Too Reckless

Vol 2 Chapter 9: open sword pavilion

"Too reckless (!

In Zhangjiazhuang, there were ups and downs of discussions, and everyone looked at the center of the martial arts field.

Outside the sword pavilion, Zhang Yinfeng tapped his fingers on the armrest of the chair, recalling those old events, and after being reminded, he raised his head and said with a frown:

"Jian Wuyi? Is there such a person around?"

Linggu Sanzhong is not very high in the world, but as long as it is a local person, it is always a little famous.

The second leader, Zhang Cheng, recalled and shook his head:

"I haven't heard of it. It is estimated that it came from the Southern Wilderness.

The head of the Lin family next to him said:

"The momentum is very strong, and the age is probably not too old. As for the cultivation base, you can know it by doing it. There are so many elders present, and they won't be misunderstood."

The head of the Wang family said, "Hu Yi is at the peak of the Inner Pass, only one step away from the fourth level, and his teacher is also orthodox. If this person dares to come up, either he has something to rely on, or he is unfamiliar with his life."


The words outside the sword pavilion were repeated by the onlookers around the martial arts field.

Hearing the name, Hu Yi frowned, not sure about the other party's details, so he opened his mouth and said tentatively:

"Since Your Excellency is on the stage, why don't you show your true face? Is it possible that you are afraid that Qingyun City will embarrass Your Excellency?"

Zuo Lingquan was in a foreign country, so he wouldn't report his name and address in public. He was carrying two knives and his voice was cold:

"There are too many words, just go down if you don't fight."

When the words fell, the whole city was in an uproar.

The three patriarchs outside the sword pavilion were stunned for a moment. They didn't expect this outsider to be so mad.

A lot of local scattered cultivators said at length:

"I really don't know how high the sky is. Do you know who is the descendant of Senior Hu?"

"Under the apprenticeship of Yunshui Jiantan, Zongliuyun Mountain, even the three patriarchs have to be called 'Junior Brother'..."


Hu Yi was obviously annoyed by this defiant remark, and said coldly on the hilt of his wrist:

"The sword has no eyes, Your Excellency..."


Before he finished speaking, there was an explosion in the martial arts field.

Zuo Lingquan's body did not have any strength, and the whole person had already rushed out. The two scimitars were like a full moon, instantly dyed with black mist, and dragged two black smoke-like trails behind them.

Hu Yi's reaction was not slow at all, the long sword around his waist was unsheathed, and he slashed from the bottom to the top in a 'drawing sword slash'.

The bluestone floor of the martial arts field was completely cut off by the red sword energy, like a wave of fire, slashing towards Zuo Lingquan who was rushing.

The essence of Yunshui Jiantan's sword is 'light and quick', and it is also 'fast', but it is completely different from Zuo Lingquan's path.

Zuo Lingquan's sword is very important. The key point is to use the fastest speed to hit the strongest blow, and people will be killed by the sword before they can react.

The sword of Yunshui Jiantan is fast and dexterous. The sword is like a tide, interlocking and continuous. The fastest speed is the most swords, so that the opponent can't parry.

This is visualized in front of him, that is, after Hu Yi drew his sword and slashed, he slashed diagonally and then pulled it horizontally.

As soon as this sword was shot, there were voices of admiration around the martial arts field, and even the three patriarchs nodded slightly.

But soon, everyone lost their voices at the same time.

I saw the swordsman in black facing the three sword shadows, the speed skyrocketed again, without the slightest evasion, he flew forward and rushed through the gap between the three swords, the two swords staggered, and directly took Hu Yi's neck.

The speed is too fast, and the explosive force is almost terrifying, so that most people have not seen it clearly.

The three patriarchs outside the sword pavilion sat up at the same time and said:

"So fast."

"The fifth level of Linggu is nothing but the same."

"This fellow dares to break the rules... That's not right! I haven't reached the fifth level."

On the martial arts field, Hu Yi saw the opponent turn into an afterimage and rushed towards him, and he felt a chill down his spine. However, the three-level cultivator knew all six senses. He started to move, and when he noticed something was wrong, he tapped the ground with his toes, moved his body sideways a few steps, and swung three swords again.


