To My Dear Mr. Huo

Chapter 447 This Man Is Really Disgusting Now

"Yes, yes, Li Qianxue."

Swallowing the word "mother" that was about to be spoken, Su Peizhen blinked and looked at Caiping.

"Since she knew that I was not her child, she kicked me out. Not only that, she invited many relatives and friends yesterday, saying that she would rectify Su Qingsang's name. I asked her if I was her daughter, and she told her I'm kicked out. Mom. I've got nothing. I'm a bastard now, too. I—"

This couple is really deceiving. Xiang Caiping was furious. She took Su Peizhen's hand, and the anger before this meeting was gone, only her love for Su Peizhen remained.

"How could she do such a thing? No matter how you say it, you have called her mother for more than 20 years. How could she—"

"I called her Mom for more than 20 years, but it was because we all thought we were the mother and daughter of each other. But now the real daughter is back. How can I have a foothold?"

Xiang Caiping also knew this in her heart. In fact, didn't Su Qingsang let her go because she recognized Li Qianxue a few days ago?

But this time it was Su Peizhen's turn, but she began to feel that Li Qianxue was going too far.

She already hated Li Qianxue for stealing her man, but hearing that Li Qianxue treated Su Peizhen like this, she hated him even more.

"Good boy. Don't cry. She doesn't recognize you, I recognize you. She drives you out, and we mother and daughter don't care too much."

"Mom?" Su Peizhen looked at Xiang Caiping blankly, as if she didn't quite understand what she meant.

"I won't hide it from you, Mom. I also saved some money in the past years. Although I can't compare with people like the Li family and the Huo family. But it is enough for our mother and daughter. Don't worry. From now on Follow mom."

"Mom." Su Peizhen heard this and was about to cry again.

Xiang Caiping's voice became hoarse when she heard her daughter crying, and her heart softened completely.

With a long sigh: "Okay, don't cry. You can follow me from now on. Don't worry. Mom will definitely not let you suffer."

"Okay." Su Peizhen nodded heavily, and stretched out his hand to shake Caiping's hand: "Mom, I have realized it now. Any nurturing grace is fake. Only this blood relationship is real. From now on, I only have you as a mother, and only you as a relative."

Nodding to Caiping, she suddenly thought of Su Chenghui: "That woman Li Qianxue kicked you out. Didn't your father say anything?"

"Mom." Su Peizhen gritted his teeth, and the sad look on his face became more obvious: "Dad. Dad, he can't bear to part with the Li family. Besides, the family is originally grandpa, and the old man is in charge. How can he keep me regardless?"

"Okay, okay. It's really good." Xiang Caiping hated Su Chenghui in the first place, but now he hates him even more after hearing this: "I thought he was a man of integrity, and I had no choice but to marry that woman back then. Looking at it now, what is it?" I have no choice but to be reluctant to part with the glory and wealth."

Su Peizhen lowered his head and looked aggrieved: "Dad didn't help me yesterday. He just kept asking me to come to you. I begged him to beg Li Qianxue not to drive me out. But he just refused.

Originally, I did what I did before and did so many wrong things. I really don't have the face to look for you. But we are all mother and daughter. What's more, I also want to let you know what kind of person Dad is. So today I came with a thick skin.

mom. You won't be mad at me, will you? "

"No." Xiang Caiping now only hates Su Chenghui and Li Qianxue. This hatred makes the room in front of me not pleasing to the eye.

As for what Su Pei really said, saying that she didn't want to be kicked out, so she begged, she wasn't angry.

In any case, I have been together for more than 20 years and have feelings. If I really don't care about it and get kicked out like this without fighting, it will be too soft-tempered.

It's good now, I have recognized my position, and severed ties with the Su family.

As soon as she changed her mind, Xiang Caiping had an idea almost instantly.

"Let's go. Peizhen. We're going now."

"Go? Where are you going?"

"Of course I'm leaving here." Xiang Caiping was also angry. Li Qianxue treated her daughter like this, how could she still have the face to live in Su Qingsang's house?

"This house belongs to Su Qingsang, we don't live here. Let's leave now."

Su Pei really didn't object: "Speaking of which, Dad bought me a house before. How about we live there first?"

Her luggage is still there.

"What do we live in your father's house? We don't live in a hotel."

Xiang Caiping was really lucky at this meeting, glad that she hadn't had time to give Su Qingsang all her property because of guilt. Otherwise, now the two mother and daughter are really going to live on the streets.

"Mom, it costs money to stay in a hotel. My apartment is actually quite big. I was kicked out yesterday, and I just lived there for a day."

