Too Reckless

Vol 9 Chapter 41: Lord of Peach Blossoms

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The sun was rising, and the sound of birds chirping and the crackling of firewood came in from the window.

Zuo Lingquan opened his eyes and slowed down a bit before he was completely awake.

After changing shifts with Empress Dowager last night, nothing worth mentioning happened. He was really tired. He only felt that the sky would dawn as soon as he closed his eyes and opened it.

Zuo Lingquan stood up, stretched out, and looked around, the house was neatly tidy up, a few wooden boards with carved characters leaned against the wall, but Shangguan Lingye disappeared.

Zuo Lingquan walked out of the door and followed the sound to the kitchen on the side of the yard, but saw the dumpling standing on the window sill, flapping his wings, and fiercely 'jijiji...', his appearance was similar to the one who ordered him to cook yesterday, just listening to The tone knew that it was saying 'how clumsy? ’.

Zuo Lingquan leaned over to the window and looked in. The plain-clothed grandma was standing beside the stove with a spatula in hand; on the plate next to it, there were sliced ​​meat and vegetables I found from somewhere. , the knife work is good, but I don't know how to put the pot first, pointing at the plate and saying:

"Down this first?"



Seeing Zuo Lingquan looking at him from the window, Shangguan Lingye's expression returned to his former "everything is done in his chest", cooking dishes seriously, like a good wife and good mother.

"Why don't I come."

"You don't know how to cook, what are you doing here? Go on your own and call you when you eat."

Zuo Lingquan's cooking skills were almost nothing, so he didn't go in to join in the fun. After a little washing, he took a few wooden boards from the house and went out of the yard.

The people of Macheng County were all gathered nearby. There were quite a lot of people in the streets and alleys. Men with red headscarves walked back and forth to maintain order. Several women propped up cauldrons, and ragged people lined up to lead porridge soup.

Zuo Lingquan had already figured out the way last night, and went directly to a tea shop under the city wall.

The four leaders of the rebel army were in the courtyard outside the tea shop, gesturing with swords to each other. It seemed that they were doing morning exercises.

"Lu Chen, you said that the left hero, the three of us can't beat him together, is it true or false?"

The one who spoke was Zhu Ba, who also used a sword. The one who played with a sword was open and close. His kung fu foundation was also the highest among several people, and his words meant disapproval.

Lu Chen had seen the posture of Zuo Lingquan's sword, and said with disdain:

"Outside the mountain, Qingshan building, outer building, if you don't believe it, just try it yourself and you'll know... Hey, it's not coming."

Jiang Heng turned around when he heard the sound, saw Zuo Lingquan coming, put away the red ying gun, and greeted:

"Master Zuo got up very early, how did you rest with your wife last night?"

"Very good, thanks to Chief Jiang's hospitality."

Zuo Lingquan came to the tea shop and put down the wooden board:

"We have nothing to thank. I wrote something overnight last night. I hope Brother Jiang can use it in the future."

When several people heard this, they all gathered around and looked at the wooden board.

It's just that all the people present were from Jianghu and grassy backgrounds, and they were considered intellectuals who could recognize their own names. Faced with the dense small print and graphics, their expressions became embarrassed.

Su Ziyu, dressed as a scholar, went to a private school for a year when she was a child. At this time, she stood in front of a few people with her hands behind her back and read carefully:

"When marching and fighting, morale is more important than swords, guns and armor. Soldiers have a heart for what they want. No matter how thin people are, they have the courage to be inappropriate.

In order for them to understand, Shangguan Lingye's words are very grounded and the description is extremely detailed, which is equivalent to teaching by hand. Anyone with a little brain can understand it. Whether they can apply what they have learned depends on their own ability.

Jiang Heng listened for a moment, then said unexpectedly, "Is this the art of war?"

Zuo Lingquan would not be able to march and fight, but what Shangguan Lingye wrote would definitely not be made up. He nodded and said:

"Forget it, it's not just the use of military tactics, but also other things, all of which are the experience summed up by the predecessors. Brother Jiang took it down seriously, and it's definitely not insignificant."

