Too Reckless

Vol 12 Chapter 15: Liao chicken!

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The red sun is about to sink into the horizon, and the ground at the foot of the mountain has already entered night, but the afterglow of the setting sun can still be seen in the remains of the mountain.

The four figures stood on the square in front of the ancient sect's hall, and the brief conversation ended, and a sense of chilling gradually emerged in the air.

Zuo Lingquan pointed at the ground with the Xuanming Sword in his hand, and locked his eyes on the old man in Chinese clothes under the steps.

Shen Hao Sect has been inherited from ancient times to the present, no matter how much the heritage accumulated over thousands of years is lost, a part of it still remains on the inheritor; how can the sect that once ranked on the top of the mountain in Yuyao Continent have few real talents Facts?

In fact, as Zuo Lingquan thought, Han Ning, who was standing under the steps, looked back at the main hall of the sect behind him after speaking, and then untied the robe of the sect master on his body, revealing his thin upper body.

The flesh on Han Ning's body looked old, and he could see many folds, giving him a feeling of frailty.

But as Han Ning spread his arms, the skin and flesh on his body began to change - it seemed that something in the body was released, quickly propping up the loose skin and turning it into strong muscles; the skin also became visibly firmer with the naked eye. Young, with looming tortoise shell patterns on the surface, just with the naked eye, you can feel the surging power hidden under the surface of the body.

Shangguan Lingye was not a cultivator, so how could he stand in place and wait for his opponent to return to his prime? As Han Ning's momentum rose, he raised his hands, a golden formation appeared on the ground, and a burst of downward pressure appeared out of thin air, crushing shattered the snow on the square.


Under the impact of the air wave, the snow in the huge square, with Han Ning as the center, a huge hole appeared, exposing the old stone bricks below, but Han Ning who was in it was not affected, and his momentum quickly climbed to the peak .

Xie Qiutao, who was standing behind him, saw Han Ning's doorway and said anxiously:

"This is the ancient secret method 'God's Gate'. It uses blood as a guide to stimulate the power of Xuanwu. Those with tyrannical blood can become the body of a demigod, and they are not afraid of all methods in the world. The magic can't restrain him."

The reason why Xie Qiutao could understand it was because she knew how to do it, and she could even see that Han Ning's magical powers were similar to what she learned in her family, and they must have the same origin.

In the blink of an eye, Han Ning's physique has turned into a strong man, two feet tall, as strong as a heavenly general, with beard and hair fluttering in the air. He looked at Xie Qiutao:

"The girl is very experienced. However, the blood in the old man's body comes from the master of the north of Yuyao Continent, not Xuanwu. Although the blood is thin, it is difficult to reproduce the great magical power of the ancestors that is comparable to the gods, but it is enough to deal with you."

This was the first time Xie Qiutao had met a 'people of the same road'. Seeing that the other party was so mad, she hung the iron pipa on her back, put her hands in front of each other, and put on an ancient boxing frame, her body trembled slightly.


Only a slight muffled sound was heard, and the stone bricks where Xie Qiutao stood, showed a cobweb-like crack.

Zuo Lingquan stepped aside, and when he turned to look, he saw Xie Qiutao's body rattled. It seemed that all the bones in his body were moving, and scales and armor patterns appeared on his white hands. Clear, like a suit of armor condensed on the surface of the skin.

Xie Qiutao is a girl, so naturally she can't wear clothes like Han Ning, but judging from the skin on her neck, her whole body is protected by armor, and the biggest change is her face.

Xie Qiutao used to cover his face for the convenience of traveling around, and there were some small freckles on his face.

At this time, the innate supernatural powers are fully displayed, the disguise on the cheeks is washed away, and the original whiteness is restored; although the face shape has not changed, the temperament has been turned upside down, the skin that can be broken by bombs is matched with the eyes of aura, and the original whiteness is instantly restored. The little sister next door has become the little junior sister of the next sect, and there is a sense of immortality.

As the power of the bloodline was fully stimulated, Xie Qiutao's momentum was also rising, and finally a black airflow appeared around his body, like a snake, circling around his body.

