Three Kingdoms

Chapter 516 After the Tulle

A skylark drew an arc and landed on a tree in the courtyard. It tilted its head slightly, then adjusted its feathers with its beak, then kicked off its legs and flew up into the clouds.

Feimin knocked on the table and said slowly: "My dear nephew, how much do you know about Bingzhou?"

This is the judgment of chips between each other. Fei Min needs to know how much Fei Qian has in his hand, and then he can determine how much he needs to bet in this betting process.

Fei Qian pondered for a while and said: "Pingyang, Yong'an, Beiqu, Dingyang, Diaoyin... are all in my hands. Soldiers and horses... riding, three thousand Han, two thousand Hu; infantry, five thousand..." Fei Qian didn't dare to say more, so he reduced the basic situation to Fei Min.

There is also Taoshan Academy, as well as the business and trade that is now spread all over Xihe, Hedong, Hanoi, and even Jizhou and Youzhou...

But even the information revealed by Fei Qian made Fei Min take a deep breath.

Then Fei Min closed his eyes, his eyes rolling rapidly behind his eyelids.

"Before the sacrifice..." Feimin opened his eyes, gritted his teeth, and the flesh on his face twitched, and said, "This must be done quickly! I will go find some friends immediately..."

Fei Qian was a little surprised. He didn't expect Fei Min's judgment to be extremely accurate. This was also the time when he was originally preparing to escape.

The auspicious sacrifice is Wang Yun's current move to anoint his face with oil. Before this, in order to ensure that the entire sacrifice can proceed smoothly, he will not make any moves. However, once the sacrifice is completed, he will use the power of panic to suppress the sacrifice. Come down...

Fei Min didn't even ask Fei Qian whether he chose to stay in Beijing or Bingzhou...

According to the territory in Fei Qian's hands now, if he stays in Chang'an and takes up a higher level, the only one who can do it is Feng Jiuqing. But is it possible at the moment?

Therefore, we can only stay in Bingzhou, which is in the best interest and also in the interest of the Fei family...

"My nephew is going to visit Cai Zhonglang immediately..." Fei Qian immediately followed.

"Good!" Fei Min said, "Let Fei Lu follow my nephew. If there is any news change..."

"As my uncle wishes, my nephew will take his leave first." Fei Qian said, cupping his hands.

Fei Min nodded and said, "It's not too late, uncle also needs to make some preparations." After saying that, he stood up and sent Fei Qian a few steps away, then looked at each other, nodded, and then they set off.

Fei Qian got on the horse, flicked his whip, and suddenly felt something in his heart: Maybe this was the first time he cooperated with his family after the Han Dynasty?

I really don’t know whether I should think it’s ironic or whether I should think there are no absolutes in the world?

× × × × × × × × × ×

Cai Mansion, in the study.

"It's too easy for you to take Shangjun..." Cai Yongduan sat upright, smoothed his beard, and after listening to Fei Qian's story, he thought for a moment and said.

Too easy?

Does it mean that I launched the battle to regain Shangjun prematurely, or...

Cai Yong stood up, searched among the bookshelves in the study, then pulled out a bamboo slip and handed it to Fei Qian. He slightly raised his chin to signal Fei Qian to read.

Fei Qian took it and unfolded it, and saw that the two rows of bamboo slips on the top of the scroll read: "I secretly saw that the late emperor wanted to open up the Western Regions and set up a school captain. After thinking about it for more than ten years, I made a big plan to attack the Xiongnu envoys to the north..."

It’s really annoying that there are no sentences to read in the Han Dynasty.

Fei Qian filtered through his mind, raised his head and asked, "Ban Ding Yuan Shang Shu?"

Cai Yong closed his eyes and nodded slightly without saying anything, so Fei Qian continued to look down...

Ban Gu's first chapter was not long, about five to six hundred words. Fei Qian soon finished reading it, frowning and thinking.

Ban Gu was a ruthless man who opened up the Western Regions in the Han Dynasty. He killed envoys, sneaked assassins, used alienation, leveraged power, and took advantage of the situation. He did everything he could to help the Han Dynasty maintain a strong influence in the Western Regions.

So what does Cai Yong mean by taking this tablet?

Even though Ban Chao was a figure from the Western Han Dynasty, his writing in Shangshu adhered to the most awesome writing style of what was later called "McKinsey". First, he used a brief less than a hundred words to indicate the focus of the entire article; then he used "ancient and modern" The argument is made from four aspects: "China and foreign countries"; then it is extended to the actual situation of oneself, and some relevant practical measures are cited; and finally it ends by praising the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and expounding the good wishes...

Even if you get the college entrance examination, you can easily get the first grade composition score.

Fei Qian re-examined the first paragraph of this article, cut out the clichés and other language at the beginning and end, and then removed some things related to Qiuci, leaving only these few sentences:

"I am thinking of myself, and I am a small official. I am really willing to serve the Jue territory from Guji, and my concubine Zhang Qian abandons himself in the wilderness."

"The thirty-six people in front of me and my officials were ordered to go out of the territory and faced hardships."

"Since I have been alone in Shule for the past five years, I have developed many feelings for Hu Yi, and I am quite aware of them."

Quanquan’s desire to serve the country is there; his arduous achievements are there; the evidence of his rich experience is there; in the words of future generations, it is——

Get out of here, you trolls. When I was wandering around in the Western Regions, you were all still at home nursing your baby!

Therefore, coupled with what Master Cai Yong said before about being "too easy", it means that the trolls in the government and the public have started to feel excited again, so they started to act...

Because of the previous overseas administration of Shangjun, a lot of information was never transmitted to the government and the public. Many people did not know the specific situation of Shangjun, which was very similar to the situation before Ban Gu went to the Western Regions as an envoy.

I know there are some people over there, but I don't know exactly how they are, and whether they can be beaten, I don't know. Therefore, many court ministers will not easily set foot in such an unknown place.

However, the fog of war was cleared by Fei Qian, and many people were surprised to find that Shangjun...

A man who is only twenty years old can easily win such a piece of land in Shangjun in the blink of an eye and start to regain the counties of Shangjun. So if it were me who has more experience and has been in politics or the military for many years. If people go, wouldn’t it be...

I'll cut the grass!

That’s what it’s for!

Who doesn’t want the credit, and who doesn’t want to take advantage of it? And it just so happens that Fei Qian is a "little official" who has just been promoted not long ago, so it doesn't need to be too easy to deal with...

Fei Qian put down the slip, rolled it up silently, placed it on the table, and said, "So... Huangfu?"

In this matter, once the veil used to cover up shame is torn away, many ugly details will be exposed...

Bi Feiqian has a higher position, longer seniority, better reputation, more experience in running the army, and everyone in the government, who else is there?

Among the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, Lu Zhi, Zhang Wen and Zhu Jun were among those who had led troops.

It's a pity that one lived in seclusion, one was killed, one fled, and the only one left was Huangfu...

Looking closely at the history of the Han Dynasty, it is sometimes like this. There were too many people seeking death in the front, which led to the collapse of the back...

If Lu Zhi had not been slandered by the eunuchs and dismissed from military power, then Dong Zhuo would still be able to fight when he came to Beijing...

If Wang Yun hadn't stood by and stood by when these people with leadership experience were being persecuted, there wouldn't be anyone available now...

If Zhang Wen had not died, most of the generals who came to deal with Xiliang would still be of some use...

After all, Zhang Wen was a Taiwei and Dong Zhuo's boss, and he quelled the Xiqiang rebellion...

But nothing happens if...

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