Too Reckless

Vol 11 Chapter 38: 1 inch lovesickness

The latest website: Summer goes to autumn, and it's already August in a blink of an eye.

Zuo Lingquan was sitting cross-legged on the terrace of Shanshui Courtyard. When he closed his eyes, it was raining in the middle of summer, and when he opened his eyes again, it was a little cooler in autumn.

After Yu Ye and Venerable Peach Blossom reached an agreement that day, Zuo Lingquan, under the guidance of Venerable Peach Blossom, refined the wood of the five elements. The refining process was much slower than the last refining of water essence, and it took nearly two hours. month time.

The fact that the speed is so slow is not because Venerable Taohua is not skilled, but because the two sources of the Five Elements are fundamentally different.

All the waters of the five elements in the world are called 'water essence', and their appearance is similar, no matter how rare, it looks like a colorless and transparent liquid, which can be easily divided into two.

The tree of the five elements is not the same. There are as many forms of life as there are plants in the world, such as willow branches, seeds, flower buds, saplings, and so on.

The core of Xiantao is naturally the peach core, which contains the power of the Qinglong representing 'eternal life'.

The gods of the four directions bestow the opportunity for life, and they will not weigh it, but only give it to the right person. For example, the crystals condensed by the Dragon King of the East China Sea last time are more than enough for three people.

After all, the gods are the incarnation of heaven and earth. People think that they get something from the gods, but in fact, as long as they don’t jump out of the five elements and three realms, they will always just jump on others’ bodies, and they can’t escape the ending of ‘dust returns to dust and earth returns to earth’. Comparing gains and losses with all living things.

The immortal peach bestowed by Mengzhang's lord Qinglong is also full of divine power, and it is not wasted if it is stuck. I am afraid that three or five people will be enough to refine it, and the rest can be reserved for refining immortal weapons later.

But peaches are different from water essence. The water essence can be divided into several parts at will. If peaches do this, the peach core as seeds will be destroyed naturally.

In order to avoid the hard-won treasures of heaven and earth being used on the scabbard, Venerable Peach Blossom spent a lot of energy, peeling off a part of the essence of life contained in Xiantao, allowing Zuo Lingquan to refine it, and keep the rest. within the peach pit.

As for the pulp of Xiantao, although it cannot be used as a life object or refining magic weapon, it is also a creation of the gods, and it has magical effects and can be used as medicine.

Zuo Lingquan was not good at medicine, so he gave the fruit pulp to Venerable Master Peach Blossom without thanking him for all the benefits.

After nearly two months of retreat, the sea of ​​qi gradually stabilized, and successfully established a firm foothold in Youhuang Erzhong.

Zuo Lingquan opened his eyes and looked at the meridian orifices first, and he could see that there were two phantoms, black and green, floating peacefully in the Qi Palace; great changes had taken place in his body, and he felt that there was a strong vitality as the cornerstone, which made him confident that he could make Qing Wan and Qing Wan harmonious. Ling Ye squeezed dry together, and by the way, he was able to pack Jiang Yi into obedience...


Zuo Lingquan blinked, but did not expect that refining the Five Elements Wood would have such a miraculous effect.

However, if you think about it carefully, the wood master 'grows' and the water master 'moisturizes', both of which are biased towards health preservation. Under such blessings, if the energy is not strong, then there is a real problem.

After Zuo Lingquan observed the changes in his body for a moment, he tried to lift the pinch and use the "Thunder Control Technique" that Qing Wan had learned.

In the past, Zuo Lingquan could not use the thunder method, but now it is different from the past. I saw him raise his finger, and the word "shock!" came out, and an electric snake with a thick thumb appeared out of thin air.


Lei Fa is the most lethal in the world, but it is also the most difficult to control. It is easy for a novice to accidentally hurt others; because Lei Fa is easily attracted by the nearby aura fluctuations when he is not proficient in control, and deflects on his own, pointing to the front and the back. common.

Zuo Lingquan had never used the lightning technique before, so naturally he was not skilled. Like the water technique, it referred to a stone outside the terrace, but the moment the electric snake appeared, an electric arc was drawn in front of him and flew behind him. , making a piercing sound of "pop--".


