Too Reckless

Vol 11 Chapter 7: It seems that it is not the time to be a teacher

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On the top of the mountain, the Baiyu Palace Pavilion is quietly suspended, and the five-color chains hang from the corner of the palace's eaves into the sea of ​​​​clouds, like fishing lines, pulling the spiritual energy of the world.

In the past, in this Yutang Palace, which no one dared to set foot in, there would only be a lonely human watchman, watching from the top of the mountain, the coming of spring and the coming of autumn, the rising of the sun and the sunset.

But with the appearance of a certain man, the woman in the golden skirt who has been sitting alone all the year round has become more and more active recently, and together with this White Jade Palace, it has become a bit more popular.

Under the moonlight, the crystal clear palace exudes a soft shimmer as a whole. Two young and beautiful girls are sitting cross-legged on the huge lotus platform in the center of the main hall.

Jiang Yi and Leng Zhu were originally cultivating in Shenhuo Cave, and the ancestors of Shangguan took care of them. However, when the war broke out in the outer continent recently, there were many dispatches that the ancestors of Shangguan had to make decisions; The girl left them inappropriate and brought them to her own place of practice.

The White Jade Palace is a top-level cultivation cave based on Yinheng Mountain. It has all the internal organs. It is not only a hall, but also has a bedroom, an alchemy room, a storage room and other buildings.

Jiang Yi and Leng Zhu occupied the lotus platform, so Shangguan's ancestors naturally wouldn't stand beside them to exert pressure, and stayed alone on the star-gazing platform behind the White Jade Palace to perceive the feng shui trend of Yuyao Island.

The so-called feng shui trend is the movement of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. As long as there is an abnormality in a certain place, it will inevitably bring about strange fluctuations of spiritual energy. This is a way for the monks on the mountain to monitor the jurisdiction.

A change that can attract the attention of one of the venerable lords is not encountered once in a few years. This job is very boring, but after thousands of years, the ancestors of Shangguan have long been used to it.

Two outsiders suddenly came to the house. The little mother dragon wanted to maintain the mystery of the immortal soldier.

However, the broken mouth of the little female dragon did not close, and she asked curiously:

"Tangtang, has your mother-in-law bothered you recently?"

Speaking of this, Shangguan's ancestor still felt a little relieved in his heart.

Since reaching an agreement with Tang Jingxuan, the ancestor of Shangguan has become much quieter, and he no longer has to worry about putting on an imposing manner in front of fellow Daoists on the mountain, suddenly "hmm" up and losing the face of Jiumeng Supreme.

But Qingjing also has its limits. Tang Jingxuan didn't make it big, but it was inevitable to touch it. Basically, it started on time and started at night.

Fortunately, the impact of this point, Shangguan's ancestors can completely suppress, since it can't be avoided, it is all regarded as a time of boredom to relax - in fact, as long as you cross the threshold in your heart, it seems that there is no discomfort in this strange feeling...

However, human greed is endless, and if one temptation is not stopped, it will be regarded as a safe area, and further temptations will continue until the bottom line is crossed.

For example, today, the ancestor of Shangguan didn't say Tang Jingxing a few times before, but today I feel a little too much. Although there is no physical contact, but my heart is like a fire, I feel panic, and I don't know what to do. .

The ancestor of Shangguan was unable to meditate, so he opened his eyes, slapped the little mother dragon into the sea of ​​​​clouds, and said in his heart:

"Tang Jing is fine."

"Huh? Oh...mother, what's the matter?"

"what did you say"

"I didn't mess around, I didn't do anything, honestly, you have to take care of this too?"

"Agreed to say hello in advance..."

"I didn't do anything, what did I say hello to you?"

Ancestor Shangguan showed a little dissatisfaction in his eyes - Tang Jingxuan not only did not stop, but even had a very exciting feeling in his heart, and didn't take her words seriously at all.

When the ancestor of Shangguan saw this, he didn't say more, closed his eyes, followed the connection with the soul, and took Tang Jingxuan's control of the body effortlessly.

The scenery in front of him changed instantly, and when the vision was restored again, he had come to the mountain village far away in the northern border.

Ancestor Shangguan looked indifferent and looked in front of him, only to find that he was on the inside, lying on his side on the pillow, wrapped in a thick quilt and biting his fingers lightly.