Seeing this scene, Han Ning couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes. He subconsciously looked to the east and wanted to say something, but when the words came to his mouth, it became:

"The descendants of the Xie family in Xuanwutai, I really didn't expect... Once you and my ancestors were family friends, and there were many exchanges with each other. I didn't expect that thousands of years later, the sect has already gone to the building, and our descendants can still get together. one class."

Xie Qiutao clenched his fists with both hands, and he had nowhere to express his strength, and his words began to become arrogant:

"I don't have any friendship with you, the evil demon. You have forgotten all the things left by the ancestors, and you are too embarrassed to call yourself an inheritor. Die!"

boom -

Xie Qiutao's feet stomped on the ground, and the whole person turned into a ferocious tiger, holding the pipa upside down in both hands, like a hammer, hitting Han Ning directly in the face.

The blood in the body was stimulated. Although Xie Qiutao's speed was not much faster than before, but his strength was unbelievable. Under the heavy step, he directly stepped on the floor tiles into a pit with a radius of several meters.

Zuo Lingquan thought that Han Ning would give way and attack his flank at the same time, but what he didn't expect was that Han Ning did not evade a blow that was enough to shake the city wall. He stood there and took Xie Qiutao with his face. A lute.


The black pipa was in the middle of Han Ning's face.

The head is the most important life gate for a cultivator. Xie Qiutao's half-step Youhuang's cultivation base, and the blessing of his bloodline, hit him in the face with all his strength, and Shangguan Lingye may not be able to bear it.

Han Ning Daoxing and Shangguan Lingye were on a par, so if he took it with his face, he would definitely be severely injured under normal circumstances.

But what surprised several people was that when the iron pipa hit Han Ning's face, it was directly bounced off.

Under the tremendous force, Han Ning, who was floating in the air, slipped back a few steps and smashed the steps behind him, but his body did not fall down, and there was no scar on his face.

After Han Ning stopped, he took a step forward with a bit of contempt in his eyes:

"Your Xuanwutai good rhythm technique, 'Shenmen' is still taught to your ancestors by my **** Haozong. No matter how thin my blood is, I am also the orthodox inheritor of this technique. There is no reason to be defeated by your apprentice."

Xie Qiutao couldn't beat the other party, and still didn't show weakness:

"It's like you can break my defenses."

Zuo Lingquan didn't engage in a pointless argument, seeing that Han Ning was so mad, he opened his mouth and said;

"You dare to take my sword?"

Han Ning spread his arms, his eyes filled with pride:

"Jian Yi dares to claim that 'one sword can break all laws' because he has never met the 'God's Gate' of my God Hao Sect. As long as the door gods stand in front of the door and let your mortals perform thousands of spells and supernatural powers, what can they do to me?"

Zuo Lingquan squinted his eyes slightly, put the sword into the sheath first, and put his right hand on the hilt.

It was also at this moment that the square in front of the hall fell into a moment of dead silence.

Han Ning stood under the steps, with tall muscles and loose beard and hair, like a general standing outside the Heavenly Palace to guard the gods, with unparalleled arrogance in his eyes.

Shangguan Lingye noticed the tyranny of this body, and was afraid that Han Ning would deliberately put on a big stance, secretly playing tricks, and wanted to remind Zuo Lingquan to be careful, but before she spoke, the sword light was already shining from the top of the mountain. rise.


Without seeing how the Xuanming Sword was unsheathed, Zuo Lingquan, who was still in front of him just now, had already arrived in front of Han Ning.

The Xuanming Sword, which has been inherited for countless years, is still as sharp as new. The simple sword body does not leak the slightest breath, just like an ordinary iron sword in the world, and it points between Han Ning's eyebrows.

Zuo Lingquan only wanted to be as fast as he could to practice swordsmanship, and this time he had no reservations. The speed was so fast that Shangguan Lingye could only see a thin line of afterimages.

When Shangguan Lingye's gaze moved to Han Ning, there was a crisp sound of 'ka--' in the square, as if something had cracked.

boom -

A loud bang came.

The Xuanming Sword that touched Han Ning's eyebrows still did not leak the slightest breath.

