To Defeat Scum, You Must Start Early, My Lady

Chapter 332: Wind and Cloud Change (4) The most dangerous place is the safest place

"Where did she go?" Song Shan was straightforward.

Wei Ziming's fingers tightened.

After being saved by Song Zhizhi's life in Jinghe Village last time, Wei Ziming's heart changed a lot.

He had done things with Song Shan before.

Even if he joins the team, it is actually arranged by Song Shan. The purpose is to train him well and help him in the future. Of course, it is Song Shan’s decision to return from the team. Although he rarely returns to this home, But he is extremely loyal to this family.

And his most loyal person is naturally Song Shan. Even if he likes Song Zhizhi, he will follow Song Shan unconditionally, so he knows some things Song Shan doesn't know, even things Song Zhizhi doesn't know.

But since being rescued by Song Zhizhi, he has changed.

He began to put Song Zhizhi in the most important position, and he even began to conceal a lot of Song Zhizhi from Song Shan.

Ji Baijian's reminder is correct.

Ji Baijian also seems to know a lot about Song Shan, and Ji Baijian also seems to know that in the face of real interests, Song Shan might put interests first!

But Song Zhizhi is not.

In Song Zhizhi's mind, nothing is more important than his family.

The final result of this unequal relationship is most likely that Song Zhizhi was betrayed by his father!

That's why Ji Baijian talked to him alone, and made a special trip to remind him, let him know clearly that Song Zhizhi saved him with his own life, and who should he treat to whom should he stand on?

Ji Baijian is stronger than he thought!

He always seems to know how to use the human heart to achieve certain goals.

And he felt that Ji Baijian was more sincere to Song Zhizhi than his father was to Song Zhizhi.

So he is willing to follow Ji Baijian's arrangement.

At this moment, naturally, there will be some concealment from Song Shan, even if he really doesn’t know where Song Zhizhi is, he said, “I really don’t know, she just got out of the car halfway, let me leave her driving back to Jin. city."

"Then where did she get off?" Song Shan's tone was cold at that moment.

"There is a bazaar at the intersection of Quyang." Wei Ziming was naturally lying.

It is impossible for him to tell Song Shan Song Zhizhi's specific location. He even feels that Song Shan is not just looking for her whereabouts for the sake of caring about Song Zhizhi, and the purpose of searching for her whereabouts with others.

"After that, Song Zhizhi didn't have any contact with you?"

"No, I was also chased halfway, and I am now trying to come back."

"Okay." Song Shan replied, and he said to Wei Ziming, "You also pay attention to your safety. If you know Song Zhizhi's whereabouts, call me as soon as possible. I am very worried about her."


Song Shan hung up the phone.

He sent a message back to Song Wen, "Song Zhizhi got off the car in Quyang area. Now Wei Ziming doesn't know her exact location. I will keep an eye on it."


Song Shan put down the phone.

He got up and suddenly walked to the floor-to-ceiling window of the room, took a cigarette and started smoking.

He has indeed been rushing for rights all his life. He really wanted the position of the chief helm of the commercial management. He had always thought that Ye Taiting would be his leader when he died. After all, there were people behind him who were secretly supporting him. If it weren’t for Ye Taiting to suddenly have a son, He has already settled down with his own strength now.

Song Shan took a bit of a cigarette.

Ye Taiting is indeed cunning, not just him, everyone in the world is deceived by him!

If you know that Ye Taiting has an heir, they will not wait for Ye Taiting to die like this. They may have been secretly operating as early as Ye Taiting took the throne. They will definitely not wait for Ye Taiting to pass away, thinking that Ye Taiting will die sooner or later. Sooner or later, the commercial management agency will be handed over, so no action has been taken. For so many years, how much has Ye Taiting secretly paved for Ye Wenhan? !

Now that he died, the people behind him did not dare to act rashly towards Ye Wenhan.

This old fox.

Song Shan's eyes were fierce.

At that moment, he was even more angry when he thought that Ye Taiting actually inserted Nie Wenzhi by his side and wanted his life at any time.

If Song Zhizhi had not discovered Nie Wenzhi's conspiracy, he might have died long ago.

He never thought that Nie Wenzhi was a person sent by Ye Taiting. In those years, Nie Wenzhi was so sincere and true to him by his side. He really thought that Nie Wenzhi was just a woman who coveted prosperity and wealth, and because Nie Wenzhi had won his favor. It doesn't matter whether Nie Wenzhi likes money or him. He just wants a woman who can help him with everything at home. By the way, outsiders think that Song Shan attaches more importance to the family than to the pursuit of rights!

He didn't realize that Nie Wenzhi had another purpose!

He was even wondering if Nie Wenzhi would kill him when he might threaten Ye Taiting or Ye Taiting after his death, and make his death inexplicably unclear.

