To My Dear Mr. Huo

Chapter 824 Did you suddenly realize that I am handsome?

Su Peizhen got out of bed and casually draped a nightgown under her body. She moved her limbs and felt that her body was still a little weak, but not as weak as the day before yesterday.

She didn't expect that she, who was always in good health, would be sick for two days.

I slept all day yesterday and slept all day yesterday. I finally feel better today.

After looking at the calendar, I didn't have to worry about going to work because today was the weekend.

After sleeping for two days, everyone was exhausted. She went to the bathroom and put some water in. Taking a bath made her feel much better.

Before she could get up from the bathtub, the bathroom door was hurriedly opened and Ling Jing came in from the outside.

When he saw her, there was obvious disapproval in his eyes.

"The disease is not cured yet, why are you fussing over it?"

He picked up the large bath towel on the side and walked over, reaching out to hug Su Peizhen's body.

Wrap her in a bath towel, hold her and walk outside to the room.

"If you're not feeling well, rest more. You can take a shower anytime. What if you get a bad cold again if you act like this?"

Ling Jing kept talking nonstop, with a bit of concern and a bit of reproach in her eyes.

Su Peizhen didn't say anything, and let Lingjing wipe the water off her body and let him carry her back to the bed.

Looking at Ling Jing's profile, she thought that Ling Jing had been taking care of her during the past two days when she was sick. It was clear that Xiao Zhao could be called, but he didn't, and he didn't take advantage of others.

As long as anything related to her was done, Ling Jing would do it automatically.

Eat, take a shower.

In fact, she didn't feel like she needed anyone to take care of her. If you get sick in prison, no one will take care of you.

After being released from prison, she lived with Xiang Caiping. Xiang Caiping always paid attention to her and cared about her everywhere, but that kind of care always made her feel stressed.

She is also a strong person, and she no longer has the backing of the Li family and the Su family. No longer have the capital to act coquettishly and willfully.

If it was just a slight discomfort, she would usually rather get through it on her own.

But Ling Jing's care and attention in the past two days made her feel like she was back in the past.

When she was uncomfortable or sick, there were people around her to take care of her.

She seemed to have become the rich daughter of the Li family and the Su family again.

Her relationship with Ling Jing was actually not like that. She knew it, and she also knew it.

The relationship between two people is nothing more than a relationship of nurturing and being maintained. Ling Jing can take care of her or not. There will be no impact.

Ling Jing's approach gave Su Peizhen some illusions. Maybe it really had nothing to do with money.

"Look, your hair is wet." Ling Jing looked at Su Peizhen's wet hair, got up, went to find a hair dryer, and started blowing Su Peizhen's hair.

In fact, this move was very rare for him. His movements were so clumsy that Su Peizhen felt like his scalp was about to be burned off a few times.

But he was able to quickly take the hair dryer further away after noticing his slightly changed expression.

She couldn't help but look up at him again.

Ling Jing's enchanting face looked a little focused at this time. She gently lifted her hair, held the hair dryer not too far away, and blew her back and forth.

His expression was so serious that she had the illusion that the person in front of her was not drying her hair, but rather seemed to be doing some great project.

After blow drying, she gently arranged her hair and put it all behind her head.


Realizing that Su Peizhen was staring at him, he suddenly bent down and met her eyes.

"Did you suddenly realize that I am extremely handsome?"

Today Yue Ma has been revising new articles all day long, so I will give you a chapter first. I will continue to write. Love you guys.

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