But the steps behind Han Ning and the three-story palace that had been sleeping for thousands of years on the top of the snow-capped mountain had a groove in the middle.

The two jets of black sword energy were almost indistinguishable from the front and the back, like a mad dragon going out to sea, tearing the steps apart until they touched the third-floor main hall, blasting the towering palace pavilion together with the old patriarch statue inside. , revealing the red sun behind it sinking into the horizon.

Han Ning spread his arms, still with pride in his eyes, his eyes stayed on the black-robed swordsman in front of him.

After a while, he maintained this posture, slowly fell backwards, and fell on the broken steps.


The square in front of the hall was dead silent.


Zuo Lingquan held a saber, blinked, and after a moment of silence, looked back at Xie Qiutao:

"Well... see if you don't see it, a sword can break all methods, and you can't learn how to use your head to pick a sword in the future."

Xie Qiutao's mouth widened, her eyes filled with disbelief, and she didn't say a word.

Shangguan Lingye shook his head and sighed:

"The idea of ​​the evil devil's heretical can't be figured out with common sense... all of them are talents."

In the corner of the square, Lu Tong, who was still being held down by the prisoner dragon formation, saw this scene and was shocked beyond recognition. After reacting, he shouted loudly:

"Do you have **** on your head? You really dare to use your head to pick up 'Jian Yi'? What will you do if you die..."

In fact, it cannot be said that Han Ning has **** on his head.

Han Ning's supernatural powers are the same as Xie Qiutao's, that is, rough skin, thick flesh, and resistance to beatings; his realm is higher than Zuo Lingquan, and according to the theory of "one sword in the same realm breaks all laws", he can also take Zuo Lingquan's sword head-on.

Han Ning wanted to show his grandfather's unbreakable majesty, but he didn't hide, but he didn't know that Zuo Lingquan was holding a fairy sword, and he was not using Jianyi.

Although it was a big concern, Han Ning had done everything he had to do, and the purpose of diverting his attention and delaying time was achieved, and it was not a strange thing to live and die.

After Zuo Lingquan was speechless for a moment, he turned to look at Lu Tong, who was scolding the pig teammates:

"Where are the others?"

Lu Tong is just an abandoned son, shaking his head in horror:

"I'm just an errand, I don't know anything..."


The sword light flashed away, cutting off the words.

Zuo Lingquan put away his sword and found Linglong Pavilion on the two of them:

"Youying aliens want to steal the power of the gods. These two are just delaying time. As soon as we show up, the people behind the scenes must have begun to close the net. How to stop it?"

Shangguan Lingye didn't know where the people behind the scenes were acting as demons, so he couldn't stop it in time. When thinking about countermeasures, his eyes suddenly turned to the sky.

The sun has completely set, the sky has turned into a long night, and the sea of ​​​​stars is within reach.

Under the starry sky, you can vaguely see the dim brilliance, from the sky in all directions, gathering towards the Xuefeng Mountains, like a splendid aurora.

As for Han Ning, who was lying on the ground, a faint mist began to float from the body, and it gathered towards the sky.

Zuo Lingquan and Shangguan Lingye noticed something was wrong, and when they raised their eyes to observe, Xie Qiutao, who was beside him, suddenly groaned and covered his forehead with his hand.

Zuo Lingquan quickly supported Xie Qiutao and held his wrist to check:

"What's up?"

Xie Qiutao was just a little uncomfortable, rubbed his brows and said, "I feel that something is acting as a demon. It's very far away, and I can't figure out the direction. It should be in the mountain."

The Xuefeng Mountains stretch for thousands of miles, and the range is too large. Shangguan Lingye looked around for a week and found nothing unusual, so he picked up Xie Qiutao and sent it to the painting boat first.

On the painting boat, Tang Jingxuan has been watching on the deck, and at this time, he also looks up at the night sky, and communicates with the group on his shoulders:

"What is this?"

"Gee chi."

"speak English."



Zuo Lingquan came to the deck, and the dumpling flew over quickly and landed on Xie Qiutao's chest to check Taotao's condition.