A short distance away, Ling Ye, who has grown up since childhood, sits with his back straight, his long jet black hair spreads out on his back, sweat drops on his forehead, and he wears a black carp with hollow texture on his body. The white perfection is looming, and the bottom is the perfect waist and hip, and the legs are also wearing black pantyhose, but the pantyhose is broken in the middle, you can see...

? !

The ups and downs have not stopped, and the fat head fish is still shaking.

In front of him, a handsome man with a handsome face, his breathing has stopped, his eyes staring like Tong Ling, he is looking at her, pats Ling Ye's waist with his hand, and reminds in a hurry:

"Bao'er, Lingye..."


The soft and charming rich woman and baby was still a little dazed. She thought she was going to change her moves, but just as she was about to get up, she suddenly found that the 'Jingxun girl' next to her was staring at a pair of almond eyes...

The silence speaks.

From the calm expression on Shangguan Lingye's expression, he noticed that the spectators had been replaced, and froze in place as if struck by lightning.



Shangguan Lingye stayed for a while, then fell down suddenly, pulled up the quilt and covered him, blushing as if he was about to bleed, unable to speak, and finally covered his head.

After all, the ancestors of Shangguan are the ancestors. The city houses that have been cultivated for thousands of years are not decorations. In this case, they did not show any strange expressions. They just froze for a while, and then they regained their calm and let go of the biting fingers. :

"It seems that it's not the right time to be a teacher."

Zuo Lingquan was so daring, and it was impossible to say "it's the right time", he was pinned down by Ling Ye and said embarrassedly:

"Well... Senior Shangguan, why are you here all of a sudden?"

The ancestor of Shangguan lifted the quilt and wanted to get up, but as soon as the quilt was lifted, he found that he was wearing similar clothes to his apprentice.

"I heard that you are worried about Yanjiazhuang. This deity has nothing to do. Come and check the situation."


Shangguan Lingye's heart was beating like a drum, pressing the hundred emotions in his heart, he secretly probed, and his face was as red as blood:

"Master, this... I can handle such trivial matters, that requires you to take action, you... you..."

The ancestor of Shangguan didn't want to stay any longer, so he nodded slightly:

"It's good if you can handle it, and you don't have to worry about it as a teacher."

I want to leave.

However, Shangguan Lingye was a little more awake, and felt that what he had just said was a little embarrassing, so he raised his hand and held the master down:

"Wait, that... Disciple has no clue at the moment, what opinion does Master have?"

Reaching out from under the quilt, I didn't know where to press it, but it was soft and greasy, and Shangguan's body trembled.

Shangguan Lingye withdrew his hand like an electric shock.

The ancestor of Shangguan has nothing to do with the trivial matters of Yanjiazhuang. Where did she come from, she shrank back and said:

"In ancient times, the people of northern Xinjiang were given the source of blessing by the mysterious turtle, and many people's blood contained the power of the mysterious turtle, which made the northern fairy family still brilliant for a period of time; Now I can't find any good seedlings..."

Shangguan Lingye wanted to get out while Shizun was talking, but as soon as he moved, he found that Shizun looked away, and he must have noticed it, so he didn't dare to move. She forced herself to calm down, pretending that nothing happened, and asked:

"Master's meaning is that this madness has something to do with the inheritance of the blood of the northern people?"

"My teacher is just speculating from Xie Qiutao's strange appearance. Xie Qiutao is a descendant of Xie's family in Xuanwutai, and he has Xuanwu blood in his body, while Beidi Xuangui and Xuanwu are in the same blood. If the madness is aimed at the descendants of Xuanwu blood It is not impossible for Xie Qiutao to be affected. Of course, these are just speculations, and the teacher is not an all-knowing and almighty saint."


Shangguan Lingye nodded slightly, and wanted to ask Master how to check whether a mortal had the power of blood.

The ancestor of Shangguan looked like his heart was still in the water, but he was lying in the bed with his apprentice, and he felt the same way. He could feel every subtle change in the man around him. Seeing that Ling Ye wanted to ask further, she said:

"Why don't you tell me, I'll accompany you to take a look for the teacher."

Where can Shangguan Lingye get up? She crawled tightly in front of Zuo Lingquan, pulled the quilt, and said softly:

"No need, I... Disciple see for yourself, these things have to be done by yourself, you can't always trouble Master."

Zuo Lingquan was so choked up, excited and nervous that he couldn't hold it anymore, and at this time he forced a smile and said:

"Senior walk slowly."

