Too Reckless

Vol 11 Chapter 6: The back door is my sister

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The Fulong Mountains are located in the middle of Yuyao Continent, and the Wanren Mountains are isolated from the sea breeze from the south. As a result, one side of the mountain range is the eastern plain with thousands of hectares of fertile fields, and the other side is a desert of thousands of miles of yellow sand.

The wind and sand filled the sky and the sunset over the long river made Zhongzhou feel a bit rough and heroic by nature.

Seventy percent of the monks in Central Continent are loose cultivators with no sect and no sect, and the rest are from noble families and small sects. The reason is that the Central Continent cultivators don't like to form gangs, but in fact, the geographical environment is too scattered for a much larger reason.

There are many desolate no-man's land scattered in Central Continent, which naturally isolates people from each other. Without a lot of communication and material circulation at the bottom, it is difficult to generate a sense of 'all family' like the nine sects, which naturally limits the scale of the sect. .

However, if there is no big sect carrying the tripod, Zhongzhou is by no means a bunch of trash. In terms of overall strength, Zhongzhou will definitely not be able to handle the nine sects, but if the top cultivator is singled out, the gap between each other is not too big; there is no sect to rely on, Naturally, there is no fear of being taken to the nest, bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes, the Central Continent cultivator is even more ruthless than Jiu Zong.

Ever since Jiang Chengjian, known as the 'Sword God of Yuyao Province', became famous, the monks in Central Continent had a strong man who could worship them. Only with the extraordinary appeal of Sword Emperor City were they able to twist into a rope and become Yuyao Zhou. The only big force that can wrestle with the Nine Sects.

The structure of the Sword Emperor City is far looser than that of the Nine Sects. Everyone is looking at the face of the Ten Sword Emperors before obeying orders in the general direction.

Sword Imperial City does not have so much leisure and manpower to go to the Quartet for inspections, which also makes Central Continent far more demons than the Nine Sects. Even in Fulongshan's view, Sword Imperial City's atmosphere of 'the first in combat power and the second in longevity', In essence, it is no different from the monks of the Youying alien race; just because the Sword Imperial City talks about 'morality' and has made great efforts for Yuyaozhou before, there is no major conflict between the two sides, but so far Fulongshan still calls the sword cultivation realm. 'Heterotic', both sides don't like each other very well.

At night, the desert winds and sands fill the sky, and it does not stop until it blows near the Lianjiang River. The river that enters the sea turns here, forming a green space, which is called 'Crowmouth Castle' by the monks in Central Continent. The Zhou family, one of the aristocratic families in Central Continent, is located in here.

There are many aristocratic families in Central Continent. The ancestors of the Zhou family have never had a sword emperor. They are not very powerful. They have saved their current family business by doing business in various places. Means to speculate.

However, no matter how brave and ruthless the cultivators in Zhongzhou are, no one is going to buy or sell, so they can’t eat soil together, so they don’t look down on it, and the immortal money that should be spent still has to be spent. .

Recently, several big families, including the Qi family in Central Continent, have fought each other deeply because of robbing a cave house left by an ancient monk. Although the cultivation way does not pay attention to 'grass and grass first', consumables such as elixir and talisman must be prepared adequately. Not every sect can be self-sufficient, especially in Central Continent, if you want to buy it naturally, you have to pay for it.

In a high-rise building at the top of Crow's Mouth Fort, the owner Zhou Tianze had just sent away the sky-high asking price of Fulong Mountain and put on a stinky nose that looked like "money is like dung". He returned to the account room and was about to contact the several owners of Central Continent. Seeing who made the highest bid, there was already a person standing by the window of the room facing the river.

The person who came was wearing a sand-proof cloak, a hat on his head, and a standard Zhongzhou swordsman attire, with a sword hilt exposed under the cloak.

Although he couldn't see his face, Zhou Tianze recognized the person at a glance, his expression changed slightly, and he stepped forward and bowed his hands:

"Lin Jianxian, why did you come here? If the Sword Imperial City were to find out, the old man would not talk about doing business, and one-third of this acre of land would have to be levelled..."

The man known as Lin Jianxian raised his hand slightly to interrupt Zhou Tianze's words and said:

"There is news from overseas, let you and I do something."

Zhou Tianze's face was slightly condensed, he raised his hand to close the door and window, and said in a low voice:

"This old man is just a news monger, and his combat strength can't help me, so I managed to manage the current family business..."

"You used to be just a little Ye Xiu who was abducted and deceived. Without my help, you can live in peace to this day? You have a big family business and want to clear the relationship. You can contact them yourself."

"Hey, Lin Jianxian, don't get angry, this old man is a slob who likes to talk nonsense, but it's not like saying he can't do things." Zhou Tianze said amicably: "Is there anything that needs to be arranged? As long as the old man can do his best, he will definitely spare no effort."