Xie Qiutao was just a little dizzy, but there was no serious problem. She went down to the ground by herself and told the two of them to leave her alone and solve the evil demon's plan. During the conversation, the Xuanming Sword on Zuo Lingquan's waist suddenly uttered a sword cry:


Since Zuo Lingquan got the Immortal Sword, he has never seen the sword react.

Zuo Lingquan didn't know why, so he raised his hand to hold the hilt of the sword, only to find that there was an aura wafting between the mountains.

The breath is very strange, not like a person or a monster, and the distance is not clear, but it is very powerful, so powerful that Zuo Lingquan can't describe it, it feels like looking up at the galaxy in the sky, not a plane at all.

Zuo Lingquan hadn't figured out what this aura was, but Tuanzi noticed it and raised his head with a "ji?!" Quan **** his wings:


Zuo Lingquan did not understand the meaning of the dumplings and asked:

"What's the matter? Is there something over there?"

The dumpling opened his teeth and danced his claws and grumbled twice. He found that Zuo Lingquan didn't understand, and was a little anxious. He simply grabbed Zuo Lingquan's fingers with his claws, and then...


A loud bang...


a little while ago.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on a small river between the snow-capped mountains. The river surface was frozen, but the water quality was so clear that the river water that was running day and night under the ice surface could still be faintly seen.

Venerable Taohua had a red wine gourd hooked on his finger and walked slowly on the ice. The twilight light reflected on his fair face, showing a faint golden red, and he kept observing the surrounding landscapes along the way.

When Venerable Peach Blossom came here, Yu Gong asked for his own orders and took over the task of investigating the changes in the northern Xinjiang; Yu Zi was to avenge his private revenge and to clean up the sorrow of tomorrow that he could not speak.

Tomorrow's Sorrow ranks ninth among the Ten Sword Sovereigns, and is a sword cultivator with extraordinary killing power. Venerable Peach Blossom is not known for his combat power, so naturally he can't rampage like Shangguan's ancestors, and act in the dark after coming here.

Originally, Venerable Peach Blossom thought, secretly followed Zuo Lingquan, and when he encountered a strong enemy, he suddenly showed up to retreat, making Zuo Lingquan grateful to her.

As a result, I found out the location of Zuo Lingquan from the ancestor of Shangguan, and ran over quietly, only to find that the kid Zuo Lingquan and the girl Shangguan Lingye were changing patterns on the painting boat to learn swordsmanship.

Venerable Peach Blossom is an elder after all, so it's too embarrassing to listen to the roots of the younger generation outside, and finally act alone, and go to the Xuefeng Mountains to solve the source directly.

Observing feng shui, for monks on the top of the mountain, it is not much different from ordinary people watching which way a river flows, so there is no need to think about it.

However, the feng shui direction of the Xuefeng Mountains was manipulated by others, and it was chaotic. There were also many obstacles. It was not easy to find the source of the water in the northern border without disturbing the snakes.

Venerable Peach Blossom searched for a long time in the mountains, and searched almost all the springs and streams. Before he could find it, he found that there was a very hard-to-detect aura in the river, and it converged somewhere upstream along the river.

Venerable Peach Blossom tilted his head slightly, raised his fingers, and pulled out the invisible breath from the river water, suspended in the palm of his hand for observation.

"Kuiyu... I was looking for this..."

Venerable Peach Blossom felt a little, and the figure turned into a mass of petals with the wind, floating towards the nameless snow mountain where the power of the mysterious turtle gathered.

But the Youying aliens knew that they were detected, and they came to close the net in advance, so how could they only guard Zuo Lingquan alone.

Venerable Peach Blossom crossed the Thousand Layers of Snow Mountains, and was still quite a distance away from the Wuming Snow Mountains, when he found that there was an aura between the mountains. In a blink of an eye, it was a figure sitting on the edge of the snow cliff.

The figure was wearing an old robe, with a cigarette stick in his hand, and an iron sword stuck beside him.

The sword is three feet three long, and its shape is inconspicuous. The name of the sword is as unknown as Tomorrow's real name. Tomorrow calls it "Drunken Whip".

When Venerable Peach Blossom saw the main lord, he did not hide his figure any longer, and landed on the top of the mountain opposite the snow cliff.

"Sorrow tomorrow."

