Three Kingdoms

Chapter 393 Distribution

Wang Yi came in disguise, so there was no need to say it clearly. Of course Fei Qian knew that the situation was already extremely dangerous. If he couldn't control something in his hands, this battle would be impossible to fight.

However, Lu Chang went directly to Xiangling before, but died on the way, instead of dying in Xiangling City. On the one hand, it means that there are internal thieves in Hedong County, and on the other hand, it means that Xiangling should still belong to Wang Yi. is.

However, this situation is just Fei Qian's speculation after all and needs to be confirmed by Wang Yi.

Wang Yi looked at Fei Qian, his expression moved slightly, and he was silent for a long time. He clicked on the simple map drawn by Fei Qian a few times and said: "Xianling County, Gaoliang, and Yang people can all be deployed..."

Wang Yi pointed to the northwest of Pingyang and said, "Puzi County can also mobilize troops."

Gaoliang and Yangren are Xiaozhuang villages on the edge of Xiangling County. They are in the Luliang Valley and are somewhat similar to Xiangling. They are easy to defend and difficult to attack. Of course, they are both relatively remote county villages in Hedong County.

In this way, a battle can be fought. With the support of two villages in Xiangling, it is not a big problem to block the Baibo Army on the east bank of Fenshui River. Then here in Pingyang, Fei Qian will support him from the front, and then let Pu from the side. The troops from the sub-county town went to harass and break the attack. The Baibo army could not take care of the leader, so they naturally retreated...

You Fei Qian briefly talked about the layout, and Wang Yi nodded.

The overall layout was basically similar to Wang Yi's original plan, but there was one more thing that made Wang Yi worried, so he stared at Fei Qian and said, "However, the Pingyang city wall is dilapidated and difficult to defend. Is Fei Shijun prepared?"

Of course Wang Yi also saw that Feiqian was constantly repairing the old site of Pingyang City, so this question was certainly not just about Feiqian's preparations for this city wall.

If this city wall is to be completely restored, no one can even think about it within a year or two.

Fei Qian understood what Wang Yi meant. After all, he and Wang Yi were in the same situation now. It was impossible to obtain any supplies from Hedong in the south, and he had to be prepared to be stabbed in the back...

The current situation in Hedong is very embarrassing. Fei Qian and Wang Yi both noticed that there were some changes in Hedong under the promotion of the Wei family, but there is no very direct evidence. After all, the Wei family in Hedong is not like the Zhang family in the east of Anyi City. The Wei family The tail is too big to fall off, and the whole body can be affected by pulling a hair. Without a foolproof plan, it is definitely not a good idea to move it without permission.

The correct way to deal with it is to take advantage of the power of the Yellow Turbans, then implement strategies to weaken it, and finally deal with it. Fei Qian knew this very well. In history, Cao Cao was a bit rough. After killing a famous scholar in Yanzhou, Yanzhou immediately turned against him and colluded with Lu Bu. He was almost doomed...

So now I can only know but pretend not to know.

"Now the only way to win quickly is to lure them, make them lose their shape, and weaken their energy." Fei Qian replied, saying that he did not intend to stick to this dilapidated Pingyang County, because neither Fei Qian nor Wang Yi were the same. You know, Xiangling can still rely on city walls for defense, but Pingyang cannot...

Wang Yi nodded and said, "If this matter goes well, I will serve as your supervisor."

Fei Qian cupped his hand to express his gratitude.

The above table shows that this matter was still very important in the Han Dynasty, at least at this stage. Fei Qian's appointment as a court official was recommended by his master Cai Yong. This is not a big problem, but if he reaches the position of county guard with two thousand dan, Cai Yong needs to avoid suspicion. To be recommended for the official position of county guard, he must be the second Only those with more than 1,000 stones can complete the table.

What’s the difference between having this “table above” and not having any specific details?

Those listed above should bear joint and several liability. If something goes wrong, we should shoulder it together. If there is a problem, we should face it together. What Wang Yi means is that after the Hedong County mess is over, I will never put down my claws and forget about it. I will definitely do what I am supposed to do.