Zuo Lingquan was stunned for a moment, just like Qing Wan's first Lei Fa. He looked down at his fingers, and was wondering what the problem was when a chill suddenly came from behind.

Zuo Lingquan's expression froze, and he turned his head slowly, only to see the beauty in the spring shirt, who was sleeping soundly on the piano platform, raised his eyes drunk and was staring at him angrily.

I go!

Zuo Lingquan quickly acted as if nothing had happened:

"Senior Peach Blossom, are you still there?"

With the cultivation base of Venerable Peach Blossom, if Zuo Lingquan was lying there and let Zuo Lingquan use his means, Zuo Lingquan couldn't break his body, and a small thunder naturally couldn't hit Venerable Peach Blossom.

But Venerable Peach Blossom was sleeping soundly just now with the strength of the wine, when a lightning strike came, naturally disturbed to a clear dream. She looked dissatisfied:

"When you're done, you just want the deity to leave quickly?"

Zuo Lingquan didn't lift his pants and asked the girl to wipe the person who left first. He quickly said:

"How is it possible, I didn't expect the senior to be here to protect the Dao for so long, it's almost two months..."

"This is the deity's territory, where can the deity go?"

"Uh... it seems to be the same, that's because the junior has been harassing for too long, I'm really ashamed..."

Venerable Peach Blossom woke up, said a few words, and the anger of getting up a little disappeared. She sat up straight and waved her hand:

"Let's go after refining. You have to remember what you said. If you want to ask the deity for help in the future, don't be shy, Shangguan Yutang can help you, the deity can help you, but Shangguan Yutang can't help you. The deity...the deity can't help you either."


Speaking honestly...

Zuo Lingquan chuckled lightly, nodded slightly, and stood up to say goodbye to Venerable Peach Blossom.

But Zuo Lingquan glanced at Meishan outside the terrace, his expression slightly condensed.

Meishan is more than 20,000 miles away from the sand sea!

Venerable Peach Blossom tied him up for less than a quarter of an hour, and he walked back by himself...

Although the journey is a bit long, but having troubled people for so long and asked Venerable Peach Blossom to help pick them up, Zuo Lingquan couldn't speak, so he finally raised his hand and bowed:

"Then the junior will leave first, and when he returns from Zhongzhou, he will visit the senior at Peach Blossom Lake."

"Go ahead. If you encounter good wine in Central Continent, remember to bring two jars for this deity. Immortal brewing is a treasure in the world, but it has been eaten for a long time, and it is not good to taste whole grains."

"no problem."

After Zuo Lingquan agreed, he turned around and jumped out of the terrace, raised his hand and hooked, and a flying sword appeared under his feet:

"Junior farewell!"


Zuo Lingquan waved his sleeves lightly, his figure broke through the air, and he reached the sky in the blink of an eye.

Venerable Peach Blossom sat behind the piano platform and watched. After the figure completely disappeared, he picked up the jug and took two sips before lying down on the piano platform, closing his eyes and saying "Humph!"

Of course, this "Humph!" was not aimed at Zuo Lingquan, but when no one disturbed the clear dream, you can seriously clean up the stinky **** in the dream...


Zuo Lingquan walked with his sword under the autumn sun, crossed the sea of ​​clouds under his feet, and looked back after leaving the sky above Xiangyang City.

The autumn scenery has been blurred, and the courtyard on the mountainside has long disappeared, and I don't know if the woman who has no air of respect for the Lord is still there.

Zuo Lingquan didn't know what the festivals between the Taohua Zunzhu and Shangguan ancestors had in previous years, but after spending time together, he could see that Taohua Zunzhu didn't really regard Shangguan ancestors as enemies. He felt that the two mountain ancestors were more like A pair of enemies still have some affection in their hearts.

Zuo Lingquan knew that the ancestor of Shangguan was not a ruthless person, he ignored Venerable Peach Blossom, and he didn't know the reason.

However, the ancestors of Shangguan have obviously been paying attention to the movements here in Meishan.

Because he had just left Meishan and hadn't flown a hundred miles, the Tiandun card on his waist lit up.