So before Nie Wenzhi died, Ye Taiting would trust him so much, and would be better than Chu Chaotian or Qin Wenguo, because no matter how far he developed, he was in their palms and could die at any time.

It's a pity that Ye Taiting couldn't even think of it. All his wishful thinking had been dismantled by his daughter.

When Nie Wenzhi fell from the horse, Ye Taiting began to want to attack him, he wanted to kill each other with Qin Wenguo, and he wanted to reduce his influence so that he could not become a threat to him!

Song Shan became more and more angry.

He tickled with hatred. Thinking of Nie Wenzhi for so many years, a time bomb had slept next to him for so many years, so he could not wait to kill Ye Taiting personally to relieve his hatred. Sometimes when the night was dead, he would still have a creepy sleepless night because of thinking of Nie Wenzhi.

Song Shan put out the cigarette butt.

Only by sitting in the position of the helm of the business administration, and only in this position, can he truly feel at ease!

The Nanyun area is already very cold.

When Song Zhizhi arrived in Nanyun City, it was already late.

The night’s temperature dropped a lot. Song Zhizhi went to some small shops on the street to buy some thick clothes. Fortunately, he took a lot of cash on him, so he didn’t need to pay with his mobile phone.

And she had already shut down.

She knew very well that once she was found out of Wei Ziming's car, she would be unsafe.

Ye Wenhan will definitely mobilize everyone to find her.

With the right of commercial management, it is not difficult to check the information of a base station casually. She can only shut down to ensure that she is not found.

So once it was turned off, she couldn't get in touch with anyone. From the Nanyun area back to Jincheng, she really needed to rely on her alone.

Naturally, she did not dare to choose to go back by plane. There might be many people in ambush at the airport, and she would be discovered once she appeared.

Taking the train is a better choice. The train station is noisy and it is relatively easy to hide from others.

But she can think of it, and she believes that Ye Wenhan can also think of it, so there must be people in the train station. Although it may not be easy to find her if the train station is not so easy, but she is alone now, if it is found, it is impossible. There is a chance to escape, not to take risks easily.

So you can only choose to take a long-distance bus? !

Before the long-distance bus is on the expressway, she can still get on the bus halfway, without going to the necessary place like the station. At least it can ensure that Ye Wenhan's staff will not be concentrated in a certain place waiting for her. The key is now The long-distance bus was gone at night, and she could only wait until early tomorrow morning.

She also couldn't go to a hotel that needed an ID card to live in. She just found a broken hotel for one night.

Early the next morning.

She left the hotel and asked about the necessary long-distance bus routes back to Jincheng. She took a taxi to one of the streets.

As soon as she was about to get off the bus, she saw Jincheng's long-distance bus parked on the side of the road. Song Zhizhi was a little excited and paid the money and planned to ride. Suddenly, she saw two uniformed traffic policemen walking up, and Song Zhizhi was taken aback. , She returned to the taxi, examining it.

It took a while for the traffic police to get off the long-distance bus and let him go.

"Miss, can't you get off the bus?" The taxi driver was a little angry.

Song Zhizhi looked back, and she said, "Master, please go a little bit earlier, I will get off at an intersection ahead."

The driver was speechless, he restarted the car a little impatiently.

Sure enough, it's not that I am suspicious.

There are obviously twice as many traffic police on the street than usual, and whenever long-distance cars pass by, they will be stopped for inspection.

So, in order to find her, Ye Wenhan intends to use Quan Nanyun's power? !


Ye Wenhan has such a big right, can he instruct the officials to help him achieve what he wants? !


Song Zhizhi is an exciting spirit.

Or is it that Ye Wenhan is now colluding with the official family?

"Miss, where did you get off?!" The driver was speechless.

Song Zhizhi returned to his mind.

She said, "You send me back to where I was in the car."

"Are you playing with me?" the driver said fiercely.

"I'll pay for the amount on your watch."

The driver endured a compromise.

Song Zhizhi was sent back to the small hotel, and she got out of the car.

It seems that wanting to leave so easily is not so simple.

She had to figure out a way to avoid everyone.

She found a small restaurant to fill her stomach first.

She was eating while thinking about things.

The current situation is that there may be people looking for her everywhere, not just some people hiding in the crowd and she can’t find her, but also some official forces. She can't take it lightly if she is so aggressive, but she must go back and wait. The longer the time, the more dangerous it is.

She calmed herself down, calmly thinking about all possible routes to go back.

Her eyes moved slightly, watching the TV in the small restaurant.

What attracted her was the tourism advertisement of Jinghe Village.

She still has some feelings in this place.

Seeing that Jinghe Village can develop to where it is now under his own hand-made transformation, there will indeed be a great sense of accomplishment.

A faint smile pulled out from the corner of her mouth, and she continued to eat.

The moment I lowered my head, there was a sudden excitement in my mind.