Jiang Heng didn't know how useful several brands were, but he didn't take them lightly, and together with Su Ziyu, he took a few wooden boards and studied them carefully.

Zhu Ba and Cao Xin are pure Jianghu people and have little interest in these things. After the two of them finished chatting, Zhu Ba stepped forward and said:

"As for the literati, our group of warriors don't understand either. I heard that Zuo Daxia is very skilled in martial arts. If you can give us some pointers on martial arts, it seems to be much easier to use than the art of war. Zuo Daxia, do you think it is true? ?"

He was talking about pointing, but Zhu Ba clearly meant to learn from each other.

Zuo Lingquan has a wide range of worldly martial arts, and he also has a lot of experience. I am afraid that he will not be able to use it in the practice of Taoism in the future. He does not hide his secrets at the moment. Style, point out some of your own understanding.

As for the process of learning, there is no need to describe it in detail. It is basically equivalent to an adult fighting with a three-year-old child with a wooden stick.

As the saying goes, "Master leads the door, cultivation is up to the individual", several people have a foundation in kung fu, they can remember enough what they teach, and whether they can comprehend them can only depend on their own comprehension.

Zuo Lingquan was able to get away from the busy work outside the tea shop until noon, and returned to his small courtyard with a few new wooden boards.

The time was obviously past the meal time, and the aftertaste of the small fried pork remained in the courtyard.

When Zuo Lingquan entered the courtyard, he saw that the door of the main house was open, and Shangguan Lingye was sitting at the square table, with his face in his hands in a daze, with a covered plate and tableware in front of him. The silhouette looked like he was waiting. Xiaojiabiyu, who brought her husband home for dinner.

The dumplings were about to go crazy, rolling around on the table in circles and counting, and when Zuo Lingquan came back, he was full of energy and wanted to lift the plate that was covered by himself.

Zuo Lingquan put down the wooden board and said unexpectedly, "Why don't you eat it first? What are you waiting for?"

Shangguan Lingye came back to his senses, got up and went to the kitchen to serve rice:

"It's nothing, I just want to experience the feeling of a woman in the world. Although I can only deal with firewood, rice, oil and salt, this day feels much more leisurely than the practice."

Zuo Lingquan shook his head and said, "That's because we don't have any pressure. We are really living in a secular family, and life is much harder than this."

Shangguan Lingye understood this, she just wanted to say, "It's not unacceptable to live like this after giving up longevity." Seeing that Zuo Lingquan didn't understand what she meant, she didn't say any more, and put the rice on the table. Come on, have breakfast together...


The northern part of Jiuzong, Peach Blossom Lake.

Although the Nine Sects are known as the 'Nine Sects in the South', their sphere of influence has already covered the central part of Yuyao Continent. The ten thousand miles of the coast is the jurisdiction of Taohuatan.

Taohuatan is famous for farming and weaving. It is the source of raw materials for monks in the entire Yuyaozhou; planting and cultivating these materials requires a large-scale spiritual field, so the appearance of the vicinity of Zongmen is completely different from other places.

The endless black soil plain is divided into countless small pieces. The rivers in it are vertical and horizontal, and there are various picking and fertilizing equipment moving in it. A sea of ​​flowers.

The spirit grass is very delicate, and artificial cultivation requires careful care. To maintain such a large-scale spirit field, it is far from enough to rely on the disciples of the sect. Within the jurisdiction of the nine sects, it is the place with the smallest gap between the immortals and the mortals.

It was summer, and the sun was blazing on the plains.

Ancestor Shangguan, dressed in a long dress with golden dragon scales, floated across the plains of thousands of miles alone and came to a canyon surrounded by mountains.

The canyon is hundreds of miles in diameter, and it is filled with peach blossom trees that are not grateful for the four seasons. It has spread to the surrounding mountains. At the center is a cold pool with clear water. The breeze blows, and the swaying ripples of the flower sea are integrated with the folds on the water surface. , the scene can be described as dreamlike.

