Too Reckless

Vol 12 Chapter 18: kick the master into the fire pit

The Xuefeng Mountains are on the northernmost side of Yuyao Continent. The monks on the mountaintop sensed the abnormal movement and came back. No matter how fast they were, it would take some time.


The stream of light above the mountains has not dissipated, and the crying stopped temporarily. The surging Kui Yu's divine power poured into the body and could not be controlled. Xie Qiutao finally closed his consciousness under the persuasion of several people and leaned into Tang Jingxing's arms. .


While soothing, Zuo Lingquan did not relax his vigilance. He kept his head up and looked around. He was only relieved when three figures with swords appeared on the distant mountain.


The three figures knew each other. Jiang Chengjian, Jiang Taiqing, and Huang He from Sword Imperial City arrived here first, and after looking at them, they headed towards the northern coast.


Seeing that the reinforcements were coming, Taohua Zunzhu stopped forcing his aura to guard against foreign enemies. The pain in his body also came up, and his body swayed slightly.


Zuo Lingquan's body maintains overloaded operation, and he feels relieved when his heartstrings relax, but his movements are not hindered. Seeing the bloodshot on the corner of Venerable Peach Blossom's mouth, he was swaying, trying to hold onto Venerable Peach Blossom's arm.


But how could Venerable Peach Blossom let the man support him and retract his arm:


"What are you thinking? No matter how badly this deity is injured, it won't be able to stand firm. You need someone to help you. Look at your own injury first."


Shangguan Lingye was checking Xie Qiutao's situation, when he heard the words, he turned around and stepped forward to support Venerable Peach Blossom:


"No matter how high the cultivation base is, the cultivation should still be cultivated. The junior should help him. When did the senior come here? Why did he suffer such a serious injury?"


Venerable Peach Blossom's status is frighteningly tall, but he is a little shorter than Ling Ye, and because of his dress and mature temperament, he looks like an aunt who is being supported.


When Ling Ye asked about the reason for the injury, Venerable Peach Blossom couldn't tell the whole situation of Cai Cai, but shook his head slightly:


"Alas, when I fought with Asuka, I accidentally disturbed Kui's incarnation and got trampled a few times. Fortunately, this big white bird was so powerful that it pulled me out."


Zuo Lingquan couldn't tell the matter of measuring the chest of the Taohua Zunzhu with his hands, and silently dealt with the wound on his right arm; he had been squatting on Jingxing's shoulder to comfort Tao Tao's dumplings, and when he heard talking about himself, he turned his head quickly. :




Shangguan Lingye showed a look of praise, took out a box of dried fish as a reward, and let the dumplings eat by themselves.


The few people talked only a few words. Tang Jing, who was holding Xie Qiutao, felt something in his heart and looked towards the south:


"This dead woman is finally here..."


Tang Jingxuan was horrified to see the earth-shattering scene just now, and kept urging the old ancestor of Shangguan to come over quickly. At this time, he only saw the person after the fight. Naturally, he felt a little resentful in his heart and said what he said in his heart.


Venerable Peach Blossom heard the 'dead mother-in-law' and was stunned for a moment. After he understood who he was talking about, Tang Jingshen's eyes became a little closer. This might also be regarded as 'the enemy of the enemy is the friend'.


After a while, a tall woman wearing a long dress with golden dragon scales appeared above the mountains, with a black giant shield suspended behind her, her body exuding hazy brilliance, like a nine-day fairy walking out of the Milky Way, with a bird's eye view of the life under her feet.


When Venerable Peach Blossom saw this scene, he was full of anger, and no longer maintained the air of being an expert:


"Shangguan Yutang, did you climb over here? If I hadn't been here today, your juniors would be gone, do you know?"




Tuanzi tilted his head and questioned this, his small eyes seemed to say: If the birds were not here today, you would be the first to disappear...


Old Ancestor Shangguan knew the background of Venerable Peach Blossom, and could save a few people's lives. The others, even if they were beaten to death, was an unavoidable experience on the cultivation path. Practical way?


The ancestor of Shangguan was suspended in the air, with no expression on his cheeks:


"You haven't asked the deity for help, so it means that the situation is not urgent. What is the deity rushing to do?"