Tomorrow's sitting posture is very casual, and when she sees Venerable Peach Blossom, she doesn't even intend to get up, and takes two puffs of the flue:

"The old man thought it was Shangguan Yutang, so why are you. The old man didn't kill women, he went to ask Jiang Chengjian and Yun Hongye to come over, and later, the old man would leave."

Tomorrow's troubled mouth is notoriously stinky, and his words are unappealing.

Venerable Peach Blossom used to be difficult to scold people due to the friendship between Jiu Zong and Sword Imperial City, but now he has no scruples, and said coldly;

"You're a 300-year-old brat, qualified to call yourself an old man before this deity?"

"Those who practice Taoism come first, and do not rank seniors based on age. I call me Laofu because of the fact that I drank a bowl of rare soup back then. If not, I would call me 'Laozi'."

Venerable Peach Blossom's face turned cold and asked directly:

"As the Sword Emperor of Central Continent, why do you want to be the lackey of the Youying alien race?"

Asuka has always been frank, knocked the cigarette stick twice on the rock wall, inserted it into his waist, took out the jug and took a sip:

"The wine in this world is average. I want to go to the sky to see if there is any wine that can beat this old man."

"Just for selfish desires, you deviated from the right path and put the safety of the common people at risk?"

"The right way and the evil way and the safety of the people are your business. This old man just takes care of the wine in his hand."

Tomorrowsang shook the jug in his hand, thought about it, and added:

"When my wife was dying, she said that after she died, the only thing left to accompany me was the wine. When I saw the wine, it was like seeing her; therefore, I can't make this jug of wine worse than other people's."

Venerable Peach Blossom did not expect that Tomorrow would say this, she snorted coldly:

"Since you can't let go of your wife, why don't you let her go on the path of longevity?"

"Birth, old age, sickness and death are a lifetime. Only you selfish people can think of using the magical powers of the immortal family to ruin your partner's originally perfect lifetime."

"You're not selfish, why do you live alone and don't accompany you to make a wife?"

"I thought that only a foolish woman in the market would persuade people to die for love. I didn't expect that the same is true of Cui Zunzhu."


Venerable Peach Blossom couldn't scolded the opposite, and no longer quarreled with words, raised his hand and said:


Following his words, the Xuefeng under his feet began to vibrate.

The giant vines with a diameter of more than ten feet broke out from the snow, as many as a thousand, and the entire snow was densely covered in an instant.

Gorgeous flowers bloomed on the vines, and the strange floral fragrance was wine-smelling, turning the nearby mountains into a sea of ​​flowers that could make people addicted to life and dreams.

Tomorrow's sorrowful mouth stinks, but how can he really treat a Nine Sect Master as an ant in his heart, when Taohuazun took the initiative, he already held the sword beside him.


An endless sword gang erupted from the iron sword, smashing the spreading giant vine into powder, making it difficult to get close.

Sword cultivators fight, the higher the realm, the fewer tricks. In the end, it is nothing more than a sword.

Tomorrow was in a perfect mood, and when he sat in the ninth position in the Sword Imperial City, he had already realized the strongest sword of his own swordsmanship, and named it 'Crazy Medicine'.

Crazy medicine is the meaning of wine. This sword is the same as the wine brewed by Tomorrow's Sorrow. Straight stab.

It seems ordinary, but when the sword is stabbed on the body, it is like drinking a mouthful of ordinary wine into the throat. Only when the heart-scorching fire comes up can I feel the horror of this ordinary bowl of wine.

Peach Blossom Venerable Master knew that Tomorrow's Sorrow was serious, and he was also indifferent, condensing the clone of the Taohuatan ancestral tree in front of him.

The two cultivators on the mountain were fighting, and the movement caused by it could be said to shake the mountain.

But in an instant, the terrain of the entire Xuefeng was completely unrecognizable, the rolling vines, and the ridge where the two of them were almost crushed.

This fight seems to be a game between the righteous way and the evil way. There is no third-party force, but the two of them are obviously ignoring one thing.

Venerable Peach Blossom locked his whole body on Tomorrow's Sorrow, and just after a moment, he found that the aura between heaven and earth began to fluctuate violently and became difficult to control.

