Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 9: Fengqilongtai

Three thousand miles of mountains and rivers are approaching in a flash, and a cool autumn rain is also ushered in.

In the rustling autumn wind, a small ferry was moored at the ferry, and countless men and women monks with swords came down from above, a family of three, two men and one woman, mixed in.

The little girl with the round face walked in front with the iron pipa on her back, still talking about what she had seen and heard:

"Do you see the gap between the two mountains in front? That is the 'Jianmen'. They say that it looks like a sword that fell from the sky. No matter how I look at it, it looks like... um... like Sister Jingxun's chest..."

The words are still unpretentious, but there is a little absent-mindedness between the words, as if some thoughts are hidden.

The handsome swordsman who changed into a white robe, hung two long swords at his waist, held an oil-paper umbrella in his hand, and looked between the mountains in the distance, but he did not notice the little strangeness of the round-faced girl.

Tang Jingxuan walked under the oil-paper umbrella, bit her lower lip and looked at the ground, walking slowly with her head down. The appearance of such a well-behaved little daughter-in-law is not because Tang Jing is timid and shy when she travels to a foreign land, but... she was licked and numb!

Tang Jingxun still felt uncomfortable when she got off the boat. She adjusted her skirt from time to time so as not to look strange. Thinking back on the three-day journey, she didn't know how she got here.

After boarding the ship, Tang Jingxuan wanted to comfort her husband and calm down his mind after encountering a conflict.

The husband wanted a reward, so Tang Jingshen naturally had to give it. After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of a good way, so he asked the omniscient mother-in-law.

The result was self-evident, the mother-in-law said "go away" and said "don't bother you these days, you can decide".

Seeing this, Tang Jingxuan told her husband, how come you are comfortable, just don't pity me.

Xianggong pity Xiangxiyu, naturally do not agree.

Tang Jing was unconvinced, and she didn't know how to look angry, and said, "You either don't touch me or kill me, choose one for yourself."

Xianggong had nothing to say, and then...

The voice is hoarse.

I've known Xiao Zuo for so many years, but I've never seen such a wild look. It's similar to a wolf in spring. It's really not distressing.

While walking, Tang Jing secretly glanced at the elegant young man who was holding an umbrella beside him. Seeing the appearance of this unworldly appearance, he wanted to mutter a 'fake', but he was persuaded. Dare to speak, just say:

"When the three of them come over, if you don't take care of her, you're just partial."

Zuo Lingquan smiled calmly, without words, he only thought in his heart: Qingwan is not so arrogant, Lingye will not ask for trouble, the princess can't hold it three times, you are a newborn calf and you are not afraid of grass, now you know it's amazing ?

As the three of them walked, the always lively dumpling squatted on Xie Qiutao's shoulders, "jiji..." shouting, and looking at the distant mountains and gestured with their wings, probably to indicate that the mother is rounder, and the one with the inverted buckle The big bowl is the same as the two mountains.

It's a pity that no one understands these bullshit.

Zuo Lingquan followed Xie Qiutao to the mountains at the end of his field of vision. There were more immortal masters and swordsmen on the road than he imagined, and there were no less than ten thousand people along the way.

Xie Qiutao asked casually along the way, and only learned from the loose repairs that a good hand came to ask Jian a few days ago at Luojian Mountain. He has won two games in a row, and today he will challenge Song Qianji at Luojian Mountain.

The person who was able to get to this point last time was a loose cultivator Sword Immortal half a year ago. The situation was rare, so many people came to watch the fun.

As for the matter of Thunder Cliff's Duobaotan, the monks along the way also chatted, but Luojianshan should have suppressed the news. Not many people chatted, and most of them focused on today's 'Ask Sword'.

After Xie Qiutao walked near the mountain gate of Luojian Mountain, although he was full of confidence, he was still a little cowardly when he arrived. He came to Zuo Lingquan and asked:

"The place is here, how do you start? Shout out, 'Han Song's child, come out', or smash the sign?"

As an ancient wealthy family, Luojian Mountain has a very large-scale sect, and the whole picture can not be seen from the outside. Only in the countryside outside the mountains, there is an ancient archway that has been through thousands of years, and the word "Luojian" is written on it.

Zuo Lingquan followed the crowd under the autumn rain to the archway and looked up:

"It's useless to smash the signboard. If you want to smash it, smash the spirit in these two words."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Slap in the face."