"The ally is in trouble, and you have to wait for the ally to call you to save me? That's fine, next time you get half-dead, the deity will stand by and wait for you to come and beg me."




"You came down, didn't you see that I was injured?"


The ancestor of Shangguan did not fall down as he said, but raised his right hand, a stream of light appeared in his cuff, and a small pocket building floated out, turning into a three-story suspended pavilion above several people.


The attic is very large, and the construction process is extremely elegant. Not only are the beams and buildings carved, but there are also clouds and mists around it. You can faintly see the phantom of the circling cranes.


Although it is beautiful and beautiful, one can see that the cost is scary, but taking it out from the hand of Shangguan's ancestor who has always been high and low, it feels a little bit out of temperament, especially the plaque on the top of 'prestigious', it doesn't look like it. It is a ferry built by the ancestors for himself.


Venerable Peach Blossom looked at it a few times and was a little puzzled:


"Where did you get this thing?"


"When Di Yang was enthroned as the Lord of the Moon, he gave the three elders a small gift."


"Your intentions?" Venerable Taohua asked suspiciously, "You three are secretly selling officials and titles and accepting bribes?"


The ancestors of Shangguan did not want to respond to this. Who of the Eight Great Sovereign Lords did not rely on hard power to gain recognition? If a private ferry can be used to change the role of the lord, the nine sects have long since left.


"If you don't come up, go back by yourself."


Ancestor Shangguan opened the attic that had not been used for many years and entered it.


Venerable Peach Blossom's injury was not minor, so he needed to meditate and recuperate. If he was able to hitch a ride, he naturally wouldn't run back carefully. He tapped his toes and came to the hanging attic, not forgetting the sentence:


"'Mighty and Prestigious', this flattery is so good, you're too embarrassed to accept it..."


"Better than nobody."






Zuo Lingquan watched from below, naturally it was not easy to get in the mouth of the two honored lords. He asked Jingxun Lingye to send Xie Qiutao up first, then turned around and brought the painting boat over, followed behind the attic, and then entered the hanging attic.


The hanging attic is very large in scale. Inside, there are all kinds of alchemy rooms and artifact refining rooms. After the Spirit Gathering Array is activated, it is no different from a private cave that will move.


Venerable Peach Blossom was in urgent need of recuperation, so after entering the attic, he went to the Qi refining room on the third floor; although the old ancestor of Shangguan did not talk about it, he still joined hands and helped Venerable Peach Blossom deal with the injury.


There was silence in the attic. Zuo Lingquan wanted to go upstairs to find Lingye and Jingxun, but when he passed the side hall, he saw a picture of mountains and rivers hanging in the room.


The picture scroll is painted on the wall, occupying the entire wall. With the opening of the attic formation, the picture scroll also reacts. The clouds and mists on it float and sparkle, and the landscape seems to come alive. It is a giant map.


Zuo Lingquan had seen the map of Xianjia before, but it was the first time he had seen it so detailed. He walked slowly to the wall and looked at it, and he could see that the entire Kyushu was painted on the scroll.


Because it is centered on Huajun Continent, the Yuyao Continent in the east is vertical on the map, the northern border is on the top, and the nine sects are below.


The drawn land can feel a sense of hierarchy, and you can see the ups and downs of the mountains and the direction of the river. On some peaks, there are also drawn buildings - of course, the buildings are only signs with the emblem of the emperor, and a house is estimated to be more than the most. The Great Dane in the corners is even larger in size.


Zuo Lingquan took a closer look and could find on the map the Nanhuang, Luohunyuan, Taohuatan, Fulong Mountain, the Central Continent Desert, and the north cliff he had just visited.


The space on the picture scroll is limited, and the places that can be marked are all famous forces and landmarks. The Phoenix Valley is definitely not ranked, and only a small basin in the corner of the barren mountain can be seen.


Yuyaozhou is fertile in the south, and most of the signs are distributed in the south, while Huajunzhou in the middle is not, because it is located in the largest continent in Jiuzhou, and has the longest inheritance. What Quan has heard of, there are 'Thunder Cliff, Yingyang Xianzong' and so on. Judging from the size of the map, it is estimated that there are three big ones in Yuyaozhou.


The situation in other continents may be due to the lack of information and there are very few signs, but Zuo Lingquan still found a Xuanwu mark on the seaside of Beishouzhou, which should refer to Xuanwutai.