The ancestor of Shangguan wanted to leave, but when she heard Zuo Lingquan speak, she felt a little turbulent in her heart. She turned to look at Zuo Lingquan, her eyes unhappy:

"People in the practice must restrain their desires. It doesn't matter if they are in normal times. Now you are in a land of right and wrong, and you are still here to have fun. If something unexpected happens, are you going to go to conquer the demon naked?"

Zuo Lingquan shook his head: "I didn't want to have fun, but just when we were talking about things, Ling Ye said he wanted to clean me up, and then..."



Shangguan Lingye's eyes seemed to eat people, and a small fist hammered Zuo Lingquan's chest, almost spitting blood from Zuo Lingquan's hammer.

Zuo Lingquan quickly changed his words: "Then I asked why. Lingye said that I didn't practice well, so I suggested yin and yang dual cultivation. Lingye refused to agree, but I couldn't stand it.

Shangguan Lingye really didn't dare to ruin the image of a 'good girl' in Master's heart, and continued:

"Yeah, I'm not coming in, he...he dragged me in, said lying down and chatting, just...believing what he said..."

The ancestor of Shangguan rolled his eyes secretly, not in the mood to listen to the details of these boudoir affairs:

"Okay, between husband and wife, there is nothing to avoid about this kind of thing, just pay attention to the occasion, and leave first for the teacher."

After speaking, golden light appeared in his eyes, and his expression quickly returned to softness.

Zuo Lingquan breathed a sigh of relief secretly, but Shangguan Lingye didn't dare to be careless, still tensed, and didn't dare to move.

Tang Jingxuan took back control of her body and wanted to recite a few words, but when she saw Ling Ye was there, let it go, she just said softly:

"Your master is really elusive, and he came as soon as he said it, um... now he's gone, you continue."

Shangguan Lingye can't wait to be killed, how can he continue? After a long delay, he suppressed all kinds of emotions in his heart, but he was suspicious again.

"Jingxun, Master would also come here at this time before?"

"Old Ancestor will come here when he has something to do, don't think about it if he doesn't know the time."

"I didn't think much about it. But if you come with Zuo Lingquan... Master, wouldn't it be..."

"Xiao Zuoqing and I are innocent, nothing else."

"It's true...but you kissed it!"

"Ling Ye, your teacher may hear you when you speak."




Silent all night.

In the early morning of the next day, it was just dawn, and the people in Yanjiazhuang set off one after another, continuing to look for clues of madness.

In the guest house, the dumplings, who had already merged with Bai Xue, shook the thick snow on their bodies, and there was a bit of lovelessness in their eyes.

And Zuo Lingquan, who was holding the dumplings, paced back and forth in the yard, his eyes were similar.

Last night, I didn't know the conviction that I had cultivated in my life, and I was sleeping with Shangguan, master and apprentice.

As soon as the ancestor left, Ling Ye naturally couldn't continue any more. He took out all the shock on the man, and almost scratched Zuo Lingquan to death before returning to the painting boat. .

Zuo Lingquan felt that the ancestors were annoyed, and he didn't dare to lie down in the bed.

Seeing that it was dawn, Zuo Lingquan knocked on the window, asked Jingxing to get up, and then came out of the opposite room and greeted Xie Qiutao to prepare to leave.

Xie Qiutao didn't rest after last night, but she guessed what Shangguan Lingye did in Zuo Lingquan's house, so she closed the door and pretended to be dead, and only came out of the house when she was called.

Because the dream was discovered by Shangguan Lingye, Xie Qiutao was a little embarrassed at this time. After going out, he didn't even say hello, but said:

"I'm waiting for you outside."

He took the dumpling, lowered his head and trotted out.

Zuo Lingquan didn't like to talk about Chunmeng, so after Jingxing came out, he walked out of the living room together.

According to the hint of the ancestor, Zuo Lingquan originally intended to visit the mad Yan family and find a way to check whether he had the power of blood.

But the power of blood is, to put it bluntly, a talent inherited from the family. If the talent is strong, it is easy to see that, like Xie Qiutao, the family is strong and strong; if it is weak, there is no limit, and not necessarily all is positive.

The baldness, six fingers, and curly hair inherited in the family are all unique talents at a deeper level. There is no way to check where they originated. It can be seen from the outside, and it is impossible to check what is hidden inside.

Zuo Lingquan tossed around all morning, and even took out his Xuanming Sword to try it out, but without any feedback, he could not help but fall into a predicament.