"It's simple, go out and put a message that there is a fairy sword buried in the ancient tomb that I discovered a few days ago..."

Hearing that Zhou Tianze was just releasing the news, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately frowned again:

"The birth of an immortal sword that does not recognize its master can lead the ten sword emperors to the past. There is too much movement. It is said that it is the embryo of the immortal sword, isn't it better?"

Immortal sword embryos are treasured swords that have the potential to grow into immortal swords. Although there is a chance, its difficulty and consumption of nourishment are no less than that of a cultivator who has cultivated to the jade rank by himself. much lower.

Lin Jianxian hesitated for a while, then shook his head and said:

"You need to lure someone over. The immortal sword embryo may not have enough weight. If you really lure the Ten Sword Emperors, you may go wrong. Do you have a suitable method?"

"Is there not enough fairy sword embryos?" Zhou Tianze asked with surprise in his eyes:

"Lin Jianxian knows the general information about that person?"

"The first level of Youhuang, the main water of the Five Elements, got the opportunity of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. It was only a few days ago that he survived the thunder tribulation in the East China Sea, and there was a lot of movement."

"Oh...the old man think about it carefully and see how the news is reasonable."



On the branches of the moon, peach blossoms all over the place surround the clear water and cold pool, and the lights and stars are reflected in it, which looks like a dream.

In the small bamboo building backing the mountain, Wu Qingwan sat cross-legged on the futon, and the smoke from the incense burner behind it curled up, forming a ring of clouds visible to the naked eye. Ancestor's feeling.

However, cultivation is like recognizing a bed. Being in an unfamiliar environment with no one watching over you will inevitably lead to vigilance in your heart, and you will not be able to fully concentrate.

Wu Qingwan sat alone for a while, feeling that her heart was not quiet enough, so she closed her energy and came to the terrace to look at the night view of Peach Blossom Lake.

In fact, judging from the current situation, she and Zuo Lingquan double cultivation, the speed is much faster, and they don't have to worry about themselves at all, just lie down and let Ling Quan take care of him.

However, "Qinglian Zhengjing" is a fragmentary version, and only records the method of practicing to Youhuang. Not only does Zuo Lingquan not benefit now, but Zuo Lingquan will not be able to use it in the future.

As a result, Wu Qingwan felt that the "Qinglian Seriousness", which was once regarded as a treasure, was no longer fragrant at all. Half the benefit.

If Zuo Lingquan could benefit, how would she care where and when, even on the concubine's painting boat, she would grit her teeth and bite the bullet.

However, apart from their cultivation, the two still have a relationship between men and women. Wu Qingwan didn't want to disturb Zuo Lingquan's cultivation.

Especially in this kind of unintentional cultivation and unable to fall asleep, when the moon is still before the flowers, even if the two of them do nothing together, it is very warm to look at the moon, right?

Wu Qingwan looked at the full moon in the sky, and subconsciously touched the card, but when her mind just started, she retracted her hand, and secretly warned herself - don't make excuses for yourself, don't think blindly, Ling Quan came over for two. How can a person only look at the moon, Ling Quan looks at her moon almost...

The more she warned herself like this, the more confused Wu Qingwan felt, and she recalled Zuo Lingquan's absurd words that couldn't make it to the stage at some time: "It's really round...shake it...good..."


Wu Qingwan's eyes were full of embarrassment, and she wanted to go back to her house to continue her practice and to sweep away these distracting thoughts that shouldn't be recalled.

But I don't know if it's because the two have a good heart, or if Zuo Lingquan's nature is hard to change.

When Wu Qingwan was about to turn around, she saw Zuo Lingquan carrying a wine jar and walking over from the forest path, her expression was a little weird, and she looked back from time to time.


Wu Qingwan's expression also became strange, and she looked around subconsciously, as if she was afraid that people would find out.

Seeing that there was no one around, she folded her hands on her waist, put on a serious teacher's face, and said:

"Ling Quan, if you don't sleep at night, why are you hanging out below?"

Zuo Lingquan smiled and gestured to the wine jar in his hand:

"Master Peach Blossom sent two jars of wine, the genuine 'immortal brew', which has a miraculous effect of dredging the blood; I don't mind drinking it alone, so I came to honor Senior Wu."

filial piety...

Wu Qingwan didn't know how to evaluate this and wanted to refuse, but she didn't say it after all. She just stood on the terrace and looked at Zuo Lingquan and jumped up.


Zuo Lingquan flew down on the terrace, sat on the ground, raised his hand and took out two wine bowls, ready to pour wine.

Wu Qingwan stood in front of her, looked left and right, a little hesitant:

"Drink here? Don't you come in?"


Zuo Lingquan was stunned for a moment, but he immediately understood the meaning and wanted to get up and go into the room.