Zuo Lingquan's eyes were attracted by the picture scroll, and he even forgot the pain in his arm. Just as he was looking at it carefully, a voice suddenly sounded from behind:


"What are you looking at? You won't come up for a long time."


Zuo Lingquan turned around, only to see Ling Ye, who was wearing a gorgeous dress, standing at the door at some point, folded his arms and looked up at the scroll.


"It's the first time I've seen such a detailed painting. Just take a look. How is Miss Xie?"


"I'm afraid I'm going to enter the secluded hole. I didn't wake up from the closed six senses. I just lay down in the room; Jing Xun is feeding the dumplings in front of me."


Shangguan Lingye came to him and looked at Zuo Lingquan's bare arm. Although his expression was grim, his eyes still showed concern for men:


"It doesn't hurt, right?"


The flesh of Zuo Lingquan's right hand was torn apart by the fist, but it was only a skin injury. Under the nourishment of the peach core of his life, there were basically no scars. He waved his arms to indicate that he was alright, hugged Ling Ye's waist and looked up at the picture scroll:


"The pain is gone for a long time, but I'm a little tired. Where are these places? I've never heard of many."


Shangguan Lingye hugged his chest and leaned his head against his shoulders:


"I've heard of it, but I've never been there, um... That's Thunder Cliff, the main port where the two continents travel... The one with the qin painted is Qianqiu Yuefu; the sun symbol is Yingyang Immortal Palace; the gossip map is Yujing Xianzong , Sect Master Fulong has studied art there... Guigu Gorge, Eight Arms Xuanmen, Zixiao City, Juejianya..."


Yuyao and Huajun have close communication between the two continents. Shangguan Lingye is very familiar with the emblems of the various immortals over there. He points to the scroll with his finger and carefully introduces the large and small immortal homes of Huajunzhou, Nanyu and Beishou. , and those who know it will talk about it.


As for Kui Bingzhou, it was controlled by You Ying aliens, and it was desolate, so naturally I didn't mention it.


Zuo Lingquan raised his eyes to check, maybe he listened too deeply, and his hand habitually slid over the full fragrant softness behind Ling Ye's waist.


Shangguan Lingye glanced at Zuo Lingquan and saw that Zuo Lingquan seemed to have done it unintentionally, so he pretended not to have found it, and continued to identify the land of Jiuzhou that he had longed for for a long time but never set foot in.


In the past, when he was obsessed with cultivation, Shangguan Lingye dreamed that he could go to these places one day, and let the monks from other continents see the disciples taught by Shangguan Yutang, how desperate mortals are.


But at this moment, leaning in the man's arms and looking at the mountains and rivers on the scroll, Shangguan Lingye found that he had lost the desire to compete for fame and fortune. corner.

Shangguan Lingye raised his left hand and looked at the jade bracelet on his wrist:


"It's the end of the year, do you want to go home?"


If Zuo Lingquan was all right, he naturally wanted to go back. He tilted his head to look at the face that was close at hand, and asked with a smile:


"Why, do you miss your mother-in-law?"




Shangguan Lingye really misses the feeling of Mrs. Zuo stewing chicken soup every day and pampering her like a baby when she was in Zuo's house. After all, that's the taste of home. But how could she call herself a little daughter-in-law and hummed softly:


"When you follow me, you become a family with me. Naturally, I have to pay attention to your private affairs. If you only focus on your practice and forget about your relatives in the world, you will have demons in the future. I just remind you."


Zuo Lingquan tightened his arms, bowed his head and kissed Ling Ye's forehead:


"How could I forget? Last time I went back, my mother kept telling me privately, saying that you will have a good life when you look at it. Let me take good care of it and try to bring a big fat boy back as soon as possible."


Shangguan Lingye blushed when he heard that Mrs. Zuo had said this to Zuo Lingquan:


"I wasn't with you at that time. It was your elder. You didn't need to explain it... How did you respond?"


Zuo Lingquan carefully grasped the good place to live, hugged up, hugged Ling Ye in front of him, and raised his eyebrows:


"Mother's words, I must listen to it. Don't you have to take it seriously?"