The autumn rain outside the mountain is like a curtain, but there is no rain under the Shuji Peak.

Nearly 10,000 cultivators gathered around the sword platform outside the Panlong Wall. There were men and women, young and old. The whispers of 'humming—' could be heard everywhere, but there was no movement on the sword platform, only a faint chill.

The young swordsman in military uniform sat cross-legged on the sword platform, with his long sword on his knees, closed his eyes, and waited for the time to arrive.

In front of the Panlong Wall, there was still the Taishi chair, with the head Xue Yuanxia in the middle. There were a few more people around than a few days ago, all of whom came to observe the fame of the outer sects competing today.

Han Song, the alchemist elder, sat behind Xue Yuanxia and reported things softly:

"I've searched for three days and found nothing. I'm afraid I've run away. I disciplined my nephew, let him stay in the market to recuperate, and led snakes out of the hole.

Xue Yuanxia was not surprised by this ending: "I fled quietly, and I dare not reveal my real name. It must be a loose cultivator ranger with little background. It's enough to let people pay attention, and this matter will be suppressed as soon as possible."


After Xue Yuanxia finished his instructions to Han Song, he turned his eyes to the bustling crowd with some doubts in his eyes.

The doubts did not stem from the swordsman who fled, but the people present today, more than he expected.

Questioning swords of this size can indeed attract the attention of the monks on the mountain, but most of them are facing each other in the cave, and only people from nearby small sects and cultivation families will be present.

Not so today.

Xue Yuanxia swept through the crowd and saw several unusual figures.

The first is a couple standing on the edge of the veranda, carrying a qin and a jade flute, wearing sect attire, Bo Yezi and Yahe couple from Qianqiu Yuefu.

These two people are the deacons of Qianqiu Yuefu. They have been recruiting good seedlings all the year round. This time, it is estimated that they just came back from the outside, passing through Thunder Cliff, and stopped by to have a look.

Qianqiuyuefu took the position of Thunder Cliff's big boss from Luojianshan. The personal relationship was normal, and the other party did not submit a famous post. Naturally, Xue Yuanxia would not take the initiative to answer. What caught his attention was the tall man beside the couple.

The man is Bao Xiangyang from the eight-armed Xuanmen. He is in charge of the sect's foreign affairs. In the past, he only came here when he had something to do, but it was the first time he came quietly in private.

And what Xue Yuanxia couldn't figure out the most was an old Taoist.

The old Taoist stood in a pavilion not far from Shuji Peak, wearing a blue Taoist robe, dressed as usual, but wearing a lotus crown on his head.

The lotus crown is the highest grade of the Taoist crown and hat. Those who can wear this hat are all Taoist masters with profound Taoism. Ordinary little Taoist priests dare not wear them casually.

Although his face was covered up, he didn't recognize which True Monarch in the Taoist ancestral court, but wearing this hat would definitely give him a good seat in the ancestral hall.

Jian Xiu pursues 'the first in combat power and the second in longevity', and even goes to the extreme to replace the origin of the Five Elements with the sword of life, which violates the original intention of cultivation and is regarded as a 'heretic' by Taoists. Renluo, let alone Luojianshan, never looked straight at him in the past.

There must be a reason for the people from the ancestral family of Taoism to go to Luojian Mountain to join in the fun. Seeing that the other party didn't say hello uninvited, he didn't go to warm his face and stick his cold buttocks, but secretly pondered the purpose of this person.

While Xue Yuanxia was secretly analyzing fellow Taoists, others were also secretly thinking.

In the outer veranda, while Bao Xiangyang was chatting, he kept looking at Han Song under the Panlong Wall, thinking about the doubts in his heart.

Bao Xiangyang came here, naturally, not to watch the swordsmen fight.

He ran into the conflict in Duobaotan a few days ago, and was very curious about what happened next, not only was he curious about the identity of 'Jianxian Zuo Ci', but also how Luo Jianshan would deal with it.

According to the words of Huang Ji and the black cliff sword ghost Chu Yi, it can be speculated that 'Zuo Ci' is a character who cannot be descended from Luojian Mountain.

Bao Xiangyang thought that Han Song would suffer a big loss outside the market by looking for a place for his nephew, but he and two fellow Taoists waited for a few days. run away!

When encountering such a thing, it is normal to run away. After all, Luojianshan is not a nobody, and ordinary people really can’t afford it.

But Bao Xiangyang, Huang Ji, and the others all believed that the 'Zuo Ci' would escape, and that indomitable sword intent couldn't be learned by a coward.