However, there was no progress on Zuo Lingquan's side, but others in Yanjiazhuang found out.

While Zuo Lingquan was examining the mad patients in the yard, a loud noise suddenly sounded in Zhuang Zi:

"By the river, hurry up..."

"What's up?"

"do not know……"

Zuo Lingquan heard the sound and looked to the west. He could feel a faint aura lingering there, and he couldn't make out what it was.

Xie Qiutao carried the pipa to the roof and said:

"Looks like a ghost."

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan did not delay, jumped up to the roof with his sword in hand, and rushed to the west to check the situation; several immortal masters in Yanjiazhuang who were a little bit of Tao also moved out of Zhuangzi.

But the demonic energy from the west came and went faster.

Zuo Lingquan had just rushed out of Yanjiazhuang, when he found that the breath on the other side of the Zhuo River dissipated with the wind and disappeared without a trace. He galloped on the snow, and according to the direction where his breath appeared just now, he touched the banks of the Zhuo River.

Most of the people who were looking for clues in the countryside were walking upstream along the Zhuo River.

Zuo Lingquan searched for only a moment, and found a farmhouse under a mountain ridge along the Zhuo River, and a panicked roar could be heard from inside:

"There are monsters! It's here, just now..."

There were already three people in the farmhouse, and two of them were feng shui masters who had nothing to do. They sat on the ground with bloodless faces and pointed to the collapsed farmhouse.

The other person, the clouded leopard Taoist with the highest Taoism, looked alert and carefully observed the surroundings.

Zuo Lingquan carried his saber to the vicinity of several people, and it could be seen that the ground of the entire farmhouse was washed away by something, revealing the cellar that was originally located underground.

There are many roots exposed in the soil of the cellar. Judging from the direction, the source is the melon frame on the edge of the farmhouse, and it is unknown how deep it spreads into the ground.

Xie Qiutao came to him and asked the two little monks sitting on the ground:

"What kind of monster?"

The Taoist Cloud Leopard next to him, seeing Zuo Lingquan and others coming over, walked closer:

"Judging from the traces and smells, it is a bird that has been cultivated into a demon. The cellar is its hiding place. The five elements are hydrophilic and wood. It is likely that they have been injured before hiding here and using the vines to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth."

Xie Qiutao followed the directions and came under the melon frame to take a look:

"Gourd vine? No wonder..."

Zuo Lingquan felt strange when he heard it:

"Since it's a bird, how can a madman see a gourd?"

Cloud Leopard Taoist shook his head: "Who knows, maybe the magical power of the Monster Association is related to this."

The few people exchanged a few words, and Yan Sanjie had already run over with his clan and a group of immortal masters.

Yan Sanjie heard that there were really demons, but she was mostly happy. After all, the root of the disease was found. He quickly ran to him and asked:

"Master Yun, can the monster be removed?"

Cloud Leopard Taoist looked worried and pointed to Yangcheng in the distance:

"One step later, the monster's hiding place was discovered and it has already escaped. Go and report to Lord Zhizhou and let him arrange for people to search inside and outside If there is anything unusual, please let me know as soon as possible."

"Okay, Yan will go now."

Yan Sanjie did not dare to delay, and hurriedly led someone to Yangcheng.

Hearing this arrangement, Zuo Lingquan felt something was wrong, raised his hand and said:

"Wait, since the monsters fled directly when they saw people, they must be afraid of people. How could they run to Yangcheng with a lot of people, they should chase them into the mountains."

Yan Sanjie is not a mountain person, but his experience and judgment are not bad. When he heard this, he felt that it was wrong. He stopped and looked at Taoist Cloud Leopard:

"Master Yun?"

Daoist Cloud Leopard's face did not look different, and he gently waved his whisk and pointed at Yangcheng in the lower reaches of the Zhuo River:

"Monsters can make people crazy, and they will inevitably have such magical powers. Yangcheng is densely populated, and it is very likely to escape there and disturb the people to cover itself; it is important to take care of the living first. In the opposite direction, the people of a city suffered misfortune."

That reason doesn't sound like a problem.

Although Zuo Lingquan had doubts in his heart, it was a fact that the monster had appeared.

Once the monster is forced into a panic, it is not uncommon to cause a disaster in the massacre. No matter how much doubts there are at this time, it is necessary to confirm the safety of Yangcheng before going into details.

Therefore, Zuo Lingquan didn't say anything more, and chased Yangcheng with Xie Qiutao...

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