At first, she thought it was Tomorrow's moving hand, but she soon discovered that Tomorrow's sword also stopped and looked down.

The place where the two were located was near the source of the water in the northern border.

The Lord of the North, Kui Yu, the Five Elements Lord of Water, controls the land water veins of the entire Yuyao Continent; fighting at the source of the water in the Northern Border is basically the same as spreading the wild on the head of the Lord of the North.

If it is normal, the gods will not take care of the petty troubles of living beings.

However, the Youying aliens used the mountains and rivers of the northern Xinjiang as an array to extract the power of Kui Yu from everyone's body. After being discovered, they just increased the effect of the array.

The body of the **** Kuiyu obviously contains the power of Kuiyu!

The thin water grows and grows wool, and the heaven and earth can tolerate it. This act of wantonly stealing the power of heaven and earth has crossed the limit, so the long-sleeping Lord of the North has been awakened!


A low roar came from below the ground.

Venerable Peach Blossom and Tomorrow's Sorrow sensed something was wrong, and quickly stopped to restrain their breath, but it was too late.

I saw that between the mountains, the earth was broken, and a black earthen bag was raised.

The earth bag is not big, only three feet in diameter, with tortoise shell patterns on it, and when it fully appears, it looks like it is just a large tortoise.

But in the eyes of the two mountain cultivators, there was no contempt.

Because Kui Yu is the incarnation of the mountains and rivers in the north of Yuyao Continent, and his strength is equal to that of the world-destroying stealing pill, this tortoise is only a small part of the image in front of the two of them.

No matter how strong the Lord Peach Blossom is, it is impossible to face the gods, and she does not dare to provoke the gods.

Seeing Kui Yu emerging from the ground, Venerable Peach Blossom was shocked and hurriedly said:

"It's my offense and rudeness, I hope the gods don't blame me."

Tomorrow's worry is more straightforward, turning around and fleeing outside the mountain.

But whether it is an apology or escape, there is no point.

The duty of the gods is to maintain the order of the heavens, and they do not have personal emotional orientation, and they will not listen to the words of mortals.

After the tortoise emerged from the ground, it lifted its claws and stomped on the ground.


Tomorrow's sorrow, who just flew up, was directly stepped down from the sky by an invisible force, smashed to the ground, and smashed a huge pit. If the realm was not too high, I am afraid that it would have been trampled into a meat pie on the spot.

The experience of Venerable Peach Blossom was not much better. I only felt that an irresistible force was pressing down from above, which I could not see or touch, but the whole person was pressed into the snow peak. It seemed that a mountain was pressing on her head. The cultivation base is even difficult to move.

The main body of Taohuazun turned the river and the sea, trying to break free with all his strength, but just raised his finger, another force was pressing from above.

boom boom-

The tortoise kept stomping on the ground, but in just a few strokes, the two of them were trampled into internal injuries, with blood oozing from the corners of their mouths.

More than a hundred kilometers away from here, the monk responsible for recovering the power of the gods noticed the change and tried to rescue, and a flute sound came from a distance:


The flute sounds are obscure, without rhythm, and sound more like an ancient form of communication.

The continental tortoise, who ruthlessly trampled on it, heard the flute sound, reacted for the first time, and glanced back.

And it was also at this time that a black lightning rushed from the distant sky, and the speed was so fast that it caused a sharp breaking wind.

Venerable Peach Blossom was trying to quell the anger of the gods. He looked up, but saw a figure flying over. It was a young swordsman in black robes. His appearance was very familiar.

The dignified Daoist protector was beaten to the point of being powerless to fight back. What's the use of the kid who was guarded by the Daoist protector? Can you turn around and save her?

Venerable Taohua's eyes were slightly anxious, and he wanted to scold Zuo Lingquan for not coming over, but when he got closer, he found that Zuo Lingquan's posture of Yufeng was a bit strange - he was flying sideways, to be precise, he was being dragged to fly, and his right hand was forward. He stretched out, his fingers were grabbed by a white dumpling, and he said:

"Eh! Eh! Tuanzi, be more stable..."




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