Xiang Caiping originally hated Li Qianxue for kicking her daughter out, but hearing that her daughter started to care about the money for staying in the hotel, her heart really ached.

I hated Su Chenghui more and more in my heart. After all, Su Peizhen is also the child he has raised and loved for so many years.

If you say you should be kicked out, you will be kicked out, without showing any kindness.

"He treats you like that, what else does he live in?"

"Mom." Su Pei really didn't want to live in a hotel: "Since my dad gave it to me, it's mine. If you don't take it for nothing, don't take it."

When Xiang Caiping thought about it, it seemed to be the same reason. This is not so angry.

"I'll pack my things and let's go right away."

Xiang Caiping stood up after speaking. Her back injury was not a big problem at all. Just take good care of it.

Seeing this, Su Peizhen took a step forward: "Let me help you."

"No need." Xiang Caiping's waist will be inconvenient. I don't want to toss too much: "It's just a few clothes anyway, you should sit down and rest for a while."

"Mom, just let me help you." Su Peizhen looked anxious, but also wanted to please her: "From now on, we, mother and daughter, will be the only ones left to depend on each other."

Xiang Caiping's heart ached again, and she didn't refuse after all.

Seeing the shock here, Xiang Caiping only brought some clothes.

Fortunately, I planned to go to Rongcheng before, and the two suitcases haven't been unpacked yet. Nothing more to clean up.

Taking some belongings, Xiang Caiping and Su Peizhen left the room like this.

The outsider was stunned when he heard the sound just now, and didn't know what was going on inside.

I whispered the matter to Xiao Ning, neither of them knew what happened.

When Xiang Caiping and Su Peizhen came out from inside, Yu went to meet them first. But at a glance, he saw three large suitcases next to Xiang Caiping and Su Peizhen.

"Auntie, you are—"

"We can't live here anymore, we're leaving now."

During this period of time, Xiang Caiping also promised the two nurses to take care of them wholeheartedly, and Xiang Caiping's tone of voice can be regarded as friendly.

"You two, follow me too."


Xiao Ningyu looked at each other, although the two said they were taking care of Xiang Caiping, they were hired by Huo Jinyao. This meeting will leave here, and of course, he must say hello to Huo Jinyao or Su Qingsang.

"What is this? Since you are here to take care of my mother. Of course, where my mother is, you are also there."

Su Peizhen's attitude was still polite. When the two of them thought about it, it was the same reason.

Anyway, they were hired to take care of Xiang Caiping. Naturally, wherever Xiang Caiping was, they were also there.

Thinking of this, Yu Yu and Xiao Ning looked at each other, and finally went back to the guest room to pack their luggage, and followed behind Su Peizhen.

Su Pei really came by car. When I went downstairs, I didn't forget to explain to Caiping: "When I got angry yesterday, I drove out in the car. I didn't think too much about it. Mom, you won't be angry, right?"

"How could it be?" Xiang Caiping knew what she was referring to: "Your father bought this car for you, right?"

"Yeah." It was her birthday present this year. But Su Pei really didn't say that.

After putting away the luggage and the wheelchair, Xiang Caiping got into the car and sat in the co-pilot's seat, while Xiao Ning sat in the back.

Su Peizhen then drove the car to the apartment where she lived before.

On the way, Xiao Ning had a heart, and sent a message to Su Qingsang about the matter here.

Didn't say anything more. He only said that a young girl came and called Xiang Caiping mother, and then took Xiang Caiping away. Now they are following.

Soon, Su Qingsang replied to the text message. Let them continue to take care of Xiang Caiping and take good care of her. She also said that she would pay the salary regularly, so they don't have to worry about it.

Xiao Ning breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the master doesn't blame her. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to do so.

As for the money or not, Huo Jinyao paid half a year's salary in one go.

Su Qingsang put down the phone, feeling a little emotional. She really didn't expect that Su Peizhen would actually recognize Caiping.

She thought that with Su Pei's true personality, she might not be so easy to compromise. How can we talk about it after a few fights.

But he didn't expect Su Pei to recognize Xiang Caiping so easily. From the looks of it, mother and daughter are indeed like this.

Xiang Caiping is a good person, I only hope that Su Pei can really treat her well. But there is no rush now.

After all, Xiao Ning was still by Xiang Caiping's side, so if anything happened, the two of them could say hello.

Thinking about it this way, Su Qingsang was somewhat relieved. She thought about it, and told Li Qianxue at dinner.