Shangguan Yutang did not disturb the disciples of Peach Blossom Lake, and regarded the Protecting Sect Great Array as nothing, and slowly landed beside the water pool in the center of the canyon.

The clear water cold pool is surrounded by peach forests, among which is a huge ancestral tree, more than ten people hug each other, the umbrella-shaped canopy covers the sky and the sun, blooming ten thousand peach blossoms. , so no disciples dared to approach for several miles.

Shangguan Yutang fell barefoot on the petals on the ground, first glanced at the ancestral tree older than her, and then looked down the canopy.

The huge tree canopy blocked the sunlight, and the shade was under the tree. There was a stone tablet near the pool. The stone tablet was engraved with the words '...hand planted here'. The first three characters were supposed to be people's names, but they were scraped off.

Below the canopy is a beautiful couch made of vines, with several wine jars lying next to it.

The woman with a delicate figure in a spring shirt lay on the beauty couch in an unsightly posture, her proud chest was squashed by the weight, showing a strong profile from the side.

The fragrant buttocks wrapped in the spring shirt drew a perfect arc, connecting the plump and round legs, the skirt was not neat, revealing half of the calf like a suet jade, and the feet were wearing dark green embroidered shoes embroidered with petals, which fell off. one.

The hands of the woman in the spring shirt are not very disciplined, one arm is placed under the cheek as a pillow, the other arm hangs down from the beauty's couch, and a small wine jar is hooked at the fingertips. Described quite appropriately.

As the head of the nine sects, Shangguan Yutang was always stern and stern, and his character was more ruthless and dignified than most men. His requirements for his disciples were also stable and domineering.

Seeing that the woman hadn't woken up, Shangguan Yutang's eyes showed a three-pointed chill, and his fingers were lightly hooked, and a water curtain appeared beside him, and the water curtain reflected the hooking picture of the woman who was drunk.

This move is not to use unknown magical powers, it is simply a live broadcast, so that the disciples and grandchildren of Taohuatan can see what their respected ancestors are in private.

However, this method is obviously more effective than the supernatural powers of immortals. As soon as the water curtain was unfolded, the peach blossom lord on the beauty couch raised his cheeks in a daze, raised his fingers to disperse the water curtain, and looked at the golden-dressed woman in front of him. Showing an unexpected look, he said drunkenly:

"Eh? Yutang, why are you here? I thought you forgot my sister..."

While speaking, he stood up staggeringly, walked up to Shangguan Yutang with one bare foot, and opened his arms to receive a hug from an old friend.

Shangguan Yutang is slender and taller than most men, while Venerable Peach Blossom is more graceful and graceful, a little worse in stature, and walking unsteadily. Shangguan Yutang's waist and cheeks were buried between the tall clothes.


Shangguan Yutang frowned, raised his hand to push away the drunken Lord Peach Blossom, but found that she was rubbing the front of her shirt with her cheek, and said drunkenly and disgusted:

"Hey~ the sandbags are filled with sandbags? It's quite big, and it's not soft at all..."

? ! !

pad? Sandbags?

Rao is Shangguan Yutang's temperament of anger and anger, and he was also raised upside down by this maddened willow brow, raised his hand and threw the crazy woman back to the beauty's couch, and said coldly:

"Old witch, do you want to die?"

"What are you doing~"

Venerable Peach Blossom fell on the beauty's couch, waved his sleeves in dissatisfaction, and then searched left and right.

Shangguan Yutang resisted the urge to act, walked up to him, and kicked the shoes that he had thrown aside, but he did not expect that the Taohua Lord was not looking for shoes at all. After searching for a long time, he took another jar of wine from under the ancestral tree. Come out, open the seal, hold it and send it to your lips.

When Shangguan Yutang saw this, his face became colder.

They are both respected masters and female nuns. It stands to reason that they should have a good relationship with each other in a private group, but in fact it is not the case.

