Too Reckless

Vol 4 Chapter 60: fairy tales

The autumn sun was shining brightly, and the earth was covered with a layer of golden clothes. Occasionally, a few birds flew over the mountains and saw the team passing slowly below, making a few cries.

The team is not big, there are about twenty people, there are two middle-aged people who know some magic, and the others are ordinary people.

Two huge black bears roamed around the team, kept trying to pounce on them, and were forced back by the monks.

Among the white clouds, Zuo Lingquan stood at the bow of the boat, watching the movement below, frowning: "This place is at most a hundred miles from Burning Smoke City, and there can be beasts on official roads, and the security is too bad."

Wu Qingwan stood side by side and sighed: "If the beasts are ghosts or ghosts, Dayan's Monster Hunting Division can't guard against them, let alone a place like this."

After a seven-day voyage, the painting boat spanned more than 20,000 li and arrived at Fusang Kingdom outside Dayan Pass.

The City of Burning Smoke is located in the center of the Fusang Kingdom, and it is definitely not small that it can sell the casted instruments to Linyuan Port.

Zuo Lingquan originally thought that the vicinity of such a large sect would be very stable, but he did not expect that as soon as he walked nearby, he encountered a beast that harmed the people.

The distance is too far, and the scene on the ground is not very carefully watched. Wu Qingwan squinted to observe for a moment, and said:

"Those two monks seem to be unable to fight, why don't we go down now?"

Zuo Lingquan was going to Burning Smoke City to investigate the news.

"You and Jingxun follow from the water and land, I'll go down and have a look."

After speaking, Zuo Lingquan put on a bamboo hat, dressed as a common Jianghu person, and jumped down from the sky.

Zuo Lingquan was at the sixth level of Linggu, and Wu Qingwan naturally didn't worry about him falling to his death, so she returned to the cabin, and together with Tang Jingxuan, dropped the painting boat on the river.

The chaos between the mountains and fields continues.

The two monks who served as guards were not very good at Taoism, and they could not see the weather at the tenth level of Qi Refining.

The team at the rear was already in a mess. Several women picked up the child from the carriage, turned around and fled.

There were seven children in the carriage, among them a little girl of four or five years old, wearing a small floral dress, as if she was not accompanied by her parents. She was frightened by the chaotic situation, and ran off the carriage. Unattended, she just panicked and chose the way. He ran to the side of the hillside, and no adults noticed this.

ta ta ta

The little girl cried and ran out about ten feet. Seeing that she was about to climb over a small hill, she heard a loud noise in front of her, as if something heavy fell to the ground.


The little girl shivered, her footsteps were unstable, and she rolled down the hillside. Before landing, she was picked up by her shoulders.

The little girl waved her hands and feet in a panic, and when she came back to her senses, she had already landed beside the carriage, and was so frightened that she cried "Wow~".

"Don't be afraid, it's alright."

Zuo Lingquan carried the little girl to the carriage and put it on the carriage, turned around and drew his sword and rushed to the black bear;

The two cultivators had already given up their intentions to retreat. When they saw someone coming to help, they were overjoyed. They didn't have time to speak. They just tried their best to subdue the black bear.

After a 'hard fight', the two black bears were killed by Zuo Lingquan's sword one after another.

The older cultivator stood beside the black bear's corpse, seeing blood on his body and panting, only then did he have a chance to speak:

"Under Zhang Zhengye, thank you fellow Daoist for your help."

Zuo Lingquan put away his sword and said:

"You don't need to be polite, fellow Daoist. It's just a matter of raising your hands. It's the first time I came to Burning Mist City in Tang Tiejin, and I am not familiar with this place. How far is Burning Mist City?"

Burning Smoke City is famous for refining tools, and monks often come here to find people to refine tools. Zhang Zhengye is not surprised by this, and said warmly:

"Go straight along this road, and you'll arrive a hundred miles ahead."

While speaking, the people also turned back and thanked Zuo Lingquan with their children in their arms:

"Thank you for your help..."

"I want to call Xianchang."

"Thank you Xianchang..."


Zuo Lingquan politely declined, looked at it a few times, and asked with some doubts:

"Where are these people going?"

Zhang Zhengye turned back and waved his hand, motioning the team to move on, explaining:

"Cultivation seedlings searched outside, bring them to Burning Smoke City for experts to choose, and see if there is a great fortune to step into the door of cultivation."

Zuo Lingquan suddenly realized that Xihuanggu would regularly bring children in to look at the bones.

Zuo Lingquan looked back at the crying little girl in the carriage, and asked again:

"Why isn't that girl accompanied by adults?"

"The family is a farmer, just in time for the autumn harvest, and my parents didn't follow me."

After Zhang Zhengye explained a sentence at random, he looked at Zuo Lingquan again: "Daoist friend is here to find someone to refine the weapon?"

Zuo Lingquan came down to help also to find out the news, he nodded and said:

"Yes, I want to refine a magic weapon that can ward off ghosts and exorcise evil spirits. Does Fellow Daoist Zhang know the way?"

Zhang Zhengye was very familiar with Burning Smoke City, and he said without hesitation:

"If you want to exorcise ghosts, you must go to Leigong Mountain. The mountain owner of Leigong Mountain, Lei Hongliang, used to be the real inner door of Tiandi City. In terms of refining craftsmanship, few people in the entire Burning Smoke City are taller than him. His apprentices are not bad, and it’s right to find them for things like slaying ghosts and exorcising evil spirits.”

Zuo Lingquan nodded lightly: "Really? How to find the Thunder Mountain Lord?"