Shangguan Lingye's body was numb, his face condensed, and he lightly beat Zuo Lingquan's chest, trying to remove the hand behind him, but Zuo Lingquan naturally didn't let it go.


The two were chatting with each other, and just after a few fights, they heard a sound from inside the room:




The voice is not angry and arrogant, with a condescending pressure.


Shangguan Lingye shuddered in shock and almost threw Zuo Lingquan out. He quickly took two steps back and tidied up his skirt.


Zuo Lingquan quickly withdrew his hand, his face was a little overwhelmed.


"Senior Shangguan, you are here."


Beside the tea table in the side hall, the old ancestor of Shangguan in a golden dress had sat down at some point, and his posture was stable, like a stern teacher who disciplines his disciples, and there was not the slightest bit of strangeness in his clear eyes.


But from the position, I must have seen Zuo Lingquan cheekily pinching Ling Ye's **** just now.


Shangguan Lingye's face was hot, but she had the experience of being "watched" by Master while riding on her body last time. She could not bear this shame. She bowed slightly:


"Master. I... I was just talking to Zuo Lingquan about going home with him. His wife is very nice. I want to go back and have a look during the Chinese New Year..."


Of course, the ancestor of Shangguan would not ask the two of them to touch each other. Facing Ling Ye's report, she turned to look at an inconspicuous little corner on the picture scroll:


"Nothing happened a few years ago, so naturally we have to return home. It's just a snap of your fingers to practice the Dao for a hundred years. It's not that the monks on the mountain are unsympathetic and do not miss their hometown. It's when most people start to miss their hometown and are already homeless. You should cherish the time now. "


The ancestor of Shangguan looked at the place of tyranny, where she was born.


Shangguan Lingye may have felt the loneliness when Master mentioned his hometown.


"Well... Shizun is my teacher, and now my heart belongs to me. If Shizun had nothing to do before, why don't I go to visit relatives?"


To visit relatives?


Ancestor Shangguan was silent for a while.


This proposal was a bit of a joke. Seeing that Shizun didn't respond, Shangguan Lingye wanted to bypass the topic, but what she didn't expect was that Shizun gave a very vague answer:


"Let's talk about it in the new year."




Ancestor Shangguan looked away from Ling Ye and looked at Zuo Lingquan who was standing beside him:


"Zuo Lingquan, come here."


Zuo Lingquan felt that the ancestor's eyes were very serious, so he walked up to him and asked:


"Senior, what's wrong?"


Old Ancestor Shangguan squinted slightly, turned his wrists slightly, took out a long golden mace, placed it on the tea table at hand, and asked:


"What's the name of this weapon?"


Zuo Lingquan was very familiar with the iconic weapon of Tiecu Mansion, the 'God Fighting Mace', and responded:


"Beat the god... the door?!"


Shangguan Lingye's expression was condensed, and he realized why the ancestor gave such an arrogant name to the weapon.


"Shenmen has been carried forward by the monks of Beishouzhou. Relying on the blood of Xuanwu, no one can match the protective power. He claims that his physique is comparable to that of a god. The deity named the sword in his hand as the 'Tracking God's Mace'. God."


The ancestor of Shangguan looked at Zuo Lingquan: "The martial arts created by the deity, from breaking the army, rushing the city, to slashing the gang, shaking the armor, and even the last 'slashing the dragon', are aimed at the rough-skinned iron-skin kings of the practice. , can't break the defense, the earthquake can shatter its internal organs, and you don't take it to heart?"


Zuo Lingquan thought about it for a while, and felt that when he attacked Shenmen, he used the unique skills of Tiecu Mansion to target him everywhere, just like Laozi beating his son.


However, Zuo Lingquan only had an immortal sword in his hand. In that case, if he changed his mace and used ordinary martial skills, he probably wouldn't be able to break the opponent's skin, so there would be no problem in the battle strategy.


"It's not that I don't take what my ancestors taught me to heart, it's just the situation just now..."


"The deity didn't say that your sword is not good. On the contrary, you are confident and arrogant, not afraid of a strong enemy, and not letting go of any opportunity, which is rare in the world; but you can't just respect the sword in your hand and look down on other martial arts."


