Too Reckless

Vol 2 Chapter 17: The red-haired old immortal fights the Lord Linyuan

"Too reckless (!

The red-haired old immortal watched his son turn into a mummified corpse, his eyes were blood red, almost crazy, Yu Jian flew, and his body was churning with flames, and he had returned to the reed beach in an instant.

The woman like a little girl in the market, facing the ancestors of the secluded realm, did not have the slightest intention to back down. She released the mummified corpse between her five fingers, and her figure suddenly turned into a red afterimage. above the ground.

The woman bit her fingers with her mouth, and a drop of crystal clear red blood landed on the hilt of one of the swords, and scolded:



The nine swords began to vibrate rapidly on the ground!

The next moment, the surrounding reeds that had not been burned by the fire were flattened in place in an instant.

The raging flames on the red-haired old immortal were also fluttering downward, and the flying sword under his feet lost control in an instant, fell to the ground, and was difficult to control.

The red-haired old fairy lost the flying sword at the feet, and her figure fell directly from the air to the ground, her eyes couldn't hide the mistake:

"This is……"

The woman didn't say a word, her body continued to fly, blood beads dripped from her fingers, and a blood line was drawn on the ground, but in an instant, she circled around the red-haired old fairy.

The red-haired old immortal was already shocked by the vision of heaven and earth. Seeing the little girl in the market surrounded her body, she did not dare to act rashly.

Zuo Lingquan noticed that the red-haired old immortal ran back to the shore, and thought that Tang Jingshen ran out to help. In a frightened anger, he flew out of the river, looked up and saw the flattened reeds and flames, and was stunned on the spot:


The other two were also dumbfounded.

Situ shock was not much worse than the three, and said incredulously:

"What is this?"

The lady in the bronze mirror has already stood up and said solemnly:

"The Demon Sealing Sword Formation, the Imprisoning Dragon Formation, what a great skill... She is only at the 12th level of Qi Refinement. How could she possibly use this kind of magic?"

Situ opened his mouth wide in shock, and definitely couldn't give an explanation.

In the time of these two sentences, the Dragon Prisoner Array has taken shape.

The bloodstains on the ground formed a circle, and as the woman's hands quickly choked, she lightly reprimanded:


The blood stains gleamed, and then the phantom of a tall tower appeared in the air.

The tower is nine stories high and dark red in color, each with intricate inscriptions on it, smashing down directly from the air.

boom -

The ground sank, and the red-haired old immortal seemed to be pressed on top of his head by a mountain, and his stature dropped a lot in an instant. He bowed his waist and carried the tall tower.


Following the words, the raging fire that was pressed to the ground gathered in the center to form a rudimentary form of a fire python.

But the fire python was not yet fully formed, so the woman raised her hand to make a gesture and wrote lightly:


When the voice fell, the fire python that had just condensed fell apart, turned into flames again and was pressed to the ground.

? ? !

Zuo Lingquan and Zhao Wuxie's eyes widened together, and some couldn't understand.

However, Zuo Lingquan was not in a daze. Seeing that the red-haired old immortal was trapped, he did not hesitate at all, and rushed over with his sword.

Situ shocked to understand, but said, "Uncle, I know this, there is a way to perform magic in the world, and there is a way to reverse it. This is the 'fire dragon art solution'."

The beauty in the palace dress in the bronze mirror, her voice could hardly suppress the shock in her heart:

"Impossible. If you don't know the details of the technique when you are doing the tricks, how can a Qi refining cultivator dismantle the magic of the cultivator Youhuang in reverse?"

Situ shocked naturally did not know.

The red-haired old immortal was still shocked just now, but now there is only blankness left in his eyes, thinking that the technique was wrong, he quickly raised his hand and said:


The flames surging up under his feet turned into a ring of fire that swept the surrounding area.

But the fire ring has not yet run out of the range of the tower, the woman raised her hand again:


The ring of fire was gone, vanished cleanly.



! ! !

I hit your mother!

The red-haired old immortal's face was dazed and stunned, staring blankly at the little girl in the market who was nearly ten realms weaker than him, and she didn't know what to do.

Although it seems to be unilaterally crushed, the twelfth level of qi refining for women is true, and no matter how powerful the technique is, it is difficult to make up for the lack of true qi reserves. In just a few immortal spells, the red mist on her body It dissipated completely, and his face was a little pale. But the grim cheek did not change in the slightest.