But after Wu Qingwan reacted, knowing that she had said too much, she quickly raised her hand to close the door, and changed her words:

"The scenery here is good, so let's go here."

Zuo Lingquan was a little amused. After Wu Qingwan sat beside him, he poured her a bowl of wine:

"Wanwan, do you think I can't sleep because of my thoughts, so you're here to wait for me?"


But Wu Qingwan didn't think so, she rolled her eyes and said plainly:

"People in the practice should have a clear mind and few desires. How can I be like Jiang Yi, thinking of you and can't sleep. Just now is worrying about the second uncle. Last time he contacted us through the staff, reminding you to pay attention, it stands to reason that there is a There are two, but there has been no news for so long, I don’t know how it is now.”

Zuo Lingquan is not omnipotent, so he can only comfort him:

"Didn't I say it before, the second uncle is a man of great ability, and he is always a guest wherever he goes; let's be smart and pay more attention to not let him worry about it."

Wu Qingwan nodded slowly, and when she took the wine bowl, her nose suddenly sniffed, her eyes suspicious:

"What's the matter with the smell on your body? You and the concubine..."

Zuo Lingquan lifted his sleeves and smelled it, only to realize that he and Shangguan Baobao rolled on the floor just now, and their body was covered in fragrance. He shook his head and said with a smile:

"I was drinking at the concubine's place just now. She was too drunk and forcibly kissed me. I was hiding and hiding, but I was held down..."

? ?

Wu Qingwan is not a stupid girl, she definitely doesn't believe this, but she can't guess the truth, anyway, the two must have been together.

She had a weird expression and looked unhappy:

"You are so courageous, she is the concubine of the Great Yan Emperor, you dare to do such a rebellious thing... You..."

Before he could finish speaking, his buttocks were pinched.

Wu Qingwan sat up straighter, and even the front of her clothes was tensed so much that she almost broke the button of the cloth; she glared at Zuo Lingquan, and it was not easy to say what she taught. After thinking about it, she said curiously:

"What's wrong with you?"

"How is it possible, am I so fast?"

"Also...cough-, this wine is really strong, no wonder I get drunk..."

Wu Qingwan took a sip of her wine to cover up the slip of the tongue, her face flushed instantly, she frowned and suppressed the feeling of drinking, and continued to ask:

"I just kissed, what was the reaction of the concubine?"

"Shy, hide in the house and dare not go out."


Wu Qingwan didn't think that Shangguan Lingye had such a shy temperament. Seeing Zuo Lingquan bragging, she didn't ask any further questions, and instead said:

"You were locked outside and couldn't get in, so you came to me?"


Zuo Lingquan was about to speak when he suddenly realized that this was a proposition, and quickly said:

"How is it possible, I was going to report for work, and I took two sips of wine. As a result, the concubine started to take off her stockings after drinking it... It's like this..."

Zuo Lingquan put down the wine bowl, picked up Wanwan's legs and put them on his knees, and lifted the skirt, revealing two slender legs.

Qingwan was wearing cloud-white stockings, with slightly different lines from Shangguan Lingye, but it was equally flawless.


Wu Qingwan held the wine bowl in one hand and pressed the bottom of her skirt with the other, her cheeks were full of embarrassment:

"Ling Quan! Talk as you speak..."

"I'm just demonstrating, nothing else."

Zuo Lingquan took a closer look and saw that the two had different styles. Qingwan was wearing waist-length pantyhose. In order to demonstrate successfully, he had to tear the pantyhose apart.


Wu Qingwan noticed that her legs were cold, and her whole body panicked. She wanted to pour the wine on Zuo Lingquan's face, but she couldn't do anything, so she could only squeeze her legs tightly, put down the wine bowl, and whispered:

"Oops~ Enter the house, you really..."

"Yes, then enter the room to demonstrate to Senior Wu..."

"You demonstrate a hammer..."



The night is silent, the moonlight shines on the window paper, and there is no light and no fire to feel lonely.

At the door of the terrace, the big dumpling, turned into a pondering bird, knocked on the door twice, but when the door did not open, he spread his wings blankly:


In the room separated by a wall, Shangguan Lingye did not practice or sleep, but folded his arms around his waist, pacing back and forth, his brows furrowed.

Even if you have lived for a hundred years and have never experienced human emotions and desires, facing this kind of thing, no matter how mature you are, you are just a girl who has just begun to love.

Shangguan Lingye didn't dare to admit this relationship, not because she was worried about the views of the Zhou family. People from the mountains were people from the mountains, and her status in the world could not influence her choice, but she didn't know how to deal with it.

Once a practitioner becomes a Taoist partner, it is a permanent relationship between husband and wife. There is only life but no death, only youth and no whiteheads.