She could tell that Li Qianxue still had feelings for Su Peizhen. Now Su Peizhen went to recognize Xiang Caiping, fearing what she would think.

"Mom. After all, Peizhen is also Auntie's biological daughter. Now that she is thinking about it, she is willing to recognize her, which is considered a happy event."

Li Qianxue didn't speak, her mood was somewhat affected. The daughter who had been raised for so many years ran away quietly and now goes to recognize another woman as her mother.

I felt a little uncomfortable, but looking at Su Qingsang, I felt it was understandable. Her own daughter has come back, is it still preventing others from letting mother and daughter recognize each other?

Rubbing her forehead, her voice softened a lot.

"That's good. Their mother and daughter are reunited, and they will live a good life in the future. It won't be much worse."

In the future, if Su Pei really wanted to get married, if she added some dowry, it would be considered a mother-daughter relationship.

Mr. Li was silent, not knowing what he was thinking. He turned his gaze to Su Qingsang.

"I'm going to Rongcheng tomorrow. Have you packed your luggage?"

"It's all packed." Su Qingsang nodded, "If there's something missing, it's the same when I buy it over there."

"That's what I said too." Li Qianxue looked at Mr. Li, fearing that he would be unhappy with Su Pei's real actions, so she quickly changed the subject: "Dad, didn't you have friendship with Mr. Huo before? It's good to just take this opportunity to relax."

Mr. Li frowned slightly: "It can't be regarded as friendship, we have met several times. But the other party is a straightforward person. I didn't expect that the two families would become in-laws one day."

"This is also fate." Li Qianxue said with a smile.

The three of them didn't say anything after all, they went back to their rooms to rest after eating and talking about going to Rongcheng tomorrow.

The next day Su Qingsang got up early in the morning. Li Qianxue got up earlier than her.

The plane is at ten o'clock, there is no need to get up so early. But thinking that he was going to Rongcheng, he would be able to see Huo Jinyao soon. Su Qingsang's heart soared.

The two obviously haven't been separated for many days, it's just two or three days.

But so many things happened in between. It felt like she hadn't seen Huo Jinyao for a long, long time.

When Li Qianxue got up, she saw her daughter's good mood. She was a little jealous of Huo Jinyao, but she was more happy.

My own marriage is unfortunate, and my daughter can be happy, which is also very good.

Thinking of this, I thought of Su Chenghui. I actually called last night and said why can I delay the signing for a few days? Wait until he finds Su Peizhen.

If Su Qingsang hadn't told about Su Peizhen meeting Xiang Caiping, Li Qianxue would have been tricked by him again.

This man is really disgusting now.

Knowing that Su Peizhen went to meet Xiang Caiping's mother and daughter. But he still does one thing to the face and the other to the back, saying that someone is missing, and came to her to ask for sympathy.

If it weren't for worrying about the reputation of the two children in the future, Li Qianxue really wanted to tear herself apart from him, and make him ashamed.

He also thought about coming to Rongcheng today, because he didn't want to make himself unhappy. Leave this matter to Attorney Chen to deal with.

Anyway, she was in no hurry. Su Chenghui could escape for a while, but not forever.

When she came back from Rongcheng, he had to sign it if he didn't.

"Mom. Let's go."

When she recovered and met Su Qingsang's concerned eyes, Li Qianxue pressed her for a while. Two people helped old man Li out the door, one left and one right.


When the plane landed in Rongcheng, it was just after lunch time.

Mr. Li is getting old, and he feels tired after such a short flight. After sitting for more than two hours on the plane, I wanted to take a break.

Before coming here, Li Qianxue had already made people pay attention to the house here, but even if she found a suitable one, she still had to clean it up first.

So the three of them could only stay in a hotel temporarily.

Li Qianxue rented the presidential suite of the largest five-star hotel in Rongcheng. After entering the door, let Mr. Li go to rest for a while.

She also wanted to take a rest, and then visit Mr. Huo tomorrow morning.

Su Qingsang will be hungry now, so she asked the hotel to deliver food upstairs. Not long after, the door rang. Su Qingsang, who thought it was food delivery from the hotel, didn't think too much, and quickly ran to open the door.

It's just that he didn't expect that when he opened the door, the person standing outside turned out to be Huo Jinyao.

"Huo Jinyao?"

Third watch. A chapter of four thousand words. A total of 10,000 words have been updated. Continue tomorrow. . In addition, Yuema is so awesome. Let's work harder, everyone. Remember to vote for recommendation. . Vote monthly. And leave footprints. Love you guys.

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