Zhang Zhengye waved his hand, a little funny:

"He is the ancestor of You Huang, and he is not usually seen. It is not easy to find his own apprentice to do the knife. If you want to customize the magic tool, you have to go to the city to find a tooth shop, and they will contact you on your behalf; if you specify someone to do the knife, the price is not high. It's cheap, and the refiners are not short of fairy money, it depends on whether they are in the mood..."

"Oh, I see……"

While Zuo Lingquan was chatting, he followed the team away from each other...——

Great Yanjing City, Toffee Palace.

In the Tianji Hall, where the lights are not out day and night, the maids in colorful clothes organized the news from various places into a book, and placed them on the large desk in the center.

Jiang Yi sat upright in front of the desk, flipped through the thick file, and kept talking:

"How much white jade baht should be rewarded for clearing up a martial cultivator of the third level of the Spirit Valley?"

"It is suspected that there are ink dragons cannibalizing people in the upper reaches of the Qingdu River. What level of case is this?"

"The prefect of Yunzhou and the Taoist couple of the living elders of Yunfu Mountain are fornicating.


Leng Zhu, who once again became a poor maid, was ten times busier than in the Great Dan Palace, constantly flipping through the laws and regulations of the anti-monster in front of him, looking for all kinds of information Jiang Yi needed.

Since Zuo Lingquan left, Jiang Yi came to the imperial concubine's palace and became Shangguan Lingye's assistant.

Jiang Yi thought it was Shangguan Lingye taking care of her, so she arranged a nominal errand for her, so that she could justifiably practice in Canyang Pool.

The result was good. She studied for three days and knew the general process. Shangguan Lingye said, "I'm going out, you can take care of it", and then left the whole work of the Demon Hunting Division in her arms. .

Jiang Yi thought she was taking care of him for a while, and felt that Shangguan Lingye trusted her so much, and felt very happy; but she didn't expect that four days later, Shangguan Lingye had no intention of coming back at all, and directly acted as the shopkeeper.

Jiang Yi has served as the princess regent, and is no stranger to the feeling of being in control, but she came to the palace to practice, not to join Guan Lingye's class.

But if you don't give money to take a bath in someone else's pool, it's not easy to turn off the job. Jiang Yi can only help out with hard work.

The work of the Monster Hunting Division is not heavy, but it is cumbersome, and there can be no negligence. Rewards and punishments are fine, just follow the usual practice, but some of the strange things in the fairy family that are not good decisions and have to be managed are really let down. The head is as big as a fight.

For example, two small sects are too close, and there is friction all the year round; one of them "loves the people like a son" and improves the gunpowder for making firecrackers in the world, making it several times more powerful, and teaching it to the common people to use it to dig mountains and rocks.

This is naturally a good thing for the country and the people.

But in order to repay their kindness, the people bombed the enemy Zongmen Mountain Gate in the dark!

The movement of the ground shaking the mountains stunned the ancestors of the opponent's sect.

It is difficult to judge whether the people are really repaying their kindness or being instigated.

But this is the first time Jiang Yi has seen the immortal being demolished by mortals. The rival sects do not dare to fight back and are under the jurisdiction of the Dayan Dynasty. The immortal family fights according to their abilities, and the court cannot control it, but the immortals beat mortals. Treated by secular laws, and sins are added one more level, no matter what the immortal's reason or background is, if he refuses to go to Venerable Lord Linyuan to reason with the last opponent's sect, he can only sue the Ji Yaosi.

What should Jiang Yi do about this?

You are a sect of a fairy family, and your mountain gate was demolished by mortals. Where did you get your face to sue the official?

There is also a random cultivator who has a whim, in order to obtain the blood of the dragon, secretly and raising the snake...

It's hard to say.

After being caught by a decent cultivator, it was not easy to deal with, so he reported to the Monster Hunting Division and asked whether he should be treated as a monster.

Being characterized as a demon is a serious crime of the Xian family. The inheritance of three generations is investigated up and down. It is equivalent to the nine clans of the Xian family sect.

It is said that according to the treatment of demons, people did not harm the lives of living beings; as long as the transformed spirit beasts act according to the rules of people, they are counted according to people.

But if you don't treat it according to the demons, if the spirit beasts don't change shape, it's not human affairs!

Jiang Yi was haunted by these **** things. Now she works during the day and sleeps in the Canyang Pond at night. She doesn't want Zuo Lingquan in her dreams, but thinks about these immortal and mundane things that test human nature and reach the heart. , I don't even know how Shangguan Lingye managed to survive these 80 years.


The day's work is over.

After Jiang Yi read and stamped the last dossier, she leaned back on the Taishi chair, rubbed her eyebrows, and did not want to speak for a long time.

Leng Zhu was also quite tired. He pouted his shattered buttocks, lay on the desk, and said weakly:

"Princess, where did the concubine go?"

"The masters are all dragons, but how do I know where I have gone? To be able to entrust us with errands is to trust us, and don't ask questions."

"Oh... Zuo Gongzi should go to Burning Smoke City, right? I don't know what's going on Jiang Yi counted the time, it is indeed time to arrive, she raised her hand to touch the unicorn paperweight on the table, Communicate with Zuo Lingquan.

But remembering the last time she raised her eyes and saw Tang Jingxuan sitting in Zuo Lingquan's arms and making out, she was so angry that she got up and walked to the back of Tianji Temple:

"What are you looking at? Let them go. When I reach Linggu, I will throw Tang Jingshen at home to watch the door."

"At Miss Tang's speed, waiting for Princess Linggu, they might become a Jade-rank Immortal Venerable."


Jiang Yi's eyes were sour.

Leng Zhu quickly stood up straight, made a serious appearance, and changed his words:

"I'm just talking nonsense. The princess has good understanding and such perseverance. Sooner or later, she will catch up. God rewards hard work."


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