This kind of thing that mortals can't ask for, it is not a good thing to practice the Dao, because mortals have only a few decades, and the fleeting time makes people ignore the flaws and cherish everything at the moment; and the cultivation time is too long, so long It can make any unsatisfactory small flaws become the fuse of the future.

Although Shangguan Lingye has never experienced the love between a man and a woman, he has seen too many sad things about cultivating couples.

One of the parties will live long and the other will end their lifespan, and parting with each other is a good ending; because some trivial things are dissatisfied, the time is too long, the contradictions are not short, and there are too many people who have broken up with each other; what's more Can do things like life and death.

The relationship between husband and wife is the most important part of human relationship. Once it is settled, it is impossible to forget it. Unless it is stable and loving, there will definitely be a debt to one party, leaving a demon in the heart.

And how many Taoist couples in the world can keep their relationship unchanged for centuries and thousands of years?

There is nothing to do if you don't look for it. It's not good for you to find it, and it may cause a catastrophe in the future. Therefore, the monks of the high realm have always been cautious in choosing a Taoist companion.

In addition, Shangguan's ancestors set an example of not marrying for life, and Shangguan Lingye instinctively resisted the matter of looking for a Taoist companion.

When she thought that she used to be alone, she would forever become two people dependent on each other. Shangguan Lingye didn't know if she could adapt to such a big change.

Even if she can adapt, she doesn't know if Zuo Lingquan can keep her original intention unchanged.

Originally, Shangguan Lingye buried all of this in his heart, thinking that he would just mix it up like this. After a hundred and a thousand years, he would figure it out completely, and then smash the window paper with Zuo Lingquan.

But just now Zuo Lingquan forcibly kissed her, she didn't hide at all, it was equivalent to having pierced the window paper, and then she couldn't continue to pretend not to know.

Or pretend to be drunk...

Thinking of this, Shangguan Lingye shook his head slightly, feeling that this method was too playful, Zuo Lingquan was not drunk, how could she be drunk.

No one can teach her about these personal feelings, and she doesn't have a good girlfriend who can express her heart. After thinking about it, she can only take out the Tiandun card from her arms, tangled, and said:


"what happened again?"

"'s nothing, my disciple just wanted to ask, what do you think of Zuo Lingquan?"


The Tiandun card was silent for a moment, and didn't know what to say, but finally responded seriously:

"When you ask me, you have the answer in your heart. All you ask for is my affirmation; I can give you advice for a while, but I can't give you advice for the rest of your life. You have to walk the road..."

Shangguan Lingye's heart was pounding, and he was listening attentively, when he suddenly heard other people's words in the distance:

"Damn mother-in-law, why do you have so many great truths? Can you die if you say something nice?... No, you are the master, and you need to teach her the rule of first come, first come, and the younger sister when you enter the door..."

? ?

The voice was very low, as if she was afraid that she would hear it, but Shangguan Lingye still heard it and frowned.

Just kidding, it's the younger sister who entered the door, so isn't she living in vain at the age of 100?

The ancestor of Shangguan may also think that Tang Jingshen thinks beautifully, but he does not obey, and continues:

"People's emotions and desires are inevitable. Forcibly suppressing them will only be counterproductive. Just follow your heart."

After speaking, the Tiandun card stopped moving.

Shangguan Lingye thought for a moment by himself, and his heart gradually calmed down.

She put away the Tiandun card, turned around and walked to the terrace, threw the dumpling who was still knocking on the door into the house, closed the door, then jumped off the terrace and walked to the bamboo building not far away.

"Gee? Geeee???"

They were not far from each other, but only a few dozen steps away.

Shangguan Lingye had already depressed his mind while walking, and came to the door and knocked.

dong dong——

There was naturally no movement inside.


Shangguan Lingye frowned, turned around and came to Wu Qingwan's residence again.

Sure enough, the lights were on on the second floor of the bamboo building, and there were people shaking, so the formation could not be seen clearly.

Shangguan Lingye didn't know why, but there was a faint sour taste in his heart.

It is definitely not advisable to call people out now, Shangguan Lingye thought about it, fell silently outside the door, and slammed the door hard.


A loud bang!

Before waiting for the room to react, Shangguan Lingye left the bamboo building with a flash.

After a while, the door opened a line, Zuo Lingquan held the sword and looked out carefully, and there was a voice inside:


"No one... Where is the master coming, can you show up?"

"Is it the master of who found out that our master and apprentice...wrong..."

"How could it be possible...I contact the Empress Dowager...Hello? Empress Dowager, did you knock on the door just now?...No? Someone just...Hello? Hello?..."

"What's wrong?...Is the concubine jealous?"

"It's possible, why don't I go take a look?"

"..." His eyes felt it for himself.

"Uh... um... is there something wrong with the door? I'll check the door..."



Sorry, the update is over. I'll update it at 0:00 in the future, it's not very suitable to change the rhythm in advance...

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