Why... She didn't want to, the most dangerous place might be the safest place.

Now Ye Wenhan is blocking her way back to Jincheng all over the world. Why does she have to go back at this juncture? She can go back slowly.

She finished her meal in twos or twos, then checked out and left.

She couldn't stay in Nanyun City all the time, so many eyeliners might have been discovered at some point, and only Jinghe Village was the place Ye Wenhan and others had never expected.

She took a taxi. After getting in the car, she turned on the phone and called Wei Ziming.

Wei Ziming connected, "Are you okay?"

"Well, but after I called you this time, you may not be able to contact me for a long time next time! But don't worry, I'm fine now! You also leave me alone and go back and tell Ji Baijian that I can be safe Come back and let him not worry." Song Zhizhi said quickly and eagerly, knowing that after he finished the call, the base station information would be caught.

"Protect yourself." Wei Ziming exhorted.

"I know."

Song Zhizhi hung up, and after hanging up, he asked the driver to stop the car.

The parking place happens to be a long-distance bus stop where you can ride back to Jincheng.

She deliberately forgot her mobile phone in the car, and saw the taxi disappear before taking another taxi to the opposite direction, and then boarding the long-distance bus back to Jinghe.

Song Zhizhi was unpredictable, Ye Wenhan shouldn't even think about it, she would go back at this moment.

Ye Wenhan did not think of it.

The moment I got the base station information, I almost jumped up without excitement.

What did his father say that Song Zhizhi would not make calls? !

He knew that Song Zhizhi would definitely not be able to bear it, and he could not call for a while, but he would definitely not be able to bear it for a long time.

Song Zhizhi is just an ordinary person, and he will be anxious and confused when he finds that there are people everywhere looking for her.

This is not.

Called in just one day.

He quickly told his father, "I have found Song Zhizhi's location. As expected, Song Zhizhi is indeed in Nanyun City. Judging from the base station information of her last call, she is planning to leave by bus. Dad, you are really too smart. You counted that Song Zhizhi would not choose to take a plane or a train. She would definitely choose a long-distance bus that she thought was safer. That’s why I sent so many people to check the long-distance bus. Now that Song Zhizhi's movement is clear, Dad hastened to send someone more manpower, this time the Jedi can't let her escape."

Qian Guanshu looked at his son.

He raised his eyebrows, "Are you sure Song Zhizhi is going to be a long-distance bus now?!"

"Yes." Ye Wenhan insisted.

Qian Guanshu also speculated that Song Zhizhi would definitely choose to leave by car. The car was the only way to avoid getting on the station. Song Zhizhi would choose this method as long as he was smarter, so Qian Guanshu did not think too much at that moment. He also recognized his son’s point of view and called the other party when he picked up the phone, “Song Zhizhi made a call in Nanyun City. From the base station information, it can be inferred that she is planning to leave by long-distance bus. Could you please increase the manpower? Everyone manages the long-distance buses, and I believe Song Zhizhi is in one of the buses."

"Qian Guanshu, you'd better not let me down again. You should be very clear. I used my right to do something that violates the rules. I was caught by someone. The car is not good for dealing with the car! I was also caught a lot. Staring with both eyes."

"Not this time, I'm sure Song Zhizhi is in one of the coaches."

"I'll believe you again!" The phone suddenly hung up over there.

Ye Wenhan looked at his father, and he said a little excitedly, “Dad, this time Song Zhizhi’s wings are hard to fly.”

Qian Guanshu's mouth also smiled viciously.

This time I caught Song Zhizhi. Not only did she threaten Ji Baijian to let him admit that he was just pretending to be sick, but he also wanted to kill Song Zhizhi!

This woman, the woman he didn't think much of in the first place, after this incident, he couldn't keep her alive.

Like Ye Taiting, he thought that Nie Wenzhi was demolished because of Ji Baijian, but now he thinks that all of this may not have anything to do with Song Zhizhi!

And for these people who are a great threat to him, he can only feel at ease if he kills them!

Song Zhizhi safely returned to Jinghe Village.

As she expected, it was difficult to return to Jincheng, but it was too easy to return to Jinghe Village.

She carefully returned to the courtyard where she originally lived.

Tomorrow is Friday, and as soon as the celebration banquet on Friday is over, she can leave with Jun Mingyu.

No matter what, since Ji Baijian can let her and Jun Mingyu work together, he can at least guarantee that Jun Mingyu will not kill her.

And as Jun Mingyu, she can follow him to leave smoothly!

The only thing to do now is how to inform Jun Mingyu without being known to other people in the project or even Li Sheng.

Song Zhizhi's eyes moved slightly.

Watching the bedroom door was twisted open.

She left, it is naturally not hers here, so the landlord came to take back his house?

At that moment, her heartbeat accelerated.

Because of the fear of the unknown!

She hid suddenly in the empty closet.

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