn't have been able to afford it.

It seems that women, both ancient and modern, like shopping.

However, Cao Jie never knew where Bai Feng's money came from.

In fact, it’s business.

Although Bai Feng doesn't need to spend much money, his salary is enough for him to spend, and he still has a surplus.

Even the servants in Bai Feng's mansion are from Cao Cao's mansion, and they are paid by Cao Cao every month.

Most of the entire house's expenses were provided by Cao Cao.

Bai Feng didn't have anything special to buy, so money didn't matter to Bai Feng at all.

But of course the more money, the better.

Bai Feng sold the liquor that he brewed but was not good enough to drink to a restaurant, but was robbed.

Of course, Bai Feng definitely did not sell it under his real name, but asked Ma Jun to do it for him.

And the name Ma Jun used was Mr. Mufeng.

This Mu Feng naturally refers to Bai Feng.

Not only white wine, Bai Feng also specially sent people to the mountains to pick mountain grapes that no one wanted and used them to make wine.

This unique flavor immediately became popular in Xuchang.

Not only Xuchang, but also big businesses in the surrounding area fell in love with the taste of this wine and kept ordering.

This is great, it directly increases the flow of water in Xuchang.

Bai Feng and Jilou split the money 50-50, and made half a million silver in just half a month just because of wine and liquor.

This kind of silver is something that most people will never earn in their lifetime.

However, for Bai Feng, it was just a matter of moving his hands.

Just when Cao Jie and Bai Feng were enjoying their shopping, suddenly, three or two familiar figures appeared in front of Bai Feng.


When Cao Jie saw this, he immediately waved his hand and said.

Those three people were none other than others.

It was Cao Zhi and Yang Xiu!

Bai Feng couldn't help but frown slightly.

Cao Zhi was released?

I didn't expect it to be so fast.

However, Cao Zhi broke into Baima Gate at night and put all the blame on Yang Yi.

Yang Yi was executed, and Cao Zhi naturally survived.

After the two saw Bai Feng, their expressions became extremely ugly.

Yang Xiu, in particular, narrowed his eyes, wishing he could start a fight with Bai Feng now.

However, Bai Feng didn't bother to care about the two of them at all.

Now Bai Feng's vision is completely different from the two of them.

Cao Zhi is just a clown.

The person who will succeed to the throne in the future will definitely be Cao Pi.

Although Cao Pi is not a good person, by the time he succeeds to the throne, I am afraid that he will have left Kyushu long ago.

Bai Feng has many ways to make Cao Cao easily live to be a hundred years old.

The pills in the system alone are enough.

What's more, Bai Feng's medical skills also have this effect as long as they are fully activated.

If Cao Cao lives to be a hundred years old, even if Cao Pi dies, he may not be able to succeed him.

Maybe Cao Cao's grandson Cao Rui will succeed him directly.

"Isn't this Mr. Bai? You're fine."

Yang Xiu said coyly.

Bai Feng sneered, but although Bai Feng was disgusted with Yang Xiu, it was not to the point of being annoying.

After all, this man still has some backbone, he follows Cao Zhi loyally, and everything he does is for Cao Zhi.

In the end, he died for Cao Zhi.

This kind of person is quite admirable in a sense.

It's just that the way is different.

"You're welcome and safe."

"Unexpectedly, the young master actually still has time to go shopping?"

Bai Feng replied lukewarmly.

Cao Zhi didn't feel anything at first, but something felt more and more wrong.

Is Bai Feng trying to yin and yang himself? !

Cao Zhi's face suddenly turned red and he was about to argue. Cao Jie saw that something was wrong and quickly said:

"Okay, okay, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Since we have met, why not go shopping together."

After hearing Cao Jie's words, Cao Zhi had no choice but to hold back his anger.

Naturally, Bai Feng would not care about Cao Zhi, he only had Cao Jie in his eyes.

"I heard that Mr. Bai is very busy these days. I wonder what official duties he is busy with?"

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