In order to follow up, Chu Yi and Huang Ji were all waiting by Han Chupeng's side. The swordsman promised that Zuo Ci would definitely come back to kill Han Chupeng.

Bao Xiangyang also waited for two days, but found that after Han Song searched around, he turned back.

Bao Xiangyang thought that Han Song had caught Zuo Ci, so he ran to Luojian Mountain and waited, wanting to see which ancestor on the mountain would kill a dignitary. Huang Ji felt that Han Song couldn't catch Zuo Ci, and still waited for the rabbit near Han Chupeng.

At present, Huang Ji's guess is correct.

The complexion of the elders of Luojian Mountain was light and calm, and there was no sign of kicking the iron plate at all. It is estimated that no one has caught it yet, so Han Song left the matter to his disciples to deal with.

Bao Xiangyang was not interested in the discussions on the stage, and did not want to miss the big show of Zuo Ci cutting grass and roots under the eyes of Luojian Mountain. After waiting for a long time, he was ready to return to Thunder Cliff.

But when Bao Xiangyang was saying goodbye to the Taoist friends of Qianqiu Yuefu, his eyes moved, and Yu Guang seemed to see something extraordinary and entered the crowd outside Jianmen...


"Come out, come out!"

"Zhao Jianxian, this is the person, give him some color to see..."

"Dongzhou is a small place, dare to come to Huajunzhou to ask about swords..."

Under the Shuxi Peak, there was a lot of noise.

On the huge round platform with a radius of several hundred meters, there are only two small figures, and on the periphery of the round platform, there are nearly ten thousand cultivators gathered.

Most of the cultivators watching the excitement were loose cultivators, and there were also sect disciples. Most of them were people from the surrounding area, and a small number were cultivators from Yuyao Continent.

Luojianshan's tone was arrogant, but he looked down on Dongzhou no matter what. The masters of the Xianjia just watched from the sidelines, but the young cultivator of Huajunzhou was full of enthusiasm and felt extremely long-faced.

Most of the monks outside Jiantai were the ones who came to cheer Luojianshan. Out of confidence in Song Qianji, their tone was more arrogant than Luojianshan.

A few cultivators from Yuyaozhou could only hold back. Except for expecting the swordsmen on the stage to create miracles, they couldn't say anything, and they had no confidence in this sword discussion.

Because Song Qianji is too strong!

Song Qianji is the junior uncle of Luojian Mountain, and he is no longer a cultivator of his disciples. Sword cultivators don't pay attention to pressing the realm of "Wen Dou" in fights, and they all rely on hard power.

If the Ten Sword Sovereigns come at random, it will be no problem to fight Song Qianji, but "Dongzhou kendo is all the way to the side", itself is a joke of arrogance and ignorance. Winning is meaningless, and losing loses the face of the entire Dongzhou.

Therefore, the people who can come to 'Ask Sword' to rectify the name of Dongzhou are all the disciples of Fang Gang, or the swordsman of loose cultivators.

In this case, Song Qianji became an invincible scumbag, and it was impossible for a loose cultivator to beat the heirloom of a wealthy family; if one day he loses, it's a big deal to admit that 'Dongzhou swordsmanship is not a sideshow', what else can you do? ?

Do you have a way of saying in return, "Hua Junzhou's swordsmanship is all side-by-side"?

In case Dongzhou comes to a famous sword immortal to find a place, and has not yet fought, Luojianshan will suppress the entire Dongzhou with its own power, and the reputation will take off directly.

For Luojianshan, this incident was a business without capital and huge profits. The more honest people in Dongzhou, the greater the benefit to them.

The young swordsmen who came to ask about the sword understood this truth.

But people who practice swords are not bloody, so what are people who practice swords called?

The Master Sword Emperor can't stand out, and this tone can't be tolerated.

Therefore, there are still people who came one after another, and today it was Zhao Wuxie's turn.

On the sword platform, Zhao Wuxie held a saber and was dressed in military uniform. He raised his head slightly as he watched the swordsman with a rebellious expression coming down from the Panlong Wall.

Since leaving with Master across the sea, Zhao Wuxie has been left behind in Hua Junzhou, and he has been to many places. His childhood hatred has long since ended, and now he only has the word 'sword' in his heart.

But no matter how hard Zhao Wuxie worked, he would never forget that swordsman who fought side by side under Qingyun City, that shocking sword!