Zuo Lingquan didn't know how to use the sword at all. He just slashed hard with the knife with inhuman explosive power. After cutting through the air, he turned forward to dodge, but he didn't avoid it completely. Instead, he deliberately let the sword qi pull on his shoulders. A small mouth.

The scarlet sword energy pierced through the black robe, and in an instant, a **** opening more than an inch long was pulled out on the shoulder. The wound was not deep, just a skin injury, but it was enough.

The difference between the first and second levels of martial arts in the Linggu realm is not obvious, but further up, there is a big difference in each realm - the third level and the six senses are all clear, the fourth level is flawless golden body, the fifth level is infuriating, and the sixth level is Infuriating shape, seven layers of space imperial objects, eight layers of imperial swords volleying into the sky.

A fourth-level cultivator can pass through the Waiguan acupoint, and it is a golden body. It is difficult for ordinary swords to penetrate the body, which is very different from the low-level monks. In this regard, a sneak attack from Xu Yuankui of the fifth level of Linggu can only cut off Cheng Jiujiang's arm, but If you stab Zuo Lingquan, you can see it if you stab Zuo Lingquan.

Hu Yi Linggu's third-level cultivation base, rubbing the end of the sword to the fourth-level monks, at most cuts through the clothes, can't hurt the flesh at all, can make a hole, it must not be a flawless golden body, there are many monks in the Linggu level, naturally Can see the doorway.

However, after discovering that Zuo Lingquan was not a cultivator above the fourth level, everyone was not relieved, but a little bit unbelievable - can Linggu triple level have such explosive power?

No one is under the most pressure than Hu Yi who is on the battlefield.

Seeing this speed, Hu Yi thought that the other party was pretending to be a pig to eat Huyin people, and he was about to scold him with his three swords.

He could see that this was deliberately done by the other party, the speed was so fast, and he could control his body so accurately, it was definitely the level of the Nine Sect Inner Sect.

Seeing Zuo Lingquan rushing towards the ground again, Hu Yi pulled back and said anxiously:

"Are you the one from Covering the Moon Forest?"

"you guess."

Zuo Lingquan strode wildly, dragging two machetes behind him, his eyes locked on Hu Yi with sharp eyes, giving him no room to breathe.

Hu Yi saw the two 'covering the moon scimitars', so he treated Zuo Lingquan as a disciple of covering the moon forest.

Covering Yuelin is indeed taking a high number of explosive paths. His swordsmanship is fierce and fast, and he will definitely suffer from head-to-head encounters.

Hu Yi quickly changed his style of play, his body moved like the wind, he came to Zuo Lingquan's side, and raised his hand, it was a signature stunt of Yunshui Jiantan's "Wind and Wind".


A sword slashed horizontally, and a red sword energy appeared in front of Hu Yi, rolling up the ground bricks and pressing towards Zuo Lingquan like a tide.

The range to the left and right of the wave is about two feet. If the range is too large, the killing power will be weak. Zuo Lingquan raised his hand and slashed towards the middle of the wave, trying to break a gap.

When everyone saw this scene, they all gasped.

Cheng Jiujiang on the veranda said anxiously:

"It happened!"

the same moment the words were spoken.

Zuo Lingquan just shattered the wave of masonry and stone, and saw behind the masonry a 'fishing net' made of sword energy intertwined!

The sword net is tight to the left and right, and it is so close at hand that there is no room for escape.


Zuo Lingquan's eyes changed for the first time.

But that's all.

Seeing that there was nowhere to evade, Zuo Lingquan staggered his swords in front of him, and his true qi burst out on the body of the sword, using the 'Shock Sword Art' that shocked the terrace.


The moment the blade touched the sword net, a wave of air rushed away.

Zuo Lingquan's whole body was shocked and flew back several meters, and the sword net was also washed away, and there was no more killing power.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Jiujiang breathed a sigh of relief: "It scared me to death."

The three patriarchs of Qingyun City were stunned for a while, and said:

"Worry-free charm?"

"No, the worry-free talisman can't stop it."

"It seems to be a shocking sword tactic that stuns the terrace."


You can negotiate off the court, but there is no chance on the court.

Yunshui Jiantan emphasizes that the sword is like a tide, and it is continuous.