After suppressing the red-haired old fairy, the woman raised her left hand.

On the river bank, Zuo Lingquan was galloping, and the black arm guard on his wrist was instantly dismantled into red silk threads, which flew to the woman's right hand and turned into a red long sword.

The moment the woman held the hilt of the sword, her murderous aura shot straight to Jiuxiao.

The river bank suddenly fell into a dead silence, and it seemed that even the rolling waves were stagnant.

The rolling flames on the ground were pulled by the power of the five elements and gathered on the sword's edge.

Zuo Lingquan felt the sword in his hand trembling, and there was a feeling that it was difficult to lift a step, as if in front of him was the **** of a mountain of swords that could never be surpassed. .

This is sword intent!

The one who felt the most obvious was the red-haired old immortal who became the target.

The red-haired old immortal only felt that the sword intent in front of him was soaring into the sky, like a sharp blade that could cut through everything in the world.

The woman's eyes were calm, she raised the long sword generated by the flames, and her figure instantly appeared in front of the red-haired old fairy, and the sword slashed horizontally.

call out--

The sound of the sword was almost harsh.

The flame turned into a half moon, with an invincible sharpness, slashing on the chest of the red-haired old fairy.

The red-haired old fairy has been shocked by the sword intent, but the instinct to survive is still there.



The sword edge fell on the armor, leaving a sword mark.

The red-haired old fairy was unscathed!

? ?

Zuo Lingquan and the red-haired old fairy were stunned at the same time when they saw this scene of heavy thunder and little rain.

Sword Intent is Sword Intent after all, without any actual killing power.

No matter how powerful a woman is, she is only at the 12th level of Qi Refining. Trapping the red-haired old immortal with a magical technique is already a miracle. The gap between each other's hard power is too great. It is not easy for the enemy to cut a sword mark.

Situ stared in shock and was a little discouraged when he saw this scene:

"Hey - I thought it was amazing, but after a long time, I still practiced Qi, which is a pity."

The beauty in the palace dress in the bronze mirror seemed to understand who the girl in the market was, and sat back on the soft couch. Calmly said:

"This is Jian Yi's Dragon Slaying, the Dragon Slayer Sword, the ancestor's Jian Yi."

"This is the ancestor's sword one? Then this little girl is... my mother!"

Situ shock suddenly realized who this little girl in the market was, and said incredulously:

"The old ancestor himself was the guardian of this kid?"

"if not?"

"Uncle, you are not so lucky..."

The beauty in the palace dress has an indifferent voice: "Who does she want to favor, and she still needs to ask me what I mean?"

Situ choked up in shock, knowing that his uncle was angry; calling the old ancestor "she" was obviously disrespectful, he quickly put away the bronze mirror and ran away, for fear of being heard by the old ancestor across from Jiang.

The other side.

After the woman's sword shot, Zuo Lingquan didn't look at it, rushed to the front and raised his hand with a sword, piercing the sword mark on the red-haired old fairy, trying to smash the protective armor.

It's a pity that the ink-like sword qi shot has not yet landed on the armor. The sword mark on the red-haired old fairy has returned to its original state.

The red-haired old immortal was so frightened by all kinds of magical powers that he had never seen before, but after connecting several sets, he found that apart from the inability to control objects, he could not stand upright under the pressure, and it seemed that there was no particularly uncomfortable feeling.

Seeing that the two of them joined hands, without even touching his clothes, the panic in the eyes of the red-haired old fairy slowly turned into doubt, and then he understood and turned into hideous:

"I thought you were so talented, I was shocked!"

Saying that, he forcibly lifted the tower and rushed towards the woman with all his strength.

The woman used her physique to practice Qi, and used a lot of techniques that should not be used, and then used a sword, her body was exhausted, and her face turned morbidly pale.

Zuo Lingquan stood by his side with his sword in hand, seeing the red-haired old immortal rushing towards him, even if he knew who the woman beside him was, he still said:

"Would you like to run?"

The woman stood with her sword in her hand, ignoring Zuo Lingquan next to her, just looking at the red-haired old immortal with a bit of aftertaste in her eyes - the feeling of a weak person.