The old ancestor of Shangguan gestured to the golden mace on the table: "You must use an ax and a hatchet to cut a tree. You have to use a chisel. Even if the chisel is sharp, it will be twice the result with half the effort. The same is true for weapons. Every weapon that exists must have its advantages and disadvantages. , as a martial artist, you can specialize in the same way, but you have to know a little about other things, just in case you need it, do you understand?"


Zuo Lingquan nodded slightly:




After Shangguan Patriarch finished preaching, his eyes softened and he nodded.


"You guys have done a good job this time. I hope that one day you can really be on your own and stop worrying about the people behind you."


Shangguan Lingye knew the temperament of the ancestor, and he was afraid that his disciples would be proud.


Shangguan Lingye had been looking forward to the recognition of his master since he was a child, and now it is the same. He was overjoyed and said quickly:


"Teacher remember that you must practice diligently in the future, so as not to disappoint your master."


Speaking of cultivation, Shangguan Lingye remembered one thing - Zuo Lingquan's current cultivation purpose is to find the fire of his life, if he can't find it, he will get stuck to death.


Master was finally in front of him, and Shangguan Lingye naturally asked:


"By the way, Master, Zuo Lingquan's next step is to refine the fire of life. Jingxuan has it there, but we don't know how to refine it. Master has a lot of experience, can you know the method?"


Old Ancestor Shangguan blinked his eyes rarely, took back the golden mace, and stood up:


"Cultivation of the Dao must be self-reliant, and try to figure it out by yourself when you encounter problems."


"My apprentice understands it, and has also pondered it secretly, just for fear of self-defeating."


Shangguan Lingye signaled to Zuo Lingquan not to eavesdrop, and walked out of the door with the old ancestor, whispering:


"Teacher read through many books and found that to connect two monks with different bloodlines, but not to exclude their bodies, the most common method is double cultivation of yin and yang; during dual cultivation, the true qi in the body can be formed in the two without any hindrance. Da Zhoutian, other things should be fine, Master thinks this view is right?"


Ancestor Shangguan was silent for a while, then nodded slightly.


Shangguan Lingye looked slightly happy: "Really? Then I'll let Zuo Lingquan try it now..." As he spoke, he was about to pull Zuo Lingquan out.




Ancestor Shangguan quickly raised his hand and blocked Ling Ye, who was eager to try:


"Don't be too hasty."




"The principle is correct, but Tang Jingxuan has a special talent. Even if this method is feasible, it needs a corresponding method..."


"Will Master know?"


? ?


Even if the ancestor of Shangguan knew it, could she teach Tang Jing to have sex?


What is the difference between this and teaching others swordsmanship and letting them stab themselves?


And that feeling is much harder than being stabbed with a sword...


Ancestor Shangguan had a rare look on his face, and took a breath:


"Being a teacher is not omniscient and omnipotent, and there is no Taoist companion. The understanding of the double cultivation method is only in writing. You have to ponder this matter Also, if you are eager to do this for the sake of cultivation, the nature will change, even if you have something Thinking about it, I should wait until Tang Jingxuan decides to have the same room with Zuo Lingquan, and then tell her the plan..."


Shangguan Lingye was extremely intelligent, and nodded slightly:


"My disciple understands this, and when I go home for the Chinese New Year this time, I will let Zuo Lingquan arrange the marriage. When the bridal chamber is full of candles, it will come naturally."


New Year's Eve, the bridal chamber...


No matter how well-experienced Shangguan’s ancestor was, he had never experienced a bridal chamber candle. He didn’t know if he would be able to suppress the stimulation from the soul, but he couldn’t find a suitable reason to delay. After thinking about it, he could only take a deep look at Lingye:


"Lingye, it's rare that you are so eager to announce the marriage to the husband, and you're not jealous at all."


Shangguan Lingye was too embarrassed to say this, but said modestly:


"The leader needs to be broad-minded, it's not because the master teaches well."


When will I teach you this?


Ancestor Shangguan was unable to express his bitterness, took a breath, and walked slowly to the martial arts hall on the second floor:


"Yes. Speaking of which, I haven't taught you for a long time. I have nothing to do now. I will test your martial arts for the teacher. I will see if you have regressed over the years."


"Oh ah?!"


Shangguan Lingye's graceful figure froze suddenly, and her beautiful cheeks turned white. When she recalled the tragic time when her master gave her a foundation and tortured her to death when she was a child...

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