If there is only one female cultivator among the eight masters, and her strength is very strong, the other seven male cultivators obey the orders to face the face, and they are the same as each other, and there will not be too many conflicts.

But there are two female cultivators that are different. Venerable Master Taohua is also a female cultivator, and she is very 'feminine' - to put it simply, she likes to take care of small things - she always feels that 'they are all women, and they are all about nine things. Why should you be bigger and I be smaller, and why should I listen to you? ', no matter what, you have to make a gesture with Shangguan Yutang.

Shangguan Yutang treats men and women equally, and naturally will not accommodate the Peach Blossom Lord. As the three elders of the nine sects, he proves to the Peach Blossom Lord with absolute strength, "Why should I be big and you should be small".

The result was good. Venerable Peach Blossom felt that she could not do anything, she was a shrew who bullied people on the basis of her qualifications.

However, the relationship between the nine major sects is intertwined, and the lack of anyone will have a huge impact. If you really choose to go it alone, it must be Taohuatan itself that collapses first; in the end, Lord Fulong was a peacemaker and persuaded a few words from it. He came down, but he was still in a cold war with Shangguan Yutang. The last time he was attacked on a barren mountain, he made a symbolic appearance, and he didn't say a word to Shangguan Yutang.

Meeting in private at this time, Venerable Peach Blossom was drunk and drunk, obviously not wanting to pay attention to her. Shangguan Yutang saw that it was useless to speak well, so he walked to the front and snatched the wine jar, and said coldly:

"Old witch, if you pretend to be crazy and sell stupid again, don't blame the deity for not showing you mercy."

Venerable Peach Blossom raised his hand and grabbed it, but he didn't get it back, and fell on the beauty's couch again, looking at the woman in the golden dress with cold eyes, and said drunkenly:

"You're also a woman, how can... how can you treat me? Hiccup~... If you were a man, I'd be afraid that you would take me back... Be a furnace, give birth to a child... It's a pity you can't, at most you are like a shrew. Beat me up, what's there to be afraid of..."

After he said that, he put himself in a position to lie down, opened his arms and said:

"Yutang, are you cultivating and cultivating... have you really cultivated yourself into a man?... If that's the case, I'd like to see how good you are... Can you make me cry, come on... …”

? !

Shangguan Yutang looked coldly at Venerable Master Peach Blossom who was mad with wine. She took a breath, sat down on the beauty couch, and said seriously:

"I have business to look for you. The day before yesterday, on the East China Sea, my apprentice disappeared inexplicably after killing the remnants of the alien race. It was not done by human beings. Help me find out the whereabouts."

Venerable Peach Blossom got up lazily, sat behind Shangguan Yutang, looked at her side face with eyes that seemed drunk but not drunk, leaned in and hummed:

"People... It's not that they disappeared in my Peach Blossom Lake... Tan site, why should I help you? There is no such thing in the Nine Sect Covenants..."

The mellow aroma of wine rushed to his face, Shangguan Yutang lost his patience a little, turned his head and said:

"I'll talk to you just to give you face. I can ask myself. Don't cry and say I'm taking your chance."

Venerable Peach Blossom's face didn't matter, he lay back again, looking for the wine jar under the beauty's couch:

"You can do whatever you want... Who doesn't know how powerful you are in the Nine Sects? I'm a lonely female cultivator, and I can't beat you, a great elder, alas..."

Shangguan Yutang has always acted in a direct manner. Seeing that good words and persuasion are useless, he immediately got up and walked to the front of the ancestral tree.

Venerable Peach Blossom was just drunk, not really stupid. Seeing that Shangguan Yutang was agitated, he estimated that he could do anything, and he was a little sober, and changed his words:

"Forget it, it's not easy for you to help you because it's all women. But let's say in advance that this year, the Iron Clan Mansion will take half of the price of the materials. If the harvest is not good this year, all the disciples and grandchildren will eat it. I can't afford to eat, but it's not like you, who make immortal money by yourself, spend as much as you want."