But Fei Qian not only wants this so-called "top table", but also hopes to gain a real field that can be controlled through this battle.

In other words, two county towns were cut off from Hedong County as their own territory. In any case, the land in Hedong County is relatively flat, which is relatively advantageous for planting and farming. For example, the land in Beiqu is mostly folded mountainous land. Although there is also flat land for farming, But fragmented and inconvenient.

Fei Qian pondered for a moment, raised his hands, and said: "Your Majesty, people have their roots, and it is difficult to leave their hometown. Nowadays, there are many people from Bingzhou under Duo Mou's banner, but the land of Shangjun will not be conquered in a moment, and will eventually drift away, like wandering. Duckweed, there are only so few left alive, isn’t it sad?”

Wang Yi glared, then rolled his eyes and said, "There are many fields in Pingyang that can be reclaimed." Fei Qian, aren't you in Pingyang? Fangzheng, a county town, has already started to be renovated in your hands. It's yours. Not a loss either.

Fei Qian shook his head and said: "However, the land of Pingyang has not been cultivated for a long time, and the field power has been exhausted. It will be difficult to harvest within two years. Is the king willing to provide us with food and grass for two years?" Anyway, I want to recover here. If you go to the county, you must expand the army. There is no place to collect money and food. Are you, Wang Yi, willing to give it?

"This..." Wang Yi frowned, obviously unwilling to give up some county jurisdiction just like this, but what Fei Qian said was true, and Fei Qian's help was needed now...

"We will eventually return to Shangjun. We have no choice but to live here as guests. We will stay here temporarily and return immediately when Shangjun recovers." Fei Qian said very sincerely.

Wang Yi sighed and said: "In this case, if Baibo is in peace, Yongan will be safe... let me borrow Fei Shijun for the time being!"

"Thank you so much, Wang Shijun!" Fei Qian first finalized the name of the county town of Yong'an, and then said, "Just bother Wang Shijun to provide us with military rations for one year..."

Wang Yi almost left the table, pointed at Fei Qian, then took a few deep breaths and said, "What do you want to do?! Taking advantage of others' danger is not what a gentleman would do!"

Fei Qian's expression was heavy and he said in a low voice: "Your Majesty Wang is aware that Yong'an City has been destroyed by the Yellow Turban Thieves, the warehouses are empty, the young crops have been destroyed, nine out of ten houses are empty, there is no food and clothing, and all businesses are ruined. Wang Shijun also As a gentleman, what do you want from me?"

Wang Yi opened his mouth, but was speechless.

After a long time, Wang Yi opened his mouth and said, "Where do you want to go, Fei Shijun?"

Fei Qian took the map and clicked on the mark of Puzi County.

Wang Yi's eyes bulged, but in the end he sighed and said, "Temporary loan for two years?"

Fei Qian said firmly: "I will return as soon as I return to the county."

Wang Yi shook his eyebrows and finally nodded silently.

At this moment, another soldier suddenly came outside the tent to report that the warning smoke had been lit!

In order to know the movements of the Baibo Army as early as possible, Fei Qian sent many scouts along the west bank of the Fen River. Once he discovered that the Baibo Army was heading south, he would light up smoke warnings.

Fei Qian and Wang Yi looked at each other, quickly stood up and walked out of the tent, followed by Jia Qu and Huang Cheng.

After leaving the tent, everyone looked north together.

I saw three pillars of smoke rising up from the sky, straight from the earth to the sky, just like three steel knives cutting the sky into three or four fragmented pieces...

× × × × × × × × × ×

"This is..." A gray-haired general in black robes raised his head and looked at the smoke in the sky, then frowned, turned around, and ordered the twenty or thirty cavalry accompanying him to take a path to the northwest...

Sun Quan used a beauty trap to kill Liu Bei's fighting spirit.

Liu Daer lost his mind playing with things and hung out with Mrs. Sun every day.

Lu Su reported to Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu heard that Liu Bei was with his newlywed wife every day and had no plans to return to Jingzhou. He said three times: "Very good, very good, very good!"

Lu Su was an honest man, and he nodded when he heard this, but he was murmuring in his heart, why did Governor Zhou emphasize "very good" three times?

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