After all, I don't know how many Jiazi, and I have never encountered an opponent that is difficult to defeat.

When the red-haired old immortal couldn't use his sword, he directly killed the woman who was obviously depleted of true energy with his bare hands:

"Death to me!"

Zuo Lingquan saw the red-haired old immortal running over, but the speed was not very fast, so he could only grit his teeth and turn around to pick up the woman and run away.

But just as he turned around, his body was fixed in place.

The same is true of the red-haired old fairy.

The woman's body is too weak, and it is impossible to kill the monk in the secluded realm with her flesh. She has no interest in playing the house with the child, and the bottom of her eyes shows a golden glimmer, looking directly into the eyes of the red-haired old fairy.

No sound, no movement.

The red-haired old fairy still had fury and vigilance in his eyes, but the moment he touched his eyes, the vitality in his eyes disappeared completely.

The protective qi and condensed armor on his body are useless, and they can't resist the attack from the soul at all.

But at the moment of eye contact, the three souls and seven souls of the red-haired old immortal disappeared into the world, turning into a running corpse without any warning.


The red-haired old immortal with a ferocious expression, after instinctively running a few steps, lay on the ground, the flames all over his body dissipated, and there was no movement, as if his name was suddenly ticked off by the King of Hell on the book of life and death.

Standing nearby, Zhao Wuxie and the others stared blankly, thinking that the red-haired old immortal had performed a flat fall.

Zuo Lingquan was mentally prepared, but he did not expect that an ancestor in the secluded realm would die so silently, and his eyes were slightly surprised.

The woman's eyes returned to the dullness of staring at all living beings, she turned to look at Zuo Lingquan, and said:

"Do you know how far apart you are from this deity?"

Zuo Lingquan was able to move again. Although he had a holiday with the ancestor of Shangguan, it was a fact that the other party offered to help. He still bowed his hands:

"Your Majesty's methods are in the sky, and you will be convinced by your mouth."

The woman gestured to the red-haired old immortal on the ground: "This deity has never used his own cultivation, did not borrow magic weapons, and only has a body of twelve qi-refining layers to force him to this point; if you are against this deity, How long do you think you can last under the deity's hands?"

Zuo Lingquan was a little surprised: "If your Excellency really uses the 12th level of Qi refining and uses the supernatural powers just now, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on to the three moves."

"Three moves?"

The woman's expression showed a little contempt: "You think too highly of yourself, you and I are in the same environment, and you will die if you don't see me. Do you think that you can really break all laws with one sword?"

Zuo Lingquan was actually a little dissatisfied with this sentence:

"Experience is also strength, if you and I are the same age..."

"This deity was born in a barren land with no support. When you were seventeen, you were alone in the South China Sea to slay dragons. What were you doing when you were seventeen?"


Zuo Lingquan was speechless.

"Don't make excuses for yourself, the weak are the weak."

The woman raised her hand, and the long sword in her hand turned into a red silk thread, which was wrapped around Zuo Lingquan's wrist again:

"You are practicing the last sword, then you can only make the last shot, and you will kill, otherwise you will have to hide in the box; the starting sword is that sword, but it can't kill anyone, the invincible sword intent will slowly Reduce until mediocre, do you understand the meaning?"

Zuo Lingquan's experience and understanding of kendo are definitely not as good as the ancestor of the Iron Arrow Mansion. After thinking a little:

"Thank you senior for your pointer."

The woman shook her head slightly: "This deity just didn't want a person who might become an opponent. In the end, I didn't even go to the foot of the mountain. You have already disappointed this deity."

After saying the golden light in his eyes dissipated.

As Venerable Master Linyuan left, the calmness on Tang Jingshen's face turned into pain and bruising in an instant. He coughed, blood oozing from the corners of his mouth, and before he had time to exhale, he was struck by the unbearable pain and fainted.

Zuo Lingquan saw Tang Jingxun's body softening, and hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Tang Jingxun:

"Miss Tang?"

Tang Jingshen's face was blue and purple, and his anger was like a gossamer.

Zuo Lingquan hurriedly put his hand on his wrist to check, only to realize that Tang Jingshen's muscles and acupuncture points all over his body showed signs of damage, and his body was almost collapsed, which was obviously a side effect of forcibly squeezing his body...

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