The Iron Clan Mansion holds the coinage rights of the Immortal Family, but the raw material for coinage is real spiritual energy, and what they earn is only a meager manual fee.

Shangguan Yutang didn't want to owe any favors, so he didn't refuse, he stopped and gestured with his eyes.


Venerable Peach Blossom still looked drunk, stood up, staggered to the old peach blossom tree, folded his hands together, and made an appearance of sacrificing to the gods.


The breeze blew through the sea of ​​peach blossoms for thousands of miles, and the scenery of thousands of flowers in full bloom did not change, but there seemed to be something more above the ancestral tree.

This ancestral tree in Taohuatan was once enlightened by Mengzhang Shenjun; Mengzhang Shenjun is the blue dragon among the heavenly officials and five beasts, on the same level as the Vermillion Bird, in charge of the east of heaven and earth, the tree of the five elements, and the divine position is second only to Taiyin. and sun.

The Eight Great Sovereign Lords and You Ying's alien races are all just creatures of heaven and earth that thrive on the body of the gods, and they do not belong to the same plane. For Shangguan Yutang, Shenjun Mengzhang is also a true god, and she naturally looks a little solemn.

Venerable Peach Blossom stood in front of the ancestral tree, closed his eyes and prayed for a long time, the peach blossom tree responded, and a mist fell on the pool below.

Shangguan Yutang looked around, but saw the clear water and cold pool turned into a bottomless well.

At the other end of the deep well is a folk house with a square table; a young man and a woman in a folk dress are sitting opposite each other at the table, with a plate of fried pork and a pot of rice in front of them, the scene is like a secular farmhouse. a young couple; and a little white bird, standing on the table, burying its head in a bowl, gobbling it.

Venerable Peach Blossom opened his eyes and turned into a drunken look again. He staggered to the front and put his arms on Shangguan Yutang's shoulder, saying unexpectedly:

"Girl Lingye has found a Taoist companion? She looks so handsome, it suits my appetite..."

Shangguan Yutang relaxed a little, did not answer this question, but asked:

"Where did they go?"

"It's a big chance, anyway, people who are seen by the gods more will benefit not small, it is estimated that they will come out soon...

"Yo~ This kid also knows how to serve a woman's food, and he is very distressed, but he doesn't look like the stupid goose of your Iron Arrow Mansion...

"Hey~ look, girl Ling Ye's eyes are still snickering, she's so feminine, but she's not like the apprentice you taught..."

"Old witch, you only pay attention to these things?"

"Then why don't you pay attention? ... But it is also, you are an ascetic cultivator who only cares about cultivation and has never experienced the taste of the love between men and women. It is normal that you are not interested in these things. It's really pitiful."

"Have you seen it?"

"I'm not the same as you. I haven't met the destined Taoist companion. Two people are drunk together, and it's more interesting than drinking alone."

Shangguan Yutang, who has always been straightforward, responded:

"People are not plants and trees, and who can be ruthless, I just haven't met them."

This was originally an answer from the bottom of my heart, but I never imagined that when Venerable Peach Blossom heard it, she laughed out loud, the branches of laughter trembled, and she covered her Shangguan Yutang's eyes He sank slightly and looked at the old witch next to him:

"why are you laughing?"

Venerable Peach Blossom suppressed his smile and responded:

"Laughing, you don't have self-knowledge. You haven't met, you can't meet, just like you, a man and you become a Taoist partner, and you get a small beating in three days and a big beating in five days. Find it for yourself. Can't bear the sin?

"Look at the monks in Yuyaozhou, who has any idea about you? You must be lonely in this life, don't imagine that you can meet a Taoist companion, if you take the initiative to pursue, people don't necessarily want you... Ha ha……"

The words are not ordinary, and only the Peach Blossom Venerable Lord of the Nine Sects dares to speak to Shangguan Yutang like this.

Shangguan Yutang is also very cultivated, looking at the surface of the water indifferently, but not angry...

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