Chapter 488 Gasoline Flavor

Lu Yuwen walked slowly.

On the one hand, he did not want to create movement; on the other hand, his legs and feet seemed to be congenitally lame and limp, coupled with a knee injury, it was difficult to walk.

Su Man didn't know what he was going to do and watched carefully.

I thought he wanted to escape on a motorcycle, but it was impossible to think about it carefully, because the key to the motorcycle was on the man named Xiao Ge.

The night was too dark, and Su Man could only see Lu Yuwen's back. The sound of rustling sound came. After a while, she smelled of gasoline.

Su Man suddenly ...

Does he ...

Lu Yuwen tore off a long strip of fabric from his knees, tucked it into a small fuel tank orifice, waited for the cloth to soak in gasoline, and then gently pulled it out.

Because my hands were tied, I tried several times repeatedly, tore four or five pieces of cloth, and then walked back slowly, the movement became slower and slower.

He twisted the cloth along the edge of the tent, and the petrol blew out ...

Su Man watched his movements and couldn't help but be shocked.

He wanted to burn those people to death? !

Although those people are indeed damn, but can think of setting fire to people, this person's heart is really cruel!

Su Man watched Lu Yuwen's movements in the dark, a heart hung high, and it was clear that he had nothing to do with himself, but he was really worried that he would be discovered by those people!

Suddenly, there was a noise in the tent!

Su Man hurriedly covered her mouth, lest she yell out!

Lu Yuwen's movements also froze.

A short curse came from the tent: "Lu Yuwen! What are you doing outside ?! Don't be honest with him! Believe it or not, I will kill you now!"

On the other side of the tent came Zhang Ke's voice: "What's the noise in the big night, can't you sleep?"

Lu Yuwen gritted his teeth and threw away the cloth in his hand quickly. Then he grabbed a few hands of soil and rubbed it a few times to conceal the smell of gasoline in his hand.

"I go to the toilet ..." he whispered.

"Go to the toilet?" The short man came out of the tent and kicked Lu Yuwen outside the tent to the ground!

After kicking, he still couldn't be relieved, and stepped **** his injured knee again!

"CAO you! Go to the bathroom to where I'm sleeping ?! Get over there!"

He pulled the rope on Lu Yuwen's wrist, pulled it roughly, and shouted, "Go! Laozi takes you to the toilet! See what tricks you play!"

Then pushed Lu Yuwen forward, scolding while walking: "Dead lame! Don't rely on a little cleverness to want to play tricks, dare to provoke Lao Tzu, even if Brother Xiao wants to protect you, Lao Tzu will get you to death!"

He pushed Lu Yuwen from the other side of the road to get closer and closer to the hedge of Su Man's hiding place.

Su Man held his breath, his nerves tightened, and he held the dagger tightly with his right hand.

Never give time for a short man to call for help!

Just when she thought she was about to be exposed, the short man stopped and seemed to have no plans to move on.

Su Man sighed slightly.

The light was very dark at night, and she was separated from them by another hedge. As long as the other party no longer kept approaching, she should not be found ...

boom! ——

The short man suddenly exerted force, and it seemed that Lu Yuwen was walking slowly, kicking his foot to his back, and Lu Yuwen's whole body fell to the ground! Elbows slammed heavily on the bricks on the edge of the green belt!

He gritted his teeth hard, didn't make himself cry, and opened his eyes, but through the dense foliage close by, he saw Su Man on the other side of the hedge!

Su Man also looked at him with wide eyes.

Both were shocked and nervous!

"Go to the toilet! You pee me! Ah!"

The short man dragged Lu Yuwen back, pulling his feet on his face like a dog.

"Isn't urine coming out ?! Laozi knew you weren't honest! Say! Did you just want to escape?"

Lu Yuwen's face was stepped into the mud, his eyes closed and no sound.

"Yang Zi, it's almost enough, don't he? It's endless!" Xiao Ge's voice came from the end of the tent, and the tone was impatient.

(End of this chapter)

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