Zuo Lingquan was slightly surprised, and then he wanted to get up in Jiu Zong, and he could use the Tiandun card to communicate. He picked it up to check, and seeing that it was Jiang Yi, he quickly corrected his expression and said affectionately:

"His Royal Highness, I miss you so much..."

"You think I'm almost dead! Zuo Lingquan, listen carefully, this palace has sent a letter to the Great Dan clan and crossed out your name in the clan's mansion, from now on you are not Great Dan's concubine. …”

When the Tiandun card came, Jiang Yi's angry voice could be heard, and Leng Zhu could also be heard admonishing:

"Princess Princess, don't say that. After you leave Young Master Zuo with me... No, what will you do in the future..."

Zuo Lingquan's expression stiffened, and his heart was naturally anxious.

This is the daughter-in-law who wants to divorce him!

Zuo Lingquan hurriedly turned around with his sword, turned back to the south, put the Tiandun card next to his ear, and coaxed softly:

"Baby, why are you angry? I'm on my way back. It'll be there in a few more days, don't worry..."

"Don't come back, I don't want to see you, go find your Shangguan Hu Meizi!"


"Don't explain, my aunt contacted me a few days ago and told me everything; doesn't she want to be the boss? We can't fight her, can't we not be so useless? I have asked my aunt to come back, wait for her When we arrive, we will go back to the Great Pill, and the immortals will not cultivate, it is boring..."

"What boss, where did the boss say..."

"Then how old do you think she is?"

"She's... I'm the youngest in the family, and you are the boss..."

"Bah - you are a man, the head of the family, there must be a first-come-first-served rule, right? How can there be a second comer? You and I were the first to know..."

Leng Zhu interjected, "Young Master Zuo was the first to know Sister Jingxu..."

"I'm the first to make a private life with you..."

Leng Zhu interjected: "Auntie and Zuo Gongzi first..."

"You go!"


"Zuo Lingquan, you said it yourself, what are the rules?!"

Zuo Lingquan sighed and said pleasantly:

"Let's set a life first, and both parents know that you are the daughter-in-law that my Zuo family is marrying..."

"I haven't even been to Zuo's house. She has been there, and my mother-in-law gave her the bracelet..."

"My mother has a good heart, and I don't see anyone being wronged. She always protects the weaker at home. The princess has a noble status, and my mother respects it. She gave Ling Ye a bracelet, probably because she was afraid that the princess would bully the next girl..."

"Am I that kind of person?"

"Definitely not, but mother has never seen the princess, so it's not strange to think so. Let's go back in the future. When mother sees that the princess is so virtuous, she not only doesn't compete with Lingye for size, but also helps Lingye handle business affairs all day long. Naturally, she will be more partial. You, don't you think so?"


Jiang Yi held back for a long time, but she really couldn't say anything, and finally said angrily:

"How do you go out and become glib?"

What can Zuo Lingquan do? If you don't speak your mind, the backyard will explode, and everyone will be forced out.

"What are you talking about, you are telling the truth. When we come back from Zhongzhou, let's go home together. I can't say that we will be able to catch up with the New Year's reunion dinner..."

On the other side of the Tiandun card, Jiang Yi was silent for a while, and his tone softened:

"I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with the new year. I practiced in Shenhuo Cave, and I was instructed by my ancestors. The speed was as fast as Fei, and I was about to catch up with my aunt. I just left. I don't know when I can meet this opportunity next time... Zu doesn't seem to be in a hurry, I'm going to retreat for a period of time, and directly raise the realm, so that when I follow you, I can't help you with anything..."

Zuo Lingquan and Jiang Yi are the first love of the eight classics. They have been together for a long time, and they have always felt indebted; but the practice is like this.

Zuo Lingquan was silent for a while, but still said with a smile:

"Retreat time flies fast, once closed and opened, it will pass. I have found Benming Water, Benming Wood, and I seem to have got Benming Soil. If you are looking for the other two, you don't have to do anything, and you can follow it smoothly. Shang Lingye, when the time comes, the waist will be straight, you can press on her when you are working..."