I used to have superficial knowledge, and I just thought that I was very powerful. I can have that kind of style one day.

Later, as he walked farther and higher, he gradually realized how terrifying that sword was!

No matter how hard he tries, how hard he chases, how he spurs himself, that dazzling sword is like a star hanging in the night sky, you can see it, but you can never touch it, no matter how high you climb, the distance is out of reach!

That's why Zhao Wuxie has always brought the 'Golden Day' of the spirit tool rank by his side, constantly alerting himself - there is still a mountain in front of him, a mountain that must be insurmountable, but must be climbed! Valley

Fortunately, with all the hard work, Zhao Wuxie was already very close to that sword.

Even if it is not comparable, it is enough to amaze the world.

Now, as a swordsman born in the Southern Wilderness, it is time to rectify the name of his hometown!

Even if they can't beat Song Qianji, the style of this sword can make everyone present understand that the future of kendo belongs to the younger generation of Yuyaozhou, and Song Qianji is just winning in age!

Zhao Wuxie pressed the hilt with his left hand, and before starting the fight, he glanced at Dongzhou again.

I don't know where that friend with the surname of the left is now.

In just a few short years, seeing me so close to you, I don't know if you will be surprised or stressed.

Maybe both...

Zhao Wuxie smiled and looked up at the Panlong Wall, which was as high as a mountain in front of him. Lang said:

"Nanhuang Zhao Wuxie, please enlighten me!"


The outside of Shu Chi Peak was boiling for a while.

The fame of the sect seated under the Panlong Wall also sat up straight and focused. After all, the swordsman fight was only a thought.

Opposite the sword platform, Song Qianji, who was only about 30 years old, was wearing a brocade robe, with one hand behind his back, and he didn't even touch the sword:

"Zhao Xiaoyou, you are young, Song will not take advantage of you, let you take the shot first."

This move is too big, but Song Qianji does have big capital.

Zhao Wuxie was not polite, bowed slightly, and held the hilt of the sword with his right hand.

The whole place was silent at this time.

It was also at this moment that the sound of sword cries resounded through Shuxi Peak, and even caused ripples on the formation that shielded the wind and rain.


The elders were startled, and even looking at Bao Xiangyang elsewhere, they were all attracted by the sword intent, their eyes turned back, and their eyes were amazed:

"How come there are so many freaks out recently..."

Before he finished speaking, a white rainbow appeared on the sword platform.

I saw Zhao Wuxie's figure rushing forward, pointing the front of the sword in his hand, and a white crane phantom appeared out of thin air. From a distance, it was as if the whole person had transformed into a white crane and stabbed Song Qianji in front of him with a bird's beak.

Sword Intent is ethereal and lofty, but not piercingly sharp.

The audience was shocked by it, completely did not expect that Zhao Wuxie, who had been fighting with all his strength a few days ago, would be able to burst out with such a sword momentum, and his artistic conception soared several grades.

The monks who came from Yuyaozhou were all surprised.

It's a pity that before they started to be happy, the fight was over on stage.

Zhao Wuxie's sword power was astonishing, but he was helpless and the gap between Song Qianji was too great, the upper limit of his physique, his speed and reaction were stuck.

Song Qianji also had surprise in his eyes, but the moment the sword was shot, he had already come to Zhao Wuxie's side, with the sword in his hand and the scabbard on Zhao Wuxie's neck.

The movements of the two stopped abruptly.

The atmosphere in the audience also froze at this moment, and the exclamation in his eyes did not disappear, and he showed disappointment and sigh.



"This swordsmanship is really beautiful. If Luojian Mountain hadn't taken advantage of the realm, it would have been lost..."


The Yuyaozhou cultivator, who was on the sidelines, could only murmur a few words in annoyance.

Although the fight was fast, the experts from the Xian family here were all experts and could see clearly.

Xue Yuanxia's heart was calm, but there was approval in his eyes:

"I didn't expect this son to hide his hand. It has a bit of 'Jian Yi' charm. Whose sword is this?"

Han Song said: "I just touched a little doorway, but I can't see much. I guess it has something to do with the doorway."

Xue Yuanxia heard this, and looked at the old Taoist priest on the distant mountain, showing a bit of surprise.

on stage.

Song Qianji put away his sword, the arrogance in his eyes did not disappear, and he said:

"Swordsmanship is good, but unfortunately it's not enough for me to draw a sword. Seeing that you are very talented, if you don't have a teacher, would you like to worship me at Luojian Mountain?"