Hu Yi shot with one sword. He thought Zuo Lingquan was using the Wuyou Fu Breaking move, and he was puzzled, but his hand speed did not stop for a moment. When chasing, he shot with three swords again, blocking Zuo Lingquan's room for dodging.

Hu Yi also saw that the sword qi could be easily avoided by the opponent, so after the shot, he followed the sword qi and took the sword straight to Zuo Lingquan's chest.

Zuo Lingquan was so shocked that he flew back, and before he landed, Hu Yi had already raised his sword.

Zuo Lingquan's eyes showed a bit of 'panic', and when he landed, he turned around and ran back, seemingly trying to use his explosive power to run out of Hu Yi's attack range.

Hu Yi saw a bit of sarcasm in his eyes - he took the initiative first, and the other party hurriedly dodged, if he could get out, then he wouldn't have to practice his sword - he seized the opportunity and stabbed Zuo Lingquan in the back with a sword. .

Seeing this scene around the martial arts field, most of the people were sweating for Zuo Lingquan; but all the experts saw the way.

Cheng Jiujiang raised his eyebrows, relieved.

The three patriarchs shook their heads at the same time, leaned back in their chairs, and let out a sigh:


Amid all the attention, the pursuit of two people in the martial arts field stopped abruptly.

Hu Yi shot with a sword, but before stabbing Zuo Lingquan's back, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he found that Zuo Lingquan, who was running away with his back to him, had a machete shrouded in black mist from his armpit.

The machete's speed is extremely fast, and the angle is also extremely tricky, without giving any chance to react, the tip of the knife has reached his throat!

Hu Yi was so shocked that three souls went to seven souls, he forcibly pulled his body, and it was firmly fixed in front of the tip of the knife. Two blood columns came out.


The people around the martial arts field didn't see it clearly, and when they saw the tip of the knife suddenly pointed at Hu Yi's throat, they were all surprised.

Zuo Lingquan used a strange posture, propped up the ground with his left hand, and with his right hand he took out a knife from under the armpit of his left arm, pointing at Hu Yi's throat, and at the same time leaned over to avoid the long sword that was about to stab his back.

Seeing Hu Yi forcibly stopping his figure, Zuo Lingquan stood up to face Hu Yi, and lifted his hat slightly:

"This shot, you will die when you see the tip of the knife, and there is no chance to stop."

Hu Yi stopped forcibly and was injured by the sword qi. He looked at the blade in his throat and said:

"It's so smooth and snowy, you are the one who shocked the terrace?"

Zuo Lingquan's eyes were flat:

"Loose repair."

Hu Yi also looked like a disciple who was shocked by the terrace. He went out with a knife from Shuyuelin to slash and bully others. Leader, ran to find Shimen to settle accounts.

Although Hu Yi felt that Zuo Lingquan's style of play was a bit shameless, but the sword that shocked the terrace was like this. He was a martial artist who had left the sect, but he did not dare to slander the swordsmanship of the nine giants. road:

"Brother Jian is good at swordsmanship, and Hu Mou is convinced."

After he finished speaking, he put away his sword, rubbed his chest and walked out of the martial arts arena.

The surroundings of the martial arts field were quiet, and there was no sound.

Zuo Lingquan, holding a pair of knives, turned to look at the two monks who had just stood up between the guests, and said loudly:

"bring it on."

The two monks were full of cold sweat, and they used one and a half tricks to beat Hu Yi. It was purely technical, and it was estimated that they did not consume much. They were weaker than Hu Yi. They were not looking for a fight. .

Zuo Lingquan nodded slightly and turned to look at the surrounding veranda:

"Who else doesn't agree?!"

The sound is a bit arrogant.

There was silence around the martial arts field. As long as the monks below the third level were not disciples of the nine sects, it was impossible to beat the black-clothed young man below. Naturally, no one dared to come on the field to ask for a Zuo Lingquan waited for a while, and saw nothing. People came on stage and looked at the three patriarchs outside the sword pavilion.

Qingyun City was supposed to give the sword, and it was the same for anyone who took it.

Under everyone's attention, Zhang Yinfeng was naturally forthright, clapped his hands and said:

"The Taoist is friendly, since no one is fighting..."

Zhang Yinfeng stood up:

"Open the sword pavilion!"



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