"Hey—you want to be beautiful, so I won't be with her... bah bah bah... By the way, you have to refine the fire of your own destiny. Tang Jingxuan said that he could help you, and wanted to go to find you, but the ancestors would not let him. She went, she had to go, the ancestor didn't send her, she just took the ferry over by herself..."

"Ah? Jingxing is alone on the ferry?"

"What are you worried about? She's about to catch up with Shangguan Hu Meizi now. The elders in Jingtai are polite when they see her. Are you still afraid that she will be kidnapped and sold?"

Tang Jingxuan and the ancestor have the same mind, Zuo Lingquan is naturally not worried about Jingxu's accident, but is a little surprised that Jingxu runs so far alone. He thought about it and said:

"In that case, aren't you and Leng Zhu the only ones staying in the barren mountains?"

"Just keep it, what can I do... That's it, I'll settle it with you when the account meets. You are not allowed to help her with business affairs in the future, let alone let my aunt help her, she will let Tang Jingxun work as a coolie. It's okay, as long as she can move..."

"Understood, the princess has the final say."



The main peak of the barren mountain that goes straight into the sky, the top of the mountain is covered with snow, and the bottom is full of autumn colors.

Above the Qianzhang Covered Bridge, a girl in a flaming red dress leaned behind the statue of Baishan Jing, and spoke softly for a long time before she reluctantly put away the Tiandun card and looked up at the north.

They agreed to join hands with each other in this life, but they had to leave for a long time on the cultivation path. For Jiang Yi, who had just started falling in love, it was easier said than done to endure the loneliness of practicing alone.

But cultivation is like this. If you want to not become a drag, you must have enough strength to support it, otherwise you will harm others and yourself.

Jiang Yi knew this truth, so she wanted to travel around the world again, but she suppressed the thoughts in her heart and chose to continue to bury her head here.

In fact, the ancestor was very understanding, knowing that she missed her lover, and said that she could go to meet with Tang Jingxuan and come back in two months.

But Jiang Yi is relatively strong, and her practice is not like Tang Jingxuan. Since she has the opportunity, she has to seize every moment of time. How can the short reunion now be compared to the long life in the future? Only by catching up with the realm as soon as possible can we be with you later peers.

Speaking of Tang Jingxing, Jiang Yi still felt a little strange.

After learning that Zuo Lingquan was refining the life tree, she asked if Tang Jingxuan could give Phoenix fire. The ancestor said yes, Tang Jingxuan was going to find Zuo Lingquan.

The old ancestor didn't want Tang Jing to go over, and he pulled a bunch of things. The meaning between the lines is "you stay by the deity's side, don't disturb Zuo Lingquan".

But Zuo Lingquan's goal now is to find the fire of his life, otherwise he will be stuck in the second layer of Youhuang. Tang Jingxuan will send the fire of his life to Zuo Lingquan, how can he be disturbed?

Tang Jing was puzzled and kept asking why.

The ancestor of Shangguan behaved very strangely. Anyway, he didn't want Tang Jingshen to return to Zuo Lingquan.

In the end, she couldn't beat Tang Jingxun, so she still let her pass, but instead of sending Tang Jingxun directly to Zuo Lingquan, she let Tang Jingxun go slowly by herself on the ferry.

Of course, Jiang Yi couldn't understand the reason, and could only be regarded as the ancestor's move.

Seeing that the Xianjia ferry that Tang Jingxuan was on had set sail from outside the mountains, Jiang Yi's heart was calm again, and there was inevitably a little sour taste in her eyes.

But now it's useless to be sour, and it's angered in the past. When the realm catches up in the future, when Zuo Lingquan or even Shangguan Lingye can be spanked, the past will be the real pride...

Jiang Yi thought and took out the bamboo pendant from the collar, rubbing the picture of her being spanked.

Although it is a little difficult to think of new and old grudges together, but one must have some ambition...

On the other side of the statue, Leng Zhu waited for a long time without seeing any movement. He looked carefully and found Jiang Yi holding the pendant with a smirk, and whispered:


"Cough—what's the matter? By the way, who asked you to keep talking beside you just now? What does it mean that Tang Jingxuan first knows her and her auntie will have a private life first?"




The state is not good, how many or2s are written!


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