Zhao Wuxie had done his best to amaze all the elders of the sect. The other party was not polite, and he was too lazy to be polite, just raised his hand and clasped his fist:

"There is already a teacher, and it is fate to meet again."

Saying that, he retracted his sword and turned to leave.

Song Qianji knew that the other party had this sword technique, so it must be from a famous teacher, and he didn't ridicule too much. Holding his sword, he turned to look at thousands of monks:

"It's too fast, and it's disappointing to all fellow Daoists, I'm ashamed."


The words were very pretentious, causing many experts from the Xianjia to frown, but the countless loose cultivators in the audience ate this set and began to cheer:

"Song Jianxian really knows how to use swordsmanship..."

"Now Dongzhou knows how powerful Luojian Mountain is..."


The few monks from Yuyaozhou had extremely ugly faces, but their skills were not as good as others, so they couldn't say anything.

In the corridor on the edge, Bo Yezi of Qianqiu Yuefu shook his head and said:

"This son is also a rare genius in Huajunzhou. It can't be beaten. It is difficult for young people in Dongzhou to save face. Let's go."

The Taoist companion Yahe turned around.

But Bao Xiangyang, who was standing beside him, raised his right hand:

"Wait a minute."

Bo Yezi turned around and said:

"It's all over, what are you waiting for?"

Bao Xiangyang didn't say anything, just stared at the figure in the crowd saying "You shouldn't be here".


Under the Panlong Wall, Xue Yuanxia saw that it was time to leave, so he wanted to get up and say a few words of praise, showing the bearing of the Xianjia giants, but he was stunned before he got up.

Song Qianji, who was showing off his power, also noticed Zhao Wuxie, who was far away, stopped, and turned his eyes to look a little puzzled.

And the noisy monk gradually realized that something was wrong, and whispered from the crowd somewhere;

"Eh? This fellow Daoist..."

"What's this for? Is someone going up?"

"Look at this posture..."

The words spread, and the scattered cultivators gave way, and everyone outside the Panlong Wall saw a white-robed swordsman in the crowd, walking over unhurriedly.

The swordsman is tall, with well-proportioned limbs, and a very young face. Two swords hang from his waist, one pair of swords is light and cloudy, and there is a faint smile in his eyes.


Everyone calmed down in a daze, and the slight footsteps were also passed into the ears of many experts.

Xue Yuanxia frowned—a swordsman with two swords...a little familiar...

Han Song's eyes were suspicious, but he didn't quite believe Under the attention of all the people, the swordsman in white robe stepped onto the round stage and looked at Zhao Wuxie:

"Brother good swordsmanship."


In order to hide his whereabouts, Zuo Lingquan has fine-tuned his appearance, which is not easy for unfamiliar people to see.

Zhao Wuxie was stunned for a moment, and then he recognized this teammate who used to fight side by side from those shining eyes.

Zhao Wuxie was inconceivable at first, but after thinking about it carefully, it was reasonable - with this Xiongtai's temper, hearing about this kind of thing, he must come and teach Luojianshan what 'swordsmanship' is.

Under the watchful eyes, it was inconvenient to communicate, Zhao Wuxie was not polite, just clasped his fists and said:

"Awarded. Do you really think it's good?"

"Stunning, just a stone's throw away from the peak."

"Ha ha……"

Zhao Wuxie knew that there was still a gap between him and Zuo Lingquan.

The audience fell silent, staring blankly at the white-robed swordsman who suddenly appeared.

Song Qianji didn't know why, he held on to the hilt of the sword, stood proudly facing Zuo Lingquan, and said loudly:

"Your Excellency also came to Luojian Mountain to ask about the sword? According to the rules, go to sign up first, fight two disciples, and come back if you win."

Everyone present, including Leopard Xiangyang, thought that this white-robed swordsman had come to ask Jian for advice.

After all, they are on stage, what else can they do?

But the handsome swordsman who stepped on the sword stage is different from what people think!

The autumn wind is bleak, and the sky is cloudy and rainy.

The swordsman in white robe stood with his hands behind his back in the breeze, first glanced at Song Qianji, then raised his eyes again, and looked at the Coiling Dragon Wall behind him.

In the silence of the whole place, a slightly indifferent voice sounded in the autumn wind:

"Ask the sword? Are you worthy?"


Everyone was shocked!



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